MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 452 Returning with Yi Xueliu, the goddess of the Overlord Army

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  Chapter 452 Returns with Yixueliu, Goddess of Overlord Army

   "Dear Emeritus Pope, thank you for killing the intruder, but the newly built headquarters of the Spring Church is almost destroyed..."

  Lorian looked at everything in front of her speechlessly.

  Most buildings in the Overworld are too fragile.

  Battles above the demigod level are enough to destroy them again and again.

  The adventurer not only helped her find the Fountain of the Saints, but also caused her a big trouble. What a blessing and a curse!

  【Game Tip: You have received a private message from Sandao Yi Xueliu! 】

   "Bajun, can I go to the 102491 area with you? Sister Zero Eye said that it is better for me to follow you. The undead plane has a great influence on human beings, so it is not suitable for me."

   "I can join the Bajia Army, I want to compete with you every day!"

   "I can run to the room of the fountain of the saint right away."

  Letter from Yi Xueliu.

  Zhao Ba replied: "Of course, it's great that you can come, Ba Family Lord will have another senior member."

  Bajiajun players can have more high-end combat power.

  Although Chu Qiangjun and others have recruited a large number of supernatural players after obtaining a large amount of epic equipment, they are still not enough.

   Compared with Kunlun and the boat of mutual aid, it is far behind.

  Even for the top power among supernatural beings like Yi Xueliu, there is only one Wang Ziguan in the Hegemony Army.

   "My maid, have you gotten fat!"

  Zhao Ba finds Daphne, this little fox has been watching by her side for a long time, and now she really can't get involved in Zhao Ba's battle at all.

   "No, I won't get fat!"

  Daphne said: "This is the natural physique of our fox clan."

  She said very confidently, her eyes were full of confidence, and she was full of confidence in her beauty.

   "Why do you have the smell of other women on your body, a strong smell!"

  She also has a good nose, so she said very tactfully.

   "I met an adventurer named Zero Eye on the road."

   Zhao Ba said.

  He just had a more intimate encounter, that's all, nothing else.

  Daphne looked at him curiously, and after Yi Xueliu arrived, Zhao Ba used the effect of using chaos to teleport Hearthstone - base teleportation.

  【Game Tips: You, Sandao Yixueliu and Daphne are teleported to the portable base in area 102491! 】

   Just a moment of light and shadow, everyone found that they had left their original place.

   "Daphne, from now on, you can just follow me and serve me."

   Zhao Ba said: "Of course, it would be great if you could fight with my subordinates."

  Daphne is still a LV.55 boss, her auxiliary functions are still very strong, and can give players a lot of benefits.

   "I want to fight." Daphne said: "I feel that you have become strange!"

   There is another NPC fox girl assistant in the Bajia army.

  The first person who knew of his return was of course Zhang Jiawei. She is the person in charge of various affairs in the Bajia Army, and there are many things that need to be handled by her.

  When Zhao Ba returned, she happened to be inside the castle.

   "Welcome the leader, Brother Ba, back!" Zhang Jiawei said to Zhao Ba.

  But she saw Daphne and Yi Xueliu from the corner of her eye, with a great sense of vigilance in her eyes.

   Zhao Ba introduced to her: "Daphne and Sandao Yi Xueliu."

   "Daphne is the auxiliary boss of LV.55. She usually fights with you and is my maid during the rest of the time."

   "Santao Yixueliu is a powerful agile fighter with strong output ability and talent."

   "You arrange it for them!"

   Zhao Ba said.

   Zhang Jiawei is in charge of the specific affairs of the Bajia Army. Now that there are too many people, it is really difficult for him to manage.

  Zhang Jiawei asked Daphne and Yi Xueliu to find their own teams, and after a while she was left alone with Zhao Ba.

   "En!" Zhang Jiawei nodded, and then asked Zhao Ba: "Brother Ba, shall we put away the portable base and head towards the territory now?"

  She felt that Zhao Ba was back, so she must go to fight for the territory.

   Otherwise, it is not very good to let others take the lead.

   "Don't go, you look at this!"

  Zhao Ba took out the design drawing of the epic portable base and handed it to Zhang Jiawei, saying: "We must get this thing out first!"

   "I'm in the base, so others don't dare to sabotage."

   "When this thing is built, we will go to the capital and lay down the largest territory!"

  His goal is the capital city.

  There will be powerful enemies there, but with Zhao Ba's current strength, there is no need to be afraid, and even the Ba family army does not need to be afraid. Their strength will increase rapidly when upgrading the epic portable base.


  Zhang Jiawei was shocked, she didn't expect Zhao Ba's ambition to be so big.

   She looked at the design drawing of the epic base tremblingly, nodded and said: "If our goal is the capital, we should really prepare well."

   "But the strength of our legion members is too bad!"

   "It's hard to improve their level in a short time!"

  Although Zhao Ba is very powerful and his portable base is powerful, other people cannot hide in the portable base without coming out.

  Once leaving the portable base, the members of the Bajia Army will become very dangerous.

   "I have thought about it, look at this!"

  Zhao Ba raised his finger and tapped on the top of Zhang Jiawei's head.

  At that moment, a huge upgrade light rose from Zhang Jiawei's body.

   Knocked Zhang Jiawei on the head twice, promoted to a level and a half!

  【Game Tip: You used the effect of the mythical title "Forever God" - the gift of divine power, to enlighten the player Zhang Jiawei. She gained a lot of experience, and her level was raised from LV.45 to LV.46!】

  【Game Tip: You used the effect of the mythical title "Eternal God" - the gift of divine power, to enlighten the player Zhang Jiawei, and she gained a lot of experience! 】


  Zhang Jiawei couldn't believe that she had been promoted to a higher level.

   "Brother Ba, what you just did is almost the means of a god!"

   "That's almost a real miracle!"

   "If only you could hit me on the head a few more times!"

   She enjoyed the effects of the experience and said.

   Zhao Ba shook his head and said, "You can only use it twice a day, but it's enough."

  He only needs to increase the level of Zhang Jiawei, Chu Qiangjun, Wang Ziguan and others to LV.47. When they wear epic equipment, their power will be greatly improved.

   Let them take other players to farm monsters with higher experience, and the speed of upgrading will also increase.

  Zhang Jiawei and the others all have a set of epic-level equipment, which has been awarded the achievement title "The Master of Immortal Cultivation", which has the effect of doubling the player's experience when leveling up.

   Zhao Ba will get more equipment, and the players of the Ba Family Army will all be alive.

   "I'll arrange for everyone to spawn monsters right away."

   Zhang Jiawei said.

   Now in the period of regional war, most of the powerful players have left their original places, and the overlord army went to spawn monsters, and no one would come to **** them.

   Their spawning efficiency has improved a lot.

   Just as Zhang Jiawei was about to leave, Zhao Ba grabbed her by the shoulder and said, "Don't leave in such a hurry, take this!"

  He handed over the semi-artifact-Hanyingdao +6 to Zhang Jiawei.

   "You are the goddess of Bajiajun, a soul-like figure, this knife is very suitable for you."

   "If you can activate the hidden special effect of this knife, you can be super beautiful, trust me!"

   "Come on, goddess of our Overlord Army!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion