MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 477 The battle of the gods, the rain of light

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  Chapter 477 The battle between the gods, the rain of holy light

   The players in the mobile magic fortress also saw this scene, but the attack target of the defense tower remained unchanged.

   "Everyone is ready to hunt players and angels!"

  Zhao Bayuan looked at Michael and said: "The **** who ranks second in the combat power list has descended!"

   "I'll help you kill some angels first."

  He changed into the magic weapon Moyan Tianeclipse at this moment!

   Leaping into the air, just at that moment, the hidden special effect of the +4 artifact was used!

   "Burning the sky!"

   Zhao Ba's artifact slashed into the air, turning into terrifying blood energy, covering the entire sky, wrapping all the angels in it, and the angels screamed in an instant.

  When the blood-red sky disappeared, only pieces of fallen feathers remained.

   The first wave of angels were all wiped out by Zhao Ba!

   "So strong!"

   Zhang Jiawei couldn't help but look at this scene.

  Even Brother Alijia on the boat of mutual aid did not expect that those countless angels would be killed by Zhao Ba in one blow!

  【Game Tip: You have killed the Angel Projection and gained 3 points of divine power! 】

  【Game Tip: You have killed the Angel Projection and gained 3 points of divine power! 】

  【Game prompt: You killed...】

  These angels are not real bodies, but projections condensed with divine power.

   Defeating them brought a total of 60 points of divine power to Zhao Ba.

   "Heh, is this your hidden strength? Really good!"

  Michael looked at Zhao Ba and said.

   On the fighter ranking list, Zhao Ba has rushed from the fourth place to the first place.

  【Game Tips: You become the number one fighter on the list and get the title "No. 1 Stronger Under the Starry Sky!"】

  【Name: Number One Under the Starry Sky】

  【Effect: All fighter skill levels increased by LV.20】

  【Introduction: There is no stronger fighter than you in the Blue Star Region! 】

  The skill level is directly increased by LV.20, and Zhao Ba's strength is further increased. His skills and judgment can produce the desired effect even in the face of powerful gods.

   "Yes, there is a battle between the gods now, so I don't think there is any need to hide anymore!"

   Zhao Ba looked at Michael.

   "It's a pity that my profession is recognized by the system as a knight, otherwise the competition between us can be divided immediately."

   "But it doesn't matter, we are both gods, so let's fight!"

   "Let you see the most powerful power of the gods!"

  Michael picked up the huge artifact knight spear, and rushed towards Zhao Ba at that moment.

   "Piercing Edge!"

  His knight spear has an immortal light, and the speed is almost instantaneous, but Zhao Ba can still react.

  Michael missed the first blow, but he swung his body to the left, which did not give Zhao Ba a chance to attack.

   "Hmph, do you think you're the only one who can pierce?"


  Suddenly, Zhao Ba's figure flashed, holding a sword in both hands, and stabbing Michael's body straight.

  The sword is filled with thick electric light, which is the special effect of the aurora unicorn!


  The sword and shield collided together, and the sudden collision of divine power produced a terrifying shock wave.

   Even if many players took the initiative to stay away from the war between the gods, they were affected and their bodies flew out.

   "Your divine power is not inferior to mine!"

   "I'm very surprised, after all, I have more than 860 divine powers, you are indeed a good player!"

   "Unfortunately, that's it. Today I will tell you how different the gods born are from the gods born after tomorrow!"

  Michael looked at the dent on his artifact shield in surprise, then raised his head, and looked at Zhao Ba coldly.

   "I was born with divine fire, and your divine fire is mixed with the soul of a mortal!"

   "Let you see..."

  His words were suddenly interrupted, Zhao Ba couldn't do it with one blow, and he wasn't very polite to him at all.

   "The ultimate strangulation of the soul!"

  His left hand rushed out of the giant hand formed by the golden soul, and suddenly slapped Michael, hitting his divine fire directly.


  Michael’s face changed, he was seriously injured.

   Shenhuo was the most direct hit.

   "Your soul, why doesn't it have a mortal soul, don't you also..."

  He looked at Zhao Ba in surprise, only the son of a god, or experiencing some special adventures, can completely turn the soul into a divine fire.

   "Heh, what about the natural gods?"

  Zhao Ba's successive attacks fell, holding a sword in his right hand and soul magic in his left hand.

   At this moment, the attack was like a storm, which made Michael unable to breathe.

   "Wolf Swordsmanship - Blade Whirl!"

  Zhao Ba seized the opportunity, spent a short time accumulating energy, jumped up, and a blow with all his divine power was imminent.


  Michael narrowly blocked Zhao Ba's blow, but the artifact shield was damaged.

   Zhao Ba's sword cut directly into the shield.

   Zhao Ba's own skill level is LV.50, coupled with the blessing of LV.20 fighter list, LV.70 judgment level, plus the blessing of artifacts, the shocking damage is simply scary.

   It's normal to be unable to bear it.

   "You broke my favorite shield!"

  Michael fixed his eyes on Zhao Ba, and the holy light gushed out from his body.

   "God's Skill - Light God of War!"


   "Disappeared under the holy light!"

  Holy light like the sun erupted from his whole body, and rushed towards Zhao Ba again, much stronger.


  The first time they fought, Zhao Ba felt very strenuous, and his body took countless steps backwards.


  Michael really turned into a **** of war, leaped into the air, and stabbed Zhao Ba fiercely with the knight gun in his hand.

  Zhao Ba turned around to dodge the blow first, followed by a fierce multi-stage attack like a storm.

  He was beaten almost beyond parry.

   After a period of time, the shield formed by the pride of the gods was broken.

  But he wasn't nervous at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

   "Is that all you have?"

   "I've figured out your attack pattern just now,"

   "Let me show you my divine power!"

   Zhao Ba's body showed the majesty of an ancient dragon.

   That was the existence of the same generation as the dragon god, the most primitive dragon race.

  They were born to stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods!

   "The power of the Dragon God!"

   Zhao Ba's divine power instantly increased by 100%, and he was promoted to the level of upper divine power!

   "Dragon Slash!"

  Seeing Michael's oncoming attack, he didn't dodge at all. He used Dragon Slash to directly compete with divine power.

   "What's going on, your divine power is stronger than mine!"

  Michael was shocked.

  His light God of War effect will increase all attributes by 5 times, so he can suppress Zhao Ba's attack.

  However, compared with increasing all attributes and increasing divine power, increasing divine power has the greatest effect on gods.

   "Is this weird?"

   "I am the number one soldier under the stars!"

   "You're just a **** luck guy!"

   Zhao Ba said coldly.

   With this suppressing effect, even if Michael transformed into the God of War, he was frequently injured. After a while, his blood volume would drop below 30%!

   Seeing that he was about to lose.

   "God's Skill - Rain of Holy Light!"

  But he suddenly laughed and said: "You wild gods, you have very few **** skills!"

   "This is my third divine skill, let me lead you to death in this rain!"

  (end of this chapter)

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