MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 112

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The magic pot trembled, as if an evil eye swept across everyone's bodies in an instant.

At that moment, everyone's body froze, and their eyes widened instinctively!

The dazzling and rich red light followed the cracked gap and shot out endlessly.

These red lights seemed to be conscious, and after circling in the air, they poured neatly into Nobunaga's body.

Nobunaga's hair fluttered with a bang, his black and white pupils were infected with blood red, and even his mind was unable to even struggle in front of the red light, and quickly twisted away.

Then, his body slowly floated from the ground, and the moment he raised his hand.

There is red light, flashing!

Chapter 142 "To the great Heath, offer - death!"

How to do?

Looking at the large red fog in front of me, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. has now completely fallen!

Not to mention Coulson, even Nick Fury couldn't calm down.

He instinctively sought the opinions of professionals, but was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no trace of nervousness on Li Ang's face.

As expected, he is an expert in exorcism. His temperament is really admirable... Huh?

"Mr. Li, you are..."

He couldn't believe his eyes. Nick Fury had a dark face. He saw Li Ang tucked his right hand into his pants and was twitching violently.

Coulson, who was on the side, couldn't stand it any longer and persuaded.

"Master Li Ang, it is too inelegant to make such a move at the moment of the enemy!"

Even Deadpool was imitating it, and he couldn't figure out his brain circuit.

Tony was thoughtful, but he couldn't come up with it after thinking for a long time.

"What are you thinking about?"

These guys were obviously wrong, Li Ang took out his palm and wiped it on Coulson's sleeve.

"You don't know when you see it!"

In the folklore of the Eastern Kingdom, this is called tricking the wall.

The solution is very simple, as long as we use boy urine, we can easily break the obstacles in front of us! "


Master Li Ang, I know the tricky wall, but it is definitely not the same thing as this red mist!

Wiping his sleeves hard, Coulson said don't bluff me.

Looking at Coulson with contempt in his illiterate eyes, Li Ang raised his hand and asked everyone.

"It's a boy, take a step forward."


Everyone took a step back, and this movement was neat and consistent, as if they had been rehearsed in advance.

Then, everyone looked at Coulson in unison.

"..." [From Phil Coulson's emotional value +1288]

The embarrassment in my heart, Coulson was wiping his sleeves, who would have thought that these guys were so insidious, seeing Li Ang looking at him, he quickly took a step back.

"Colson, are you...still a boy?" Touching his chin, Li Ang looked at him strangely.

"No no, I don't, I'm not..."

Coulson waved his hands and explained quickly, shaking his head left and right only to realize that the **** on both sides had quietly stepped back a small step at some point, and just such a small step immediately highlighted him.

Coulson is so angry, you are enough!

"..." Everyone looked at each other, now, what if there is no boy?

Coulson hesitated, looking forward.

"Master Li Ang, are you a boy?"

"That's a good question, but how can someone like me, who is so handsome, suave, suave, and looks better than Pan An..., have any connection with the boy?"

Pushing off his sunglasses, Li Ang boasted shamelessly, and everyone was full of black lines.

"Colson, although I live in a mental hospital, don't slander me!"

"..." Since there is no boy, you can't just stand here and stare blankly, right?

Tony measured the height of the red fog and suggested.

"How about we try to fly through the air?"

"No, that's too dangerous, I have an exquisite plan!"

As expected of Master Li Ang, there are many ways to do it. Coleson looked at Li Ang in admiration, and saw that he gestured with both hands and said a plan.

"The so-called boy urine, what you want is a pure, full of yang."

Although none of us are boys at the scene, don't be afraid, as long as the urine of the 5 of us is collected, and then purified by me, I believe that we will be able to make a way! "

Speaking of which, I was afraid that everyone would not understand, Li Ang also took out his flying cap and explained its principle on the spot.

"Its principle is very simple, just like this flying cap, it looks inconspicuous, but as long as you have the word "fly" in your heart. Thousands of horns"

Then we can create miracles! "

"That is, if our hearts believe that we are boys, then we are boys?"

As a poor student, Dead Servant was rarely clever and immediately made inferences.

Glancing at him approvingly, Li Ang patted his face away and complained.

"How is that possible, man?"

As I said, no one here is a boy.

The only way is to use my urine to blend with you guys to achieve the effect of boy urine..."

He babbled again and said a lot of technical terms that people couldn't understand. Deadpool said that this guy must be talking nonsense, but he couldn't produce evidence.

Tony Stark was very cautious. He asked Jarvis to collect the information on the Internet, not to mention, this stuff is everywhere on the Internet in Dongguo, and he said that it has nose and eyes.

Nick Fredo, the chicken thief, quietly recorded Li Ang's words, and decided to find a time to go back to study.

Coulson didn't understand, he just felt shocked.

Now that there is a way, it will be easy to do.

The 4 people stood on the left and right sides according to Li Ang's request, Coulson and Nick Fury stood on the left, Deadpool and Tony stood on the right, everyone was full of weird faces, and after some deliberation, they were adjusted by Jarvis' precise calculation. angle, pose.

Under Li Ang's "urine", everyone immediately held on to it and released it according to a specific route.

"Haha... Don't worry, as long as we gather the power of the five of us, we will definitely be able to make a way!"

Seeing the four white and yellow water jets spurting out, Li Ang laughed happily and released the urge to urinate that he had held back for a long time.

A thick jet of water spurted out, wrapping their water jet in an extremely unscientific way in the shocked eyes of the four. Then it slammed straight into the red mist not far away.

At that moment, the world was silent.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and stared blankly at this scene.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…


The red mist in front of me suddenly trembled, splitting to both sides like Moses dividing the sea, and a straight path appeared!

This road is two meters wide and leads straight to the gate of the S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

[From Phil Coulson's emotional value +1333]

[Mood value from Nick Fury +1334]

[From Tony Stark's emotional value +1387]

[From Wade Wilson's emotional value +1388]

"Yeah... nice!"

Waving his fist, Li Ang called out hello.

Then he quickly lifted his pants, greeted everyone, and rushed forward.

"What are you doing? Don't stand still, let's go!"

Ahead, the S.H.I.E.L.D. building is clearly visible!

So, everyone raised their trousers, exerted their strength to suckle, blushed, and ran forward on the road full of urine smell!

tao tao…

The five had just arrived at the door of the building.


The S.H.I.E.L.D. building trembled, and a thick red light shot upward from the ground floor, instantly pierced through the floors, and shot straight into the clouds in the sky!

The shock wave that was set off spread around, and the huge airflow pulled the bodies of the five people back and slammed back.


Captain America was covered in smoke, and rolled out of the gate with Natasha in his arms.

As soon as he came out, he raised his eyes and hissed.

"Be careful, something is coming out!"

The next moment, the red fog on the ground rolled back upwards, and pieces of fog flew into the sky. They flew into the clouds, dyeing all the clouds over New York red, like a blood-red ocean.

When people in New York heard the movement, they walked out of the building one after another.

No one knew what happened, but he felt inexplicably flustered, as if the end was coming, and his heart was beating wildly.


A thick electric light flashed through the clouds, shining on each of their faces.

Then, in their stunned gaze, the red cloud suddenly began to... swirl!


The vortex was extremely huge, and with the drum-like sound of thunder, thick red lightning exploded densely in the clouds.


The huge wind pressed down from above and slammed into the crowd below.

The crowd fell into chaos in an instant. The wind speed was surprisingly strong, pulling people's bodies unreasonably. People panicked to grab something fixed, but they were swept up into the sky by the wind.

"Mommy mommy-"

"No, I don't want to die!"

"God, have you abandoned me?!"

"I am rich! I am rich!"

"Help me! Help me!"

"..." What a shock it was when eight million people flew into the sky together!

The dense crowd is like black ants, being swirled and rolled towards the red sky, the sky is full of silhouettes, and the sky is full of crying!

The red vortex with dense lightning like a hood shrouded the 1214.4 square kilometers of New York City!

This is by no means the gospel of God, but the death of the devil!


With a mad laugh, the red inverted pyramid slowly pressed down from the huge vortex with a terrifying sense of oppression!


Under the spire of the inverted pyramid, a samurai with loose hair was flying high in the sky with a strong red light all over his body. He raised his hands and looked down at the city below. In the frantic wind, his red pupils were full of madness.

Read The Duke's Passion