MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 7 Fireman John (please collect!)

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Chapter VII Fireman John (seeking collection!)

"special power?"

"Yes, you should know that there are many superpowers in this world. For example, the Avengers, such as the X-Men, I also have special abilities. Look ◆ Mao ◆ Line ◆ Small ◆ Say, I Not a mutant, this ability should be born with a sudden awakening, it is a feeling, I can devour all energy, and will not cause any adverse reactions, I have absorbed the desperate virus, so God The Shield found me and found that I don't have any identity, so..."

"So they won't be reassured by you, especially after knowing your ability, it is very likely that they will be arrested by the SHIELD for research. No... I can't let them take you away..."

Sky thought about it and took out his computer fingers and danced quickly.

"What are you doing?" asked the Soviet War curiously.

"Help you eliminate the recent records so that they won't find you, then let's get out of here!" said Skye.

"Wait, wait a minute..." Su war shouted at her.

"Trust me, I can do it." Skye thought he didn't believe in his own skills.

The Soviet war said: "I believe that you can do it, but there is no need for it. I can't always avoid it. Besides, I told the black widow. I won't hide it, so they won't find me for the time being. Trouble. What's more, they want to catch me, it's not that easy!"


"Really, if I have the chance, I will let you see my ability, and you will know." Su said confidently.

"That... okay!" Skye hesitated and stopped. "However, this is still not safe. Although SHIELD has not done anything to you for the time being, it is not a good thing to be targeted by them!"

"You are right, then... let's go."

Originally, Skye was leaving. Now it has become two people to go on the road together. From the hotel, Skye and Su’s car parked nearby. The Soviet War took a look and went directly to Skye’s car!

"What about your car?" Asked.

"You said, your car is your home, since I am your boyfriend, of course, I want to be with you. This car is not!" The Soviet war said casually.

"Okay!" Although Skye felt a little pity, he preferred the Soviet War.

The two went to Skye's car and then quickly left.

For this kind of life around, Skye has long been used to it. The difference is that she is now surrounded by a man, a man of hers!

Stop and go, the two people's feelings are getting better and better, holding hands, embracing anything, almost accustomed to it, especially when sleeping at night, the space in the car is not small, but it is definitely not big, avoid Can't sleep together, although nothing happened, but this feeling of embracing and sleeping is enough to make the relationship between the two leaps and bounds.

“It seems like there is a good restaurant here, let’s try it?”

Su war took a mobile phone and browsed the nearby restaurant. He found a seemingly good and eager to say to Skye.

"Listen to you."

Skye said with a smile.

Drive to the restaurant, Skye: "You go advanced, I parked the car and passed."

"it is good."

The Soviet Union got out of the car and prepared to go to the seat. When they first entered, there was just a person coming out. The two people who had not expected it directly hit each other. The body of the Soviet War was transformed by the desperate virus. After being hit, it was not moving. People have repeatedly stepped back.

"Are you jealous?" The Soviet war had not yet opened, and the man had already snarled.

The Soviet War frowned slightly.

"Yellow-skinned monkey, I am talking to you, are you squinting? Or... Are you looking for death?"


The Soviet Union was angry and looked at the human: "I am sure that I am blind, but the person who is jealous is you!"

"It seems that you are really looking for death!"

"Dear, what happened?"

At this time, Skye stopped the car and came over. Seeing that the Soviet War seemed to be in dispute with people, he hurried over.

The Soviet Union turned and smiled. "Nothing, there has been no chance for you to know the power of your boyfriend. Now... the opportunity is coming. Kid, there are too many people here, let's talk about it!"

"It's just what I want." The man sneered and walked toward the side of the road.

"Dear, what's the matter?"

Asked worried.

Su war smiled and said: "Nothing, just someone looking for death, I can't help."

Said, the Soviet war has followed the past.

Skye frowned, holding the phone and fiddling with it.

This is a dead end.

The man stood there, sneer at the Soviet battle!

"Dear, be careful, he is John, a mutant!"

Skye whispered to the Soviet War.

There was some accident in the Soviet War: "Fire Man John?"

"Know my identity? Late, I will let you know today, offend me, who is the fireman John!" Fireman John screamed, and there was a lighter in his hand.

Oh, the flames came out, and they grew stronger and more and more dancing in the hands of John.

"It's a bit interesting!"

The mouth of the Soviet War was slightly tilted up. Because of the SHIELD and Skye, he had not specifically sought to find someone to gain power during this time. He did not expect that he had met the fireman John.

This fireman John counted the villains. He joined the variant of the fraternal king of the magnetic king, able to control the flame, but could not create a flame, which is not very strong in terms of ability. However, it is more in line with their own development.

He can now produce high temperature, like a magma, but he can't make a flame. Originally he planned to wait for the SHIELD to follow the SHIELD and meet a superpower from Hong Kong. He can make a flame and because his own platelets are resistant. The ability of fire, so not afraid of flame burns. The goal of the Soviet War is his ability to make a flame. As for the burn, it has no effect on him.

However, if you can get John's ability to control fire, when you add fire, the strength is greatly enhanced.

"Fireman John, you really have a squint, and dare to ask me for trouble... This is the legend, there is a road to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to come in!"

Read The Duke's Passion