MTL - Mecha and Knife-Chapter 875 Master of all ages

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"Teacher of all ages!"

Hearing Liu Mian's words, everyone had different expressions.

The title of the teacher of all ages generally refers to the thoughts and philosophical thoughts of thinkers and writers, which can be passed down for thousands of years and affect dozens or even hundreds of generations.

Although Ji Xinghe has no thoughts or philosophical thoughts, he is the opener, pioneer, and explorer of a new chapter in the history of human evolution. Moreover, he is currently the only person in the Federation who is able to grant gifts in large quantities (Li Yuanba has not yet obtained the gift ability, and Ji Rong Xinyue's gift level and efficiency are too low), and he is indeed qualified to be called the teacher of all ages.

According to statistics, as of now, the number of people who have successfully accepted Ji Xinghe's gift has exceeded 8,000. This number has more than doubled when Ji Xinghe arrived at Alien Star for the second time. At that time, some people said that Ji Xinghe had "three thousand disciples", comparable to the saint who was called the teacher of all ages in ancient times.

As Ji Xinghe entered the "abnormal" state, the efficiency of his gift was greatly improved, and the war on the alien planet had basically stopped, so he and those who needed to receive the gift had more time to give the gift.

More than 8,000 "disciples" are definitely not the limit of Ji Xinghe. According to the current form, 80,000 "disciples" are just a part of making Ji Xinghe the master of all ages. Another part is that these people's branches and leaves in the future, derived from the seeds bestowed on them by Ji Xinghe through gifts, will grow into towering trees in the history of human evolution, and even a sky-filled galaxy.

This is indeed an honor, and it is an honor that has never been seen in the history of the Federation and even mankind. roundabout

Conversely, if Ji Xinghe is unwilling to give as many gifts as possible, but chooses to continue fighting, then it will be much more difficult for him to get the honor of Master of All Ages. Li Yuanba, Ji Rong Xinyue, and others who will inevitably appear when they come back Everyone will share the honor of the Master of All Ages.

As Liu Mian said, the rank of the five-star general and the so-called commander-in-chief are only part of the federal rewards/restrictions on Ji Xinghe, and the real highlight lies in the title of "Master of All Eternals".

It is foreseeable that if Ji Xinghe agrees to the restructuring plan that Chen Xun is currently talking about, then the Federation will inevitably carry out a series of large-scale propaganda work, combined with the miracle victory created by Ji Xinghe that has not yet been made public, making Ji Xinghe a The glory of the Federation, the glory of humanity.

But, does Ji Xinghe really need such an honor? Do you really care about such glory? Would you really be willing to become a glory in the history of human evolution in this way?

Only Ji Xinghe himself can answer these questions. It seemed that they were worried that Ji Xinghe would give an answer that was different from his previous will, or that he was too impulsive to insist on his own opinion. After thinking about it, Chen Xun and others spoke out one after another.

"This war has been fought for thirty years. Although our Federation has not reached the level of militarism, the impact on people's livelihood cannot be ignored. People's anti-war sentiment has already reached its peak, especially now that we have achieved For the vast majority of people, it is the moment of victory that can end the war."

Liu Mian said seriously: "In this case, whether it is the main battle or the main peace, there is reason to propose a plan to recuperate. There is no need to say more about the thoughts of the main peace faction. For the main battle faction, we have too much Many technologies need time to be applied and scaled up. The composition and configuration of our forces need to be changed in conjunction with new forms of warfare. We have consumed too many weapons and equipment in the past 30 years. All these need to be carried out. Supplement. And since none of us are willing to resort to militarism, the best way to supplement is to recuperate. But..." Lan

When Liu Mian hesitated to say it, Chen Xun said it for him.

"For them, the strategic and tactical thinking of our second theater has always been the most radical, like the battle to capture the Empire's No. 3 jump base and the battle to capture the Empire's No. 1 jump base. They are afraid that we will be like It was the same as before, with solitary courage and decisive will to force them to change their strategic thinking that can be described as military tactics.

Because, no one can guarantee, and maybe we ourselves can't guarantee that we can really win every time! "

Chen Xun's words are more like an accusation after the fact, and his accusation is understandable.

Regarding Ji Xinghe's experience in the Empire No. 1 jump base, it is not confidential information for them, so they all know how Ji Xinghe completed the capture of the No. 1 jump base. If Emperor Wudi III had made another choice, then Ji Xinghe, Ji Rong Xinyue, and Xingyue would all die. The No. 1 Jump Base could not be captured so easily. Will become Ji Xinghe's sin!

Su Chuanyun couldn't listen anymore. He actually didn't want to have too many disputes with Chen Xun. It's normal for mecha fighters and staff officers to have different ideas, but the difference between him and Chen Xun has a great impact on the second theater.

It's a pity that Shen Mu and Su He couldn't attend the meeting due to authority issues, although they both have relevant positions in the Second Theater and the Independent Regiment, and both have military ranks. But the essential identities are a mechanic and a reporter respectively, and they are involved in the discussion of the largest restructuring plan of the federal military. They must be excluded based on the confidentiality clause. roundabout

If Shen Mu and Su He were here, they would have been angry by now.

Su Chuanyun thought about this, and said in a very euphemistic way: "So, what you mean is that although we have achieved an unprecedented great victory under the leadership of the old man. The peace faction has a lot of opinions and fears about us?"

Chen Xun looked at Su Chuanyun in surprise. When he said those words for Liu Mian, he was already ready to bicker with Su Chuanyun. But now it seems that Su Chuanyun's growth has reached the level of a commander.

"In the words of General Tu Yuan, we led by the old man are the federal immune system. Now that the virus has been basically eliminated, and the rest can be controlled, the immune system cannot be eliminated with the craziest posture as before. Virus."

Tu Yuan's statement has been widely circulated for some reasons, and there are signs of continuous expansion. It sounds like some kind of foreshadowing.

Su Chuanyun concluded from his own understanding: "So, they use things like five-star generals, commanders-in-chief, and teachers of all ages to force or lure the old man to agree to their idea of ​​recuperating?"

Liu Mian couldn't help but said, "It's both persecution and temptation, but in fact, we really need to recuperate."

After all, he is a staff officer with an orthodox background, which is different from the common background of the high-level personnel in the second theater.

Chen Xun nodded and said: "The benefits that gifts can bring are obvious, and it's not just the improvement of combat effectiveness. The real core lies in the improvement of energy, physical fitness, memory and other elements, so that our scientific researchers can better Engage in research work and obtain more and more valuable scientific research results. I believe that most of them are for military use, before the threat of the empire is completely eliminated, and the threat of the third civilization."

The technology that the Federation has developed rapidly because of the war has increased in the past two years, such as neural link technology, biomaterial mech technology, propulsion engine technology, electromagnetic rifle technology, energy shield technology, energy main gun technology etc…

In addition to the principle of thick accumulation, what Chen Xun said is also one of the reasons for the promotion. If more scientific researchers can successfully receive the gift, it is very likely that one of the promotion reasons will become the main promotion reason.

A stronger federation is of course good news for soldiers, and it is worth looking forward to. Just like Andre, who has been sacrificed, has always insisted on the idea-why use a knife to kill a problem that can be solved with firepower?

Mecha fighters like Su Chuanyun and Laizi who have the top combat power of the Federation, if given a choice, would also choose a mecha with powerful firepower instead of a mecha that mainly relies on melee weapons.

So they were silent, because their hearts had been shaken. Although they will still unconditionally support any decision made by Ji Xinghe, they have always had their own ideas, and they must have their own ideas. roundabout

Jiang Yun suddenly asked, "Lieutenant General Davis, are you one of us?"

This is a key question, because it was Davis who took over as the commander of the second war zone. Liu Mian, who spent the most time with Davis and had the most arguments, took a look at Ji Xinghe, who was still in the champion Hou, and replied: : "I can only confirm that he is the main combat faction, at present."

