MTL - Medical Master-v9 Chapter 507 The river is poisoned!

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"Booming !!!"

The explosion of the sky was loud.

As soon as the golden energy light mass fell to the ground, a terrible storm of energy swept up into the sky, pulling hundreds of nirvana and black robe people around and flying uncontrollably into the sky.

Pulled by the terrible explosive force and energy storm, a large number of people in black robes who were rolled up in the sky were torn into fragments of the sky before they even reacted.

For a moment, the blood rain filled the sky.

Around him, there were still countless nirvana men in black robes, madly killing them.

These people are not afraid of death at all.

"Stand up!"

Just when a large number of Heipao people came to besiege, a cold drink came out from the crowd.

Look closely.

Looking at it, it was the clone that was the Lord.

With the spread of his drinking.

The formation of this densely packed army of black robes suddenly became gloomy, like a cloudy sky.

The energy in the whole array boiled at this moment.

Suddenly, the situation changed.

At this moment, the original mirrored magic array was faintly exuding, making people feel a particularly depressed atmosphere.

"not good."

Fang Qiu's heart moved.

There was a slight change in his complexion.

Although the number of Nirvana black robes in this large array is not as large as before, it is also quite large, at least there are more than 100,000 people.

The explosion caused by Fangqiu only injured a thousand people, and only a few hundred people were killed directly.

under these circumstances.

No matter how strong Fang Qiu is, it is impossible to kill all of them.

The most critical thing is the change of matrix method.

Now, the clone is so big that the Lord is trying to change the formation. Once the formation is completely transformed from mirrored fantasy formation to kill formation, it will be difficult to escape.

After all, the entanglement of more than 100,000 people is not a joke!

"I won't play with you."

Fang Qiu glanced indifferently, then as soon as he was in shape, he immediately rushed into the headspace of the large array, trying to break out of the large array.

"Want to leave?"

"Not so easy!"

Clone snorted loudly, and his hands waved violently.

As if in charge.

With the waving of his hands, in this huge formation, a gray energy quickly condensed out of the array and turned into a torrent, facing a fierce impact on Fang Qiu. Come over.


Fang Qiu frowned.

He did not expect that the clone was so large that the Lord would use the energy in the formation to block him in order to trap him.


Although this energy is very strong, it can only temporarily stop Fang Qiu.

After all, Fang Qiu's own golden inner air has a restraining effect on the magical qi used by the Nirvana. In addition, the clone controlling the matrix method is as large as Fang Qiu. Even with the energy in the battle method, Unable to trap Fang Qiu.

The clone is as big as the Lord naturally knows this. What he wants is not to use the energy in the formation to completely seduce the nameless. He only needs to block Fang Qiu briefly, so that other Nirvana people can rush up to stop the nameless steps Is enough.

As long as there are enough people.

Even if there is no known talent, it is impossible to run away in a short time.

And what he needs is this period of time. As long as the formation method is completely converted into a killing array, and with the assistance of the army of the black robes, the nameless will inevitably suffer serious injuries even if he does not die in the formation!

"Want to stop me?" Seeing that there was a lot of energy in the formation above the dome above the formation, Fang Qiu immediately gave up the idea of ​​rushing out of the formation, instead turned around and greeted the denseness below. He rushed towards himself, looking from a distance like a mountain of black robes.


The icy trembling and drinking sounded a moment from Fang Qiu's mouth, and a dazzling golden energy light burst out from Fang Qiu's body, completely covering Fang Qiu's entire body.


As soon as his body moved, Fang Qiu dived directly from the sky, with a terrifying power like a meteor falling to the ground, and burst into the dense black robe crowd below.

Everywhere I passed, even the space was shaking, and the air became hot.


As soon as he approached the crowd, a crisp sound of swords exploded.

next moment.

Jin Mang cut off the earth.

A golden yellow sword awn fell from the black robe crowd, killing and killing all the Nirvana black robe people who were blocked by the blade.

And in that dazzling golden light, a figure fell to the ground accompanied by the slash of Jianmang.

At the moment of landing, it completely disappeared in front of the dense black robes.

Fang Qiu wasn't stupid enough to really fight with so many nirvana and black robe people. The reason why he turned around and launched an onslaught was just to attract everyone's attention and gain time for himself.

It doesn't.

Fang Qiu, who dived from a high altitude, slammed the ground directly.

In an instant, he rushed to the position of the underground front, and rushed out before the formation was completely changed.


The clone that was transforming the control matrix into a killing array was as big as the Lord, and suddenly felt a sound of penetration coming from the ground, and his face suddenly turned green.

The unnamed guy is really too cunning.

Pretending to resist, but ran away from the ground?

The clone is so silent that it can only interrupt the conversion of the game and re-strengthen the protection system of the game to avoid being attacked by an unknown name again.

One kilometer away.

Fang Qiu broke through the ground.

Although he has just emerged from the crisis, his eyes are still locked on that huge formation.

This Nirvana unit is only cloned to the master's top master guard, which is the easiest to destroy, so Fang Qiu is unwilling to let go of this opportunity.

Even if the clone is too big, the Lord will definitely take this opportunity to strengthen the protection of the formation.

My heart moved.

Fang Qiu immediately rose to the sky and flew into the sky to observe the terrain.

I soon discovered a river nearby.

The moment he saw the river, Fang Qiu immediately appeared a picture, which was the picture he had just seen when he rushed into the battle.

A group of men in black robes squatted on the edge of a river and sipped water.

Water source!

Fang Qiu's eyes lit up.

Although those Nirvana black robes are very powerful, they are still human, and they need to eat and drink. Even in the realm of Nirvana Lord, they must rely on food and drink to maintain their lives.

Right now, one of the reasons why this Nirvana unit chose this path was because of its proximity to water.

after all.

Even if it is a top expert, the demand for water during the long journey is very large.

Thought of this.

Fang Qiu immediately turned around and looked around, and then flew towards a distant yellow mountain.

After searching around the mountain, Fang Qiu quickly found some small poisonous insects. After all these poisonous insects were gathered together, Fang Qiu flew to another depth of the mountain forest shrouded by radon gas. Many poisonous insects and poisonous weeds.

After detaching from the mountain forest, Fang Qiu took all the venom from the collected poisonous insects and mixed them with poisonous weeds.

The final combination is a green color that looks like a thick chlorophyll-like liquid.

It's very toxic.

During the entire poison-making process, Fang Qiu was made according to the steps in the poison classics that were obtained.

The toxicity of this venom is very strong. Under various ratios, the toxicity of almost every poisonous insect and poisonous weed is maximized.


In the process of making drugs, Fang Qiu also injected a part of the inner air into it.

Of course, it's ordinary qi.

The purpose is just to adapt the toxicity of this venom to the attack of the inner gas, and find a way to deal with the inner gas, which can destroy the inner gas in the poisoned person's body and cause great harm to the practitioner.

Do it all.

Fang Qiu found that the second unit of Nirvana moved forward several kilometers.

But even so, they are still next to the water.

Judging from this, they should be in a state that requires a lot of water.

"That's the time."

As soon as Fang Qiu was in shape, he chased up quickly, and came to the upper bank of the river where the formation was, and he politely put the venom in his hands and poured it into the river.

Then, immediately transferred to the downstream of the river bank, a layer of energy was laid in the river behind Nirvana's second unit. As long as the venom in the river flowed from this layer of energy, the toxicity would be emptied in an instant.


Fang Qiu waited.

After a long time.

In the case that the consciousness could not penetrate the array, Fang Qiu was next to the array, and he heard a lot of noise from the array.

As Fang Qiu expected.

Nirvana 2 has already set off from the North Pole for a day and a half. Most of them have not eaten or drank water since this time.

Therefore, when seeing the source of water, many Nirvana people in black robes began to replenish a lot of water.

Especially after the unknown raid, those who were injured and overwhelmed were tired and thirsty.

In order not to affect the speed of the march, the clone is so large that the master arranges a team to fill the water, and a team is a thousand people.

At first, the people in the black robes who drank a lot of river water did not have any discomfort.

But when the fifteenth team drank the water.

Some people in black robes began to notice that something was wrong.

"Poison in the water."

I don't know who shouted.

Along with this shout, a large number of poisoned people immediately appeared in the Nirvana army. Many people could not afford to fall to the ground, and most of them vomited blood, their faces were pale, and they looked extremely sultry.


Hearing the shout, the clone became so big that the master's face suddenly changed, and immediately asked, "Who will detoxify?"


A Lord Nirvana who was standing by the side of the clone to the Lord came forward, and did not dare to hesitate, and immediately began to detoxify everyone.

However, when trying to detoxify, he found that the toxin was extremely difficult to entangle, and even the inner gas would be corroded.

Fortunately, he also studied poison, so he quickly found the formula of this toxin. After all, there are not many things that can be sourced from unknown places.

After finding a way to detoxify, the panic nirvana army finally relaxed.

But just then.


A familiar figure, a familiar voice, suddenly appeared above the dome.