MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 74

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He threw the "Sword Realm" at random, and the data from the digital world was inserted into the Sword Realm wildly, like a gluttonous beast, packing all the information in the Sword Realm away.

Countless kendo exercises, the collective martial wisdom of swordsmen from all ages, and even the twelve swords of Xuanyin are not spared. Take away the ones that can be taken away, and those that cannot be taken away, even after knocking on the floor tiles. .

Jianjie, like a weak little girl, was completely unable to resist, and could only look at his own efforts with tears in his eyes, and was taken away unreasonably by Hao.

Floating in the air, Li Chao watched this scene silently, and he could feel that some wonderful changes were taking place in the world.

The next moment, the world continued to shrink and expand, the ocean of data set off a huge wave, huge cities rose up in an instant, and countless swordsmen dressed in ancient costumes suddenly appeared on the earth of the world.

With swords in hand, they acted very naturally, as if they were not surprised by their appearance at all.

"..." At the moment of consciousness, Li Chao's figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of a certain swordsman thousands of miles away.

Chapter 95 He opened his hands, looked down, and was about to laugh out loud and make a forceful line.

The swordsman was taken aback, glanced at him vigilantly, and took a careful detour while holding the hilt of his sword.

Sighing, Li Chao regretted.

"Sure enough, there is no emotional value..."

Think about it, the system will definitely not let this loophole go.

If this method is feasible, then what else is he doing on earth, and is it not over to directly build his own small world?

In the following time, Li Chao almost visited the entire digital world.

These humanoid swordsmen are not so much human as they are some kind of Digimon, and they are manifested by the information of those sword worlds.

Every swordsman represents a different swordsmanship.

And their characters are also very compatible with swordsmanship, those with decent swordsmanship are decent, and those with evil swordsmanship are evil.

Even communicating with them will not have the feeling of communicating with artificial intellectual disabilities. Everyone has their own character and value system, and is completely like a human being.

"But, is that all?"

Very disappointed, Li Chao rarely showed a dissatisfied expression. He flew high into the sky and stood directly under the direct sun.

The moment he raised his finger, everything fell into silence.

The green divine light was brewing in his eyes, and he waved his hand to stop the world.

With absolute control over the digital world, doing this is as easy as the palm of your hand!

Then, he looked at the towns and swordsmen on the earth. The ocean of data turned into a surging tide of death, and the scene of extinction bloomed in the next moment. In less than 7 seconds, all the towns and swordsmen perished one by one.

Their disintegrated data drifted into the sky and was reintroduced into Li Chao's left palm.

"What I need is not this kind of fun, but a clearer mythical world!"

How can a world where only swordsmen and warriors exist can carry the power of Li Chao?

Throw the sedum out, and turn it into a **** general of Feipeng, using the absolute control of the card to guide Feipeng's divine power to the digital world.

These divine powers were accepted by the digital world, and under Li Chao's absolute control, they began to integrate into the digital world's rule system.

The data in the left palm was re-converted and collided with the torrent of information from the earth, like a falling meteor, mixed with the divine power of Fei Peng, and turned into digital eggs that drag the flames, falling from the sky, and then hitting the ground heavily.

boom! boom! boom! boom…

He opened his hands, looked down, and was just about to laugh out a forced line.


A big golden sword with two sturdy long legs kicked open the inner shell of the digital egg and jumped out of it impatiently.


The ground couldn't bear her weight immediately, and a big hole appeared.

She was very happy, only "Mom" was floating in the air alone, where the shape was concave, and her open hands seemed to hug herself...

The corners of Li Chao's eyes twitched, and the hair on his thighs fluttered in the wind, making his eyes really hot.

Seeing him running from the opposite direction, shouting for mother, Li Chao covered his mouth and couldn't stand the tumbling in his stomach any longer, and disappeared with a whizz!

He was ruthless in his heart, and if he pretended to be forced, he must stay next time!


Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, the golden sword stood alone, and a desolate cry echoed in the sky above the entire Digital World.

No matter how crazy the party is, there will always be an end to it.

After more than a week, Tony's news has completely dropped, and New York is calm again.

But spit water has become a nightmare that will never go away in the hearts of New York people, and it can only be healed by time.

Manhattan, the night is hazy.

Step, step, step.

Wearing a white round top hat and a straight black suit, the black-haired and handsome man was standing at the door of the bar with a smile on his face.

"Sir, today is a private party time. If you don't have an invitation letter, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter."

The bar's security guard looked indifferent and stretched out his arm to block the man's path.

"Ah... The progress of the times is really huge, I am amazed every time..."

Pressing the brim of his hat with one hand, the man seemed to say something with emotion.

The security guard was a little unclear, so he was about to wave his hand away.


The body froze, and the left side of the neck suddenly spurted a large amount of blood upwards, as if an invisible blade was slashing on it.


Covering his bright red neck, the security guard's eyes were red, and he fell to the ground trembling like a dying fish.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands."

Under the white bowler hat, there was a face as pale as paper, and his eyes were eerily crimson, which was cruel and inhuman.

He stepped gently, stepped over the body of the security guard, and pushed the door in under his desperate gaze.

Boom, boom, boom.

The explosive music came to an abrupt end, the DJ turned over and jumped off the stage, the blood-soaked crowd turned around one after another, and the fangs in their mouths all showed their racial identity—vampires.

"Why don't you add me to something like blood?"

The visitor stood calmly at the door, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he caught the attention of the audience.

"Hey, how did this guy get in here?"

"What do the security guards at the door eat? Didn't they say that they would not be allowed in?"

"It's just a human, stop being arrogant there!"

"Since you're here, don't even think about leaving, let's have a good "reception"! "

"..." There were a lot of vampires at the scene, at least hundreds of them. And there was only one man, his body looked very thin and not strong, and he was a typical Asian.

"Hahaha, look, this little white face looks really good!"

After a while you **** first, put me on the bed after sucking, I want to open his eyes well! "

These days, even vampires have to pay attention to keeping up with the times if they want to be in America.

As one of the 56 genders, he dresses flamboyantly, identifies himself as a man and woman, and speaks loudly and arrogantly.

He looked like he didn't pay attention to the man at all, and the laughter around him made him even more proud.

Hee hee, not bad... Let "Sister" give you a good biology class tonight... Let's explore the depth of life!

He flung his long hair, coquettishly stepped on red high-heeled shoes, and wrapped a pink short skirt tightly around him.

The surrounding vampires burst into laughter and watched the man's jokes one after another. They didn't think that a human could resist the power of a vampire.

This has almost become common sense in vampire society.

She twitched her eyes, the pink short skirt was too dirty for her eyes, and Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mian couldn't stand it.

He has seen the world anyway, but the "pop culture" in America is developing so fast that he can't keep up!

Could it be... I'm getting old?

As soon as he had a question in his heart, he saw the guy in a pink short skirt, twisting the waist of the bucket, and walking towards him with a lustful face.

Chapter 96 That's enough, tonight, it's enough to meet a pink skirt!

"Come on, little brother, let my sister love you... poof!"

A thick thorn whip pierced through his mouth, Kiwu Tsuji Wumai didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and he must kill with one hit.

[Mood value from Vampire Jack +166]

[Mood value from Vampire Tom +177]

[Emotion value from Vampire James +169]


The vampires onlookers made a noise, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"What is that? Monster?"

"How can humans have such power?"

"What are you afraid of? He is only one person, but we have hundreds of them!"

"It's just an arm. Quickly pull out the gun and let us **** him!"



With a cold face, Guiwu Tsuji's right hand suddenly turned into a ferocious giant arm, swallowing the guy who was clamoring for the gun.

His body is like a strict processing factory, which absorbs all the flesh and blood of vampires and turns them into nutrients for himself.

"This one doesn't work either?"

The physical defect has not improved, he showed a trace of disappointment and raised his right hand indifferently. Then he slowly glanced around the crowd as if he were looking at boring garbage, and said coldly.

"Since that's the case, you don't need to exist anymore!"


20 minutes later.

With a stab, a black car stopped in front of the bar.

Jumping down from above, the two big men in black suits ignored the security guard who died at the door and went straight into the bar.


As soon as they entered the bar, their expressions changed greatly, and they were almost fainted by the strong smell of blood.

What kind of bar is this, it's a slaughterhouse in hell!

Blood and flesh mud, stumps and broken bodies, on the walls, on the ground, on the ceiling, all are blood, and all are stained with flesh.

The floor of the hall can no longer be seen as it was, only the thick dark red is attached to it.

Standing in front of a stripped corpse, Oni Mai Tsuji Mumisi carefully dissected the vampire's corpse.

There were also some silver knives, oak wood and garlic scattered on the ground next to them, which he had brought before he came.

"What a lowly creature, restrained by so many existences..."

Taking out a small ultraviolet light bulb, Kibu Tsuji tried to hold it in the palm of his hand, and as the high concentration of ultraviolet light emitted from the light bulb, he hurriedly threw it out with a hiss.

"Damn, I would be injured by such a ridiculous weapon?!"

The palm of his hand was pitch black, and the piercing pain kept coming, and even his self-healing seemed to be affected and slowed down.