MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 103

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Trust me, Tony will never throw a party like this again after a dozen or a hundred times! "

"Wonderful... remember to give me a few."

Behind him, Happy gave a thumbs up and politely made a little request.

Dead Servant waved his big hand and put the building on his shoulder, looking like we were with whomever lewd.

"..." Holding his forehead, Chili turned helplessly and decided to give up communicating with this stupid dick.

Although this is indeed a way, this idea is too irritating. Are you sure that Tony will not break up with you after one or two visits?

Just like that, the three of them sat on the audience stage one after another, watching the performance below.

At this time, Tony Stark had entered a blue racing car under the attention of all the people. With the sound of a gunshot, the roar of the engine resounded through the audience in an instant.


The tires spun sharply, pulling a black mark on the ground, rushing forward at high speed in waves of cheers.

"Tony, come on!"

"Come on—"

"iron Man!"


"Iron Man? Tony Stark?"

In a channel of players on the edge of the field, listening to the cheers from the arena, a man in a strange costume walked out of the channel with a grin.

He held two flickering electric arc whips, and in the surprised eyes of the audience, he waved and smashed an oncoming car with the whips, and then cut Tony's car in half.

Peng! Peng!

This sudden situation terrified the audience at the scene. They stood up screaming and fled outward. In an instant, the entire arena was in chaos.

Tony tumbled off the field, luckily unscathed.

"Tony Stark, what your Stark family owes our family, and the shame it brought to our family."

Today, I, Ivan Vanke, will make you pay the price! "

With strong hatred, Ivan Vanke held an electric whip and fiercely attacked...


The tip of a knife came out of his chest, he spat out blood, turned his head in disbelief, and saw a strange guy in a red tights mocking him.

"Man, I'm used to seeing Tony's armor. I have to say that your armor design is too low!"

Deadpool pulled out his long knife with a smile on his face and kicked Ivan Vanke's back heavily.


This villain, who had just appeared on the stage and hadn't said a few lines, was suddenly intervened by Deadpool and fell to the ground with a suffocated face.

The word too low was an insult to his dignity. He trembled with anger, gritted his teeth and wanted to get up and teach this bad breath guy a lesson.

Push your arms hard, once, twice, three times... eh?

"This dude, why did you stop after only three? You're still not a man? Keep doing it..."

Twisting his butt, sitting on Ivan Vanke's back, Deadpool patted his shoulder and encouraged him loudly.

Shet... Where did this guy come from? !

Naturally, he wouldn't admit that he couldn't. Ivan Vanke blushed and exerted strength with his arms, slowly propping up his body... er, didn't hold up.


Look I don't kill you bastard!

He changed his strategy, grabbed the electric whip with both hands and tried hard twice, but he couldn't swing the whip.

"..." It's a shame, this posture can't swing the whip at all, Ivan Vanke screamed angrily with a livid face.

"Shameless guy, get off me quickly, or I will definitely let you know how awesome it is!"

"Yo hoo... What's so powerful? Let me see it by playing it!"

The body pressed down violently, Ivan Vanke could not hold back and stick to the ground with a squeak. He felt extremely resentful in his heart. He felt that he was so unlucky, the enemy was right in front of him, but he couldn't kill the opponent. This kind of aggrieved emotion It was driving him mad.

"Stark, you are a thief, your whole family is a thief, an executioner, I curse you to be poisoned by palladium, and you bad breath, I curse..."

With red eyes and loudly pounding the ground, Ivan Vanke's face was full of hatred, and his words were full of unwillingness.

But Deadpool wasn't in the mood to listen to him any longer, and hit him on the back of the head with a hilt, knocking him out.

Only then did Pepper and Happy quickly react and threw a box at Tony's feet.

"Thank you, but I hope your next move will be faster!"

Standing up, patted the dust on his body, Tony complained angrily.

It's just that, and he's going to see God.

Step on the box, activate the portable armor Mark 5, and as the armor adheres to the body and deforms for a while, Iron Man Tony Stark finally makes his debut.

Raising his hands, his palms emitted a dazzling white light, suddenly aiming in a certain direction.

"This friend, who are you?"

Leaning against the wall, the blue-clothed ronin with a single ponytail turned gently, his eyes glanced at Tony's armor like a sharp sword, and then spit out his name coldly.


Chapter 131 Spitting blood? Injuried? what. . . I am not dead, you are free!


Tony's brain was running fast, and he searched carefully in his mind, but couldn't find the name.

"Jarvis, can we find out about him?"

"Sorry, sir, his past experience is blank. He should have smuggled into this country in some special way."

Jarvis searched around, but couldn't find any information about this character.

"Tony Stark, do you know a man named Wojin? He is a big man over 2 meters tall. I believe you won't forget it if you meet him once."

There was an inexplicable taste in Nobunaga's words. It was obviously just a simple question, but it gave people a strong inner pressure.

"I don't know the person you're talking about."

Unfortunately, Tony never saw it.

Although Wojin was the killer whom Obadiah Stani invited to assassinate him, he never saw him from beginning to end.

After Agent Hawkeye Barton used a tactic to use missiles to blow the opponent into pieces, S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately blocked the information of the Phantom Brigade and did not pass it on to Tony.

But now suddenly listening to the other party, Tony immediately thought about it, is there any connection between the two?

[From Tony Stark's emotional value +1077]

Nobunaga's reaction was very strange. He started to babble like an old man, and then he talked about the past of himself and Wojin, some of the experiences of life and death. Tears come.

This is a weirdo!

Tony couldn't be more certain of this.

And a weirdo with a knife... is often more dangerous!

At this moment, the spectators on the audience stage were still shouting and fleeing frantically, but the air among the few people on the track suddenly quieted down.


A fallen leaf rolled from the air and came between several people, and then fell waftingly...

next second.


There was no sign, no movement, and the picture in sight seemed to suddenly lose one frame. In the moment of reaction, a tachi has broken through the air and slashed on Deadpool's double knives.

"Watch out, Tony! This guy's going as fast as a rocket in his ass!"

It's a pity that no matter how fast the speed is, it will be eclipsed in front of the teleportation. Deadpool raised his two knives and firmly blocked this slash.

"Man, I knew from the time I saw you that you had bad intentions, and now use this trick in front of Mr. Wade?"

Come... let Daddy teach you! "

The ridicule in his mouth has not been put down, and Tony's counterattack has come.

The arc pulse of both palms shot out in an instant, but with a slight jump back, Nobunaga dodged these two straight attacks.

"Haha... don't run!"

Deadpool cooperated very skillfully, he leaped forward coquettishly, slashing with both swords.

clang! clang! clang!

The combination of master-level swordsmanship, teleportation, and immortality brings terrifying power.

Ignore the slash to the body!

Pierce the tip of the heart, ignore it!

Whether it's a hundred or a thousand, whether it's cutting through a bone or piercing the brain. Even if the body is covered in blood and the brain is sprayed, the battle of Deadpool will not stop.

Spit blood? Injuried? Ha... I'm not dead, you can do whatever you want!

clang! clang! clang!

Blocking Deadpool's knife again, Nobunaga held his chest and stepped back. This crazy guy didn't care about his injuries at all, like an undead monster, swapping wounds for wounds.

Due to the lack of intelligence, Nobunaga misjudged Deadpool's strength and regarded him as an ordinary kendo master.

And this time, he directly suffered a big loss, the injury on his chest was the price he paid!

"It's careless!"

The blood dripped down the palm of the hand, and Nobunaga scolded himself angrily.

[From Tony Stark's emotional value +1173]

"..." Wearing mark 5 armor and ascending into the air, Tony regretted not loading more firepower.

In order to be easy to carry, we provide you with the fastest update of "Meiman: Beginning with the Dimensional Demon God" where the great **** snail is not present!

Chapter 131 Spitting blood? Injuried? Ha... I'm not dead, you can do whatever you want!

Free reading: !

The mark5 armor can be assembled anywhere and can be folded into a suitcase when not needed.

In order to reduce the overall weight of the armor, the Mark5 armor is not made of titanium alloy, only a single-layer design, and the defense is relatively weak.

It was designed to be portable and usable in an emergency. Therefore, apart from the pulse cannon in the palm and chest, there are no other weapons.

It can fly, but there are limits on how fast and how high it can fly, and the amount of weight it can carry during flight.

The armor is powered by Tony's own chest reactor. Although the safety of the armor is guaranteed, the energy performance will be greatly reduced.


Breathing in the air, Dead Servant was covered in stab wounds, and that guy's slash was very sharp. If it wasn't for his immortality, he would have been killed long ago.

[Mood value from Wade Wilson +1175]

"Tony, you'd better stay farther away, this guy is no ordinary person!"

As a master of swordsmanship, Deadpool naturally understands the opponent's power. With the defensive ability of Tony's armor, he may not be able to prevent the opponent's slash.

"Mr. Stark, I have detected a lot of energy responses in this man named Nobunaga, and his current value has doubled from just now..."

After a large number of biological scans, Jarvis' voice came from his ear at the right time.


Several virtual pop-up windows unfolded in front of us, and along with a large number of numerical values ​​constantly beating upwards, a red energy field rapidly expanded outward from Nobunaga's body...


Taking a deep breath, Nobunaga slowly retracted the sword into the sheath, his body pressed down, and his right hand rested on the handle of the sword, posing in a classic Iai posture.

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Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction