MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 816 Spike Chu Jiang Wang (

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The 816th chapter kills the Chujiang King (the third is to seek flowers and flowers)

The sudden appearance of the Soviet War and Diana made the Chu Jiang Wang and the Feng Po really shocked. The parking lot can be said to be guarded by the guards. There are Lei Gong and the electric mother guarding outside. It is impossible for anyone to come in easily. Look at the ▓毛▓线▓小▓ says

The ghost fox killer also looked at the man and the woman with some doubts, guessing their identity.

"Don't know me?" Su war asked.

"The district is a mortal." Chu Jiang Wang Shen channel.

"It seems that I really don't know me." The Soviet Union shook his head and didn't even know himself. The information of this pseudo-God organization is too backward. In this way, I dare to call you a god.

Chu Jiang Wang and Feng Po looked at each other and could not help guessing his identity. Who is this person? How do I know that I am a superstar? Do you all know my posture? On the contrary, the ghost fox killer, the original desperate expression suddenly raised hope.

She believes who he is!

Although I don't know why he appeared here, she knows that her chances are coming.

When the Chu Jiang Wang and the Feng Po guessed, the ghost fox killer moved instantly.

The action is flexible, the skill is quick and the speed is very fast. Although the Chu Jiang Wang reacted with the Feng Po, it was already a little late. The ghost fox killer has already left their encirclement and came to the Soviet Union.

"I am a member of the Heavenly Special Department's ten heroes, the ghost fox killer, I hope you can help." After the ghost fox killer came to the Soviet side, he said with eager respect.

Su Zhan smiled: "It is a special trip for you. Xuan Ming and Cang Cang should also come, but not so fast."

"I really appreciate it." The ghost fox killer's eyes lit up and gratefully said.

Chujiang Wang and Fengpa are still thinking about the identity of the Soviet War, but once they hear the conversation between the two, they will understand, no matter who his identity is, he is to save the ghost fox killer, that is the enemy!


The wind and the hoarse voice screamed, and the wind blade instantly rushed toward the Soviet War.


The Soviet War was slightly sideways, and a pair of wind blades crossed the side. The cars behind them suffered innocent disasters and exploded directly.


The wind blade fell, and the Chujiang King’s sickle had already come over, and it was so strong that he could feel the chills before he arrived. Seeing the sickle approaching, heading straight to the head of the Soviet War, but abruptly stopped at a close distance.

The king of Chujiang has big eyes and is unbelievable.

The force was so heavy, the fast and incomparable sickle was blocked by the Soviet War, blocked with a finger...

How can this be?

The shocked subconscious of Chu Jiangwang wanted to retreat, but found that he could not bring the sickle back, and then he saw the other party suddenly laughed.

The smile is very calm and very bright.

But this smile is full of crisis in the eyes of Chu Jiang Wang, it is simply the smile of death.

I don't have time to think about it, Chujiang Wang has let go, and back. The sense of crisis in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that I can let other people think about anything else, just want to be far away from him!


In the retreat, Chu Jiang Wang suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if there was any sharp blade to wear out.

"So fast……"

Chu Jiangwang bowed his head and saw a black lacquered rifle, looking along the gun body. The Soviet War held his own sickle in one hand and the gun in the other.


The long gun suddenly recovered, and the severe pain that passed through the body once again caused the Chu Jiang Wang to slammed to the ground and finally lay down slowly. As he lay down, there was already a stream of blood on the ground...

The soul is not there, only one dead body is left.

Looked at the sickle in his hand, Su war fingers slightly force, in an instant, the sickle broke the city section.


Even the power of one's own fingers can't bear it, so there is no interest in the integration of the Soviet War into the Blade of God.


A shot to kill Chu Jiang Wang.

This result made the wind, the ghost fox killer stunned.

The ghost fox killer knows the identity of the Soviet War and knows that the Soviet War is very strong, but he is not strong enough to know. Now, when she saw it with her own eyes, she realized how shocked she was.

Nothing is so powerful, there is no strong atmosphere.

It’s just an understatement, a quick shot, and the Chujiang King’s opponent who made the ghost fox killer feel incomparably difficult was spiked.

This is really powerful!

This is the gap!

The ghost fox killer looked at the eyes of the Soviet war, and could not help but become hot.


Feng Po suddenly shouted, and the wind blew around, turned and ran.

She is similar to the strength of Chu Jiangwang. Chu Jiangwang was shot by this mysterious man and she dared to stay here. Escape, must escape, there is a thunderbolt outside the electric mother, the three may join hands may have hope.

Feng Po's speed is very fast, almost to the entrance of the parking lot in the blink of an eye.

"Not good, stop her. There are Leigong and the electric mother outside..."

The ghost fox killer shouted a subconscious reminder, but found that the Soviet war did not panic and said: "Not afraid, one pot is over."

"One pot is over..."

The ghost fox killer reacted to this. The people around him are not the comrades of the Ten Heroes, but the leader of the Justice League, the Soviet War!

For her, if Fenghe meets with Leigong, it may be very dangerous and tricky, but for the Soviet War, it is more convenient.

This is the gap!

The Soviet War did not stop, and the wind escaping easily escaped from the parking lot. Outside the parking lot, two guys dressed in exotic costumes are standing nearby.

It is the Leigong and the electric mother.

Seeing that the wind ran out in panic, the two were quite surprised.

"What's wrong? Is the ghost fox killer dead?"

"She found a helper, very strong, Chu Jiang Wang was shot by a second." Feng Po screamed in a panic.

"How is it possible, you are joking, if someone goes in, we can't find it."


Lei Gong and the electric mother did not believe to say.

"Really, can I still lie to you at this time?" Feng Po anxiously shouted, Lei Gong gave the electric mother but did not put it in the heart, seeing them like this, Feng Po can say anything. "If you don't believe it, let me go!"

When the voice fell, the wind-wife instantly turned into a gust of wind and flew straight away.

Lei Gong and the two mothers were a bit stunned. Didn't he think that Feng Pu ran so easily?

I glanced at each other and they finally felt that something was wrong, but... it was too late.

The three men of the Soviet Union have slowly come out of the parking lot. \')

Chapter 817

Read The Duke's Passion