MTL - Mecha and Knife-Chapter 870 victory

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The third shock came as promised.

Although Yang Antai has no relevant agreement with Ji Xinghe, he already firmly believes that the third shock will inevitably happen, and he has been waiting for a long time.

"Target, the last leap base of the empire, the whole army rushes forward!"

This is a very cruel order. The empire’s defensive forces on the surface of the Gods Mountain have not been wiped out. The known entrances and exits of the jump base only occupy one-tenth of the entrances. The internal defensive forces, weapon configurations, building structures and other information are far from clear. Under such circumstances, the entire army's assault targeting the jump base will inevitably cause great casualties.

However, it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. When Yang Antai, the commander-in-chief of the Gods Mountain Theater, issued a clear order, all federal combat units that belonged to the command sequence of the Gods Mountain Theater immediately began to implement this order unconditionally.

The number of casualties began to rise rapidly, but in just ten minutes, there was already an exponential growth trend.

"Yang Antai, are you **** crazy? Ah!"

Yinvanovic's roar, accompanied by accusations from several federal generals, sounded in the communication channel of a top-ranking general.

"Rescind the order, no, fix the order, fix your stupid order for me immediately!"

The order from the commander-in-chief actually took care of Yang Antai's authority, and the difference between revocation and revision is indeed very big. But no matter whether Yin Wannovich scolded or reprimanded him, or gave different strategic ideas with higher authority relatively euphemistically, it was impossible to influence Yang Antai's will.

"Why don't you come?" Yang Antai didn't know that Aidakang had said similar words in the jump base an hour ago. Army advance order.

What does the appearance of Emperor Wudi III mean? Not to mention a federal general like Yang Antai, even an ordinary soldier on the mountain of the gods with the goal of rushing into the jump base can say one, two, three, four, five.

But they didn't know that at this time, apart from Ji Xinghe, Ji Rong Xinyue, the grandfather and grandson, and Xingyue who had a complicated relationship with them, no one in the entire Federation knew that Emperor Wudi III was in the empire of the gods at this time. Inside the No. 1 jump base.

The news couldn't get out.

Similarly, Yin Wanovich and other generals of the Federation did not know how Emperor Wudi III responded to Aida Kang's question similar to Yang Antai's. And none of them are like Emperor Wu III, who can regard Ji Xinghe, the greatest legend in this era of the Federation, as the lord of the empire who wantonly scripted his life as a clown.

That's why they didn't accept Yang Antai's threat of retreat like Emperor Wudi III accepted Aida Kang's 'invitation'.

The sudden increase in the number of casualties is composed of fresh and brave lives. Even if Yang Antai follows their suggestions and revises the order, those lives that have passed away cannot be revived.

Perhaps the generals can regard the lost lives as numbers, but how long will it take for the nearly 200,000 troops and various weapons and equipment that have already begun their assault to return to the previous combat process?

It is impossible to fully recover, thus leaving the bane of failure, and no one can forget that the empire may start an all-out nuclear war at any time. No matter what advantage the Federation has established in this war, it may be destroyed by absolute violence by the Empire. Although the empire's nuclear war will also lead to a victory for the Federation, is this victory really a victory?

It's like, Ji Xinghe has won a victory that the Federation has not yet known-a script written by Emperor Wudi III himself.

And these are all Yang Antai's authority, Yang Antai's responsibility, and even Yang Antai's heavy burden that he will not be able to unload at the end of his life. What kind of ways to win and lose.

And who dares to take over such a heavy burden?

The communication channel of the highest-ranking general in the Federation fell silent, and the order for the entire army to advance was not revised. The federal soldiers who carried out the order, knowing that the entrance and exit of the jump base were their burial places, resolutely launched a charge.

Perhaps among them, some are afraid, some are regretful, and some are resentful, just like Jin Daosheng, who has not yet joined the second theater, is using fierce words to say something to their comrades in arms and commanders .

However, for various reasons, they did not stop their already charged pace. For example, their responsibilities and missions. For example, their relatives and friends on Azure Star. For example, their comrades-in-arms who have died and are dying.

For example, Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue, who had already advanced into the Yueqian base.

No matter what the reason is, when they charged for the Federation and all mankind, they were all brave and fearless Federation fighters, and they were Federation heroes worthy of admiration and memory.

The sacrifices of the heroes are meaningful. The entrances and exits of the jump bases whose coordinates have been confirmed are occupied by the Federation one by one. The stubborn imperial forces gradually retreated behind the closed entrance and exit gates, waiting for the Federation to launch a deadly attack when it successfully broke in with various weapons and equipment and human lives.

Not all entrances and exits have five gates that can block Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue for a certain period of time. The specific structure has a lot to do with the topography of the Gods Mountain, but these gates in a sealed state are given to the Federation. The forces launching the attack were a great hindrance.

Those automatic and remote-controlled fire output outlets are not so easily destroyed by the omnic attacks of the Federation. Although the mechas that forcibly rushed into the passageway used giant bulletproof shields forged from super alloys, they could not guard against those wreckages. Hidden bombs aimed at all kinds of federal assault weapons and equipment, including mechs.

The most influential one is the electromagnetic pulse bomb. The empire and the federation have such weapon technology. When the mechs and various omnics rushed into the passage, the electromagnetic pulse bomb that was suddenly detonated caused a large-scale shutdown. Then, those weapon platforms equipped with armor-piercing firepower carried out covering strikes on the passage.

The mobile special forces of the Federal Army series have become the main force in this tough battle. Although they wear mobile arms similar to individual exoskeleton armor, they can almost ignore it because they do not use smart cores and other configurations that require extremely high electronic components. EMP bomb attack.

The alloy armor of the whole body and the relatively primitive mechanical assist system allowed them to rush into the passage with super alloy shields and fierce firepower, and then used various wreckage as cover to attack all kinds of imperial firepower output devices in the passage. Clear up.

The effect is very good, but the casualties are high. The super alloy shield and those wreckage bunkers cannot withstand the full power of the fire bomb, the shock wave, the sputtered shrapnel, and the high-temperature fireball. However, the Federation has a very large number of mobile special forces. After the alien war entered a new era, the Federation no longer recruited conventional troops on a large scale, and supported the army infantry who went to Alien and stayed in Alien. Dress up.

The bulky protective clothing has not been eliminated, but is used by other arms that do not need to rush forward and fight. Most of the arms that need to charge at the forefront have already been replaced with mobile weapons that can temporarily adapt to the alien environment.

The short-term is due to the problem of oxygen supply. In contrast, the individual exoskeleton armor is much better in this respect. However, due to limited resources, although the Federation really wants to equip every soldier with individual exoskeleton armor, it can only be changed in this way in the end.

However, mobile arming also has the benefits of mobile arming. With a relatively low cost, large-scale refitting can be carried out, and the combat capability of the federal infantry can be improved as a whole, and the average physical fitness gap between federal soldiers and imperial soldiers can be evened out. gap between.

Team after team of mobile special forces, cooperating with mechas and various omnics, and even infantry vehicles and other equipment, successfully rushed into the passage of the jump base. It was really like peeling an onion, layer by layer. The entrance and exit passages of the jump base were peeled off.

The Federation has gained more and more advantages. In this case, the support that was not provided to Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue for various reasons before finally appeared.

There have been three vibrations in the jump base of the Empire, and each time is stronger than the last. The most recent one even made the entire battlefield feel obvious vibrations. The vibrations in some areas were so strong that the fighting forces of the Federation and the Empire could not stabilize. Stay in shape.

Because of this, Yang Antai changed his strategy, so the Federation has reason to believe that at least one of the grandson Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue is still alive, and can continue to destroy the interior of the empire's transition base.

This can be confirmed from the fact that the empire's stubborn resistance has been significantly weakened compared to before, and that Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue rushed to the entrance and exit of the Yuejiao base respectively, and no imperial troops have poured out to deploy defenses.

People are more willing to believe that the grandpa and grandson are both alive now, and have completed an incredible confluence, and they are teaming up to fatally destroy the jump base.

After Li Yuanba returned to Azure Star, Ji Xinghe became the last general of the Federation to charge on the battlefield, and people thought he shouldn't just die like this. Moreover, the Federation also needs a new general who can charge on the battlefield—Ji Rong Xinyue.

The federation needs to belong to this era, to lead the federation to win one victory after another in the war with the empire.

Those who were responsible for supporting Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue were not the five independent regiments that suffered heavy damage. The battle on the surface battlefield was not over yet, and those imperial forces stuck on the surface had only temporarily lost the opportunity to retreat, but as long as they could cooperate internally and externally to destroy The federal forces occupying the various entrances and exits can calmly retreat to the interior of the base, or receive support that can make them more threatening.

With all the entrances and exits closed, they have become the biggest threat to the Federation's general offensive force. The five independent regiments must play a role in line with their weapon equipment configuration on the surface battlefield that is more suitable for them to fight.

It was the two mobile special warfare companies that were in place first and directly rushed to support Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue. Each has 120 special warfare soldiers wearing mobile weapons, as well as the corresponding logistics and firepower configuration.

