MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 70

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Colson: "…"

Constantine said hello calmly: "Hi... Barbas, we are really destined to meet again so soon!"

"Humph... Coulson, I was tricked by you last time, this time I must take your soul!"

Barbas scowled, the flames of **** attached to Deadpool's eyeballs, as bright as a light bulb.

"Yes... As long as you complete my commission, it's just the soul of Coleson, so why not send it to you!"

Konstantin patted his chest and said righteously, while Coulson twitched the corners of his mouth and was speechless.

what? It's not over, is it?

Besides, Barbas is also a demon after all, and he was deceived by you once, so it is impossible to help you, Constantine?

Coulson was very skeptical, but the next moment, he was slapped in the face.

"...well, remember your promise."

Barbas was obviously silent for a while, but he didn't expect this mortal to answer so happily, and he got what he thought about in a blink of an eye, which made him feel very unfulfilled.

Why does he beat the villain "Coulson" every day in hell? fitness?

It wasn't for a vigorous battle, and then in the eyes of the opponent's despair, he took his soul in a victorious manner.

Now the battle with the mage is suddenly gone, which makes the demon Barbas very disappointed. His heart is empty, and he can't explain the loss. He is a little angry and wants to vent.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he turned to look at the entrusted target, Chu Renmei.

This resentful spirit is somewhat handsome, with a succulent appearance. Although his body is not as good as that of a succubus, he has a good temperament. It is worthwhile to turn back and bring Coulson's little white-faced soul.

"Jie Jie Jie... Beauty, raise your face quickly and let Lord Barbas take a good look at you!"

He came out of the magic circle and walked towards Chu Renmei with an arrogant face, taking steps that his six relatives did not recognize.

Chu Renmei: "…"

She has seen arrogant, but never so arrogant.

He didn't speak, just watched the other party walk all the way, and only slapped him in the face when he came to her, and sent him flying out.


Barbas didn't expect the other party's temper to be so hot, and his heart was even hotter.

Haha...Little feral cat, I like it...

He pulled his head up from the ground, just in time to meet Constantine's contemptuous face, feeling a little embarrassed for a while.

[Mood value from Demon Barbas +888]

As a demon, Barbas still has a lot of face. He pulled out his two knives, and pulled a knife flower coquettishly. The flames of **** were attached to the two knives.

Several living corpses rushed over, trying to block his way, but were hit by Barbas' hellfire and turned into fly ash in an instant.

He laughed wildly: "Jie Jie Jie!"

Then, meet a pair of eyes.

Chapter 89 Da Wenxi pointed at Chu Renmei's lower abdomen and asked them to observe carefully.

With a plop, he fell to the ground, Barbas' eyes were blank, and he knelt down with a slip.

How arrogant he was before, how ugly he is now kneeling.

Deadpool seized the opportunity, quickly grabbed consciousness, and slashed forward with his two knives.

next second...

His knees went weak, his **** pouted, and his face hit the ground with a thud.

Chu Renmei's phantom attack was silent, making it hard to guard against.

Deadpool's consciousness is pulled into the different dimension of the spiritual realm again, where he will suffer thousands of times of torture until he dies.


A flying knife flew silently, was slapped by Chu Renmei, and spun around Deadpool's thigh.

With a sound of "Ow-", Deadpool jumped up from the ground in pain.

The flying knife from Li Ang actually pulled it back from the mysterious alien space, and by the way, even Barbas' consciousness was brought out.

"Damn woman, dare to make fun of the great **** demon Lord Barbas, I want you to die-"

As soon as Barbas came out, he grabbed Deadpool's body. The fire from **** burned again in his eyes. Two white breaths spewed out of his nostrils. Without using a knife, he hurriedly summoned the flames and threw them at Chu Renmei.

Just now, he could be tortured enough in the alien dimension. Now, he wants the other party to taste the price of angering Lord Barbas!


The fireball exploded on the ground, and its power was no less than that of a military grenade. The place where Chu Renmei was located was bombed with a big hole, and the smoke from the explosion covered everything upwards.

"Hmph... she's dead!"

Barbas sneered with his hands on his hips and the corners of his mouth. The flames of **** are most aimed at the soul. He does not think that a small resentful spirit can block the power of the flames of hell.

He turned around confidently, and didn't turn his head in disbelief until an arm suddenly penetrated his chest from behind.

[Mood value from Demon Barbas +977]

Behind her, Chu Renmei didn't even have a slight injury on her body. The water of the Hudson River surrounded Chu Renmei in a ring, turning it into the most perfect protective circle to protect her. This water was amazing, and it was inside her body. In and out.

She was expressionless, and the river water floating around her poured into Deadpool's body, savagely wrapping Barbas' spiritual body out.

Deadpool's body instantly became riddled with holes, spurting out an astonishing amount of blood, and Chu Renmei's useless body was casually discarded on the ground like a riot.

"No, wait..."

Barbas was terrified and wanted to ask for mercy, but was wrapped in water and flowed into Chu Renmei's body, and the nutrients for growth were slowly absorbed.

"No, she has become stronger!"

Seeing the momentum on the other side becoming more and more astonishing, Constantine said solemnly.

[From Phil Coulson's emotional value +911]

[Emotion value from Natasha Manromanov +919]

How to do?

Coulson was anxious in his heart. This battle has been going on for a long time. If Chu Renmei's problem is not solved, there is no solution to the large-scale curse that happened in New York.

Even though she was nervously holding a pistol and being known as an ace agent, Natasha felt powerless.

The rich experience of her past could not provide any useful help for the events at hand.


At such a critical moment, Da Wenxi threw off his white coat and walked out.

"I've spent my whole life trying to create a super weapon overlord that integrates 10 types of murder weapons. The product number is 3000, and it has been successfully developed!"

Seeing his confident look, Coulson clenched his fists, trembling with excitement, and puffed up.

"Good job, Mr. Da Wenxi, let her see how powerful your weapon is!"


Natasha also breathed a sigh of relief, they still have trump cards, so they can't lose confidence.

She showed expectant eyes, and her eyes were placed on Da Wenxi's body without blinking.

If you want to kill 3000, the name is so domineering, it must be powerful!

Mr. Darwin, we are all up to you!

At this moment, even Nick Fury, who was constantly monitoring the scene, couldn't help but stand up and waved his fists excitedly.

[Mood value from Phil Coulson +932]

[Emotion value +937 from Natasha Manromanov]

[Mood value from Nick Fury +958]

"..." Don't say it, Chu Renmei saw what he said so powerfully, her eyes narrowed, and her ability to instantly activate illusions was blocked by the milk that Da Wenxi had deliberately spilled on her body.

Seeing that the illusion didn't work, she showed a solemn expression for the first time, and the floating river water turned into a rotating hood to protect her.

Stepping, taking a step forward, he shouted "3,000 for your life" imposingly. Da Wenxi stared at him and quickly lifted a large number of objects with his right hand.

He said it very seriously, pointing to these objects one by one to introduce.

"Watermelon knife, bicycle chain, gunpowder, sulfuric acid, poison, pistol, grenade, triangle file..."

Each of them is a killing weapon on its own. Now that they are assembled together, I will ask you, are you afraid? "

The water cover on her body suddenly dissipated, and Chu Renmei tilted her head in confusion.

When Da Wenxi saw that the other party didn't speak, he thought he was afraid, and hurriedly threw the 3,000 in his hand to Chu Renmei.

It's a pity, maybe it's because of lack of exercise, a little older, there are a lot of problems in strength, you have to kill 3000 to draw a perfect arc from the air, and fall precisely on Chu Renmei's hand?

Colson: "…"

Natasha: "…"

Constantine: "…"

Even Nick Fury, who was not at the scene, was speechless.

The atmosphere at the scene was very embarrassing. Coulson and several people were disappointed. Mr. Da Wenxi, your life is 3000, that's all?

At least explode it, and listen to the sound, right?


Deadpool suddenly jumped up from the ground, pulled out his pistol and attacked Chu Renmei, but was blocked by the current of water around him, and burst his heart.


Li Ang swung one hand, and the flying knife pulled out an arc in the air, accurately shooting the bottle of poison in Chu Renmei's hand.

Snapped! puff…

His heart burst, a big hole was exposed in his chest, and Dead Servant spit out a fragrance while backing up with blood, and returned to everyone's side.

"Oh, Shet, that water is still intelligent, how can I shoot where it blocks it?!"

He coughed a mouthful of blood, and without regard for the injury on his body, turned his head and complained to Li Ang.

"Hey... I said buddy, where did you learn from? The precision of this flying knife is a bit low!"

"Haha... You don't understand this, right?" Li Ang gave him a contemptuous look, and said proudly: "My flying knives are all hits, and that bottle of poison was shot by me specifically, do you understand?"

"What do you say?" Coulson and Natasha hurried over to ask.

Li Ang pointed to the water stream used by Chu Renmei to protect his body, and smiled like a chicken-eating fox: "Did you see that?"

The two were puzzled and looked at him suspiciously.

"It's stupid, the poison I shot has melted into that water stream and was inhaled into her body unconsciously!"

Holding his forehead, Li Ang said the answer.

[From Wade Wilson's emotional value +963]

[Mood value +941 from Phil Coulson]

[Emotion value +948 from Natasha Manromanov]

"..." Dead Servant was still a little puzzled, and quickly asked: "Brother... She is a resentful spirit, how can human poison be useful?!"

"It's useful, look at her belly, is it a little bigger than before?"

On the side, Da Wenxi pointed at Chu Renmei's lower abdomen and asked them to observe carefully.

Chapter Ninety Ask. . . who are you her father

Several people observed carefully, as serious as idiots.

"Don't say it, it's really bigger than before."

"Really? I'll take a look."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes