MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 830 Give me her! (

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Chapter VIII gave me a smash! (The second is to ask for flowers)

The ghost fox killer secretly sighed, but inexplicably had a feeling of loss, put down the glass, the ghost fox killer got up. Look at the ◎Mao ◎ line ◎ small ◎ said that with the dynamic music, ten minutes later I saw the ghost fox killer with five or six women back, each one is like a model, and looks pretty good. The ghost fox killer came over and introduced it one by one, but the Soviet War did not remember it at all. They sat down one by one, and the box soon became crowded and lively. The nightclub specially sent a few bottles of wine to eat and drink, and while eating and drinking, it was not the same as before.

"How? These are not popular stars, they are potential new stars. I told them that you told them to come over and play, and they will come over without saying anything." The ghost fox killer whispered in the Soviet war.

The Soviet War is very natural to hold the ghost fox killer, and the other side also holds a star who does not know who it is. He smiles and says: "It's good, so there is a playing atmosphere."

Alcohol anesthesia, dynamic music, enchanting dance.

There is no such thing as the excitement in the box. The stars are fighting for each other. It can be said that they have exerted all their efforts, what idols are burdened, and what they are holding, as if they have all been thrown aside. How can they attract the attention of the Soviet War to their own body is to let them care, that the degree of seriousness is even more difficult than the usual trial of the audition, it is also quite hard. They don't know the identity of the ghost fox killer, but that doesn't mean they won't treat her as an opponent. Everyone can see that the Soviet war is different for her.

How to grab the Soviet War from her hands is the purpose of these stars.

It was okay at first, but slowly, the ghost fox killer seemed to feel something, and she laughed and sipped the wine, as if she didn't bother.

Since it is out to play, it is only fun, and the Soviet War will not be so rigid. Especially in the case that the ghost fox killer did not express it, the mood of the Soviet War really came up. Left and right, hug and drink, listening to their arrogant anger, but also deliberately put together on their own, the man's sense of accomplishment is still very strong. Even if you know that you just have to play on the spot, and have other purposes, but let them be willing to do so, it is enough to prove the strength.

Otherwise, if you change to someone else, I am afraid that even people will not take care of you.

There are two women sitting on the two legs of the Soviet War. The same is true for the left and right arms. The hands of the Soviet War are not idle. I will touch the legs here and touch the chest there. As for the small Soviet war, it is even more expensive from time to time.

What is ridiculous, this is it!

The ghost fox killer looked at it, and there was something in the heart. Looking at the stars and the X-like daggers, she couldn't help but vomit, watching the Soviets come and refuse, and enjoy it, she is still sour. She thought that in this case, the man's face must be ugly and disgusting, but I don't know why, she didn't have this feeling when she saw the Soviet War, even if he was taking advantage of it, even if he was ridiculously left and right. , up and down his hand, but there is a sense of reason, as if he should be like this!

It is ugly and disgusting for others to do this.

He is doing what he wants, he... is like a king!

Seeing that the female celebrities are squatting, they feel that they are not forced to start undressing. Seeing that some individuals know that their personality is not so open, deliberately drinking and trying to get drunk can open up some opportunities, and the ghost fox killer can’t sit still. Standing up, she couldn't help but sway, I don't think she thought that she had just drunk a lot of wine, but she didn't want to get drunk or drunk at all, just thinking... I should be at the place around the Soviet War. That...they is their position, not watching the female stars around the Soviet War, but they are drinking next to them!

"Oh, who pulled me..."

A female celebrity screamed and the body was pulled to the side of the sofa.

However, her voice was not heard at all, and no one listened to it.

The ghost fox killers are one by one, and they quickly squeezed into the position around the Soviet war. Before she had adjusted her mood to say some scenes, she did not know who pushed behind her and let her directly rush into the arms of the Soviet War. The Soviet War seemed to have not noticed who the people in the arms were. After all, there were too many people, and they did not turn their heads. They reached out and walked straight through the collar.

"Ah..." The ghost fox killer snorted, and thought of the Soviet war so straight into it.

"The call is pretty good." Su war haha ​​smiled more comfortable.

Everyone did not notice that there was a special energy around the box and it was completely covered.

It was discovered by outsiders, because from the outside, the whole box was incomparably dark and nothing could be seen. Some people already know that there is fear that it is already picked up. Although curiosity will look like it, no one dares to get close to the neighborhood.

"Are you hot?" The Soviet Union shouted.


"What are you waiting for, take off and take off."

As the shouts of the Soviet War fell, the loud voices sounded, and the female stars were very unconstrained and took off the poor clothes that were originally few, and for a while... the flowers were stunned! The Soviet War looked at them one by one, and they all showed their best faces.

"How can she not take off, she does not take off, you are on..."

The Soviet War was with the ghost fox killer in his arms, the ghost fox killer was about to talk, and the women had already rushed up.

"No, you let me go, I want to be angry. Ah..." The ghost fox killer is trying to resist, but they are like being sacred, they are all crazy, not long after, the ghost fox killer has been They got it, and looked at the ghost fox killer to cover up the sly look. Su screamed and slammed her into her arms and put it on her lap.

"Now... can I do whatever I want?" The Soviet War whispered in her ear.

The ghost fox killer was just about to talk, and the Soviet War had already gotten his hands and she couldn’t tell her.

"Just you came to me by myself..."

The Soviet War said that the resistance of the ghost fox killer collapsed instantly. \')

Chapter 831

Fanwai "Super Gods College": The first chapter with the beauty room

"If I give you a chance to save the world, would you promise?"

The black man in front of him looked at himself seriously, and the Soviet War suddenly wanted to laugh.

A month ago, he chose a special copy and entered the world of Super Theological Seminary. For a month, the Soviet War did nothing, and was enjoying this kind of vacation-like life.

After all, this copy can stay without limit, and it is only a moment after going out.

The huge black holes in the sky stand, emitting red light, and sometimes the sound of hell, the danger does not know when it will come, the world has begun to change somewhat.

In this environment, there is money and strength, and the Soviet war is naturally very cool.

Until recently, the black man broke into his room, arrogantly said that it was the National Security Agency, scared away a group of models he had invited, and said what he had just said.

"If I give you a chance to save the world, would you promise?"

"Do not agree." The Soviet war shook his head.

"If you give you a divine power, can you do it?" the black man asked.

Divine power? The Soviet War was awkward. "Consider thinking." He said casually.

"Is there a beautiful woman?" the black man asked again.

Su war laughed and patted the table: "Dry!"

Sitting on the helicopter and looking down, the city, the fields, the Soviet Union glanced at it and there was no interest.

"You are the first to be so calm." The black man sat next to the Soviet War, and said with some surprise.

The Soviet Union smiled uncontrollably. “Is there anything to be surprised about?”

The black man shook his head: "I hope you can still be so calm after you have arrived."

Super Theological College, a special college, can come to this college with special abilities. After training, it becomes a super war **** to face the crisis that may arise. In other copies, the Soviet War may go straight to the subject, but in this copy, a lot of time, naturally happy to enjoy relaxation. When I came to the Super Theological Seminary, I received my own things. Under his special reminder, he was assigned to the B205.

The bedroom building, the Soviet War, looked for a room, and soon came to the B205.

Taking a deep breath, the Soviet war slowly pushed the door open.

Some of the room was dim, a woman with her back to herself, a leather upper body, a tight leather shorts, stockings, a pair of high-heeled high heels, and a slender katana in her hand.

When I heard the opening of the door, the woman said coldly: "An **** is coming again."

She leaned her head slightly, but she couldn't see it.

"You are the fourth hanging wire that wants to enter my room."

"Is there before?" asked the Soviet Union.


"Then, what about them?" The Soviet War looked at the bedroom, not like other people living.

"Now I have gone to Room 210 as a base. Now, you either go to Room 210 or stay as an eunuch."

"Somewhat awkward, hot beauty, you don't think you have a knife in your hand, you can slap in front of me?" Su said with a chuckle.

The voice just fell, the beauty suddenly shot, a dagger suddenly came out, and went straight between the legs of the Soviet war.

The action is fast and the position is accurate.

"that's it?"

The beauty suddenly heard the sound of the savage in the Soviet War. Hearing the slamming sound, the dagger flew out along her side and nailed it to the wall. The beauty was a little unexpected and turned subconsciously.

Thumbs up!

This is the first reaction of the Soviet War.

Not only the body, the back is very good, the long is also very good.

"It's a bit of a skill, but it's not enough to want to live in." After the beauty finished, she suddenly opened her body and swung it up. For a moment, countless daggers flew toward the Soviet War.

The Soviet Union did not move in the same place, and the palms were waving like a shadow.

In an instant, the beauty stopped, and there were countless beheads in the hands of the Soviet War.

"Are you all taken over?" the beautiful woman shocked.

The Soviet Union smiled and smiled and went to the ground. "I live next to you, don't you have any opinion?"

Although it was an inquiry, the Soviet War had already put the luggage down and made the bed.

The beautiful woman frowned, and she was silent for a long time without actually stopping.

"I rely, isn't it? I haven't come out so late, is he successful?"

"Nima, I think my Galen has failed. How can someone succeed?"

"Gailen, Jiawen, I don't believe in the letter..."

"What should I do?"

"Compared with one, see if it is new, or if you are stronger!"

"De Masia!"

"De Masia!"

"De Masia."

There were three wolf-like howls in the bedroom of the 210 room.

Night, getting deeper.

Su Zhan was lying on the bed and looked at the beautiful roommate who had dressed up for a casual dress.

Small sling, close-fitting hot pants.


"Beauty, what is your name?" asked the Soviets contemptuously.

"Du Weiwei."

"Rose? I thought you should call a rose, full of temptation and danger." Su said with a chuckle: "My name is Soviet War."

"It's best to be careful when you sleep." Du Fuwei snorted and turned and lay down to cover the quilt.

Su Zhan smiled, this dangerous woman is very suitable for his appetite.

Night, quietly passed.

The next morning, the Soviet Union stretched out and got up from the bed. She looked at the bed that had been arranged by Du Fuwei. She chuckled. Last night, Du Fuwei attacked herself three times in the night, and the result has naturally failed. I don’t know her now. I went to the school to change my bedroom, or went to work hard.

Always, it should be the latter.

She is a very strong woman, because she is strong, there are few opponents in the college, and it is hard to come to herself. She should not give up like this!

After the washing was completed, the Soviet War slowly came to the rooftop of the bedroom.

Sitting in the corner next to it, watching Du Weiwei wearing a sportswear there in the morning exercise.

Du Weiwei's body is very good, watching the beauty morning exercise is also a kind of enjoyment!

Du Weiwei noticed the Soviet War, but she snorted but ignored it. It is estimated that she was still depressed for the failure of yesterday’s night attack. Silent morning, the breeze blows, one is exercising, the other is watching her exercise, the atmosphere is incomparably harmonious.

But this harmony was quickly ruined by three sneaky people.

Galen, Xinye, Jiawen.

The three people got together, sneaked out of the corner, staring at Du Weiwei's do not know what to say, this brother three have suffered in the hands of Du Weiwei, it seems that how to revenge It! \')

Chapter 832

Fanwai "Super Gods College": The second chapter sisters are mine!

"Remember, the first step is to find out where your opponent is."

Engaged in the three brothers hiding in the corner to see the Du Fuwei who is exercising.

"Wow... I haven't made a living in my life..." Looking at Du Weiwei's back, Xinye couldn't help but sigh.

"I think you are still suitable for the foundation." A voice suddenly sounded.

The three brothers were shocked and turned around and saw the Soviet battle.

"Who are you," Geren called.

"It won't be the guy he put in, who lived in Room 205 and was not driven out."

"I rely on, idol!"

The three of you said a word to me, and instantly changed from arrogance to worship! Seeing them like this, the Soviet Union shook his head helplessly and turned and left.

"Rely, you can't do it, don't forget our revenge plan."

Galen suddenly reacted. At this time, the Soviet Union and Du Weiwei had disappeared. The three brothers rushed to find it. Finally, Du Weiwei was found on the playground.

"The second step is to sneak up when the other party is not taking weapons!" The three brothers hid in the grass on the playground and watched the Du Fuwei who had come across.

"It’s coming here."

"Put it together?" Galen asked.

"No courage, there is real effort." Xinye said arrogantly.

"Screaming courage?" Galen proposed.

"What are you calling?"

"Just call the one shouted in the bedroom last night."

"it is good!"

"De Masia!" The three brothers shouted and prepared to pounce.

Du Weiwei, who just ran over, was slightly panicked, and then her mouth sneered. At the moment they landed, Du Weiwei suddenly disappeared and the next moment appeared behind them.

The three brothers lost their hands, and Galen shouted: "It doesn't matter, she has no weapons!"

"Use your little hand, yell at me..." Jia Wen screamed and walked toward Du Weiwei.

When the voice just fell, I heard a bang, and Jia Wen immediately flew out.

The Soviet War did not know when it appeared next to Du Weiwei, slowly withdrawing the leg: "Hey, your sister, you will go to the base of the three foundations, the sisters are mine!"

"boring!" Du Fuwei snorted and turned away.

"Rely, buddy, do you want to be so greedy?"

"Yeah, why let us get the foundation." BGBI Lun shouted with the conviction of the letter.

Su Zhanpi smiled and said with a smile: "Just rely on strength!"

Galen and Xinye instantly retreat.

"Don't say that I don't give you a chance. Except for what I have seen, you can still feel free." Su Shi looked at Jiawen who climbed up and said something faintly, then turned and left.

The first lesson of the Super-School Academy, the Soviet War saw the wandering mage Ritz, the blue skin, is said to have lived for thousands of years, as the first class of the new students, the next Ma Wei is indispensable, Ritz's next Mawei is very simple, It is to tell the students of the Super Theological Seminary how uncomfortable and dangerous, and to work hard to become a lot of Barabala.

The Soviet Union did not listen to it, and looked at the next Du Weiwei with his head.

Du Weiwei belongs to the kind of high-cold type. She frowned slightly for the gaze of the Soviet war, and looked at him impatiently. "I haven't seen enough yet?"

The Soviet Union shrugged: "The beauty you like is certainly not enough. What's more, it won't take long for other beautiful women to come when they are afraid to see the flowers, and now you only have to look at them."

"Shameless!" Du Weiwei said.

"Want to become stronger?" Su said with a smile.

Du Weiwei hesitated and said: "What do you mean?"

Su Zhan laughed and said nothing.

At this time, the Ritz on the podium is saying that if someone is afraid to quit, the ones left before will be the true students of the college, and by that time he will summon a **** to come.

"God? Is there a god?" Du Weiwei was a little surprised.

Su war laughed: "It is God for you."

"So you are not right?" Du Weiwei shouted.

Su war smiled: "There are only two identities for me: my woman, and... the woman I can't see."

"The tone is so big, then you dare to wait for the **** to appear when you first challenge her?" Du Weiwei said with a smirk.

"Exciting the law, want to test me and the strength of the god? It is smart. Also, as long as you promise to date me afterwards, I don't mind if you are!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"If you can survive when you get there," Du Weiwei said.

After the teacher said, he turned and went out. The Super Theological Seminary was divided into two classes. Durban and Nobun, the brothers and three brothers were in Durban, and the Soviet Union was in Nobun. There was no reason for him. Nobun had Du Fuwei. Beauty. When Ritz went to Durban, it should be the set of words. Nothing was left to idle. The Soviet War turned to Du Weiwei: "Your micro-wormhole technology is good, that is, your defense is too weak, if you really want to become stronger, Strengthening your physical fitness is king."

Du Fuwei frowned and pondered.

At this time, there was a loud noise coming from the next door, and it seemed that something had happened.

The Soviet Union turned back and squinted through the wall, and saw a guy who was fluent in the air, saying that he wanted to smash the field, and he was on the same line with the three brothers.

Big D!

"Since the big D is coming, then the other is coming soon."

"What another?" asked Du Weiwei.

"Beauty!" Su war smiled and got up and went out.

Du Fuwei snorted. "I have to see what kind of beauty it is."

"Is it so strict, I can't move away? How can I be afraid of being taken away by the new beauty? Rest assured, even if there are more beautiful women, I will never forget you." Looking at the follow-up Du Weiwei, Su Zhan said with a smile. .

Du Fuwei didn't talk coldly.

"I rely, isn't it? So soon together?"

When passing by the door of Durban, the three brothers of the base friend smashed the big D, watching Du Weiwei walk with the Soviet war, could not help but sigh.

Du Fuwei turned his head and glanced.

The three people snorted in an instant.

When I walked into the campus and looked at the road at the school gate, the Soviet War stopped and looked forward to a look of hope. It didn’t take long for the roaring motorcycle to sound, and I saw a female policeman riding a car and galloping in the Soviet Union. Near the end of a sudden stop, a sudden brake, parked the car, squatting down the car with long legs.

After rubbing her hair, she looked at the Soviet War and said: "Look what, haven’t you seen the police?"\')

Chapter 833

Fanwai "Super Gods College": Chapter 3, Police Flower Caitlin

"Is this police card very self-confident?" Seeing the unsuccessful Soviet war, the police asked with a smile.

"No." The Soviet War shook his head.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, even the end of the world, my gun will definitely fight to the end." Police said, twisting a small waist.


Du Weiwei said loudly.

Su Zhan smiled and he felt very interesting. He had a completely different feeling from Du Fuwei.

"No, I smelled the sin of crime. Some people are fighting and fighting? I know that it is right here." The policeman was excited, and she pressed for a long time. Finally, she had the opportunity to show the strength of the police, and she could shoot.

"Police flower classmate, what is your name?" Seeing her eager to leave, the Soviet War asked.

"Remember, my name is Caitlin." Police waved and waved, twisting and swaying away.

"This is the beauty you said?" Du Weiwei said to the Soviet war with disdain.

Su Zhan smiled: "I can't deny that she is really beautiful. Although it looks a bit funny, I am a bit afraid that the world will not be chaotic. In fact, her strength is not weak. She is the sniper I chose, if you don't believe it. I can try it. If you lose, I will help you with your injury, but after returning to the bedroom, my clothes will be washed by you. How about?"


Du Weiwei snorted without conviction, turned and went to find Kettering to try.

The Soviet Union shook his head in a dumb voice: "This girl doesn't know whether it is cold or staying. I don't even say my bet. It's useless anyway. It seems that people who wash clothes have fallen."

When Du Weiwei found Caitlin, Caitlin just threatened to complete the base three brothers. The three brothers fled and fled, and Caitlin swayed with a gun and was not too slow, and a cat caught the teacher and chased after him.

"Okay, don't run."

The Soviet War stopped the three brothers and pointed to the back: "Someone stopped for you."

The three brothers looked back and Du Fuwei had already played against Caitlin.

A flying knife, a gun.

Although not intense, it is very dangerous.

It is faint to see the victory and defeat of the two people rising.

"God, women are so powerful, what do we do in the future." Xinye said with a smile. Galen and Jia Wen deeply nodded, and then heard Jia Wendao: "What is there, but the emperor, the emperor conquered her..."

Jiawen’s cow had not finished blowing, and suddenly he was kicked out with a bang.

"How is it for me?" Jia Wen said with a depressed voice: "Why."

Su war squinted at Caitlin. "mine."

Galen and Zhao Xin helped Jia Wen, and he could not help but smile.

"Sisters are mine!"

The three brothers thought of what they said before the Soviet War.

When they talked a few times, the two sisters had already won the game. In the end, the flying knife was still not as good as the bullet. Du Weiwei had already hid in the classroom. Outside the line of sight, who knows that Caitlin played. The super high shooting ability is to hit the bullet in the abdomen of Du Wei by relying on the rebound.

Caitlin proudly went away.

"I am going, this is too embarrassing."

"Who said no?"

"I said that the Soviet War, you can't do it, these two are all sly characters."

Su Zhan smiled: "This does not require you to worry about it, or worry more about yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"It means, you should run."

As the voice of the Soviet War fell, the three brothers had seen Caitlin, who was smiling with the devil, coming over here. The three brothers shouted and they ran away in an instant.

When Caitlin came over, she glanced at the Soviet War, and the Soviet Union laughed and said nothing.

This is quite waisty, strong enough!

"How, admit defeat?"

The Soviet War came to the classroom and looked at the frowning and dissatisfied Du Fuwei.

Du Weiwei snorted without speaking.

Su war smiled and suddenly picked up Du Weiwei.

"What are you doing!" Du Weiwei shouted.

"Take you a cure." Su war said, holding her directly back to the bedroom.

This road is quite remarkable.

Although Du Weiwei is very cold, this scene also makes her shameless. She wants to break free but can't do it. The hot eyes around her can't help but bury her face in the arms of the Soviet War. I don't know, she is like this. It seems to others that it is shy!

Back to the bedroom, the Soviet War put Du Weiwei on the bed, and then... smacked and smashed her clothes directly. Du Fuwei was shocked and said: "No, you don't have to help me, but I am a killer!"

The implication is that I am a killer and will cure myself.

Seeing Du Weiwei's resistance, the Soviet War grabbed Du Weiwei's hands together, holding it with one hand and the other hand on her lower abdomen. "Don't move, look like this, I know that I am treating you with injuries. I don't know what I thought of you. When I think of you, I am coming back, if you are struggling too much, you think others will how to think?"

"They, how do they want to have anything to do with me."

Du Fuwei said a word, but did not struggle again.

The fingers of the Soviet War were slightly forced, and the bullets were squeezed out of the wound in an instant. This made Du Weiwei sigh and couldn't help but scream, so that the Soviet Union could not help but shiver.

"Don't, others should not hear." Seeing the Soviet War and looking at himself, Du Weiwei whispered.

"Other people don't hear me, I don't know. I only know that I can hear. Others will think about me, but you know what I think now?" The direct hot eyes of the Soviet War made Du Weiwei not dare to In the opposite direction, how can she not hear the deep meaning in her speech? "You, don't forget our bet, you won the god, I... I promised to date you."

"I didn't say that I want to date now." Looking at Du Weiwei's nervous but pretending to be calm, the Soviet War could not help but smile.

A little bit of light, the wound heals quickly.

Seeing that the Soviet War really hurts himself, and the effect is so amazing, Du Weiwei also forgot the tension, and looked at the wound healing on the lower abdomen, even the scars. She looked up and asked her how to do the Soviet War, but she suddenly saw the Soviet Union took off her shirt, and... she was taking off her pants...\')

Chapter 834

Fanwai "Super God College": Chapter 4 Another Roommate

"What do you want to do!" Du Weiwei suddenly appeared in the hands of a flying knife, nervously shouted.

Su war looked at her and said with a smile: "What do you think I want to do? How about rogue?"

"You, what are you taking off your pants." Du Weiwei shouted.

"Well for you, don't you forget our bet?"

Su Zhan smirked, took off his pants, and gave Du Weiwei together with the clothes.

Although Du Weiwei was not reconciled, she snorted and picked up her clothes and went out.

Soon... Du Weiwei spread the clothes to the Soviet Union and spread it throughout the college.

It’s totally unbelievable? The cold killer Du Weiwei will actually wash clothes for men? Not long after, there were a lot of people around, and Du Weiwei had endured for a long time with a bite of teeth, and soon recovered the silence under the knives of the flying knife.

Su Zhan squatted on the bed and thought of Du Weiwei's picture of washing clothes for himself. He suddenly smiled and suddenly the door was pushed open. The Soviet Union thought that Du Weiwei would come back. He said casually: "I will talk first, you can not Be fooled, clothes should be washed."

"what clothes?"

A crisp voice sounded, and the Soviet War looked up and found that Caitlin was carrying luggage.

"Here is Room 205? How do you have a boy?"

Caitlin was puzzled with a box, and then she was surprised: "It's still a metamorphosis without clothes!"

Caitlin instantly put down her luggage and pulled out the gun at the Soviet War. "Rogue, leave here right away."

"This can't be done, I live here!" Su said with a smile, and looked at Caitlin's gun.

"Yes? Then you will die!" Caitlin snorted and shot directly. The gun was aimed at the guns beside the Soviet War. He just wanted to scare and scare him. Who knows that the Soviet War actually moved, and he did not deceive and sat up, just to become his forehead.

"Not good, get rid of it!"

Caitlin was a little panicked and subconsciously wanted to push the Soviet war. However, she forgot, how can people have bullets fast, the moment she saved, the bullet has hit the Soviet war.

"Oops!" Caitlin regretted it and couldn't help but rushed into the arms of the Soviet War.

"Well, although you will be living together in the future, but you don't have to be so excited, so eager? When you come up, you will be throwing me up and throwing me up?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Caitlin squinted and looked up at the Soviet War: "Are you okay?"

"If you mean this bullet, of course it's okay!" Su Zhan raised his hand with a smile, and a bullet was firmly in his hand.

Caitlin is stunned.

She saw it very clearly, obviously hit, how... How could he be caught by him?

I was still worried, regret, but now I am suddenly not convinced.

"Let me go!" Caitlin wants to get up, but the Soviet War has held her to death.

"Let me go, or I will shoot."

"Open, anyway, your gun can't hurt me, let alone, you think that only you have a gun, I have it!"

"You also have a gun, where?"

"At this!"


The Soviet War deliberately stood up, and Kedlin felt that he had been topped for a moment. The voice of the roaring voice was a little soft, and it was really a bit of a flirtatious feeling.

"You... shameless!"

The awkward Du Fuwei came back, but she saw that the Soviet war and the injured Caitlin were kneeling on the bed. Du Fuwei slammed the clothes to the ground, and the knife in his hand went straight.

"What are you doing, do you want to fight?"

Caitlin hurriedly avoided, and took the opportunity to jump down, aiming at Du Weiwei.

"Shameless, hit it!"

"Afraid of you, your hand will be defeated."

The two women competed in an instant, and the Soviet Union smiled and said: "If you let the three brothers know that your two beautiful women are jealous for me, they will definitely die!"

"Who is jealous for you."

Caitlin and Du Weiwei turned and shouted at the same time.

"It's quite a tacit understanding. Well, after all, it's a roommate. Don't argue, and you are all people. You should be right with the enemy. After all... you will have a **** opponent right away!" Said.

"What god?" Caitlin asked curiously.

The Soviet Union shrugged: "Let the Rose explain it to you."

Although Du Weiwei was reluctant and her attitude was cold, she explained it.

Since then, Caitlin has also come in.

The Soviet War once again became the idol of the three brothers of the Friends of the Friends and became the man of the college.

Living with two beautiful women, oh no, the same bedroom!

But soon this incident was robbed of the limelight by another thing. Most people who are not convinced have already withdrawn from the Super Theological Seminary, and the rest are ready to meet... God's coming!

Reitz informed the new students early, today, will summon God!

On the playground of the school, the students gathered in succession, grouped in groups, talking about what the called **** would look like.

"Idol is coming!"

Galen suddenly screamed, and then he saw the distant Soviet battle coming over here. Du Weiwei, Caitlin followed him behind him.

"I'm jealous."

"True idol."

Whispering, everyone showed an envious look.

The three came over and the others involuntarily gave up the best position.

The purple bald head of Reitz is excited to say this, nothing more than to summon God, how is this **** how to fork, etc., the Soviet war sniffs this, I am afraid that this **** is really summoned I was shocked by the eye. However, I have to say that Ritz's rhythm is very good and the emotions are obviously mobilized.

"Are you ready to open your eyes?" Ritz stood in the center, and he had a blue glow around him. Looking around and looking at the look that everyone expected, Ritz was satisfied with his arms open: "A great goddess with a scorching sun is about to flash everyone's eyes. She is real and beyond your imagination. Cognitive...the goddess!"

After that, Ryze turned to face the blue glow and muttered softly, seemingly thinking of magic spells. With the completion of the last spell, a dazzling brilliance came out, and the goddess... came! \')

Chapter 835

Fanwai "Super Gods College": The fifth chapter of the goddess special way of coming!

The smoke and the white mist are quite a bit of a goddess.

Everyone is looking forward to it. When the white mist gradually dissipates, the sound of amazement, the sound of the cold breath is ringing, shocked, and absolutely shocked. No one can think of the goddess as such a gesture.

Or is it like a fairy, or a strong debut?


The goddess has come as an attitude that has never come before.

Why do you say that there is no one before? Very simple, I am afraid that no goddess will be in the tub when he appears.

"This...this..." Ritz was shocked and didn't expect it.

The goddess wrapped his headscarf, his hands in front of him, and the whole body was almost immersed in the water. Looking around, obviously...the goddess did not figure out the situation.

"Cough, what, I said before, the goddess is coming, I have to challenge one."

When the crowd was still shocked, or flashing the dog's eyes, the Soviet War coughed, and a serious expression made it out.

"Rely, this is too shameless."

"This is no pressure, I can do it."

“This Nima is a challenge? This is welfare, it is welfare!”

"Hey, flow teacher, you, how did you advance an hour?" asked the goddess who responded.

"I am sorry, I didn't expect..." A apology for the wandering Ritz.

The goddess complained: "I said that I have to meet with my classmates for the first time, take a shower, take some time to dress up, but don't you?"

"Not too much, not too much." Hey, Ryder's swaying.

"I am not too ugly, it is worth waiting for an hour?" This embarrassing scene made the goddess more depressed.

"Worth, worth it!" Ritz turned into a worm, and the answer was a quick one.

"Then I said what your monkeys are anxious!" The goddess snorted and found that everyone looked at herself. "Stream teacher, can you let them all leave? This way, I am so inconvenient."

"What's the relationship? Just be the magic of the last one..."

A guy said wretchedly.

When I hadn’t finished talking, I heard a bang and was directly smashed out by the Soviet Union.

"Don't be your sister!" The Soviet Union screamed, and the imposing manner pointed to the goddess in the tub and looked around at the people around him: "This... my!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

"You are you!"

Others have not responded yet, and the three brothers of Keyou have instantly issued a scream of grief.

"It’s scattered, it’s all gone. If you stay, don’t blame me.”

The Soviet Union did not have the opportunity to play the treasure of the three friends of the base, waved to drive away.

Although the goddess is beautiful, but when we look at the Soviet Union, other people can only helplessly leave. As for whether there is anyone in the dark who said that the Soviet Union’s appetite is too big, and he intends to take the beauty out of the net, hehe...has the Soviet Union’s roots not to care!

Ritz is also estimated to be embarrassing, and also followed the crowd.

"Classmate, thank you for helping me out." The goddess said gratefully.

"It doesn't matter, just raise your hand." The Soviet War is a serious way.

"What, you... you see if you are..."

"Oh, you can rest assured, I will watch here. If anyone wants to peek at you, I will not let him go." The Soviet War seems to have not heard the meaning of the female myth, just a serious, righteous and slap Chest guarantee!

Seeing that the goddess seems to be hesitant, the Soviet war continued: "You should have no clothes in the rush, and you are not familiar with the college. If I am gone, I am afraid it is more inconvenient."

The goddess rang and it seemed to be a little troublesome.

One, always better than a group!

The goddess nodded silently, indicating that the Soviet war had turned, and then it came out of the water.

Also don't want to dry your body, use a bath towel to wrap your body directly.

"Okay, you turn around."

The Soviet War turned around and saw the snowy and slender legs, and then the waves that could not be covered.


The goddess has a wooden bath!

"Hey!" Seeing the reaction of the Soviet War, the goddess snorted a little and proudly, then said with a slight shyness: "Take me to the bedroom."

"Come with me……"

Although the goddess looks really good at this time, but the Soviet war is not so pig brother, not to see the woman can not walk to the point. Woman, he saw much more. Looks beautiful, good shape, what kind of tried? When you see a beautiful woman, the Soviet War may want to try to see what it is, perhaps possessing a desire to win, but never losing yourself because of a woman.

"You seem to be quite famous, why? You are the strongest, or because you are handsome? I think you have been very deterrent." All the way, the goddess found that the students around the Soviets reacted very specially. But without exception, it seems that they all know the Soviet war.

Su war smiled and nodded: "Well, it is quite famous, as for the reason... you will soon know."

"My name is Lena, what is your name?"

"Soviet war!"

"Soviet? The name is very special. Is it here? I live in the bedroom?"

During the conversation, the two have already arrived in the bedroom.

Su war nodded and pushed the door and went inside.

In the room, Du Weiwei and Caitlin saw that the Soviet War and the goddess came in. It was not too unexpected, it seems to have been expected.

"Help her find a piece of clothes to wear." Su war said casually.

"Thank you!" With the clothes that Caitlin handed over, Lena said thankfulness, and then to the Soviet battle: "Soviet classmates, thank you for sending me over."

"Nothing, just raise your hand." Su war said with a smile.

Lena didn't feel anything wrong with her clothes and went to the bathroom with her clothes.

Du Fuwei and Caitlin looked at the Soviet battle that had already sat down, revealing a look of good looks.

In five minutes, Lena finished her clothes out of the bathroom, her close-fitting waist vest, denim shorts, and a little tightness on her body. She was uncomfortably adjusting the shoulder strap of the vest, and the neckline was pulled very large. A large piece was revealed.

"Ah... why haven't you gone yet?"

Lena thought that the Soviet War had already gone. After all, I sent myself over. This is another female bed, and there is no possibility of staying.

Who knows that when he first looked up, he saw the Soviet War leaning against the bed and staring at himself. \')




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