The number is a bit too small, but considering that they are actually shouldering the responsibilities of death squads, the number is actually quite a lot. After all, of the two mobile special warfare companies with a total of more than 300 people, only two people need to be rescued, and what they need to face is the danger of a narrow escape.

Three hundred lives, compared with two lives, which is more important?

The Death Squad has the style of the Death Squad. They rushed directly into the two entrances and exits without completing the preparation and detection. The detection omnics that were equipped seemed to have been forgotten by them.




There was no order to continue to advance through their communication channel, but their footsteps never stopped moving forward, even without a suitable cover, they forcibly advanced forward in a tacit but extremely lethal formation.

In contrast, the passage through which Ji Rongxinyue used a tactical-grade nuclear grenade to complete the breakthrough is more dangerous than the passage through which Ji Xinghe completed the breakthrough. Because the power of the nuclear explosion leaves a large amount of open space in the passage, the advancing The team lacked adequate cover.

But this danger is on the surface, and it is about the present. When the channel is flooded with a large amount of nuclear radiation that has not dissipated, the rushing team that lacks sufficient protection, if they can survive today, will need to receive a long time of treatment to recover. In terms of the medical level of the Federation in Aliens , if they fail to return to Azure Star in time, or fail to accept the gift, their bodies will be irreversibly damaged.

However, they didn't worry about the danger in the future. They knew very well that they were death squads, so how could they have any long-term worries?

The fastest advance did not last long, Ji Rong Xinyue's reinforcements lost the space to advance, and the road ahead had collapsed and was blocked, which was caused by Ji Rong Xinyue's last use of nuclear weapons in the passage. destruction.

But they didn't give up. After confirming that the passage was temporarily complete, the follow-up support troops rushed up, carrying all kinds of ordnance, and began to clean the completely blocked passage.

Ji Xinghe's reinforcements rushed into the Yuejiao base one step faster. They walked through the battlefield that Ji Xinghe had walked through. The shocking building space of various wreckages and ruins made them seem to have witnessed the battle that Ji Xinghe experienced with their own eyes. .

Those who were not afraid of death became even less afraid of death.

However, they did not see any enemy troops, and many well-preserved firepower ports inside the base did not fire as they continued to advance.

When they went deep inside the base, they couldn't hear the explosion that would inevitably accompany the battle, and they couldn't feel the vibration that the battle would cause.

For them, such a situation is of course safe, allowing them, who are ready to sacrifice, to survive at least in a short period of time. But they don't want this situation to continue, not because they don't want to live anymore, but because they all have a common and simple cognition.

If the battle inside the Empire Jump Base has ceased, does that mean...

"Stab... stab..."

As they charged into the fastest mobile special forces, a burst of noise suddenly sounded in the communication channel. Before they could find the source of the signal, a relatively clear voice sounded.

"My department is the independent regiment...Jijia team...I...Ji Xingyue."

The mecha squad of the independent regiment?

Jirong Xinyue?

Xingyue gave herself a surname, ignoring that her name was so similar to Jirong Xinyue that the first group of federal soldiers who heard her full name took her as Jirong Xinyue, and the word Rong was recognized The communication signal was not good and could not be transmitted.

But these are not important. The important thing is that the mechanical spider carrying the spiritual will of Ji Xingyue established communication with the federal troops who came to support them when it was confirmed that Emperor Wu III had begun to lead the team to evacuate the transition base.

Ji Xingyue's voice became clearer as they rushed in both directions.

"We have... we have laid down this jump base, and are currently... rushing to the command center of the jump base... Please pass the information to the headquarters immediately."

the three of us? Besides Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue, who else broke into this transition base?

Beat down?

It's do you want to rush to the command center of the jump base?

There are too many doubts, but the information they got has begun to pass backwards, layer by layer, to the headquarters of the Gods Mountain at an extremely fast speed, bringing more doubts and confusion, as well as shock and joy, etc. mood.

But there are too many questions, how can the strategic policy and tactical thinking be easily changed? Although those imperial troops who were stubbornly resisting may be abandoned imperial troops because they had no time to retreat, they were completely capable of causing huge casualties to the federal troops.

The many questions that made Yang Antai dare not give orders easily were answered one by one with the repeated and clearer voice of the mechanical spider.

"My department is the strongest mech squad of the Independent Regiment, the Ji Family Squad. I am Ji Xingyue. I am ordering by the head of our regiment, General Ji Xinghe, to convey important information to the headquarters."

"We drove away Emperor Wu III. We laid down this transition base."

"We have won!"

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