MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 756 Abandoned Baby Saia

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The seven hundred and fifty-sixth chapter abandoned baby Saia (the third is to ask for flowers)

There was some accident in the Soviet War. I picked up the baby and looked at it. The long powder was very cute. Look again, I don’t bring it, it’s still a baby girl!

Obviously, this is an abandoned baby. The temperature difference here is very different. The weather is very hot during the day and it is very cold at night. If it is not, the baby girl will not survive. Look (hair (line (small)

"But, take it back and talk about it."

The baby girl was very cute, and after being hugged by the Soviet Union, she was not afraid. Instead, she stopped crying. The small mouth slightly tilted up and even giggled. The cute little hand dangling as if to catch the Soviet battle. same.

The Soviet War felt like it was melted in an instant. I decided to bring it back first. I can’t stop the baby still waiting here.

Artemis is also very interested in this baby, always surrounded.

"this is?"

Nefertis saw that the two men came back and still had a baby girl. It was an accident.

"It’s got outside."

"It's really cute and pitiful. I think this kid has a relationship with you. Wangcheng rarely has abandoned a baby. After all, the conditions are not so good. When you come, you meet her, maybe... this is doomed. Fate."

The Soviet Union is not convinced of these fate, fate and the like, gods and gods, as if there is any God's guidance, but for this little guy, the Soviet war is really like, not to mention can not afford?

"What is the name?" Artemis said curiously.

Su war shook his head and got a name? He really didn't think about it.

At this time, Nefertis found what appeared to be embroidered in the shackles, and put the baby on the bed curiously to open the rape.

"Saya, this is probably the name given by her parents." Nefertis said slowly.

"That is called Saia."

Since the parents have a good name, the Soviet War will not bother.

Adoption of Saia, the Soviet War thought it was just an episode, but who knows that this is just the beginning of the prologue, he does not have any experience in caring for babies.

This is even more true of Artemis!

Fortunately, the sisters of Nefertis have just given birth to a son, have experience in this area, and have learned a lot. For Saia, Nefertis has great enthusiasm with Artemis, perhaps... this is the nature of a woman, motherhood!

This time I came to Wangcheng because the queen gave birth to a child and naturally would not live here for a long time.

When I came, I was three people. When I went back, I became four.

It is also strange to say that Saia seems to be particularly close to himself, as long as he is hugged, he will not cry. Looking at Saiya in my arms, there are many thoughts in the Soviet Union.

The timeline here is weird and has passed through thousands of years. The Soviet War can feel that because of the particularity here, the retention time of this copy has also changed, and it has stagnated!

"System, can I leave the copy now?"


"You can leave the copy, but the detention time stops, which is interesting. This means that I can stay here without worrying about the retention time of the copy before I solve the problem of the wall of the underworld. It is even possible... The time outside is also static." This outside, refers to the copy world.


The corner of the Soviet Union’s mouth was slightly tilted, and the finger was grasped by the small hand of Sayana’s powder, and it swayed gently, making her giggling.

Back in the city of Nefertis, Nefertis is very attached to this little guy, looking for a lot of experienced servants to take care of her, from time to time will personally accompany the little guy, the posture seems to be his own same.

Because of the little guy's sake, the Soviet War and Artemis are officially settled here.

The room is just next door to Nefertis.

Nefertis’s descendants, guards, and even the inhabitants of the entire city gradually learned about it. I have to say that Nefertis’s reputation is really high, and no one is going to gossip in the back.

Time is gone day by day.

Devouring the stone of time, learning magic, teasing the little guy, or chatting with Artemis or Nefertis, full and plain. Although the Soviet War occasionally deliberately enjoyed this life, but for the first time in a row, it was not as boring as I imagined.

Of course, Artemis has been eaten by the Soviet War. Hehe...

The meat in your own pot, which is not too late, let alone live together day and night!

As for Nefertis.

Although I didn't eat it, my feelings are getting better and better, and I am a little embarrassed, but no one has smashed this layer of window paper.

Unconsciously, Little Saaya is five years old.

From a small baby to a small loli, although only five years old, it has already shown the potential of the beauty of the embryo, because of the special reasons, no one in the whole city does not know her.


Saya, wearing a cute dress, came back from the outside and flew directly into the arms of the Soviet War.

Looking at the spoiled Saia, the Soviet War frowned: "How many times have you said, don't call my father, call my brother."

"But daddy!"

Saya said with a big eyes and curiously.

The Soviet Union had no choice but to shake his head. "With you, anyway, it's just a name. I have talked with your aunt and mother, we have to move out of the city."

"Moving, why, where?"

"Go to the forest over there, your mom likes it, and she thinks you should learn something."

This was considered before. Artemis is the moon, the goddess of hunting. It is not the same thing to wear in the city every day. The Soviet War also feels boring. It’s just that Saya’s age is here, and the school’s skills are normal.


Saia suddenly screamed and rushed to the woman who had just walked over.

Nefertis smiled and said: "Go take a shower and get dirty."

"Yeah." Sayya went to take a shower, and Nefertis sat down beside the Soviet War. He hesitated and said, "Do you have to move? In fact, if Saiya wants to learn anything, it is the same." Suddenly, if you move away, I am afraid that Saia will not get used to it?"

"Is she not used to it, or are you not used to it?" Su war turned and smiled and asked.

If it is normal, this kind of slightly teasing, Nefertis may smile, perhaps pretending not to hear, or may be a few jokes, but this time... she is silent. \')

Chapter 757

Read The Duke's Passion