Jiang Yun also glanced at Ji Xinghe and nodded: "That's why they proposed to let Davis take over the second theater instead of Tang Qiao."

Chen Xun added: "Tang Qiao will continue to serve as the commander of the Battle Scar Canyon theater, for now."

They all emphasized the word "currently", which means that all of this is unknown before Ji Xinghe expresses his position, and it can be changed. Whether it's Davis' attitude, or the candidate for the commander of the Battle Scar Canyon theater, and others.

But Ji Xinghe didn't express his opinion on this, but said softly: "Go ahead, reform."

kindness? roundabout

Chen Xun was stunned for a moment. It would take an hour or even a few days to discuss the three key points already mentioned, and if these three key points were not discussed clearly, the rest seemed to have nothing to do with them.

"Yes." He could only continue: "The fourth key point is that the defense of the three retained theaters and the abolished theaters are still under the jurisdiction of the Nantianmen Command, but according to the relevant rules, the authority of the Nantianmen Command It will be higher and more defined than before. It will be manifested in the…”

The key point summarized by Chen Xun actually has a lot of content.

The [Federal Alien Defense Command] dominated by the Nantianmen Space Station is equivalent to the [Federal Space Defense Command] that wants Ji Xinghe to be the commander-in-chief, but it is only nominally equivalent.

Because the area in charge of the former is an alien star that clearly has wars, while the area in charge of the latter is Azure Star, where wars are uncertain.

Relatively speaking, the restructuring of the three major war zones on the different planets is not too much. The most common one is actually the Federation's first orbital airborne mecha corps, which was originally headed by Ji Xinghe. The five existing independent regiments of the Federation will all be included in this regiment, and the formation of the second and third orbital airborne mecha regiments will begin.

Although the resources used by the Federation to manufacture Zhanshanjia are running out, the changes in the situation, the acquisition and successful manufacture of the tungsten steel alloy formula, the large amount of spoils seized, and the decision-making changes in the form of mecha troop forces have given the Federation some This gave the confidence to form the second and third orbital airborne mecha corps. roundabout

The mecha force of the Federation is officially becoming more elite.

Regular-level standard mechas, as well as Wangshan-class and formation-breaking mechas that do not meet the orbital airborne standard, will be concentrated in the three major theaters to form a newly-made army mecha corps.

This is beneficial. When it is known that the empire can only open small interstellar transition gates on the surface of alien planets, the orbital airborne mecha corps that can quickly and maneuver through orbital airborne can not only quickly and efficiently extinguish the empire's aggression, It can also save the resources and manpower needed to build a large number of theaters and blockades.

And these resources and manpower, whether it is diverted to the development of alien stars or industrial production, etc., can help the Federation obtain stronger military power, and can play a vital role in promoting the recovery and development of people's livelihood.

As Chen Xun said, the authority of the Nantianmen Command will be higher and clearer, because the three major orbital airborne mech corps will be directly responsible for the Nantianmen Command. And it doesn't stop there, the space fleets of the federal states will also belong to the command sequence of the Nantianmen Command in the restructuring plan.

After listening, Jiang Yun asked a few questions.

"In other words, all the combat units we currently have, as well as logistics-related units, etc., will belong to the Federal Alien Defense Command? Who are the candidates for the commander-in-chief? They let the old man serve as the commander-in-chief of the Federation The Space Defense General Command only has Azure Star’s Lingshan space defense system? Then why not just call it the Federal Azure Defense General Command? How to distribute the productivity gained in exchange for recuperation and the military units that can be formed? Only the Defense Commander What about the expedition plan? Really, just keep defending?" Lane

Only Chen Xun and Liu Mian could see the related restructuring plan after it was sent to Ji Xinghe.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, Liu Mian replied in a supplementary manner: "All the units currently located in the alien star, except for the part that will be withdrawn to the blue star, that is, the retired and laid-off part, really belong to the alien star defense headquarters. Command. The candidate for the commander-in-chief is currently unclear, and it will take some time. The old man serves as the commander-in-chief of the Space Defense Command. At present, there is indeed only the Lingshan Space Defense System. As for why it is not called the Azure Defense Command...

Because it would make the old man's authority sound higher, almost at its peak. Although we all know that this thing is meaningless, it can be understood that this is an explanation to the public, for the old man's military exploits to be made public.

The last two questions..."

Liu Mian stopped, and Chen Xun continued: "This is the fifth key point. General Tu Yuan will be the commander-in-chief, and a military unit with 'defense and counterattack' as the core strategy will be formed. There is no clear plan for the specific details. "

Su Chuanyun suddenly laughed and heheed twice: "It is only clear that General Tu Yuan will be the commander-in-chief, but he didn't specify the meaning of the detailed rules. Isn't it because he is afraid that the old man will disagree. If the old man turns against General Tu Yuan and fights for it, then they will Playing tricks on the details, suppressing our combat power, making it impossible for us to fight against the empire, and it’s not fun to fight by force, and it’s more likely to make the old man who has never lost lose by taking advantage of the situation, thus weakening the old man’s prestige.”

The **** agreed and added: "If the old man doesn't fight for it, then with General Tu Yuan's character, if he is not at a certain disadvantage, he will definitely not use the old man. It is even possible that if the old man is not allowed to participate in the expedition, it will be General Tu Yuan." The conditions to become the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force." Lan

Liu Mian hesitated to speak.

Qiao Menglian, who had been silent all this time, finally joined in, with a dissatisfied tone: "To sum up, they just want the old man to be a gift machine full of glory, because in their and most people's eyes, when the Federation no longer needs a charge This is the correct usage of the old man."

Su Chuanyun said twice again: "Those who want to get the gift but were unable to do so due to various reasons are now ready to welcome the old man's return on Azure Star and accept the gift by the way."

Chen Xun looked at Su Chuanyun in surprise, because the reason Su Chuanyun said was very important. Who wouldn't want a healthier body and a longer lifespan? Especially those who hold the resources.

In the past, there was pressure brought by the empire, and no one dared to do anything. But now, the pressure brought by the empire is already very small, at least in a short period of time, and the pressure brought by the third civilization will not appear for more than forty years. Of course, they will have ideas.

Although it is impossible to directly control Ji Xinghe, it is even impossible to order Ji Xinghe, but using many games to limit Ji Xinghe's power of choice has always been the best thing for those who have resources.

The key points were almost finished, and Chen Xun and the others had nothing to say, so they all looked at Ji Xinghe. roundabout

It's time to make a statement.

Ji Xinghe, who had seen everyone's inner thoughts, still had a calm expression, and his voice was very soft when he spoke, but it sounded like a thunderclap.

"I have no opinion."


Although the other seven people present, UU reading www. included Ji Rong Xinyue, in fact, they all hoped that Ji Xinghe would agree. After all, it was only Ji Xinghe who returned to Azure Star to be the commander-in-chief, but they could stay in Alien Star, and even join Tu Yuan's command sequence.

Let the old man rest, they come to fight, this is their wish for these few years. But when Ji Xinghe really agreed, they all became worried, but this time, Ji Rong Xinyue was not included.

Su Chuanyun's tone was full of disbelief: "Old man, you... you... what kind of teacher do you really want to be?"

What he actually wanted to ask was whether Ji Xinghe was affected by the sacrifices of Qin Tong, Harris, Zuo Shou, and Yu Ren, but he still couldn't ask. Every time this kind of thing is brought up, it hurts.

Ji Xinghe felt everyone's worry, smiled, signaled that he was fine, and then nodded to Ji Rong Xinyue.

Ji Rong Xinyue explained helplessly.

She reminded: "Uncles, uncles, have you forgotten that the empire has a spaceship from the third civilization. And if that spaceship appears, Emperor Wudi III must be in it, and its goal must be Azure Star."

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