MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 79

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Peter held his hands and whispered to the side. They could see it clearly from behind. Is that the problem of not hitting anyone? That's a question of not aiming at all!

The angle with the other party is at least 35 degrees different.

With a flushed face, Reeve coughed awkwardly and quickly said the real killer.

"Don't worry, as long as our people and swords are united, we will definitely be able to compete with Wumei!"

The unity of man and sword is an oriental kendo term.

To put it simply, man is a sword, and a sword is man, and the two are integrated into one.

The girl with the sword also seemed to feel that she was a little crooked, she pulled out her sword and ran along the wall, trotting back all the way.

She stomped her feet and justified herself: "It's not that I'm not accurate enough, it's mainly that no matter which direction I'm pointing with the tip of my sword, I can only see above or below, or only to the left or right, and I only see Not to the front…”

"Okay, okay, don't explain, let's unite our swords!"

Reeve hurriedly interrupted the other party's tirade, and immediately demanded the unity of man and sword.

Peter and Sunwalker beside him listened with anticipation.

"Okay, okay, I really can't help you..."

With a click, the girl with the sword attached herself to her feet, sprinting forward.

Reeve jumped up and stood on it as if he was stepping on a skateboard: "Very good, swordswoman, use the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship and let him know our..."

"Hey, hey... Brother Reeve, wait! Wait!"

Peter hurriedly reached out his hand and tried to stop him.

"Is there something wrong with you, the one with your sword?"

"Yeah, if you think about it carefully, did you make a mistake in your posture..."

The Sunwalker standing beside him nodded silently and reminded him. Although he doesn't know too much about the unity of the human and the sword, at least he knows that the unity of the human and the sword is definitely not so "legitimate"!

However, Reeve ignored the dissuasion of the two. His eyes were very confident. He stepped on the sword and pointed in the direction of no misery, shouting: "Come on for me!"

The girl with the sword under her feet immediately stepped on the ground and rushed towards Wumai in the direction of Reeve's fingers.

Not to mention, if you don't look at the two long golden legs, the posture is quite like Yujian flying.

Peter: "…"

Sunwalker: "…"

[Mood value from Peter Parker +923]

[Emotion value from Blade Warrior +929]


Wu Miserable smiled coldly, swung the thorn whip, and quickly slammed it towards Reeve.

He saw that there was no protection on Reeve's body, and he was a fool at all.

The speed of the thorn whip was extremely fast, and it came to Reeve in the blink of an eye, but the next moment he approached Reeve, a burst of sword light erupted, turning the thorn whip that hit into pieces in the sky.


With a cry of exclamation, Wu Mian saw the two "human and sword unite", getting closer and closer to him.

The unease in his heart finally broke out. He was the kind of villain who cherished his life very much. Cowardice and despicableness were his criteria, and frontal combat was never highly regarded by him.

He likes to kill the weak, but he has no interest in fighting against the strong.

The left hand blocked forward, trying to hinder the opponent's speed, the body bounced upwards, and quickly jumped up along the hole that was punched through.


Spider-Man fired spider silk to slow down Wuxian's speed, but was easily cut off by his waving palm.

The UV bullets fired by the Sunwalker are causing some impact. But for a person who wants to leave, it is not enough to keep the other person behind.

Wu Misian jumped from below to the lobby on the first floor of the mansion. He didn't dare to stay for even half a second, and left in an instant.


The "Man and Sword" mode of Reeve and Sword Girl. Because it was too late to brake because of the missing trace, it smashed into the wall at the end and plunged into it.

There is actually... there is a secret passage here!

Although he was surprised in his heart, when Peter saw Wu Miserable fleeing, he quickly shot spider silk and jumped up from the hole.

He hurried out of the mansion, and then circled around here. It was not until Sunwalker rushed out of the mansion that he silently shook his head at him.

"He ran away, not here."

Hearing this, Sunwalker relaxed and put away the firearms. The two of them didn't say much and returned to the secret room of the mansion.

At the entrance of the newly-appeared secret passage, Reeve was squatting on the ground alone. When he saw two people coming in, he pointed to the big footprints on the ground and said to them.

"Look here, although these footprints are similar in size, you can still tell that they are four people."

After being stunned for a moment, Peter hurried over to check. Looking at these footprints, his heart suddenly moved, and he immediately contacted those bald men.

"It's those strong bald men!"

Seeing that the two were confused, Peter continued to explain.

"There are five of them. They brought Dr. Connors here."

Before, I wondered why after we came here, only one person was left at the scene, and the other four disappeared.

Thinking about it now, they should have gone to other places through this secret passage! "

"I see."

Sunwalker nodded, glad that there was only one present. Otherwise, the five big men rushed over together, and it would be a little scary to think about.

"By the way, Reeve, where's your sword girl?"

Sweeping around, Peter didn't find the two long golden legs, turned his head and asked Reeve strangely.

"Send her back..."

Breathing a little, Reeve wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood up and smiled awkwardly at him.

"The human-sword integration mode is our nirvana, which consumes a lot of my physical strength. Before this problem is solved, I can't keep her here for a long time."

"..." Peter was a little speechless when he thought of the picture he just saw, and he couldn't help but complain.

"But I haven't seen you make a move? You just jumped up and pointed her in the direction!"

On the side, Sunwalker nodded silently in agreement.

Really, just pointed to the location, like navigation...

"..." Opening his mouth, Reeve didn't know how to speak. Although the action seemed to be a little simple, it was really tiring.

Once the human-sword integration mode is activated, his stamina is drained like a flood. It is conservatively estimated that he can't last for 3 minutes!

Peter didn't dwell on this topic too much, but asked her where she came from.

"Reeve, if you don't mind, can you tell me what she is?"

It didn't matter, Reeve sighed and asked them a question first.

"I don't know you two, have you heard of the ethereal fairy world?"

Chapter 103 "Your Excellency Wesker, a survivor was found at the scene and has been cleared by 0033."

Peter and Sunwalker looked at each other and shook their heads.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. Even in Dongguo, there are only a very few people who know the existence of the Ethereal Immortal Realm."

Looking at the curious eyes of the two, he did not hide it, and told some information about the ethereal fairyland.

"Since its name is called the ethereal fairyland, it is naturally because some immortals live there."

But it's not Earth, it's another dimension beyond Earth.

In that dimension, a considerable number of intelligent life forms were born, some ancient myths of the Eastern Kingdom. Even some Asian myths can be found in there! "

"So, the girl with the sword you summoned belongs to a monster?"

Sunwalker has done a lot of research on these things. Although he has rarely been to Asia, he has heard of some monster legends in the East.

Those monsters seem to be born from the resentment of people or the resentment of heaven and earth. The types range from tableware, plants to animals, and they are strange in appearance.

"Is this... I only know that she is a swordsman, a swordsman used by a powerful swordsman."

Although I have been calling her the Sword Girl, she actually has a name..."

"what is it call?"

"Dougu Sword!"

Shrugging, Reeve said her name.

Speaking of which, he hasn't had contact with the other party a few times. Although he is deeply impressed every time, he has to say that this is a very reliable girl with a sword.

As for how the two met, and how he obtained the golden sword-shaped pattern, he didn't say.

Because it belongs to his privacy, and it also involves a very famous person in Western Buddhism.

Peter was just curious for a while, and he didn't mean to break the casserole to ask the end. He nodded and turned to ask Sunwalker.

"Daywalker, I've actually been meaning to ask you, I came to the mansion to rescue Dr. Connors and make him take on the crime on the Brooklyn Bridge."

And Reeve came here because Kiwu Tsuji was here, and he wanted to avenge his sister.

But only you, I don't quite know your purpose! "

His senses are very keen. Although these two people knew each other before, but from some details later, the cooperation between the two is not tacit.

Apart from the fact that he wanted to take revenge on Reeve, the Sunwalker didn't know anything about Reeve's other circumstances.

Raising his eyebrows, Sunwalker took out a photo from his arms and handed it directly to Peter.

This is a bar covered in blood, and in the center of a certain stage lies a dissected human figure.

[Mood value from Peter Parker +933]

Although Peter Parker has seen many villains and villains since his debut, he has never seen such a powerful picture.

His hand shook and the photo almost fell to the ground.

In his ears, Sunwalker's voice was as cold as ice in hell.

"This is the party stronghold of a certain low-level vampire, and now they are all mashed."

Although I don't have the slightest sympathy for what happened to them, I need to know who did it! "

Having said that, he took out another piece of white paper, and scribbled a sketch on it with a pen. It seemed to be a profile photo of someone, with a bowler hat and lines on his face, and immediately let Peter eat it. Startled.

"I-Isn't this the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable?"

"Yes, although the camera near the bar didn't capture his appearance for some reason, a painter who took drugs accidentally saw his face on the road. That's why I chose to investigate with Reeve."

Sunwalker can't say he has no company, but he prefers to be alone.

If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to know the information of Wuxian, he would not choose to go with Reeve, even if this person's experience was very similar to his.

But after seeing Wu Miserable today, he was a little fortunate.

If it was him alone, it was really possible that the car would overturn.

The three exchanged information like this for a while, and then Peter found a phone on a guard outside the mansion and skillfully called the police.

This method looks like a habitual offender, and it's not the first time I've done it.

"Yes, yes, I'm Spider-Man... There is a mansion here, and the prisoner on the bridge is here... The address is..."

The location of the mansion was sent to the police, and after taking a few pictures of the scene, the three quickly explored the new secret passage.

They walked along the trail for about 30 minutes and stopped at an upward sewer.

Although the diameter of this sewer mouth is not large, it is still no problem to pass through the figure of a tyrant.

No nonsense, a few people climbed up directly from here, and carefully opened the manhole cover with a click.

I saw a heavy-duty truck with the name Umbrella Corporation slowly driving past the street not far ahead.

The red and white umbrella-shaped pattern on the body is particularly eye-catching.

Read The Mage of Eternity