MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 116

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Chapter 147: Yes, it's you, the shield-wielding buttocks. . . do you remember me?


As soon as Tony raised his palm, Deadpool's long knife and Li Ang's axe stuck to the old man's neck.

"Hey... old man, what do you want to do? Do you know who I am?"

Holding the knife in one hand and pinching the waist in the other, Dead Servant's face was full of arrogance, like a villain.

"Say, how did you bring us here?"

With blood dripping from his face, Li Ang pushed the blood-stained axe forward, and he grasped the murderous temperament.

"..." Arti's face was expressionless, he really didn't understand what was going on with these young people?

Why do you dance with a knife and an axe as soon as you meet? Do you want to be so disrespectful?

Is it because I can't lift the knife, or have I held the broom for a long time, making you so arrogant?

"Huh? Old man, why don't you speak?" Deadpool's eyes flickered, and he grabbed a handful from his crotch.

Raising his hands abruptly, the broom fell to the ground with a clatter, and the sense of mystery that Arti had kept deliberately disappeared, and he was as kind as an old man watching the door.

"Hey, hey... You two, don't be so fierce, I have a bad heart and are prone to get sick..."

Carefully pushing the knife and axe to both sides with his hands, Ati still has the temperament of a mysterious boss.

"Why, do you want to touch porcelain?"

Squinting, Li Ang's axe stretched forward and pressed against Arti's neck again. With his left hand, he took out a certificate from a mental hospital from his pocket, with a very proud tone.

"Humph, are you the only one who wants to deceive me? I have proof!"

"...You two, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding!"

With a bitter face, Arti couldn't understand the young man's brain circuit. He explained in a panic, pointing in the direction of Team America and shouting.

"That's right, it's you, the shield-wielding butt... Do you remember me? We met before!"

[Mood value from Steve Rogers +1400]

"..." Feeling the strange gazes around him, Captain America Steve was very embarrassed.

He didn't want to admit it in his heart, you said the boy with the shield, it sounds okay, but what do you add to your hips?

The whole taste has changed, and it has a gaygay feeling!

"Yo... Captain, he seems to know you, even your buttocks!"

The blue light in the palms of his hands slowly went out, and Tony shrugged and turned his head jokingly.

"..." Can we... not talk about the buttocks?

Glancing at Tony silently, Steve stepped forward with an expressionless face, calmly showing his strong psychological qualities.

"Mr. Artie, I'm..."


Except for the old man Ati, there was one at the scene, and he immediately laughed out loud.

Especially Deadpool, who laughed the most exaggerated, rolled his stomach on the ground with his long knife, laughing.

"Hahaha... I'm about to die, what the **** is "I'm with my hips", Captain? Hahaha…"


A shield slapped this annoying guy away, and Steve walked quickly to Ati with a stern face.

"Mr. Arti, long time no see."

Also, please remember my name, Steve Rogers, thank you. "

"Uh... Alice..." Arti responded quickly, and when he saw Steve's bad eyes, he immediately smiled and changed his words: "Mr. Rogers, long time no see!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Steve signaled that Li Ang could put the axe down.

Withdrawing the axe, Li Ang looked at the two of them carefully and asked strangely.

"So... what's the identity of this old man?"

"That's right, in S.H.I.E.L.D. before, it was Mr. Arti who helped me out of the maze..."

After pondering, Steve told a few people that Arti helped him. Seeing a few people thinking about it, he reminded them that they were from Taikoo House.

[Mood value from Nick Fury +1411]

[Emotion value from Phil Coulson +1407]

[Emotion value +1417 from Natasha Manromanov]

Taikoo House?

A gleam flashed in Nick Fury's eyes, and he glanced at Coulson and Natasha covertly.

The organization of Taikoo House first came from the mouth of Loki. At the time, Loki did mention the connection between the Magic Pot of Desire and the Old House, and now that I think about it, these events are inextricably linked.

So, since the staff of Taikoo House is here, does it mean that the monstrous disaster happening in New York is related to Taikoo House?

"Mr. Arti, as one of the official members of Taikoo House, I wonder if Taikoo House will help New York to tide over the difficulties with us?"

Stepping out of the crowd, Nick Fury had an unusually serious expression.

"Ha ha…"

With a faint smile, Arti picked up the broom from the ground again.

"This matter is indeed not at the level that your S.H.I.E.L.D. can handle. Our Chief Jesse of Taikoo House personally went to see President Bearden and asked me to give this spell to you."

With a flip of the palm, an octagonal stone engraved with a blue horse appeared in the palm.

"This is one of the twelve talismans, the horse talisman, which enables the bearer to remove all influences caused by external forces."

If you want to cut off the connection between the samurai and the Hiss, making good use of this thing will be the key to your victory! "

Twelve spells? Everyone knows this.

But Heath?

