MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 771 Legendary record

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The seventh seventy-one chapter of the legendary record (the third is to ask for flowers)

At the end of the banquet, Cleopatra VII specially took a shower and changed his clothes to the room arranged for the Soviet War. The door was pushed in and the Soviet Union stood on the balcony and looked out. Look at the ╗毛╗线╗小╗ said outside, the stars are a little bit, the night is charming.

People have not arrived, the Soviet War has already asked the bursts of fragrance to float over, very good smell. Turning around, Cleopatra VII came to the side of the Soviet War and learned how he looked at the stars, slowly saying: "What is above the sky, the gods?"

"What do you think it is, what it is." Su said with a chuckle.

Cleopatra VII turned to look at the Soviet War and whispered: "I know it is you. When you stand in the statue, I decided that it must be you. The statue I go to see every day. There is still a lot of portraits and statues in my room, so I believe that I will not admit my mistakes and I am sure that my beliefs are true."

"and then?"

Looking at the eager eyes of Cleopatra VII, the Soviet Union asked with a smile.

"My biggest wish is to hope to be with you." Cleopatra VII said slowly.

Su war nodded, this can be seen from the statue outside.

"Is it interested in being my maid?" asked the Soviet War.

Cleopatra stunned for a moment, then he nodded happily and nodded: "I will, of course, I am willing." After that, Cleopatra VII suddenly slammed down to take off the shoes and socks .

The Soviet War stunned, this is...the ceremony?

How did she know?

Watching her finish the ceremony, Su war took out her soul fragments and asked, "How do you know this ceremony?"

Cleopatra VII was still in the excitement, and after the ceremony she was able to feel the incomparably clear connection. When I heard the Soviet War, Cleopatra hurriedly said: "There is a record in the legend. The ritual of the Lord of the Gods is said to have been from the **** of the moon and has been recorded by future generations."

"Aremis." The Soviet War was a sneer, and she really spared no effort to promote this ritual. Now it seems that the results are good, and they have all appeared in the mythical record.

"From now on you are called Cleopatra." Su war road.

"Cleopatra?" Cleopatra VII did not quite understand, isn't he a queen? But the Soviet War, or the Lord God has said so, she naturally accepted it with joy.

"If there is anything that is not going to be dealt with as soon as possible, I will not stay here for too long."


Cleopatra nodded and turned and went out, like a little girl who was awarded the award. Not long after, the regular palace, and even the entire city, knew that Cleopatra became the maid of the gods and was ready to leave here to follow the Lord of the Gods. Some people believe that some people do not believe, there are different opinions, but these have nothing to do with the Soviet war.

Three days later, Cleopatra has already dealt with everything.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, you can leave at any time."

"Let's go!"

Su war faintly said, took her out of the room.

Around the guards, the maids looked nervously one by one, and the Soviet Union seized the hands of Cleopatra and looked around, suddenly turning into a stream of light and flying to the sky.

"Heaven, my God..."

"It turned out to be true."

"The Lord of the Gods!"

This scene stunned everyone, and couldn't help but swear.

Although Cleopatra VII was not known as Cleopatra in later generations, she was the servant of the Lord of the Gods who passed down to the gods with the gods of the gods, and even let her be more beautiful than Cleopatra. This name is more famous.



Back to the sun boat, the girls have recovered, and it is not too surprising to see the Soviet War with a person back, but Cleopatra is very excited, the patron saint, the moon goddess, the angel Saia, this is all legendary God!

When I thought that I could be with these gods, Cleopatra was very excited.

"Things are almost handled, and it is time to leave the world." The Soviet Union whispered a word, and everyone felt a little touched.

"You go to the underworld to wait for me." Su warned and said, everyone nodded, took Cleopatra and went to the underworld.

The Soviet War took a lap on the sun boat and then threw it into the system space. Floating in the stars, waiting for the night to come!

As always, the dark snake appeared after the night fell.

"Your time is up." Looking at the snake of darkness, the Soviet war slowly said.

The Dark Snake seems to know what he meant, and he was a little sad.

In this life, there is no chance to really leave the darkness and see the world. Of course, the Soviet War will not give it this opportunity. After a brief chill, the Soviet War released the power of chaos.

The power of chaos completely shrouded the snake of darkness, and isolated its connection with darkness. Then, the phagocytic ability is launched and begins to devour its energy!


The instinct of the dark snake resisted, releasing the dark energy to try to break through the cage, but unfortunately it was nothing but common, only a little bit swallowed by the Soviet war, and finally the Soviet war merged its soul into the blade of the **** of blasphemy.

The soul of the Dark Snake seems to be stronger than the Sun God, and the Blade of God is faintly glowing, and there seems to be something changing. The Soviet Union waited for a while and found that this change has not stopped. It seems that it will not end in a short time.

"Is this evolution? I don't know if this can bring about any special changes."

Su Zhan muttered a sentence and put the blade of God into his body.

That's right, it's the body, not the system space.

The continuous integration and evolution have already made him have a special connection with the Blade of God, and putting it into the body has no effect!

Turned around and turned into a streamer, and the Soviet Union rushed to the underworld.

The underworld, the wall of the underworld.

When everyone saw the return of the Soviet War, they knew that the Dark Snake should be completely solved.

Looking at the wall of the underworld, it seems that there is no special change in appearance, just as it was when it first arrived.

"Hands each other, let's go."

The Soviet War said, holding the hand of Artemis, and the others held hands, and the Soviet War went to the wall of the underworld. \')

Chapter 772

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes