MTL - Medical Master-v8 Chapter 483 Tiancai, Emperor Penguin!

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"Squeak ..."

Being held in Fang Qiu's arms, the little boy jumped proudly on Fang Qiu's shoulder, posing with a proud look.

"Yes, yes, you are the best."

Fang Qiu smiled and praised.

He didn't forget another name of this little guy: Treasure Hunt!

Otherwise, he won't deliberately call Li Yan to send the little guy over.

Now it seems.

The little guy arrived in the Antarctic continent in less than half an hour and found two energy jade veins. This kind of achievement is really scary.


The treasure hunt has only just begun, and those areas that have not been explored are the highlights.

"Does this area still exist?"

Stepping out of the glacier, Fang Qiu sent his coordinates to Qingyun while asking.

Hear the words.

The little guy jumped, jumped to the top of Fang Qiu's head, sniffed for a while while standing upright, then stretched out his little short hand, and pointed in the direction of the fourth zone.


Looking at it, it is obviously saying: leave you!

Finished sending coordinates.

Fang Qiu smiled slightly, immediately flew up, flew towards the fourth area quickly, and immediately began to investigate as soon as he entered the fourth area.

The little guy is used for treasure hunting, and the existence of ancient ruins and secret places cannot be sensed by the little guy.


Fang Qiu has also been searching and exploring, and he still has full expectations in his heart.

Hope to find an ancient relic on the Antarctic continent.

Although Fang Qiu didn't feel anything after searching the first three areas, he still didn't give up.

Anyway, you have to search the entire Antarctic continent anyway, it is a good way to look for it. If there are ancient ruins, it is a good thing, even if it is not, it will have no effect.

while walking.


Suddenly the little guy called out.

It's just that the call this time is obviously less certain than before.

Fang Qiu stopped and looked at the little guy standing on his shoulders, but found that the little guy's eyes were twirling, it seemed a little uncertain.

"what's the situation?"

Fang Qiu asked.

The little guy didn't answer, but continued to twist his head, looking like an adult thinking in detail.

Fang Qiu didn't bother, but was curious.

The little guy's ability to find treasure is not ordinary. It can feel the location of the treasure very accurately every time, and even know the treasure is far away.

Right now.

It's obviously something wrong.

It seemed very daunting, for a moment I was not sure.

Take a break.


The little fellow's eyes suddenly lighted up, as if he had figured out something. He jumped directly from Fang Qiu's shoulder without hesitation, and then turned into a silver light, and ran out.

Fang Qiu followed closely behind.


Led by the little guy, Fang Qiu came to the coastline of the fourth area.

Because of the equal division, the nine areas divided by Fangqiu all have a coastline.

"Muffy, there are also energy jade mines mined by the Nirvana?"

Fang Qiu was puzzled.

In this area, he had searched along the coastline before. Nothing was detected at that time. Could it be that this column was also expanded by Nirvana to the Lord?

Just in doubt.

Fang Qiu was carried by the little guy and came to a very high ice cliff.

This ice cliff is several kilometers high, and below it is a coastline that looks particularly beautiful. The ice cliffs made by kilometers are very neat.

It seems that the whole was split from the middle into two halves.

The other half may have melted into sea water and disappeared completely.


Fang Qiu just stopped and saw the little guy who had been rushing in front, but he jumped down without any worries.

Fang Qiu quickly followed, and flew in the air to land with the little guy.


Suddenly the little guy screamed.

Fang Qiu immediately shot, catching the little guy, and stopped in the air at the same time.

"Squeak ..."

The kid yelled as he slapped the ice.

Fang Qiu immediately looked at where the little guy was pointing, but found nothing.

Because the little guy was referring to the location of Bingya's half-middle waist, looking in from the perspective of Fang Qiu, the inside was very clear and no impurities were visible.

In this case, Fang Qiu can be very sure that there is no energy jade mine in this place.

There was nothing else, at least it was a bit of broken ice dumplings.

"Squeak ..."

The little boy put on a look of hating iron and steel, and continued to slap on the ice.

Fang Qiu frowned.

He glanced into it again, and still found nothing.

This situation puzzled Fang Qiu.

Think of the uncertain look of the little guy before this, plus the ice crickets everywhere in the glacier.

Could it be that those ice dumplings have problems?

What is ice dumplings?

Just as Fang Qiu was thinking, the little guy had taken the initiative to start teeth, and began to rush towards Bingya, seemingly ready to make a hole.



Fang Qiu suddenly trembled, a strange look appeared in his eyes, and murmured, "Is it the millennium ice bug?"

This was the only thing he could think of, something that might be hidden in the ice cliff.

