MTL - Medical Master-Chapter 3 Mysterious middle-aged man!

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Fangqiu put the bag back in the dormitory and went straight to the cafeteria to eat.

At this time, an article called "Student angered the big tyrants, the bodyguards lost money to apologize! ! ! The post of "" appeared quietly on the campus forum.

There is a picture in the post with a truth, detailing how a student is fearlessly shouting at the big father and son and bodyguards, and how to stop the other side in the case of the other side indifferent, and finally let the two strong men and bodyguards Retreat and apologize and give money.

The map details the various situations of the sword.

However, because of the rain, the photos were not very clear, so you can only see Fangqiu's vague look, and you can't see the real face.

Otherwise, Fangqiu will not want to go out later.

But this post, even instantly detonated the entire campus forum.

Numerous message responses.

"Like! I didn't expect Dajiang Chinese Medicine to have such a cow X student! Strong support!"

"This great **** has done what I thought but did not dare to do, too much! Admire! Admire!"

"Idol! It's definitely an idol in my heart! Seek a clear picture! Seek real information!"


"Seeking the psychological area of ​​the Tuhao father and son and bodyguards!"

There are also questions that are true and false. I can’t believe that there are still such straightforward students in society.

"Really? Isn't this something to be compiled?"

“I also feel a lot of deductive elements, how can such students live in this society?”

But those who can't do it but suspect that they can't be done by people will soon be beaten.

"Not that you don't dare to do it, you can't do it on behalf of others! I am one of the students who have been sprayed with muddy water. This is my clothes. This is the five hundred dollars!"

After finishing the two pictures, one chapter is a muddy clothes, and the other is five hundred dollars with some hand muddy water.

"I am one of them too!"

"me too!"

More parties have posted maps, and the voice of doubt has not been formed and the moment has been eliminated.

There are witnesses in the picture, and the most important thing is money. Everyone believes in this.

The forum continues to be hot.

More and more people are asking for Fangqiu information.

Everyone is interested in the emergence of such a sense of justice in the school.

These things have nothing to do with Fangqiu.

After a pause in his lunch, he took the books borrowed from the library in the dormitory.

"Daddy, how do I feel that the school forum is angered by the big tyrants like you?"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, just after lunch break from the bed, the third child Sun Hao pointed to the picture on the forum on the computer screen.

Fangqiu just smiled and did not answer to continue reading.

There are a total of four people in the dormitory, sorted by age, boss, third, fourth and fifth. As for the second child, it is directly ignored because it is easy to produce bad associations.

Fangqiu is the old fifth, the old man.

Sun Hao muttered a phrase "The more you look at you," and continued to browse the forum.

The old four days lying on the bed watching the mobile phone, suddenly turned over, staring at Fangqiu and asking: "Daddy, I heard that you will play the flute tomorrow night, OK, hide enough, come to the fifty cents to listen. !"

"Yeah! Your kid is hiding deep enough, and you have to show your skills and let the uncles listen!"

Sun Hao did not look at the computer any more, and turned his head directly to stare at Fangqiu with no good intentions.

Zhu Benzheng, the boss who read the book on the desk behind Fangqiu, was more direct. He turned the chair directly and looked at Fangqiu quietly.

"You guys, okay, let's just blow a paragraph!"

Fangqiu looked helpless and put down the book, and then said a very sloppy look, "Let you listen to what is Scorpio today!"


Three people despised at the same time.

Fangqiu simply brewed the emotions, then took up his hand and began to play.

Five minutes later, the expressions of the three people became all intoxicated.

Fangqiu saw the situation, knowing that the dormitory could not stay for a while, and all the books borrowed from the library were put into the schoolbag and went out to the library.


The closing of the door awakened three people from intoxication.

Three people are small and small, you look at me and look at you, all face each other.

For a long time, the third child Sun Hao carefully asked: "You said, how many love letters can this kid receive after the night, can you fill the dormitory?"

The boss Zhu Benzheng and the old four days were very serious thinking for a while, then nodded at the same time and said: "The estimation is not limited."

"My day, how come we have such a enchanting dormitory, this is not an old man, this is an old demon!"

Sun Haoyi looked like a broken heart, and said with a chest, "How can we find a girlfriend in the future, look at the face of the old man, and then look at the hand and sister stunts of people, we all become sunshine. Shadows, let’s go with the old demon and the female students simply can’t see us!”

"No, I can't go with the old lady after tomorrow night."

Sun Hao said very seriously.

This made Zhu Benzheng and Zhou Xiaotian nod together.

Sun Hao feels that this is not safe, adding: "This is not enough. I have to let the old man teach him, can't learn his level, and learn 30%, it's not in the flowers!"

Zhu Benzheng and Zhou Xiaotian nodded again, and the eyes were shining.

At the same time as the three conspired, Fang Qiu was walking in the mist of the south of the Yangtze River.

The rain in the south of the Yangtze River is as silky as it is.

Walking in it can not tell the coziness.

All the way Xu Xing.

Soon, I came to the library borrowing office, and Fang Qiu handed the book and the library card to the librarian middle-aged at the door.

Middle-aged people obviously remember Fangqiu.

People who borrowed so many ancient books from the beginning of school did not want to remember.

I saw Fangqiu’s book borrowed from the morning and returned. The middle-aged man smiled and asked: “It’s too difficult, so I’m still not coming back?”


Fangqiu shook his head and said: "All are finished."

"Is it all finished?"

The middle-aged people sorted out the books and noticed the movements. They looked at Fangqiu with amazement and immediately laughed. "Little guy, lying is not good."

Fangqiu smiled and said nothing.

The middle-aged man randomly took out one of the books and stroked the cover of the book for a while. He suddenly asked: "The next section of the seventh section of the vest, the name of the stone bone, the hitter, spit and vomiting blood, ten months. Death, why?"

Wen Yan, Fang Qiu suddenly brightened.

Looking up and down the middle-aged people, the mouth replied: "First use the soup, add eucommia, add money to the bones, and make up the money for the third time."

He said, regardless of the "body class" in the hands of middle-aged people, he took out the "Symologists" from the ancient books, and looked at the middle-aged people with a smile.

The middle-aged man saw the book that Fang Qiu had drawn, and his eyes turned bright again.

The body is sitting up straight and it is interesting.

His question is not "the body of the body," but the words in the "Study of the Injury", he is the book that was deliberately wrong.

He didn't even think that the boy in front of him didn't answer it, but he didn't expect the kid to actually answer it. He also accurately extracted the book of this sentence.


For the first time, middle-aged people have started to take the exam. They have been in this library for so many years, and it is the first time that they have encountered such an interesting student.

"Most of the men, the gas turns from the left, the upper part is easy to cure, the lower part is difficult to cure, and the yang is also rising. Woman?"

Fangqiu took the book "Surgical Dacheng" with ease and replied: "Women's blood turns from the right, and the lower part is easy to cure. The upper part is difficult to treat, and the blood is reduced."

"What is the solution?"

The middle-aged man asked.

"First, add the sand kernels to the soup, and Ji Li to disperse it, then enter the Shunqi Huoxue Tang, and add the sugar sugar wine, and the wound and the wounded five."

Fangqiu answered.

"Where the head is wounded, the brain is out, it is difficult to cure; the bone-greener is also difficult to cure. If his flesh is broken, why?"

"The empty pain will be scattered, and the internal and external wind and qi soup will be used for five or six doses. The wound will be healed, and then the blood will be replenished. If there is tetanus, the teeth will be closed, the angle bow will be reversed, and the dragon will die. Cast it."

Fang Qiu took out the "Breaking Secrets".

"The heart is on the transverse bone, also known as the human bone, from the bottom up, if the first section of the injured one year of death, the second section of the injured two years of death, the third section of the injured three years of death. This point should be lung The injury will vomit blood and cough. Any serious injury behind the chest, for a long time into a smoldering fire. Left breast injury, coughing. Right breast injury, hair sputum. Where the chest and chest injury, why?"

“Li Dong Wan and San Huang Bao Wax Pills can be used as appropriate, and then take the lung agent to receive the work!”

Fang Qiu took out the book "Injury Supplement".

"Haha not bad!"

The middle-aged man smiled happily. He had asked four questions in a row. The little guy in front of him not only answered the questions but also extracted four medical books.

Especially the first one he deliberately asked the wrong person, the other party can also find the right book.

What is being explained?

This shows that the other party knows the contents of all the books!

This student is interesting!

“Dare to ask who you are?”

Fangqiu asked respectfully.

He never believed that the middle-aged man in front of him was just a simple librarian.

Being able to tell the words in each book can also be judged according to his answer. This is enough to show that the person in front of you is not an ordinary person.

His powerful memory was practiced, but he did not realize that any cultivation existed.

Since it is not practiced, and there is such a memory against the sky, who is this person?

"A manager who eats a meal, it’s just a brain to make something better."

The middle-aged man smiled and said something simple.

Fangqiu apparently did not believe, seeing the middle-aged people do not want to say more, he is not asking more, but from today, he learned that middle-aged people are not ordinary people.

Middle-aged people also know that he is not an ordinary person.

Since the two secret people can not be surprised, it is to prove that the other party has a secret.

Returning the library card to Fangqiu, the middle-aged man looked at the ancient book and thought for a while: "The third bookshelf in the orthopedic area, the bottom layer on the south side, the eighth from the east side. Book, "The Key to the Injury."


Fangqiu looked at the middle-aged people with doubts, some of them are unknown.

"If you want to see ancient books about orthopedics, then the book suggests you go and see."

When the middle-aged man finished speaking, he would no longer pay attention to Fangqiu and he would be busy with himself.

Fang Qiu looked at the middle-aged man deeply, and he fell a little and went straight into the library.

The middle-aged man looked at the back of Fangqiu and looked forward to it.


According to the position of the middle-aged man, Fangqiu really found the book "The Key to the Injury".

He picked up this book that didn't seem to have been turned over for many years, and he was more confused.

Who is this middle-aged man?

Is it really an ordinary administrator?

It should be that only those who are familiar with the library can only accurately tell where a book is.

And more management can't do this at all.

With doubts, Fang Qiu read the book and looked at it in general. Didn't find anything strange?

Similar to other orthopedic ancient books.

If this is the case, middle-aged people should not recommend this book.

Turn it over again.

Suddenly a page fell from the inside.

Fangqiu immediately shot, and the right hand caught the page of the page with lightning.

There was a slight tension in my heart.

Willn't it be broken by yourself? This is an ancient book, and it may even be a lonely one. If you break it yourself, you can't afford it with your pocket!

Looked carefully, it turned out to be a blank page.

And there is no trace of tearing.

He was relieved.

It seems that it is independent, it is caught in the book, and it may be because of his book.

Just as he was about to put it back, when the finger touched the middle of the page, it seemed that the whole person was stunned by the electric shock.

Fangqiu looked shocked at this blank page that looked like a blank page.

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