MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 120

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"Then...if I tell you that New York City has been destroyed once and then restored, host, would you believe it or not?"

He pouted in disdain. Li Ang was not interested in the rhetoric of a neuroscientist. As a personal experience, he had the right to speak.

Shaking his head, the host obviously didn't believe it. The time the red fog occurred was only one night. If New York City was really destroyed, he wanted to restore it in a short time. Unless time is reversed, it is a fantasy, an impossible task.

Except for the existence of immortals, she can't think of anyone who can do this!

The audience at the scene reacted the same way. They all shook their heads and thought it was Li Ang's joke. Only Da Wenxi looked at the golden ring on his neck with a thoughtful expression.

The Supreme Mage this guy said doesn't really exist, does it?

Then, under his gaze, Li Ang took off the golden ring. thousand thousand thousand

Laughing happily, Li Ang praised everyone not to be superstitious, but to believe in science by drawing a circle with one hand.

Then, he opened a circular portal with electric sparks, picked up the lily on the ground and took a step forward, disappearing in a swish.

Um? Um!

Da Wenxi: "…"


Live audience:"…"

The atmosphere at the scene was terrifyingly quiet, and everyone stared at the boss with his mouth open.

what is that? what is that? !

magic! ?

The next second, the scene screamed!

Chapter 152 "Mr. Constantine, be careful! This guy is not ordinary..."

America, Washington State.

On the rugged mountain road, a black car was slowly driving in the direction of Liangpu Town.

The beautiful jazz sounded from the car, and the agent from Hydra, Grant Ward, was excitedly pretending to be a little brother of Constantine while driving.

"Mr. Constantine, I didn't expect that I would be able to investigate this case with you this time. Haha, I often hear your name in S.H.I.E.L.D., they say..."

This is his first task after recovering from injury, and it is also an opportunity to get close contact and observe Constantine.


Sitting in the passenger seat, lazily smoking a cigarette, Constantine put his right arm on the open window while blowing the cold wind.

The reason why he chose to accept this commission was not because of the mere $200,000, but because there was a strong call in his ear every day to urge him to go to Bright Falls Town.

You know, every time you pick up girls and do sports, there will always be a voice chattering in your ear, which seriously interferes with Constantine's life and makes him very annoying!

In order to get rid of the interference of this sound and return to normal life as soon as possible, the **** detective Constantine had to take this commission and go to Bright Falls Town.

Just thinking about what was on his mind, he suddenly felt the speed of the car slow down.

Grant apologized and parked the car on the side of the road. In front, two policemen walked quickly and knocked on Grant's window.

"Sir, please show your driver's license."

"Officer, what happened ahead?"

Putting his hand where the officer could see it, Grant handed him the document, wondering.

Several police cars were parked in the driveway ahead, and it seemed that something had happened that made the officers look serious.

Checked it and found that there was nothing wrong. He raised his hand and returned the driver's license to Grant. The black police officer stared at Constantine for a long time and replied.

"It's okay, it's just an ordinary traffic accident." And asked, "What are you two doing here from New York State?"

As a full-fledged agent, Grant's lies came right out of his mouth, and he smiled softly and acted like an ordinary tourist.

"My friend and I were on a driving trip when I heard that there is a reindeer festival in a nearby town, and came to see it out of curiosity..."

"So it is."

The Reindeer Festival is held in Liangpu Town every year and attracts a large number of tourists.

As a police officer in Bright Falls Town, his expression improved a lot, he took a step back, waved them to leave and sent his blessings.

"You two, have a good time."


Turning the steering wheel, Grant drove away slowly.

There are trees on both sides of the road, and the humidity at night is very high, and a faint mist rises under the illumination of the headlights.

The further you drive, the more remote and quiet you feel here. You can't even hear the sound of wind and insects, as if you were driving on a road leading to death.

Looking at the unchanging scenery, Grant Ward suddenly felt sleepy, it was an unprecedented tiredness, it was like he hadn't closed his eyes for three days and three nights. For a moment, he felt that he couldn't help but close his eyes. One glance.

Just then.


The car shook suddenly.

Grant was drowsy, slammed on the brakes, woke up and shouted.

"what happened?"

"..." Without speaking, Constantine took the lead by pushing the door to get out of the car. The bumper at the front of the car was slightly dented inward. Under the illumination of the headlights, a man was lying on the ground quietly bleeding out.

Putting his finger on the tip of his nose, and pressing his pulse again, Constantine said to Grant who got out of the car without looking back.

"he died…"

Hearing this, Grant walked over calmly with a sullen face.

"Constantine, don't worry, I am fully responsible for this time. I will call S.H.I.E.L.D. and report the current situation..."


The headlights of the car suddenly flickered and went out.

It was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

The headlights were not on, and the silence on the mountain road was terrifying, Grant asked in a low voice while maintaining a standing posture.


Without waiting for Constantine's answer, as long as the faint cigarette lighted and dimmed in the darkness, Grant's heart was relieved a lot. He took out his mobile phone and turned on the light.


The headlights flickered, then suddenly came back on.

"He's gone."

At that moment, Constantine's voice suddenly sounded, Grant took two steps forward and looked down.

[Mood value from Grant Ward +1323]

The people on the ground...disappeared!


Putting his hand on the ground where the man disappeared, Constantine closed his eyes and seemed to feel something.

He stood up again and looked around, as if he suddenly noticed something, took out a compass from his pocket, followed the direction indicated by the compass, and turned down the driveway ahead.


There is an open space under the driveway, and further ahead is a drawbridge. Behind the drawbridge, you can see a wooden house emitting light, and a lighthouse has been built further away.

Grant had a lot of questions on his mind, but he knew when to talk and when not to.

Following Constantine's footsteps, they soon came to the drawbridge.

The pointer of the compass suddenly stopped turning, and in front of the pointer, a man with black aura came towards the two with an axe in hand.

The moment he saw his face, Grant recognized that the other party was the person who was hit and killed by the vehicle before!

He didn't die, and he ran so far?

Taking out the pistol, Grant was puzzled, and the entangled black gas on the other side made him even more vigilant.

The guy had a ferocious face, and when he saw them, it was as if he saw the enemy who killed his father, and he rushed over with an axe regardless.

boom! boom! boom!

Three shots hit the opponent, the black aura splashed and rippled, and the bullets were blocked by the black air and fell to the ground one after another.

"Constantine, be careful! This guy is not an ordinary person..."


A magical flame appeared in the night, and the axe man who rushed over staggered and knelt at Constantine's feet.

With a knife on his neck, Constantine turned his face and said strangely.

"What did you say?"

"..." Seeing with his own eyes that the unscientific Hua Zuo Black Ash disappeared with his own eyes, Grant opened his mouth and looked at his pistol subconsciously and said embarrassedly.

"No, nothing..."

Putting away the obsidian dagger, Constantine looked at the wooden house opposite the drawbridge.

"Let's go and have a look there."


The two came to the wooden house and searched in the house. The things here are very simple and nothing special. m.qqxsnew

Curiously, he turned on the only old-fashioned TV in the house, which showed a blinking eye, and the words he spoke were like a curse.


Not interested in hearing the guy's voice, Grant reached out and pressed the power button.


The screen remains on, undisturbed.

Frowning, Grant turned around the TV, thinking of Li Angjiao's method, and suddenly unplugged the power cord.


The screen goes black first, then lights up.


The voice on the TV was mocking, and the curse grew even stronger.

"Fake, why doesn't it work?"

"I come!"

Walking over, Constantine disdainfully picked up the TV and threw it on the ground.


In a burst of cracking sound, the TV flashed a few sparks.

Finally, it was quiet.

Chapter 153 Because of Constantine's words, he. . . Shocked!

[Mood value from Grant Ward +1355]

As expected of Constantine, the means are effective!

After blowing out the cigarette ring, Constantine leaned on the table impatiently, and lit a point in the air with his right hand holding the cigarette.

"Hey, hey... It's almost done. If you have something to tell us, hurry up and stop playing these tricks!"

Inside, it was quiet and no one answered.

"Mr Constantine, who are you talking to?"

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes