MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 473 Warriors of the gods, players who have become stronger

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  Chapter 473 Warrior of the Gods, players who become stronger

   "Come out, my horse!"

   Zhao Ba raised his hand and summoned the mythical mount Aurora Unicorn.

  He agreed to help Xiao Longfu hatch the dragon eggs, just to get this thing.

  But he felt that a girl riding a pure white unicorn with her long legs moving would be called harmony.

  He's a big old man, not suitable for riding a unicorn.

   So he hasn't made a unicorn debut before.

  【Name: Mount Lingshi-Aurora Unicorn】

  【Quality: Mythical Quality】

  【Common effect: If you learn the riding skill, you can summon the mount-Aurora Unicorn to ride, greatly increasing your movement speed and attack power. 】

  【Special effect - knight blessing, in the riding state, the determination of impact skills and the power of beheading skills will increase by 500%. 】

  【Special Effects - Combat Together: In the riding state, not only can you attack the enemy, but the Aurora Unicorn will also attack the enemy. 】

  【Special Effect - Fusion: Players can fuse with the Aurora Unicorn, which will add an additional 150 points of divine power, and then get all the effects of the Aurora Unicorn, and its full attributes will be doubled. 】

  【Special Effect-Electric Light: Consuming 1000 energy stones, the Aurora Unicorn will shoot lightning with a paralyzing effect on the enemy, and the control base level is player level + LV.20. When the skill is in the combined state, it will form the light of thunder and lightning to condense on the weapon, which will also cause the effect. Cooldown time 5 seconds. 】

  【Special Effect - Horn Piercing: Consuming 5000 Energy Stones, the Aurora Unicorn pierces the enemy's body with its horn, causing a lot of damage. If in the combined state, when the player stabs, the armor-piercing effect is doubled. Cooling time 30 seconds]

  【Mythical special effects-Aurora Glory: Consuming 20,000 energy stones, the unicorn emits a devastating aurora, dealing a terrible blow to the enemy. If the player uses this effect in the combined state, it will increase the strength of the light attribute enhancement judgment and increase the damage. Cooling time 5 minutes]

  【Note: Because you have the pride of the gods, you will automatically turn on the hidden special effects of mythology-mythological special effects. 】

  【Mythical Hidden Special Effect-Lightning Form: Consume 50,000 energy stones. In the combined state, you enter the lightning state. With you as the center, countless thunderbolts are launched to the periphery, causing a lot of damage to the enemy. Cooling time 10 minutes, duration 3 minutes]

  【Introduction: Ultra-Electromagnetic Gun. 】

  The skill combination effect of this thing is very handsome, and there will be a layer of patterns on the bright light armor.

  And when Zhao Ba attacked, there was fire and lightning all the way, and he would be hit by electricity, and then he would be hit by Zhao Ba repeatedly.

  However, in order to hide the secret, except for the special effects of electric light and unicorn piercing, the mythical special effect-Aurora Shining World, and the mythical hidden special effect-Thunder Form Zhao Ba were not used.

  It is also because of the combination effect of this mythical mount that he rushed to the 21st place in the combat power list without using a mythical weapon.

   "Xiao Longfu is willing to exchange such a good mount with me for a chance to hatch a dragon egg. How strong is that dragon egg?"

   Zhao Ba thought to himself.

  Although the strength of the Xiaolong Talisman is still suppressed by the crown of the prince, the Xiaolong Talisman will start a series of tasks in the future to improve his strength.

   Zhao Ba is still worried about this person.

  He no longer hides his strength, and it is also out of this consideration.

  More power of faith can increase his level rapidly, and indirectly drive his strength to increase rapidly.

   When he achieved the fourth place in the fighter list, he also got a new effect.

  【Name: Warrior of the Gods】

  【Effect - Divine Skill: Increase the proficiency level of your warrior skills by LV.10! 】

  【Introduction: When you are fighting, you are as powerful as a god, and the world can no longer stop you! 】

  The skill bonus of this effect is very strong.

   Zhao Ba's current skill level, relying on the effect of the warrior of the gods, has all been raised to above LV.60.

  In the case of using the energy sword, it can even be raised to above LV.65, and the control level will be greatly improved.

  This is also the reason why he is still very strong without using the artifact Moyan Tianeclipse.

  After finishing the list, and the portable base is still under construction, Zhao Ba has also entered the boring journey of enlightening everyone, but this time will soon end.


  Chu Qiangjun was wearing a demigod weapon, holding a giant dragon tooth sword, and led the knights of the overlord army to look at the demigod level boss in front of him.

   "All people above the elite will charge with me, and I will lead the charge. You are watching from the side!"

   He was riding a rune tyrannosaurus, holding a huge sword in his right hand, and suddenly jumped, slashing on one of the heads of the demigod boss Hydra.


  At that moment, one of the hydra's snake heads was cut off, and he had a body blessed with a demigod, and a demigod body made of dragon blood. His attack power was frighteningly high.

  After Wang Ziguan used dragon blood to become demigods, Zhao Ba arranged for other players of the Bajia army to go to the Fountain of Saints, and with the help of Lorian, they became demigods one after another.

   It's just that there are too many people, and Lori Ann starts charging, one hundred thousand energy stones for one time.

   Zhao Ba had no choice but to pay.

   Fortunately, after the masters of the Overlord Army have improved their level, their ability to spend money has improved significantly.

   They kill a few demigod-level bosses, and they can pay back a lot of money.

   "Ancient dragon hunting bow, pierce those snake heads!"

  Wu Mingsheng raised his bow in the distance, holding a large handful of arrows in his hand.

   This is the effect of his skill - Arrow Rain.

  Ordinary players have relatively poor ability to manipulate skills, and their weapons are not good, so the effect of random shooting is very bad. It can only have a suppression effect, or when dealing with larger creatures, they can only shoot one piece.

  Wu Mingsheng is different, he has a longan ring, coupled with the ancient dragon hunting bow, he can shoot every bow and arrow towards the place he wants.


  The hydra wailed, and after he was beheaded by Chu Qiangjun, another head grew out soon.

   But the snake head didn't last long, and Wu Mingsheng shot them all to death, and the huge body fell down unwillingly.

  Chu Qiangjun just distributed the things, and received the order in a short while.

   "Brother Ba, let us all go back?"

   He said to Wu Mingsheng.

   "Isn't it that we are on duty at the base yet?"

  Wu Mingsheng was puzzled.

  Chu Qiangjun smiled and said, "Who knows!"


   On the other side, deep in the dark dense forest, Zhang Jiawei, Sandao Yixueliu, and Mu Ying formed a team.

  They are a combination of violent output. There is no meat shield in front to withstand the damage. They can only rely on their positioning and consciousness to avoid the attack of monsters.


  Zhang Jiawei used Hanying Dao, the special effect of Peerless Dao Mei had been triggered by her, and the special effect - Falling Flowers was shining brightly.

  While attacking, drop petals, which can put the enemy into a poisoned state and heal friendly units.

   This is also a measure for them to preserve their blood volume and prevent accidents due to blood loss.

   Not long after, the giant demigod bear attacked by them was also killed.

  According to Zhao Ba's request, every master player of Ba's army must learn soul magic.

  In this way, when they kill monsters, they can harvest souls.

  (end of this chapter)