MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 259

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"Dad, I don't care how my mother treats me. I don't care how you guys exploit me. I'll just stand here and ask, who my father and mother are."

"Where did you pick me up, or did someone really deliver me to your house? I beg you, Dad, can you tell me?"

Mr. Gao's face is also flushed now. He really didn't expect his daughter-in-law to hold such a secret for so many years, so he just said it casually.

Moreover, if such a matter is really known by Gao Dashan, it is really difficult for Mr. Gao to imagine what kind of situation he will be in in the future.

But things have already happened, and he has been asked by Gao Dashan to this point, the old man sighed helplessly, and said to Gao Dashan.

"As for Dashan, don't blame your mother, it's not easy for a family like ours to support you."

"Back then, your mother and I went outside to your aunt's house. Your aunt got married in the county, so on the way to her house, I saw a young couple."

Chapter 672 The Old Past (For Subscription)

Mr. Gao seems to be immersed in his memories, and for so many years, their family can live a good life now because of such a person.

It's already a very difficult thing, but after so many years, they seem to have completely forgotten the situation when they adopted Gao Dashan.

Now that I heard Gao Dashan's question, the old man has already recalled it again. At this time of the year, he heard the old man continue to say.

"That young couple seemed to be down because of something. They were both seriously injured at the time, and the woman was dying."

"He looked at the baby in his arms and kept begging to your mother, hoping that your mother would adopt you, and the young couple looked like children of a rich family."

"So at that time, your mother held you in her arms with such an attitude, and after you were in her arms, you didn't cry anymore."

"The young couple was also very happy, so they gave us about one thousand taels of silver, and after giving us a jade pendant, let us take you back."

After Gao Dashan heard such a thing, he was also very shocked. He really didn't think that he was not from the old Gao family.

And it can be seen that there is a reason for his mother to treat him differently over the years, but he is also very resentful to Gao Dashan.

Since he has taken so much money from his own parents, it is really abhorrent that he has been exploiting himself like this for so many years.

"Father, what about that jade pendant? Can you let me take a look at it?"

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Dashan's father also nodded. After entering the house, he took out the jade pendant and said to Gao Dashan.

"As for Dashan, our family's life has been getting harder and harder these years. You can also clearly know that you originally wanted to give this jade pendant to you when you separated."

"It's just that I saw that you didn't have a son at that time, so I kept this jade pendant. Now that you already have a son, then this jade pendant will be given to you, in case your parents come one day. It's good to have a certificate for yours."

Gao Dashan reached out and took this jade pendant, and when he touched it in his hand, he knew that this jade pendant was a good thing, and this jade pendant was also something that could prove his identity.


Gao Dashan put the jade pendant into his arms and knelt down before his parents.

"Father and mother thank you for your kindness of upbringing for so many years, but you have become more and more excessive in recent years, and you are really sorry these past few years."


"Ever since I had a son, since I left this house, you have never wanted to exploit me for a day. Could it be that the thousand taels of my biological parents have been spent by you people? "

"Don't tell me that over the years, you can't stop this kind of exploitation of me? You really want my life, this jade pendant is my own, I also thank you, you didn't take it as a or give it to someone else.”

"But we also have to talk about this matter today. If not, I will take it to the county. But after all, this is a private break into a famous house, and you have taken so many things from our family. No guilt at all." Guang.

673 Proof of identity (please subscribe)

When Mrs. Gao saw that Father Gao casually gave this piece of jade pendant to Gao Dashan, he jumped up angrily and said to Father Gao.

"How can you give them such a good thing as a child, you must know that these people don't deserve these things at all.",

"And we only took a little bit of their food this time. How can you give them all the good things like "five and eight zeros"? You know, the fourth one came back last time."

"But this jade pendant is worth hundreds of taels of silver. Even if we want to give them something, we should ask them for money, not to mention that he is a white-eyed wolf like him."

"It's been a waste of time for him for so many years. What can we do with him? How could you just give it to them so casually? How could you not discuss it with me?"

Father Gao looked at his daughter-in-law like this, and he also sighed heavily. Over the years, he also knew that he owed Gao Dashan.

And for so many years, he also knew how much his daughter-in-law disliked Gao Dashan, but at the beginning, he insisted on bringing Gao Dashan back.

The current situation can also be regarded as his Gao Dashan being able to repay his own upbringing for so many years, not to mention that such a thing is a proof of his identity for Gao Dashan.

How can it not be given to others, not to mention that things have reached such a point, Father Gao also knows that Gao Dashan is very sad now.

If this matter can't be solved properly, then the whole family will go to jail in the county.

It doesn't matter to them, but their fourth son is a scholar, so they can't delay his son's future because of them.

"As for Dashan, let's just forget about it. See if it's alright. Although your mother took these things in your house, these things can be considered as a repayment of your kindness to our upbringing for so many years."

"And your mother has not paid nothing to you for so many years. You know him, and he is also a confused person. Let's just forget about this matter, do you think it's alright?"

Xiao Guo had already come to the old house. After hearing all this, Gao Gang also knew that this grandfather was a relatively upright person......

And this kind of thing has nothing to do with this grandfather, but for Gao Gang, he felt that this matter could not be solved so casually.

And for such a thing, this old man will definitely have another move in his heart, so he stepped forward and bowed to the old man, and then said.

"Grandpa, I don't think I will only give you this jade pendant back then. Apart from the 1,000 taels of silver, there should be some other certificates. Can you give all these to my father 1.2?"

"Then let my father return the three acres of land we have to you. After all, looking at such a condition at home, we are also very good."

"I know that the conditions in our house are not very good now, and those things are of no use to you, so I let my father think about it, do you think it's alright?".

Chapter 674 A Book of Blood (Subscription)

No one thought that Gao Gang would bring up such a thing at this time, and no one thought that Gao Gang would actually say such a thing.

After all, for Gao Gang, they can also clearly know that Gao Gang is delivering things to their own home from foreigners.

And everyone thinks that Gao Gang must have some ideas when he does this, but for this kind of thing, they are all looking at Gao Dashan, because Gao Dashan is the man in this family, and it is because of Gao Dashan. Take charge of your own affairs at home.

"Are all the things you said true? If it is true, then we can discuss it. If not, then you can tell Gao Dashan about it."

"Let him die. Yes, his jade pendant is already considered a good one, and he doesn't know how to be grateful at all."

Gao Gang listened to the old lady Gao's words, which means that this matter must still have some other proof of identity, and it seems that those things are also well collected by the old man and the old lady.

Gao Gang looked at Gao Dashan helplessly, and then said to the old man with a smile.

"What grandpa and grandma said just now has been regarded as a mere move. I know your attitude, and I also know that you and grandma are both very difficult, so please tell my father about this matter, okay? ."

"What's the matter, my father is also counted as your son, for so many years, and you know that this person of mine has never owed your family, so I hope you can meet his requirements for such a thing. "

Looking at Gao Dashan's painful appearance, Mr. Gao was also very sad in his heart. After all, this child has been in pain since childhood, and although this child said that he has left his heart with them when he grows up.

But the father-son relationship for so many years also exists. After the father sighed heavily, he entered the house, took out another blood book and said to Gao Dashan.

"Dashan was taught to us by your parents at the time. I'll give you all these things now. We know that we may have owed you a lot over the years."

"But you should also understand that being able to raise you up for so many years and at the same time give you some land, keeping you alive is already the greatest favor we have for you."

"Don't blame us for these attitudes toward you over the years, and don't blame us for treating you this way over the years. After all, you are not us, not our biological children. Your mother can treat you like this to 947. Righteousness is over."

Gao Gang looked at Gao Dashan, took the blood book from his father, and after a glance at the same time, he could see that Gao Dashan's tears had already flowed down.

Gao Gang knew what this blood book meant to Gao Dashan, so it said to his grandparents.

"Grandpa and grandmother, I'm really grateful that you can bring out such important evidence. Such things are really important to my father, and I'm also very grateful to you. Don't worry, I promise you. things will be done.”.

Chapter 675 (Subscribe)

Gao Dashan saw that his son had made a decision, and his heart was also very painful, although he knew that these people in front of him were not his relatives.

But this kind of relationship for so many years can't be ended casually, and he can clearly know that these people are actually just because there are really no conditions at home.

If there is, no one will miss these things, not to mention that if they can't support themselves for the sake of the money since they were young, maybe they really don't know what they have become now.

Gao Dashan's face full of pain has also made Gao Gang feel particularly uncomfortable in his heart, but he also knows that this matter also has to make a decision.

And you must know that if these people can't make a decision this time, then it will be a blatant threat to Gao Gang and his family in the future.

And for Gao Gang himself, he really didn't want to continue living like this.

Gao Gang walked in front of Gao Dashan with a face full of pain, stretched out his hand and grabbed Gao Dashan's hand, and said to him.

"What do you think about Daddy? If you really want to have a relationship with a family like them as a relative, I won't say anything 〃¨."

"But if you really think that a family like them doesn't deserve us to have anything to do with them, then I will respect your decision."

"The rest is up to you, Dad. If you decide, I'll do the rest for you. Do you think it's okay?"

At this time, Gao Dashan's parents, Mr. Gao and Mrs. Gao all turned their attention to Gao Dashan because they knew such things.

If Gao Dashan really decides by himself, then Gao Gang is useless at all, and they have been completely used to squeezing Gao Dashan for so many years.

So now they don't care about this idea of ​​Gao Dashan at all, and at this time, Gao Dashan's eldest brother said to him.

"Gao Dashan, you are a dog raised by our family. What qualifications do you have to talk to us like this, and it's just like you."

"What qualifications do you have to treat our family like this? It's not easy to give you the three acres of land, and this is also taking money from our family. Our family has already treated you. Kindness to justice."

"¨ˇ It's good to be able to support you. What have you done in your family for so many years? You just took some food from you."

"Look at you virtuous people who came to our house today to have a drink like this. Let me tell you about this matter today. If you don't give us an explanation, you will never want to leave this yard."

Others in Gao's (good Lee's) family looked at what the elder brother of Gao Dashan said, but they did not refute it. It seemed that these things were already known to their family.

That's why they have been able to treat Gao Dashan so unscrupulously over the years, and these things are nothing to them at all.

After all, they are not members of their own family. How can they have compassion for such a person? .

Chapter 676 I want to break it up (please subscribe)

"Gao Dashan, you have been raised by us since you were a child. Although it is said that your parents gave you money, you must know that when we serve you, it is also how you have been served since you were a child."

"Now that you have a great temper and ability, you want to break up with people like us. You don't even think about it. What ability do you have just like you, if it weren't for being by our side."

"You still don't know how to live. Just now, your son said that as long as we take out the things, your family will return the three acres of land to us."

"What's more, the grain and crops in the fields are ours now. You must never give me a reason why you don't want to do this."

When Gao Dashan listened to what his mother said, his expression changed completely. It seemed that such a family had no feelings for him at all.

And it seems that such a family only treats themselves, that is, they can feel that they are only one person working in their family, for such a thing.

The tall one is that although he has already understood it in his heart, a tie for so many years has made him a little unbearable, but now he hears his big brother.

And after what Mother said, his heart slowly cooled down. Since these people (cgca) no longer regard themselves as relatives, why should he treat them as relatives?

"Father, mother, this is the last time I call you. Thank you for your nurturing grace over the years. But you look like this, it really makes me feel very sad."

"You can see how you treat these people in my entire village for so many years, and everyone can't see it."

"Everyone can understand that when I was able to walk since I was a child, I have been helping the family for so many years, and I have never slack off a day."

"When you separated me back then, I had no complaints. It turned out that there was a reason for all these things, so I really thank all of you for letting me see your real faces like this. "

"Then if it's like this, I can let it go. Since you've all let go, why should I be like this? Let's take advantage of the fact that the village chief and Li are here today."

"Don't say that I am a ruthless person when I am tall. For so many years, these people in the whole village are very clear about what you are like to me."

"Since I have done this, you people should break up with me. From now on, if you people really think about taking advantage of my side."

"Don't blame me for being rude. I have grown up for so many years, but I have never changed your sincerity when I was a bull and a horse. This time, I can see your sincerity clearly."

These people in the village heard what Gao Dashan said, and they all understood that Gao Dashan was forced to be like this by his parents.

It's just that after listening to what Gao Dashan said, these people from the old Gao family completely disagreed. After all, this Gao Dashan is a man who can make money very well. .

Chapter 677 Another person stood up (please subscribe)

And for so many years, he has treated his parents very well. He has never treated the old couple badly. Think about it if you have really cut off your relationship.

The people of their family, from now on, can't get one point benefit from Gao Dashan, how can they be willing to do it?

"Gao Dashan, do you think you can cut off your relatives if you want to cut off the gold? Although we said we took the money from your parents, we have raised you for so many years."

"And your household registration is also on us, and everything you have is also on us. Think about it, if we really don't give you your household registration, how can you go to your biological family? Where are your parents?"

"You must also give us an account of this matter, and you should be able to understand if we people really want to do something to you."

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