For the millennium ice bug, Tiancai ranked 26th.

The worm-shaped, non-fixed state, similar to fossils, takes a long time to form. It is a worm that lives in the millennium of ice and absorbs a large amount of heaven and earth, and is killed by anti-icing.

According to the record.

After being frozen for thousands of years, the ice worm will continue to absorb the air of heaven and earth. The invasion of the air of heaven and earth makes the ice worm's body completely chalcedony, but it is different from the normal energy chalcedony because it is a living thing. Before the death, the ice worm absorbed a lot of air of heaven and earth and possessed its unique characteristics, so it also became a kind of heavenly material.

To put it simply, the position of the millennium ice bug in Tiancaidibao is similar to the position of Cordyceps sinensis in traditional Chinese medicine.

My heart moved.

Fang Qiu immediately began to dig carefully.

Although it ranks only twenty-sixth in the list of heavenly materials, the millennium ice bug is even scarce than some of the top ten heavenly materials, and only three have been recorded in the treasures of heaven and earth since ancient times.

It is not because the formation of the millennium ice bug is difficult, but because all the heaven and earth air absorbed and absorbed by the millennium ice bug are ice attributes, and it is also close to the millennium ice, which causes it to emit almost no other A breath of energy.

Even if someone explores it carefully, they will think that it is the atmosphere of heaven and earth stored in the millennium's ice, and they will not care.

This is why the little guy is hesitant.

After all, the millennium ice bug freezes all the air of heaven and earth in the body, turning its own blood and flesh cells into storage tanks of the air of heaven and earth, locking all the air of heaven and earth it absorbed into it, leaving no trace of it. Go out.

"I didn't expect this thing to be found by you."

Fang Qiu looked at the little guy in surprise.


The little boy raised his head proudly.


Fang Qiu dug into it several meters deep.

When he entered the ice cliff, he finally saw something eye-catching.

It was a bug with a thick little finger.

This worm coiled into a circle, and it looked like a very small ice maggot from the outside. If you don't step closer to look at it, you won't see it at all.


"Why does this thing have roots?"

Fang Qiu was surprised.

He found that under this millennium ice bug, there were some things that looked like roots.

Take a closer look.

A few orange hairs.

"What is this?"

Fang Qiu did not touch the millennium ice bug, but pulled out these orange hairs for inspection.

But just then.

"Flip-flops ..."

There was a sudden sound of footsteps.

Wen Sheng looked away.

Fang Qiu found that, directly opposite him, there appeared a giant penguin who almost did the same with him.

This is an emperor penguin!

Fang Qiu's eyes widened instantly.

He has also seen emperor penguins. Although emperor penguins are the largest individual species in the penguin family, they are not so large.


The little guy yelled, apparently in a demonstration.

But next moment.

Which giant emperor penguin suddenly tilted his head back and let Hou fiercely poke the ice with his sharp beak severely. The ice in front of Fang Qiu's eyes suddenly cracked and broke.

at this time.

Fang Qiu found that, across from the ice layer, there was a larger passage. It seemed that the emperor penguin had dug it out. This passage had a lot of forks.

Think about it, this emperor penguin should feed on the millennium ice bug in this ice cliff, so it can grow so large.

"Unexpectedly, even the millennium ice bug has a guardian beast."

Fang Qiu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

However, just after his words came out, the emperor penguin slammed his beak and pecked at the millennium ice bug, apparently he wanted to start first.

"You don't talk too much about this first come, right?"

Fang Qiu waved with his right hand.

A layer of golden energy immediately wrapped the millennium ice bug.


A crisp sound.

The emperor penguin struck the golden energy layer enclosing the millennium ice worm. The huge anti-seismic force almost backed out the entire body.

"I said, you've eaten so many millennia of ice bugs, and I managed to catch up with it once, just give it to me."

Fang Qiu smiled and reached for the millennium ice bug.


The emperor penguin was angry, screamed at Fang Qiu with a big mouth, and then rushed towards Fang Qiu, preparing to peck Fang Qiu's head with his sharp beak.

This time, the little guy standing on Fang Qiu's shoulders was unhappy.

This beak came down, but it was pecked.

"Squeak ..."

The little guy yelled.

At this time.

As soon as Fang Qiu's figure moved, the whole person instantly disappeared in the eyes of Emperor Penguin, and when it appeared again, it was already behind Emperor Penguin's ass.

No hesitation.

Fang Qiu fiercely kicked Emperor Penguin's ass.

With this kick, Emperor Penguin's huge body immediately fell forward, rushing into the channel dug out by Fang Qiu, and then rushed out like an artillery shell, coming from the ice cliff. A high-altitude dive into the sea very gracefully.