MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 433 Absorb the Power of the Artifact, Soul of the King - Death

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   Chapter 433 Absorbing the Power of the Artifact, Soul of the King - Death

  His divine body has not yet been completed, the legendary portable base is still under construction, and the epic portable base is still in the drawing stage.

  Although he already has quite a strong combat power, he still feels powerless in the face of the hidden strong men in the Ark of Freedom and Kunlun.

  Among the players, there are sons of gods, and there are also supernatural beings who are born with great luck.

   Act rashly, unstable.

  Zhang Jiawei-Baiyigujiu LV.44: "Okay, then I'll practice leveling in the next few days!"

  Bajiajun is recruiting more and more players, and there is a huge gap in levels.

  The first batch of members who joined the Overlord Army were all above LV.40, and the members who joined later were all around LV.35.

  Those members around LV.35, if the level is not raised, it will be difficult to play a role in the regional war.

  The dangerous aura seemed to approach Zhao Ba again, and the sense of accomplishment as a demigod disappeared.

   "Going strong is my only choice!"

  Zhao Ba took out the bone fragments of the **** of death, and looked at the two most critical special effects.

  【Mythical Effect-Reaper's Power: Absorb the divine power of the Reaper Nit in the Reaper's Bone, showing the mighty power of God. If you do not have a divine body and cannot absorb divine power, a large amount of Death's power will be lost after this special effect is turned on. 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, you can turn on the hidden special effect of the hidden myth - the soul of the king! 】

  【Mythical Hidden Special Effect-Soul of the King: When the quality of your divine fire is above the initial quality, you can absorb the soul of the king attached to the broken bone by Neat, the **** of death, and unlock the mighty power beyond the gods. 】

  【Note: The quality of Shenhuo is divided into weak, elementary, high, final,? ? ? 】

  【Note: If you are using the mythical effect - the power of death, the hidden special effect - the soul of the king will not be available. 】

   According to the description of the item, first use the hidden special effect to absorb the soul of the king, so that the divine power attached to this item will not be lost.

   "Launch hidden effects!"

   Once Zhao Ba drank, the God's Pride Bone in his body came into play, and the fragments of the Death God's bone emitted scorching black air, and the solid death power made Zhao Ba's heart tremble.

  The black air didn't radiate for long, and the golden king's soul condensed in front of Zhao Ba like a solid flame.

  The surging power of the soul of the king made Zhao Ba feel excited and no longer afraid.

  【Name: King Soul Fragment-Death】

  【Quality: Myth】

  【Normal effect:? ? ? 】

【Special effect:? ? ? 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, the hidden special effect of mythology-melting soul will be automatically activated】

  【Mythical Hidden Special Effect-Soul Melting: Let the king's soul blend into your body, increase the strength of the divine fire by 50, and you will trigger many special effects after soul melting. 】

  [Introduction: Once in the void, the first three life forms were born. They each found the king soul without an owner and integrated it into their bodies, and then they created more lives. Nite, the **** of death, has the smallest king soul, because the world doesn't need so many dead. 】

   "The three life forms that originally possessed the soul of the king each possessed a different soul of the king."

   "The king soul obtained by the **** of death Nite is not strong enough, otherwise it will not fall."

   "The other two creators have the soul of the king. According to the information I have obtained since I entered the game, one of them must be the creator **** of the main world."

   Zhao Ba held the golden and fiery king's soul in both hands, excited and terrified.

  Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

   But it also allowed him to enter a new field, a field stronger than gods.

   "Melting Soul!"

  He slowly put the soul of the king into his chest and pushed it into his body.


  The soul endured extreme pain, but it also made Zhao Ba feel extremely happy.

   "This powerful soul really makes me happy!"

  It was a moment, but it seemed to be eternal.

  Zhao Ba has been able to see the specific effect of the king's soul.

  【Game Tips: If the soul fusion is successful, the strength of your divine fire will increase by 50, and your soul is slowly transforming into divine fire! 】

  【Name: King Soul Fragment-Death】

  【Quality: Myth】

  【Common effect: Transform the soul of a mortal into a divine fire, that is, the soul of a god. 】

  【Special Effect-Death Judgment: When the enemy’s health is below 5%, you will use immediate reset to zero if you deal damage to it. 】

  【Special Effect-Death Endowment: You can transform dead bodies and bones into dead people. The stronger your divine power is, the faster the transformation will be. 】

  【Special effects - Transformation of creatures: You can transform humans into vampires, zombies, and zombies. 】

  【Special Effect-Life Stealing: Your damage to undead is doubled! 】

  【Mythical special effect-Father of All Souls: You will not be attacked by low-intelligence undead, and you can even seize control of undead creatures without a master】

  【Mythical special effect-divine power conversion: make your divine power biased towards death, and obtain related divine skills. 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, you will automatically turn on the hidden special effect of the myth - rebirth of the **** of death】

  【Myth hidden special effect-Death Rebirth: Find most of the king's soul-death fragments, and you will become a new Death, and the power of the world's rules will embrace you. 】

  【Introduction: Taste the power of death! 】

  Zhao Ba was instantly promoted from the basic divine fire +15 to the primary divine fire +65.

  Each point of divine fire permanently increases his total attributes by 5%, and he adds 5%*50=250% of his total attributes in total.

  These attributes will be doubled with the improvement of items such as rune exoskeleton, divine body, and stone of power.

  【Game Tip: Your soul is transforming into divine fire, your divine fire strength +1! 】

  The Soul of the King transforms his original mortal soul into divine fire.

   It's just that the speed of transformation is not too fast. If Zhao Ba has more fragments of the king's soul, then it won't take too long for his soul to turn into divine fire.

   "Heh, I don't know when I will meet the soul of the king - death!"

   Zhao Ba thought to himself.

  The strengthening of soul power seemed to give him confidence.

  He can absorb the remaining power of the Reaper's Bone Fragment.

   "The power of death!"

  Zhao Ba held the Bone of Death in his hand, only to see the black power of death slowly melt into his palm, and finally hide in every part of the bone, which made his face a little pale, and his body shivered from the cold.

  【Mythical Effect-Reaper's Power: Absorb the divine power of the Reaper Nit in the Reaper's Bone, showing the mighty power of God. 】

   It was also at this time that the soul of the king-death exuded a warm breath, driving away the chill on his body.

  【Game hint: You get 10 points of divine power! 】

  【Game Tip: You got the skill of God-Styx! 】

  【Name: God's Skill-Styx】

  【Skill Effect: Consume 10,000 energy stones and 10,000 dark magic cores, and summon the Styx to the target. Endless dead will crawl out of the Styx, dragging the living into it. After the living die, they will become undead and continue to fight. 】

  【Introduction: Sooner or later, you will also become an undead in the River Styx! 】

  (end of this chapter)