MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 827 Water is ripe

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The 287th chapter is a matter of course (the fourth is to ask for flowers)

Reintegration is a very tedious process. Breaking up and reorganizing is also a very delicate job! I have done it many times, and the Soviet War is a practice that makes perfect, can be used with one heart and one mind, and combines strength with one side and chats with Diana. Look_毛_线_小_ says

After a while, Lin Ruling took back the things she had eaten. The Soviet War and Diana ate and chatted. Although she did not pay much attention to Lin Ruling, she was not ashamed of her feelings. She was very clear about her status.

After the meal, the Soviet War also integrated the power.

Here, Lin Ruling cleaned up the things, and the Soviet War and Diana discussed where to go.

Taiwan said that it is not big, saying that it is not small, there are many places to play, but basically these days have been gone, so the two studied for a long time and finally decided not to go out. Although it seems that nothing is left in the room, it is not boring, and the chat time is very fast. When the evening came, the ghost fox killer came over and said that it might take some time, and the Soviet war did not matter.

Bringing Diana and Lin Ruling, the three had a dinner outside, and also watched the movie.

Originally, I was thinking about watching it with other people, but there was no way, the Soviet War was good, Lin Ruling was too good, the popularity was too high, there was no way to watch the movie, and finally I had to pack it. It is said that the film crew of the film later also deliberately In the media, the publicity of this incident, many people are curious about what movies the Soviet War is watching, and also contributed a lot of box office to them. It is said that the female starring still wants to contact the Soviet war and express her gratitude, but the Soviet war did not pay attention to it.

It’s not as beautiful as Lin Ruling’s, and there’s not even a single interest.

The night was getting deeper, and after the Soviet War came out, Diana had already lie down.

There was a pink wall lamp in the bedroom, Diana leaned against the bed, the quilt covered the body, revealing the smooth shoulders, and the lighting of the light made Diana look like a very special charm. Once in, the Soviet War felt It seems that there is a kind of awkward breath in the bedroom.

Under the light, Diana lowered her head slightly and saw the Soviet War coming in with a soft voice.

It was just a sigh. In the Soviet War, there was a special sense of sorrow, so that he couldn’t help but swallow his throat. As a result, he did not notice that he even made a sound. Diana, who heard the sound, looked up and saw the hot eyes of the Soviet War and could not help but laugh out loud.

"As for it? I haven't seen it yet," Diana whispered.

Su Zhan smiled and said: "Not the same, now you are particularly attractive, so I can't help but want to eat you."

“Really?” Diana asked.

"Of course it is true." Su war said, has come to Diana's side.

"That... then I will eat, I have not stopped you," Diana whispered.

"Then I will be welcome." Diana said this, the Soviet Union will naturally not pinch anything. It can be said that she can not bear to eat her for so long, and the Soviet War itself feels very magical. Sleeping together every day, I can stand it. It’s not that I can’t do it myself, nor that Diana is not attractive. I can’t say it, there’s a feeling of warmth, and there’s a feeling of passing through. I’m watching Diana’s reaction change a little bit: it’s also very interesting.

Now, it’s finally over!

Just did not expect that Diana took the initiative.

It seems that the fire has arrived.

Su Shi was lying on the side of Diana and directly opened the quilt and prepared to drill in. As a result, the quilt opened and Diana subconsciously blocked the body. It was discovered in the Soviet War that she did not wear anything.

"Baptized, no, no change."

Seeing the smile of the Soviet War, Diana explained in a low voice.

But the real reason, then only she knows it.

Su Zhan smiled, and did not say anything about Diana’s explanation. He didn’t even think about it now. It’s true or not. Although these days have already been seen, I’m never tired of it. Every time I look at it, I can make him feel like a wave. Hey.

Reaching out, the Soviet War twisted Diana's face and bowed down. At the same time, the palm of the hand has followed her cheeks, neck, and slowly slipped. This place has not touched him in these few days, but each time it seems to have a different feeling.

Diana’s reaction came very quickly, and it was also related to the preparations for the Soviet War in the past few days. It seemed that her change became even darker.

The wheezing sounded gradually, and Diana’s eyes were already closed, and I was allowed to stand by you. Holding her little hand, the Soviet War gestured, and Diana didn't react, but she still moved.

These things have not been done these days, and soon they have entered the state. Next... Naturally, the last step, the Soviet Union has deliberately stopped, this time... naturally not.

"Are you ready?" Su war asked softly towards Diana.

Diana twisted her head and gently clicked on it, then her hands clasped the neck of the Soviet War.


Under the relief of the Soviet War, Diana’s expression stretched, and the Soviet War knew that... the time was right!



In the living room, Lin Ruling was lying on the sofa and tossing and turning, it was difficult to sleep.

Both the happiness of liberation and the confusion of the future.

Between the hustle and bustle, she seemed to hear the sound coming from the bedroom, which made Lin Ruling feel at once.

I heard it and finally heard it!

For a few nights, the inside was particularly quiet. The Soviet War had never touched herself. She even once speculated that the Soviet War was not good. The online reports did not say that he had made the smoke bomb. Now she finally heard, Diana's voice!

As a result, I listened for more than two hours. In the end, Diana’s pleading sounded and the voice gradually subsided.

More than two hours!

Even if Lin Ruling did not have this experience, she naturally understood what was unexpected, not to mention that the voice was too arrogant for her. She did not seem to find it. Unconsciously, her pajamas were messy, and her hands were even more I don't know when it has been placed on both ends.

After a while, Lin Ruling gradually calmed down, and her face was red and she felt shameful. She packed her clothes in a hurry. As a result, the bedroom door suddenly opened. \')

Chapter 828

Read The Duke's Passion