[Emotion value from Tony Stark +1403]

"Is it that red fog, or that huge inverted pyramid?"

Tony turned on the projection and asked Jarvis to project several pictures he had taken before in front of Artie.

Looking at these photos, Artie shook his head silently.

"Whether it's these red mists or that inverted pyramid, it's just one of the external manifestations of Hiss."

As an energy entity of other dimensions, it does not have a specific shape..."

Seeing a few people who didn't understand it very well, he explained again.

"In other words, the red fog is it, and the inverted pyramid is also it."

If you want to deal with it, you must take the lead in cutting off its connection with the world and expel the Hiss coordinates on that samurai! "

Heath coordinates?

Frowning his brows, Steve suddenly thought of the dazzling red lights that jumped out of the broken jug of desire.

Natasha in the back also thought of this at the same time. She walked quickly to Nick Fury and told him the information.

After listening to Natasha's explanation, Nick Fury's eyes flickered, and his evaluation of Taikoo House added another layer.

Even this kind of information is known, it seems that Taikoo House's exploration technology for different dimensions has reached a considerable height.

There should be more details that have not been said about the information of the Hiss.

Moreover, Ati, who claimed to be an ordinary cleaner, did not send the director of Taikoo House, but sent this person to come here. What is the meaning?

Demonstration, disdain, or both...

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a king of agents, others can think of it as simple. But Nick Fury had to pay attention to all the details.

But Arti didn't give him any more chance to ask questions. He threw the horse spell in his hand at him, left a sentence "someone will deal with it" and disappeared.

"and many more!"

Hurrying to take the horse spell, Nick Fury reached out to stop him, but he was a step too late.

Regarding the plan of the Old House, the method to deal with the Hiss, and who is going to deal with the Hiss, these questions were very vague and made him extremely annoyed.

click, click, click...

"Hey... This guy is too unprofessional, he can't even sweep the floor!"

On the other hand, Li Ang, Deadpool, and Tony smashed the seeds without any heart, and threw them on the ground with little quality.

"Yeah, what the old man said is mysterious, that is, I Wade doubted it professionally!"

"Isn't it? If I were an employee, I would have been fired long ago!".qqxsΠéw

Perhaps their rants played a role, and Atisha flashed back again, smearing the broom on the ground with a blank expression, taking away the melon seed skins in an instant and disappearing.

"..." Everyone was speechless, the old man didn't go far, he was still peeping!

Chapter 148 I want your life 4000. . . A sneeze!

Dead Servant was amused, he thought this old man was really interesting, and wanted to throw it away again, but found that the seeds in his hand were gone. He looked at Li Ang and Tony, and found that they were also watching him silently.

The three looked at each other, Li Ang flipped through his clean pockets and said unhappily.

"Hey, this old man can't get enough of it. If you want to eat it, just say it. Why did you steal my melon seeds?"

The onlookers rolled their eyes, are they thinking about melon seeds now?

It's New York's problem!

I don't know where the building is in this blue house. Coulson pushed the door at the back, but did not open it. The only blue wooden door in front left a gap.

Holding a shield, Steve came to the door first, greeted everyone and pushed the door out.


Standing on a deserted street, Steve looked around, broken ground, collapsed buildings, flattened vehicles... The city seemed to be dead, with ruins all over his eyes.

In the distance of the line of sight, there is a huge red inverted pyramid connected to the sky and the earth. Countless figures are densely surrounded by the pyramid and suspended in the sky. They chanted the incantation loudly, causing the surrounding red fog to make waves.

"This is... New York?"

I was madly chased and killed by those infected people before, and I didn't have time to observe what happened. Looking at it now, I will inevitably have an unbelievable feeling, just like the bustling city one second, and the ruins of the apocalypse the next second.

After taking a few deep breaths, Steve managed to suppress his anger.


The right fist burst into flames. Steve looked back and found that the blue wooden door was inlaid on the outer wall of a broken building, which looked very abrupt.

He took a few steps forward, pulled the door open, and shouted inside.

"Come out, those infected are not here, it's safe here."

As soon as the voice fell, several people filed out, and then they opened their eyes wide and froze in place, unable to accept that this is... New York?

[Mood value from Nick Fury +1441]

[Mood value from Phil Coulson +1447]

[Emotion value from Natasha Manromanov +1449]

[Emotion value from Tony Stark +1443]

Deadpool stayed at the end, pulling the wooden door and looking out, like a long-necked duck with a whim.

"Guys, you said that if I knock down this wooden door, can we stay in this magical house?"

Whoops? good idea!

Li Ang raised his thumb and was about to say a few words when he saw a foot kicking Deadpool's **** heavily, kicking him out fiercely.

With a squeak, Deadpool slammed his face on the ground and slipped a meter away, his **** cocked up in a very ugly posture.

[From Wade Wilson's emotional value +1413]


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