MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 486 Many gods have fallen, looking for the city of the sky

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  Chapter 486 Many gods have fallen, looking for the sky city

   "You have rough skin and thick flesh, block that blow for me!"

   The God of Vengeance said viciously.

  When Burning Blood's attack fell on Nemesis, it was transferred to his teammates.


  The distorted body of the Goddess of Taboo was hit hard by Moro Tianeclipse, and it was a double damage attack, and was instantly wiped out!

  【Game Tip: You killed the Mother of Taboo and got a lot of experience! 】

  【Game hint: You get 358 divine power points! 】

  【Game hint: You get 266 points of divine fire! 】

  【Game Tips: You get the priesthood-taboo, ugly! 】

  【Game hint: Your **** level has been raised to the upper god. 】

   At this moment, Zhao Ba finally became the upper god, looking at the middle gods who were still alive, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "Damn false gods!"

   "God's Skill - The End of Vengeance!"

   "Use your means!"

   The God of Vengeance let out a loud shout.

  The other gods saw the tragic death of the taboo god, and they no longer dared to stay behind, and they showed their top-level **** skills one after another.

   "God's Skill - Raging God Brake"

   "God's Skill - Bite of the Abyss"

   "God's Skill - Corrupted Lair"

   Countless twisted and ugly ancient gods attacked Zhao Ba.

  Their **** skills gathered together, they were menacing, but Zhao Ba was not afraid.

  As the upper god, he looked at the many middle gods with only contempt in his eyes.


  He only has this one divine skill.

   But it is also the strongest skill of God.

  It comes from Nite, the **** of death, one of the three creator gods!

  With the improvement of Zhao Ba's divine fire and divine power, there are also countless priesthoods.

   There are not only skeletons in the River Styx, but also countless species from the abyss.

  Such as Succubus, Snake Demon, Berserker Demon...

  The priesthood obtained by Zhao Ba has shown its effect. The power of Styx is far stronger than before.

"what happened!"

   "How could the huge mouth of the abyss I summoned be pulled into the River Styx by the undead... Ah... I'm going to die too!"

   "God of Vengeance, please save me..."

  Countless gods found that their **** skills were canceled by Styx.

   This is the effect brought about by the gap between divine powers, Zhao Ba can crush them.


   "Zhao Ba, let me go, I am the son of the Creator God!"

  The God of Vengeance begged Zhao Ba, but Zhao Ba was unmoved. These nine gods are a sumptuous feast, which can add a huge amount of divine fire and divine power to him. Why let them go?

  He is not stupid.

   "Go to hell!"

   Zhao Ba said coldly while sitting on the throne of bones composed of countless undead.

   Many gods in the abyss fell.

  【Game Tip: You killed the Lord of Rage and got a lot of experience! 】

  【Game Tip: You killed the fallen king and got a lot of experience! 】

  【Game Tip: You killed the God of Nemesis and got a lot of experience! 】


  【Game Tip: Your level has increased from LV.53 to LV.54! 】

   Zhao Ba's body flashed with an upgraded light, and under him, there was a mountain of corpses piled up by countless gods!

   "God, that's all!"

  Zhao Ba looked up at the sky, and there was a **** above him looking at him.

   After killing these nine powerful middle gods, plus countless demigods, his divine power reached 5746 points, his divine fire reached 6556 points, and his priesthood was even more numerous.

  【Game Tips: The priesthoods you have, such as Snake Demon, Succubus, and Berserker, are merged into higher-level priesthoods! 】

  【Game Tip: You got the priesthood - Son of Chaos! 】

  The newly integrated priesthood let Zhao Ba know the weaknesses of many abyssal beings, and even Zhao Ba revealed the origin of the abyss.

   Zhao Ba began to recall the ancient memories brought about by the priesthood.

   It was a huge living body, and she and the other two initial beings got the soul of the king-chaos, and finally created countless chaotic creatures.

   It's just that in the eyes of intelligent life in the main world, those grotesque beings are too hateful, so they are called demons.

   "Wow, Brother Ba is too strong!"

   "So many gods were killed by him alone?"

   "I feel a bit fake!"

  Zhang Jiawei said heartily: "At any rate, let's kill one and share some divine power and divine fire!"

   Everyone was still surprised, but Zhao Ba didn't give them much time to react.

  As soon as he raised his hand, he decomposed the corpses of many gods.

  【Game Tip: You get the Evil Blade of Vengeance +2 (Mythical Quality)*2】

  【Game Tip: You get Spear of Abyss Tentacle +1 (Mythical Quality)*1】

  【Game hint: You get...】

   Countless artifacts appeared in front of Zhao Ba.

  The divine power that most middle gods bring out is only enough to cast a divine weapon at most.

   That artifact is mostly a weapon.

   Zhao Ba got 9 weapons in a row, none of which he could use.

  He begins distributing equipment.

   "Wow! An artifact-level dagger, right?"

  Mu Ying was overjoyed, she took the best artifact into her hand, and she did it again.

   "This spear is disgusting, it will secrete mucus..."

   Chu Qiangjun waved the spear of the abyss tentacles and said.

  The others stayed far away from him, fearing that the mucus would spill on them.

   "Good boy, a bow made of god's bones..."

  Because there are so many artifacts, everyone has weapons.

  Even Zero Eye found Zhao Ba, took away an artifact, and said it was a reward.

   There are no more demons to attack, and the members of the Overlord Army return to the portable base to rest.

  The strange thing is that except for the giant dragon city, there are no powerful demons attacking the other three capital cities. All the powerful gods have come to Zhao Ba.

  Although this reduces the pressure on Kunlun and the boat of mutual aid, it also reduces the resources they can obtain.

  Shenli, Shenhuo, and those artifacts have nothing to do with them.

   This is a heavy blow to them.

  In the game world, as long as the combat power is crushed, even if they are numerous, it will be useless.

  For Bajia Army, this is a huge gain.

  Kunlun and the players of the boat of mutual aid fell silent.

  The little Ba family army that they ignored had already undergone shocking changes because of a Zhao Ba.

  It's a pity that they didn't notice this change.

   But within the Ba Family Army, Zhao Ba is doing a big thing.

  He is using his divine power to create miracles.

   "I will use a miracle to bestow divine power on Prince Crown, and then he will protect you, and I will travel far away!"

  Zhao Ba said: "Miracle - endowed with divine power!"

  He raised his hand, divine power was injected into Wang Ziguan's body, and the aura of Wang Ziguan became stronger and stronger.

  Although he is a demigod, his strength is terrifying.

   "Now you have been injected with 1000 points of divine power by me. You are a middle god. If you stay in the magic castle, you are the real god!"

   Zhao Ba said: "I will find a way to transform the **** body, and help all of you to become **** bodies."

   "Now I'm going to the abyss!"

  Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in amazement, what Zhao Ba used was really a celestial technique.

   Such a **** walking in the world is their boss, it is too unbelievable.

  He gave Wang Ziguan supernatural power, the purpose is to let Wang Ziguan guard the portable base.

  Prince Crown is a magician who can use forbidden spells and borrow energy from the portable base.

  With him, even if it takes a while for Zhao Ba to enter the abyss to find the Sky City, he can still guarantee the safety of the players of the Ba Family Army.

  (end of this chapter)