MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 767 It’s too lazy to break things! (

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The 777th chapter is too lazy to manage! (The fourth is to ask for flowers)

"what do you want!"

Sette watched the Soviet war with vigilance. After he won the power, he always remembered the Soviet War. He also thought that he would wait until after he was together with Egypt and then went to the Soviet Union. I did not expect the Soviet War to appear at this time. . Look at the ‖毛‖线‖小‖ says

"Don't be nervous, I don't have any interest in the break between you. I have no interest in the so-called power. It's too small, I can't look at it. However, since he called me an uncle, although I don't like it. This title and identity, but always can not sit idly by, otherwise Nefertis will be a little tempered with me, then how to say, is also her nephew. I am coming, just for the fire of the desert, as for the two, you are two and a half Let's play alone!"

"You can't think about it!"

Seth snarled that if there was no fire in the desert, his strength would be greatly reduced, and he would naturally not agree. With a cold sigh, Sette was just about to start, suddenly felt a cold breath appear on his neck, looking down at I, a black blade on his neck, he could even feel the blade Expected to come, it wants to... devour itself.

"Don't give your face a shame, I'm not interested in playing with you like this little shrimp, understand?" The Soviet War suddenly appeared behind Seth and became as tall as Seth. The cold voice made Sette have no doubt about the next moment, and the blade would pierce his body.


He felt himself afraid and flinched.

"go away!"

The Soviet War slammed and let go of Scitech. After Sutton hesitated, he finally left.

"Let them out." The Soviet War said.

Hassel went to save people, and the Soviet War went to the side of the desert fire. Looking at the red flame below, I could feel the evil power of it.

"come on!"

The Soviet Union sighed softly, and the fire of the desert in the deep pit was as if it had been summoned, and it continued to flow into his body.

The power of devour is released, and the power of the fire of the desert is swallowed up and absorbed quickly. It doesn't take long for the hot atmosphere around it to cool down. The original red flame disappears, leaving only a huge deep pit.

at the same time.

Sette, who had just left the pyramid, suddenly fell into the ground with a sigh.

His expression was complex, resentful, unwilling, struggling to stand up, and then... disappeared into the desert.


Horus, who was free, came to the end of the Soviet War and was about to speak, but was forced back by the Soviet War.

"You are too lazy to manage with Seth's broken things. This time you saved you and weakened Seth. It is also that I have done my part and I have an account of Nefertis. As for who wins and who is the last one, Nothing, you can go!"

The Soviet Union waved.

Horus could feel the impatience of the Soviet War, and did not say much, grateful nodded and ready to leave.

"and many more!"

Su Shi suddenly spoke, Horus stopped to turn his head but heard the Soviet battle: "Not to say you, I mean you!"

Tutter pointed to himself and looked at Horus hesitantly.

Horus gave Tut a reassuring look and then turned and left.

"It’s going to collapse here." Hassel whispered.

Su war nodded with Hassel and Tut, and immediately teleported out of the pyramid. After they left, the pyramid collapsed and turned into ruins.

"Yes, is there anything I can do?"

Tudor stared at the Soviet War, but he really didn't know why he suddenly left himself.

The Soviet War looked at Tut, and it was exactly the gems on the head of Tut.

This stuff is the inheritance of the **** of wisdom, and it is also a good thing in the Egyptian gods. Feeling the gaze of the Soviet War, the totem subconsciously took a step back. Ai's mouth wanted to say something, but before he could see it, he felt a sharp pain, followed by the gems that had fallen into the hands of the Soviet War.

"I... I am not dead?"

After the pain, Tut found himself not dead, which surprised him.

Wisdom is a source of wisdom and a source of his life.

"Without your business, you can go."

The Soviet Union was not in the mood to take care of him. Tut hesitated, or turned and left.

Originally, the Soviet War did not have any thoughts on this wise gem, but after I came in, the Soviet War discovered that this thing has great use for myself. There are countless wisdoms stored in the wisdom gem. If used in metaphor, this is the case. It seems to be a huge mobile hard disk that can be stored, analyzed, and used.

The brain domain is developed to 100%. The Soviet War is very worried that it will be as innocent as the super-movie movie, but there is no such thing as this wisdom gem.

"Go, go back!"

After the Soviet War, he returned to Nefertis directly with Hassel.

After returning, the Soviet War directly entered the intensive reinforcement.

Develop brains!

Originally his brain domain has been developed to 80%, and now focus on this matter, the speed naturally accelerates a lot.

“Hey! The mission is completed, reward reward points 1000.”

With the development of the brain domain reaching 80%, the prompt of the completion of the task also sounded, but the Soviet war did not care. The 1000 enhancement point is really not very attractive to him now. His brain is moving fast, analyzing how to integrate, how to break down, blend, and reorganize.

The higher the development of the brain domain, the stronger the analytical ability, and it is enough to do it there for seven days. For seven days, the Soviet War finally figured out the equation!

"You finally woke up."

When I saw the Soviet War woke up, the worried women finally got a sigh of relief.

"Hasol, serve me to take a bath, the time is almost the same, it should go back to the sun boat, otherwise the little snake of the dark snake will come out again." Although the Soviet War looks tired, but the spirit is Especially good, a tone of joy is revealed in the tone.

Hassel served a bath in the Soviet War. In the process, naturally, the Soviet Union was vented.

After the shower came out, the Soviet War looked radiant and the exhaustion was swept away.

"Artemis, you go back to the sun boat with me, others stay, wait until the end of the war and then go to me." The Soviet War confessed, with Artemis directly teleported back to the sun boat. \')

Chapter 768