MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 4

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With one hand, Jin has thick thighs!

Coupled with the tyrannical aura faintly exuding from Jin Bing's body at this moment, the awe in his heart suddenly became stronger and stronger!

"Mr. Wilson, please order!"

After saying that, the man in the suit just stood there blankly, waiting quietly for orders.

And Jin Bing's voice sounded just right.

"The Queens area is blocked. For three hours, the Queens area is only allowed to enter and not to leave. The area near the Emaria school is completely blocked by martial law, and a fly is not allowed to fly out. In addition, call a few people to come with me!"

After saying that, Jin He directly lifted his legs and left the office.

The strong man quickly followed, and at the same time, he kept sending messages on his mobile phone and giving orders.

With Jin Bing's order, the entire Queens district moved completely!

As the emperor of the underground world, no one can disobey Jin Bing's orders, all who dare to disobey have been thrown into the sea!

Therefore, it took no more than ten minutes for the order to be issued, and all exits in Queens were blocked!

And the closer you get to Emaria's school, the tighter the blockade!

At the same time, Jin Bing also rushed to Emilia School with people at this moment.

Although his heart was full of worries about Richard, Jin Bing's face was not seen at all. He still had the look of ice that has lasted for thousands of years. The coldness in his eyes penetrated into the heart, as if nothing could melt. .

At the same time, Richard's situation is becoming more and more dangerous in Emaria's school at this time!

No matter how remote the place, after all, can't escape the carpet search.

As the unknown enemy carried out a carpet-like search, Richard Richard was completely exposed to the sight of the group.


Suddenly, the sound of gunfire suddenly sounded, and the ninja soldiers behind Richard quickly blocked in front of Richard, blocking the bullet for Richard.

The sudden sound of gunfire startled Richard, and suddenly Richard looked back with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"kill him!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ninja Ice, who had just blocked the bullet, immediately melted into the shadows.

When it reappeared, a knife directly pierced the throat of the shooter!

Fresh blood shot out, and the strong smell of blood wafted into the air with the wind.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, even if it was not the first time he saw a dead person, Richard still couldn't help but feel sick.

But it didn't affect him in any way, and he didn't have time. Richard was still on his way.

However, the previous gunshots had exposed Richard's position, so even though Richard was fast, he was still being chased.

It's still a familiar formula, and it's still a familiar knife!

The ninja soldier blends into the shadows, emerges from the enemy's back, and then cuts one of his throats with a knife!

Just like that, someone else died in Richard's hands!

Just like this, chasing and killing all the way, Richard finally came to the position of the school gate, only one step away from leaving the campus!

But at the moment when Richard appeared, bang bang bang!

Three shots in a row spread all over in an instant, and the ninja soldiers in front of Richard also blocked in front of Richard for the first time!




Originally Richard thought they could absorb bullets into the shadow world like ordinary bullets!

Unexpectedly, the three ninja soldiers exploded directly, turning into three groups of black gas!

Such a scene suddenly made Richard's eyes shrink.

Although I already knew that the bullets of the sniper rifle are enough to blow up the ninja soldiers, but when the real thing happened in front of my eyes, I just suddenly realized that my back was completely soaked in cold sweat!

Richard's figure shrank back quickly, out of sight of the school gate, and leaning on the angle.

Although the threat of sniper rifles has temporarily escaped, the three sniper rifles at the school gate are still aimed at the school gate!

As soon as they show themselves, they bang!

Thinking of this, Richard thought of the three ninja soldiers who exploded instantly!

Although the ninja can be resurrected in the shadow kingdom, immortal, but it will take a day.

With the addition of the first ninja soldier, Richard has lost four ninja soldiers.

Without the protection of these ninja soldiers, Richard believed that he would definitely die!

Therefore, Richard, who was left with only six ninja soldiers to protect himself, became more and more anxious, but there was nothing he could do about it, who made him weak now.

There is no way to continuously explode the troops, otherwise why not run away and directly summon thousands of troops to crush them all the way!

Of course, this idea Richard can only think about now.

As for how to get rid of the current situation, although it was not clear just now, there are already basic countermeasures!

Emaria's school said that it is not too big to say that it is not too small. It is hidden for a night, and no one can find it at all.

And as long as he doesn't go home at night, I believe Jin will definitely know the news!

Of course, this is only the worst-case scenario.

Richard would never sit still and wait for Kim to come and save himself.

Your life is yours, you have to control it!

It's time to swap the identities of hunter and prey...

[The fifth one is delivered! Guys, please collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for a review ticket! Ask for a reward! Every support from you is a super motivation for writers to work hard to code~~~].

Chapter 6 Black Shadow Ninja's Real Fighting Power (6 more for collection)

A breath of foul breath was slowly exhaled from Richard's mouth, and Richard's originally nervous mood gradually calmed down.

In the end, his eyes were full of reason, and there were no emotional waves beyond that!

Now there are only six ninja corps left under his command, and the opponent is still unknown, which is extremely unfavorable to Richard.

Not only that, but now there are three snipers intercepting at the gate of the school, and a large army is following him behind him.

But if you really think that you can kill Richard in this way, you can only say that the opponent underestimates Richard and the Black Shadow Corps too much!

In addition to the immortal characteristics of the Black Shadow Corps, the most feared thing is its elusive figure!

And the Shadow Kingdom, the habitat of the Sombra Corps, can theoretically lead to any place in the world!

But Richard had never dared to use it before, because what he controlled was only the ninja corps, one of the nine divisions of the Sombra Corps!

The control of the remaining eight is not in his hands, so although he can enter the shadow kingdom just now, there is still a certain chance that he will get lost in it!

That's why Richard insisted on rushing out before, instead of throwing his life on illusory luck!

But now, the situation has developed to such a point that Richard has no more options, so he prefers to give it a shot instead of waiting!

Having made a decision in his heart, Richard had already heard the footsteps behind him. He turned his head and glanced at the ninja corps guarding him. Immediately, the two ninjas stepped forward and put their hands on Richard's shoulders. on top!

In the next second, a shadow appeared under Richard's feet, and Richard immediately merged with the six black shadow ninjas directly into the earth!

And just as Richard disappeared, a burst of footsteps quickly approached Richard's previous hiding place!

The leader is the sniper opposite the teaching building!

Looking at the empty corner, the sniper frowned and cursed in a low voice, "Fake!"

Immediately holding down the headset of the right ear, he asked loudly, "Where is the person!"

While talking, he looked at the tall building opposite the school gate!

On top of the tall building, the three snipers also had inexplicable expressions on their faces at the moment.

And just when they were surrounded, the three did not notice that a shadow was silently emerging behind them!

Richard and the six ninja corps silently appeared behind the three snipers!

Looking at the expressions on their faces, a cold smile appeared on Richard's face.

"You guys, are you looking for me?"

The voice with a hint of joking slowly sounded. It was originally because of Richard's disappearance, and the three people who were somewhat confused, almost instantly turned their guns and pointed behind them at the same time, aiming to shoot!

There was no hesitation in the whole process, nor was there any panic because of Richard's sudden appearance, showing a very good professionalism!

But they are fast, Sombra is faster than them!

The moment they fired, six cross marks came out of Sombra Ninja's hands!

The cross dart pierced through the air, causing a whistling sound. Its speed was no slower than that of the bullet, and it collided with the bullets of the three of them at the same time!


A burst of sparks flashed in the air, and the three snipers suddenly showed an incredible look on their faces!

Crosshairs block bullets, what a joke!

This is a large-caliber sniper bullet! Even armored tanks can penetrate!

Now it has been intercepted by six cross marks!

Are you sure it's not a dream?

The three snipers were stunned for a moment. Although they reacted in an instant, the short moment was enough to decide the outcome of this battle!

The three Sombra Ninjas moved when the crosshairs blocked the bullet!

The speed of the three is extremely fast, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air, and the three short blades pierced the throats of the three snipers at the same time!

The dazzling blood flowers bloomed, and the three snipers fell to the ground with the shock on their faces!

At this moment, one of the headsets suddenly sounded a suspicious voice.

"What happened over there! Answer me!"

"Answer me quickly!"

Richard, who still had a grim smile on his face as he listened to the constantly beeping headset, stepped forward unhurriedly, took off the headset and put it to his mouth: "Guess who I am, guess right? Prize, uncle."

The immature child's voice, with a hint of naive tone, was like a heavy hammer, slamming into the heart of the person opposite the headset!

Suddenly the headset quieted down, and Richard snapped his fingers, looking through the window to the opposite school gate, and said without the slightest emotion: "Resolve them!"

As soon as the voice fell, the six Sombra Ninjas instantly merged into the earth like a pool of liquid!

Don't look at the fact that the Sombra Ninja lost four in one go before, it was all because these killers occupied the geographical position and possessed high-damage weapons such as sniper rifles, coupled with the existence of Richard, the Sombra Ninja was at a loss!

But now without the previous advantages and without Richard's drag, the Sombra Ninja is like a prehistoric beast that has lost its bondage, opening its bloodthirsty fangs!

At the school gate, after the sniper heard Richard's voice, he had already raised his mind to retreat!

Whether it was the group of weirdos beside Richard, or Richard moving from the school gate to the opposite tall building in an instant, it all shows that Richard is not easy!

Their intelligence is wrong!

Right now, the mission has clearly failed, and there is no point in staying on!

The sniper was about to order a retreat, but before he could give the order, a scream suddenly sounded behind him!





The sudden change caught everyone by surprise. Beside them, six black shadow ninjas did not know when they appeared, and the short blade cut their throats directly!

Turning around to see this scene, the sniper's eyes and pupils quickly enlarged, but the speed in his hands was not slow at all. He lifted the desert eagle and aimed directly at a black-clothed ninja, bang!

The bullet sprang out of the barrel of the gun, and rushed to the key point of Sombra Ninja with a burst of sparks!

But when it touched the head of Sombra Ninja, it instantly melted into it!

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