MTL - Master of Fist-v2 Chapter 1113 Lord Luoyu's worries

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And in the same outer domain, although the specific situation in the universe is not known to the alien race at this moment, but at this moment, Lord Luo Yu has realized that something is wrong.

As time passed, several figures quickly appeared in front of Lord Luo Yu. They all exuded a god-level aura, and they were all peak-level auras.

"Your Majesty, the contact with the inside has been completely cut off recently, and I have not received any response from many contacts, I am afraid it is..." one of the gods frowned.

"There were not a few gods who lurked back then, but at the same time... I'm afraid it's..." Another **** was extremely worried.

"I'm afraid there are some powerful characters in this area." Lord God Luo Yu nodded upon hearing this.

Although these lurking gods are all trapped by the suppression of the realm, it is undeniable that it is very difficult to kill this group of people in an instant.

It is not difficult to achieve the level of the master god, half-step master **** can also do it, but it needs more hands and feet, and the peak master needs at least several people to shoot at the same time.

Regardless of the possibility, Lord Luo Yu has noticed some changes in this realm.

"Did the master **** of Tingshan and the master **** of ancient Yi arrive?" the master **** Luo Yu looked at the two of them calmly and said.

"Return to the main god, the main **** of Tingshan will arrive in about a year, and the ancient Yi main **** has not been long since he retired from the previous conquest. Now his troops are still under preparation, and it is estimated that he will arrive in ten thousand years."

"How long is it estimated in the old days to weaken the suppression of this realm?" Lord God Luo Yu continued.

"According to the weakening progress of this under the old corona, it will probably take tens of thousands of years, but if we spend some energy materials, we can increase the power of this clone under the old corona."

Hearing that Lord Luo Yu began to tap on the tables and chairs, he was weighing, weighing the gains and losses, and after pondering for a while, he said, "Put 50% of the sources of treasures and materials that we looted from the last expedition into the old avatar. Be sure to let ten Within a year, the power of the realm will be completely wiped out!"

"This...Your Majesty the Lord God, why are you in such a hurry? Even if the power of the realm is eliminated, the Lord God of Gu Yi has not yet arrived. Could this be..." Hearing the words, the two gods below were a little surprised and stunned .

Both of them are the descendants of Lord Luo Yu, not only the Tianyuan clan, but also the direct line of Lord Luo Yu who followed him in the early years. They have been born and died for Lord Luo Yu these years, and it is also because of this relationship that they dare to say so much to Lord Luo Yu.

"God Tingshan has a kind personality, but it's not that you don't know his character, Lord Guyi. This person is greedy. I don't feel relieved to have this person join him."

There are no outsiders here, so Lord Luo Yu told the truth, "Moreover, the situation in this world has changed, so we must act quickly. The longer the delay, the greater the variables. To know the situation in this world last time, I still have a lot of experience." on purpose."

Lord Luo Yu sighed, recalling the last time they invaded this world, they were full of confidence at that time, thinking that the conquest would be as easy as before, winning by crushing and then began to carve up the origin and various treasures in the realm.

However, the development of the follow-up battle was really beyond his expectation, no, it should be said that it was beyond everyone's expectation, not only him but also the old days at that time were shocked.

At that time, Lord Luo Yu was just an unknown person in the conquest army, and it didn't matter if he was unknown, he could only be regarded as an ordinary member of the three thousand internal scene-level powerhouses.

"Your Majesty, do we pay too much attention to this realm?" One of the gods frowned and asked, he felt that his boss was making too much fuss.

Such as the conquest in this situation, they have followed Luo Yu Lord God many times in the past, and which time did they not crush him with a relaxed attitude?

Not to mention that the situation in this area is very bad, not to mention that there is no interior-level powerhouse, not even a master-level peak powerhouse, this level of strength is really the bottom of their previous conquests in the world.

"Important? No! I'm being careless." Lord God Luo Yu couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile when he heard this.

"This... can't be, Your Majesty, we have already moved all the property here." Some people were puzzled, their expedition was unprecedentedly solemn.

"You two have followed me for many years, but the last time you conquered this world, you shouldn't have worked under my command?" Lord Luo Yu said with a smile.

"Indeed, we didn't follow Mianxia until he conquered the world of fire, and we should have conquered seven or eight worlds with Mianxia now." A **** recalled carefully.

"Then you definitely don't know the situation in this world. This world is considered to be the second conquest, and you should know what the second conquest means." Lord Luo Yu said.

"I heard that there are generally three types of worlds that require a second conquest. One is that the distance is too far away, and the recorders responsible for scouting the worlds are not strong enough. They need to build passages, so a second conquest is required. The second is the first conquest. Most of the resistance forces in the realm have been eliminated, and they retreated because the follow-up forces are not enough to rule. Third, the first conquest failed, and the second conquest is responsible for defending our reputation in Tianyuan Realm. This... I don't know what kind of situation this realm under the crown belongs to?"

This can be regarded as some of the situations summarized in the many conquests of the Tianyuan Realm at present. In most cases, one conquest is enough, and the second conquest is rare.

"This world is definitely a situation between the second and the third. Our first conquest back then was not a small matter, but sent a lot of elites. The main **** level is nearly 3, God and the following existences Countless. For this reason, we have indeed eliminated most of the forces in this world. Later, because of the battle with that sect, we needed to mobilize all the forces to gather our Tianyuan Realm, so we had to suspend the conquest of it in the future." Luo Yuzhu Shinto.

"What? Such a level under the crown of three thousand main gods?" One of the gods stared wide-eyed.

Although their Tianyuan Realm is powerful, and there are three old powerhouses ruling the center, the main god-level powerhouse is not a Chinese cabbage. Generally speaking, it is enough to send a few main gods in one expedition, and sending hundreds of them is enough for some tricky ones. God.

Such thousands are really rare.

This means that there are indeed strong people in the opponent's realm, and it is difficult to conquer without absolute suppression.

"Your Majesty, you also said that most of the forces in this world have been wiped out back then, and this conquest will definitely be captured!" After thinking about it, a **** still smiled and comforted.

"You don't know the situation back then, but you're right. You can't increase the prestige of others right now. Send an order to speed up the preparation of the soldiers. Once the suppressing power of the realm is eliminated, we will attack in an all-round way!" The words of Lord Luo Yu are like a finalized warhammer. It laid the foundation for their Tianyuan Realm's strategy in the future.