MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 480 The cannon that fires the nuke, the strongest

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  Chapter 480 The Cannon That Fires Nuclear Bombs, The Strongest King

   "Brother, you must still remember An Luo, right!"

   "I didn't expect that you are so strong now, stronger than my master and sister saint!"

   "I think I am going to compete with you in swordsmanship now, and I will definitely not be able to beat you..."

  An Luo said a lot.

   told Zhao Ba many things that he couldn't talk about in normal times.

  If Zhao Ba hadn't captured the Dragon City, he might not have seen An Luo.

   I don't know how long it took, but when the dance was about to end, An Luo reluctantly said to Zhao Ba: "Brother, you have to be careful of demons, they will rush out of the abyss."

  Zhao Ba savored this sentence carefully, and then recalled the identity of An Luo's son of fear, and couldn't help but have a guess.

  The God of Fear did not let An Luo go, he had a reason to get An Luo back.

   "Could it be that the God of Fear, like the God of Looting, will fall in the future, so we must set up a container for reincarnation."

   "An Luo is the key. If the demon rushing out of **** can take An Luo away, then he will not die."

   "The biggest threat to me in the future may be demons."

  Zhao Ba returned to the portable base, and it seemed to be an ordinary and boring day again. He continued to enlighten the players of the Ba Family Army, and usually received the power of faith.

  【Game Tip: Due to the blessing of the power of faith, your level has increased from LV.52 to LV.53! 】

  During these boring days, the strength of the Overlord Army has steadily increased, and no one can shake their position in the capital.

  Magic alchemist Orgen studied the head of the ancient red dragon for many days, and finally gave Zhao Ba a satisfactory answer.

  【Game Tip: Your servant Orgen has developed the Dragon Language Taboo Cannon! 】

  【Name: Cannon of Dragon Language Taboo】

  【Quality: Myth】

  【Normal Effect: Monitor the surrounding targets and issue a warning when the enemy is approaching! 】

  【Special effect-Dragon language magic: The cannon can use different types of dragon language magic on the target, and the player can choose the type of magic. 】

  【Special Effect - Accelerated Shooting: Consuming 50,000 energy stones can halve the reloading time of a shot. 】

  【Special effect-Longwei: Players hit by the magic attack of the cannon will reduce all attributes and increase the damage received by 100%. 】

  【Mythical special effect-Dragon Language Forbidden Curse: Consuming 200,000 energy stones, the cannon will spray out forbidden spells to kill enemies. 】

  【The types of forbidden spells include: forbidden spells of the elements - earth, water, wind, fire, light and darkness, forbidden spells of space, and forbidden spells of spirit. 】

  【Note: Because you have the pride of the gods, you will automatically turn on the myth hidden special effect-Mage Longwei! 】

  【Mythical Hidden Special Effect-Longwei Mage: Select a target and become a Longwei Mage. The spell power is doubled, the skill cooling speed is doubled, and the divine power is increased by 100 points. 】

  【Introduction: Have you seen the artillery that fires nuclear bombs? That's right, it's this cannon! 】

  The mythical turret appeared on the top floor of the portable base, and the huge dragon head, not to mention how majestic it is.

   This frightened some NPCs, they thought there was a living dragon squatting on top of the Bajia army.

  The biggest ability of Dragon Language Taboo Cannon is that it can spit out forbidden spells, and there are several kinds of forbidden spells to choose from.

  Hidden special effects can also increase the ability of the prince's crown, complementing it.

   No matter how strong the enemy is, Zhao Ba first asked Wang Ziguan to cast a forbidden spell, and then asked the Dragon Language Taboo Cannon to cast a forbidden spell, and it was over in seconds.

  He will definitely not have any nonsense.

  After the construction of the dragon head gun was completed, Zhao Ba felt that he could not be so idle, so he challenged Wu Qiankun, who was the number one in the combat power list.

  When a player launches a challenge to the top 20 existences in the combat power list, they need to take out an artifact as a bargaining chip.

   Zhao Ba directly used the remains of the **** of death.

  That thing has been extracted out of divine fire and divine power, so it has no effect.

  【Game Tip: Player Wu Qiankun-Child of Destiny LV.53 accepts your challenge! 】

  Zhao Ba was teleported above countless clouds, which seemed to be the Kingdom of God.

   It's just that the Kingdom of Destiny is empty, only Wu Qiankun is alone.

   "Brother Ba, I owed you a favor before, and now I will return it to you."

   Wu Qiankun said with a smile on his face: "We will not owe each other any more!"

   "I surrender!"

   Zhao Bagang was about to take a big sword and slash at Wu Qiankun, wanting to see the power of fate.

  Wu Qiankun didn't give him a chance at all, and surrendered directly.

   "It didn't even arrive in three minutes, isn't it a little too fast?"

  The scene in front of me changed, and I went to the Dragon City resident again.

   Zhao Ba didn't expect him to win so unreally.

  【Game Tip: You become the number one on the Blue Star Combat Power Rankings, and get the mythical title - the strongest king! 】

  【Name: The Strongest King】

  【Quality: Myth】

  【Normal effect: Increase your all attributes by 500%, and divine power by 500 points】

  【Special effect - the strongest king: increase your armor penetration and magic penetration ability by 500%. 】

  【Special Effect - Keeping the Ring: Players within the last 30 of the combat power list can challenge you. If they succeed in the challenge, they will replace your ranking, and you will move back one place. The cooling time is 7 days. 】

  【Special Effect - King's Crown: When you use this title to form a team with other players, both you and them will get 3 times the bonus of all attributes. 】

  【Mythical special effect-power of the king: Consume 100,000 energy stones to evolve one of your skills to the limit, once every seven days. 】

  【Evolved skill: draw sword and cut】

  【The skill you got is: Breaking through the air and drawing a knife】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of God, you will automatically turn on the myth hidden special effect - the strongest player】

  【Myth hidden special effects-the strongest player: The main **** will pay attention to you, and when the main **** achieves its purpose, it will also give you considerable benefits. 】

  【Introduction: Players, accept the guidance of the Lord God! 】

   Zhao Ba used the title of "Forever God" to inspire other players in normal times, and he used the title of the strongest king in battle.

  The normal effect of this thing directly increases all attributes by 500% and divine power by 500 points, which is a shocking increase in Zhao Ba's strength.

  Even without using the special effects of the Longyan Divine Body, the achievement of high-level divine power can still be achieved.

  Using mythical special effects, he obtained the legendary skill Breaking the Sky and Drawing a Sword with a very large damage range and strong lethality.

  Blessed with more than a thousand points of divine power, Zhao Ba could even send out a sword aura covering the entire extra-large room.

  The scene was amazing.

  Relying on the power of faith to slowly increase his experience, while happily accepting the tribute, the battle for the other three capitals also ended.

  In the end, Wu, the boat of mutual aid, only got one Hailan City.

  Kunlun relied on the extra epic-level portable base war ancient tree to help them get one more Dawn City.

  The battle of the gods in Chenxi City was extremely fierce. The gods of the Kunlun system led by Ye Qingtian fought against the gods of the boat of mutual aid, which was a tragic one.

  If it weren't for the ancient war tree being placed in it, breaking the balance, we don't know the outcome of the battle.

  The four major capital cities have been established, and only a short time later, the crisis is coming.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion