MTL - Master of Fist-v2 Chapter 1159 Resurrection (below)

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Sensing this terrifying aura that suddenly appeared, Lord Luo Yu was a little confused.

He knows it! I know things are not that simple!

"Despicable people!"

Lord Luo Yu was furious, but the next moment, the giant ax in the sky had already fallen.

In the next moment, the giant eye of the old phantom continued to widen, trying to block the power of the phantom of the giant axe.

However, Lord Luo Yu didn't know that what he and the old phantom were facing was not Jiang Heng, but this universe!

If the main body of this phantom came, it could still resist one or two, but how could just a phantom resist it?

The giant eyes were bloodshot all over quickly, as if all the energy in the body was being suppressed to the limit, but this power had already exceeded his limit.

The gigantic ax froze for a moment in the void, and then quickly hit it like a meteor falling.


A surging force of complex laws swept across, as if all the laws of this world had evolved, extremely thick, the old giant-eyed boy struggled a bit, and soon exploded in all directions like glass shattering.

After the ax fell, it rose again.

Immediately, the phantom of the giant ax adjusted its direction again. It was obvious that the outer camouflage had been killed, so the real bug of Jiang Heng had to be dealt with next.

However, just as the giant ax phantom adjusted its direction, the shattered giant eye phantom came back to reorganize again.

"Haha! Despicable human race, you can imagine the mighty power under the old crown, you can't hurt the crown at all!"

At this moment, Lord Luo Yu is almost of the same origin as the old phantom, and the recovery of the old phantom will naturally lead to his recovery.

When he reappeared, he kept shouting.

However, facing his yelling, Jiang Heng just turned his head and looked at the other party with a sneer.

Seeing this, Lord Luo Yu was a little suspicious, but then his complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly raised his head, suddenly horrified.

I saw that the giant ax that had been turned around had quietly shifted to him at this time.


Why is it still locked?

Lord Luo Yu was terrified in his heart, and when he took a closer look, he jumped in anger.

It turned out that at the moment when the old phantom recovered, Taoist Wuwei had already made a move, imprisoned him for a moment, and Dao of Samsara quickly established contact with him.

In this way, the target will naturally shift.


Lord Luo Yu still wanted to shout, and the next moment the punishment came again.

Accompanied by a roar, as if ten thousand magic attacks, the phantom of the past was killed again.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Heng's mood did not change much.

It's just a pity that this old phantom is really difficult to solve, and even the power of rules cannot kill it.

Of course, there is no way, the power of rules is an unconscious existence, if it is a conscious cosmic consciousness, manipulating the rules of the universe, it will not be a problem to destroy an old phantom.

"Don't be distracted!"

Taoist Wuwei's reminder brought Jiang Heng back to his senses quickly, and he quickly concentrated on running the Dao of Reincarnation with all his strength.

The chaotic time and space here began to tremble more and more, and the fine fragments of the soul were slowly gathering.

The reason why it is so slow is because the time and space here are too chaotic, and it is also because this is an interior-level spirit fragment.

It is extremely difficult to repair the soul of a strong man at this level, and Jiang Heng has no hope of being able to restore the soul perfectly.

But there is no need to pursue perfect healing, it is only necessary to gather all the fragments of the soul together.

The rest can be arranged by the living Wuwei Taoist in front of him.

This is the reason why he came to the previous time node for the first time to find the Taoist Wuwei who was still alive.

There is an interior-level time-space powerhouse as the auxiliary left, whether it is traveling through time and space or reversing life and death, it will save a lot of energy.

At the same time, what Jiang Heng didn't know was that at this time point, on the edge of the outer domain, there was a dense army of alien races of the Holy Yuan that could not be seen.

In the void, there are thousands of Saint Yuan master **** powerhouses exuding the atmosphere of the inner scene, and there are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of master god-level powerhouses.

And behind them is a majestic and vast giant eye suspended. This giant eye is staring directly at the barrier of this universe as if it is in a competition.

The giant eye was invisibly contending with the cosmic barrier, but suddenly, the giant eye closed its eyes.

Along with the closing of its eyes, originally because it was contending with the boundary barrier, the boundary channel that was temporarily opened was also closed.

"Hey! Why is the passage closed!"

"What should we do? We still have so many people who didn't go in. Could it be an accident?"

"What happened?"

Many true **** rulers were astonished. After all, the army was halfway through, and the group of guys inside were aggressively attacking and earning military exploits, but they were all blocked outside. Seeing that a lot of credit could not be earned, everyone was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, it's just that the old corona has something to delay. When the old corona makes another move, the passage will open automatically, so don't worry!"

A main **** quickly stood up to calm the restlessness under his command, but everyone in the main **** circle looked at each other in blank dismay.

Everyone is well aware of the temperament of the old corona, and generally reaching this level, most of the old beings will have a cold personality, which is somewhat similar to the rules of the universe to a certain extent, indifferent and ruthless, like a program.

But there are some differences. They also have the original thinking, but they are more rational. When looking at people, they never look at relationships and only look at how much benefit this person will create for the ethnic group in the future.

Therefore, everyone is very clear that under normal circumstances under the old corona, there will be no such sudden interruption of planned events, unless something happens.

"Everyone, you won't be in any trouble under the old corona?"

"Joke, what kind of trouble can the old corona encounter? Is there anything else in this indigenous world that can affect the old corona?"

Naturally, no one dared to say such outrageous words.

But everyone is somewhat worried in their hearts. It must be a big trouble to affect the course of action under the old corona.

However, at this time their old corona has fallen into a brief confusion.

It seems to feel its own breath, which is in this world, but its own body cannot enter this world at all.

As for the phantoms, there were only three phantoms that I let my subordinates bring in before, but all three were resolved by the opponent or imprisoned and slowly faded away.

It's not that it doesn't want to send out more phantoms, but in its view, sending out more is not directly proportional to the benefits it gets.

Then there is no need for this.

But what is in it?

The old confusion was only short-lived, and soon it opened its eyes again, this time the eyes were rounded, and the power of the terrifying law level began to fight more fiercely with the power of the rules of this universe, and at the same time, an incarnation was like a meteor from the sky. He quickly fell into the boundary channel that was just opened.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the old days closed again, and the main body no longer needed to worry about the next thing. It believed that at the cost of incarnation this time, it could not only figure out the aura that belonged to it, but also completely resolve the war.

"What just came in?"

Feeling the inexplicable aura that suddenly entered his own universe, the God Emperor, who was wearing a golden armor with dozens of guns floating behind him, frowned, and beside him was a powerful figure that also had many auras of laws floating.

Unlike the robes or ordinary clothes they used to wear in their respective ashrams, they are all wearing armor at this time.

This is a racial battle, and it cannot be sloppy, and behind them is a dense army of armored stomachs, divided into four distinct groups.

Among them, the Shenting army in golden armor is the most eye-catching, followed by the gods of the Guiyuan Society with naked upper body and thick muscles, followed by a group of people wearing all kinds of stars.

In the end are the members of the Council of the Elders who exude an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

Compared with the former, each of the gods of the Council of the Ancients has lived for an extremely long time, the lowest realm is the true **** level, the **** realm is the most, and there are ten gods in the inner scene.

In comparison, Shenting and Qunxing are slightly inferior in terms of high-end combat power, but they have the largest number of existences below the true **** level.

Especially the stars, this force composed of newly promoted gods claims to be educated without discrimination, and almost all kinds of talents are absorbed in one brain, which leads to billions of their existence below the true gods, all of them are at the level of demigods

There were four to five hundred people in the True God Realm, but the Juggernaut began to plummet, with only six people, and only one person in the inner scene.

Shenting is a little better, with hundreds of millions of half-gods and a ninth-rank Shenting army, 300 true gods, more than 20 masters, and five people in the interior.

And the All Things Return to the Source Association is full of physical bodies, with one hundred thousand ninth-level powerhouses, two hundred true gods, thirty masters, and three internal scenes.

Although there are only three internal scenes, the internal scene of the Return of All Things Association is really one-on-one capable of fighting, and they are not afraid of casualties, almost rushing to the forefront.

In contrast, the Council of the Elders is quite reserved, and they only target interior-level combat forces.

Even in the case of a serious imbalance in the number of internal scene-level powerhouses, they can barely support a single internal scene with a joint formation of several masters.

It has to be said that the council of the ancients has gone a long way in the study of various formations, magic weapons, inscriptions, etc., which makes them always have the most means.

Basically, as long as you see all kinds of brilliant means frequently on the battlefield, it is often the council of the ancients.

"It doesn't matter, that thing seems to have disappeared, let's kill these **** first!"

An interior expert of the Return to the Source Society grinned, and he rushed towards the crowd with a big ax in hand.

"That's right! The boundary channel is temporarily closed, which also means that the alien race of Saint Yuan will not be able to provide support for a short time. Let's eat this army of Saint Yuan first!"

The only one of the stars who can stroke his beard and smile also charged away.

Seeing this, the rest of the great powers did not show any weakness. The previous line of defense was broken down one after another. Now that the opponent finally gave them a chance, they naturally wanted to take the opportunity to fight back.

At the same time, in the ruins of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao, the shock continued.

"Hurry up, I always feel a little bad for being a teacher! Make a quick decision, and make a difference if it is too late!"

Taoist Wuwei urged, his brows were tightly furrowed.

Jiang Heng nodded, he also felt a little uneasy, a great unknown fear seemed to be coming, this feeling made them very bad.

Time passed by little by little, but fortunately, with the phantom of the old days as a bully to bear the crush of the power of the universe's rules, the progress of the two has been very smooth.

With the passage of time, Jiang Heng's face also revealed a look of joy, soon, it will be healed soon!

Feeling that the last ray of soul fragments had also gathered, Jiang Heng held a group of fluorescent soul fragments in his hand and prepared to call Taoist Wuwei to travel through time and space to leave this place.

Taoist Wuwei also showed joy when he saw this, and he stretched out his hand to travel through time and space.

But at this moment, there was a sudden silence around.

In an instant, the surrounding laws seemed to suddenly become rootless water.

Wuwei Taoist is a little empty, but he is a little lonely.


Another point, also no response.

"No! Something is coming!"

As soon as the words fell, a crack in the void opened a big eye and appeared in the field of vision of the two of them. Under their gaze, everything around them began to change rapidly.

Every part of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao that is swept by the field of vision becomes a twisted and grotesque place, and densely packed eyes and twisted palms, wriggling worms and walking knobbly insects began to grow on the surface of some walls.

Some Wuji Dao Tianzong disciples who were lucky enough to survive didn't even have time to let out a scream, and their physical bodies quickly fell apart, turning into dense worms and eyeballs wriggling on the ground, and even some weird bugs and long-haired creatures.

what? !

Jiang Heng was horrified, he had to forcibly cast the Dao of Order by running the inner universe quickly.

However, the eyes of the other party met in the next moment, and in an instant, Jiang Heng's inner universe seemed to be blocked by layers of shackles, and all the power of laws seemed to fall into a state of silence.

"Old days! It's old days!"

Taoist Wuwei's voice rang in Jiang Heng's mind.

However, everything seems to be too late.

Jiang Heng looked at Taoist Wuwei desperately, and found that the body behind him also quickly dimmed, and everything seemed to have fallen into a state of silence just like himself.

A voice as indifferent as heaven sounded in the minds of the two of them.

"It turned out to be a stowaway who came back from time and space. It seems that you know a lot of things, so let me see what you all know!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng watched helplessly as dense translucent tentacles began to spread from the edge of the opponent's eyeballs, UU reading www. tentacles quickly made contact with his head.

As soon as this translucent tentacles touch the scalp, they penetrate directly into the brain like nothing.

Suddenly, Jiang Heng felt a translucent tentacle appear in his vision in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Directly invade the sea of ​​consciousness? !

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng couldn't be more shocked.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is the most mysterious place for every warrior, and it is an area that outsiders cannot pry into.

Unless one abandons one's own body to seize others, how can a place like the Sea of ​​Consciousness be so easy to enter.

What's more, Jiang Heng is now in the inner scene, and it is impossible for the same level to penetrate into his sea of ​​consciousness unless the realm is suppressed.

And right now, this is obviously a kind of realm suppression, or a more sophisticated method.

As the tentacles penetrated, Jiang Heng felt that countless thoughts in his mind were being read and absorbed by some kind of external force.