MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 811 What is he doing? (

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What did he do in Chapter 841? (The third is to ask for flowers)

"Let's go back and eat more papaya. Look at the ⊙毛⊙线⊙小⊙ said"

The sound of the Soviet War was so lightly floating in the quiet room. I thought he was already asleep. Diana was shocked when he heard it. He didn't sleep! Didn't he just see himself in the shower?

Hey, shy, all kinds of emotions flashed one by one, and Diana couldn’t help but whisper: "What do you mean, why do you eat more papaya?"

be quiet.

There was no speech in the Soviet War, and there seemed to be no blinking in the darkness, as if it was just a mutter in my sleep. Diana can be sure that he didn't sleep, but now she is really embarrassed to ask, can only wait until tomorrow to find an opportunity to ask again.

Thinking about it, Diana fell asleep unconsciously. This feeling was not practical at first, and there was one more person around the place. Diana was not very used to it. But when she fell asleep and fell asleep, she felt like she was back in her mother's arms when she was a child. The kind of solidity and security made her fall asleep quickly.

I don't know how long I slept, the warmth of the wind made her snoring comfortably, and the body moved and seemed to want to change to a more comfortable position. The result suddenly woke up, remembering that she was not at home, nor in Paradise Island. But with the Soviet War in Tibet, and still sleep with him.

Diana, who was suddenly awake, wanted to get up, but did not notice that she was actually in the arms of the Soviet War. The hands of the Soviet War were embracing herself. This together not only did not get up, but also woke up the Soviet war.

"Are you awake?" The lazy voice of the Soviet War sounded.

Diana was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do. She just nodded silently and her heart was dying. She thought about it for a moment. It seemed that she fell asleep in the middle of the night and felt that the Soviet War was more comfortable and warm, and then she herself... I got into the arms of the Soviet Union, which made Diana even more embarrassed.

The Soviet War did not feel that Diana’s nervousness was the same as that of the embarrassment. She said with a smile: "Don’t wear armor next time, it’s hard, it’s not very comfortable!”

"I, I didn't mean it." Diana explained in a low voice.

I don't know what she said is the matter of getting into the arms of the Soviet War or the armor. The Soviet War did not ask.

In fact, he was a little cheaper to sell, and the fragrant jade was full of sorrow. Although he was wearing a armor, the fragrance was so comfortable that he was very comfortable. Raise your hand and release Diana, waving in the direction of the window.

The curtains are opened, the windows are open, and the fresh air is awesome.

"It’s almost noon, get up, pack up and go climb the mountain.” Su said with a smile, first climbed up.

This natural and casual look of the Soviet War made Diana a little less, and gradually recovered.

After the simple washing of the two, Diana put on her Tibetan clothes and came out of the hotel. When I passed the lobby, I didn't see the kind-hearted assistant manager. It was estimated to be a shift.

There are many people coming and going in the hotel. The Soviet War and Diana are not too eye-catching. After all, there are many foreigners who come here to travel, but Diana is more beautiful. Listening to the familiar language around, the Soviet War is really a bit like the feeling of being separated from the world, even with a little local language, but it does not affect this emotion.

Diana can also feel the emotions of the Soviet War.

From the hotel to the Himalayas, the hotel can provide a car, there are also places to rent a car nearby, but the two do not need it. From the hotel, I bought some food and drink nearby, bought two sets of cotton clothes, and then headed for the Himalayas.

The food and drink all let the Soviet War into the system space, wearing cotton clothes, all the way to see, it is really a little travel.

While they are relaxing and enjoying the view, there are also people who are thinking about them.

In the monitoring of a secret base, the words and actions of the Soviet War and Diana were presented in every move.

"Is they?"

Next to the surveillance, a man in a tight-fitting uniform wearing yellow and white asked.

The man has a nearly bald hairstyle with a slightly longer earlobe and a semi-circular pattern at the eyebrow. His voice was very calm and very honest, and there was a feeling that he was open and everything was silent.

"Should not, this woman's information is not available for the time being, but the man's information is very special. The Soviet War, the Chinese, codenamed Green Lantern, the leader of the Justice League!"

Another voice sounded, with a hint of mechanical sense, her body seemed to wear a black machine armor, with a helmet can not see clearly.

"This is a big man, what is he doing? Is it because of the magical fluctuations before?"

"It doesn't look like it. According to the data, he is more like picking up a girl here. But how about it, who knows? The generals of the Iron Face and the Snowman Night are not exactly there, let them go and see."



As the mountains are approaching, the surrounding climate is getting lower and lower, and the surrounding area is snow-capped. Turning around and looking back, it is like the junction of two worlds in the depths.

One is summer and the other is winter!

After entering the mountain range, the wind and snow roared, and the temperature dropped sharply. The deeper the depth, the more cold it felt. Fortunately, the temperature change at this level did not have much impact on the two people. In the beginning, occasionally you can see some tourists or mountain climbers, but as you go deeper, there is nothing but an endless snow-capped peak and flying snowflakes. The mountain is steep and the feet are soft and slippery.

The Soviet Union and Diana were easy to walk, and they jumped a few times, and the progress was fast.

It didn't take long before I came to Mount Everest.

"Is it better than one?" Su war turned and asked Diana.

"How is it?" As a Princess of Amazon, Diana has never retreated.

"It's very simple. It's better than watching who climbs to the top. It can only be used for climbing, not for flying."

"it is good!"

The two of them each found a good place, and they looked at each other. They almost had a heart and soul. At the same time, they climbed up the mountain.

There are no tools and no protective measures.

This is for people to see, and they must have thought they were crazy.

In fact, the two climbed very safely every step of the way, and the speed... very fast! \')

Chapter 812

Read The Duke's Passion