MTL - Medical Master-v9 Chapter 556 Phoenix Flower Crossing

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The spring breeze blows the green willow branches, wakes up the grass, wrinkles the spring water, and blows the flower buds of the apricot tree.

Time passed quietly in the light and gentle wind.

Two months later.

Gregorian calendar at the end of June.

Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a wide playground.

All the students were neatly arranged on the playground. Chen Yinsheng, who had been promoted to the principal, stood on a rostrum with a happy look on the podium on the flag stage.

"Students, it is another year of graduation ceremony. Every year our school has a graduation ceremony, but today is particularly different, because this is the year our school officially ranks first in the country, this is the strongest generation of students in our school. Graduation ceremony. "

"Recall that in recent years, our school has experienced an unprecedented trough, and also experienced an unreproducible road to rise."

"Students about to graduate, you will always be the pride of our school."

"Students who are still studying, I hope you can take over your seniors and work with the school to make a better future ..."

Chen Yinsheng's words, through the propagation of sound, echoed in the entire playground or even the entire campus.

Can be discerned from the tone.

Chen Yinsheng is very happy and excited now.

As he said just now, with unremitting efforts, Jiangjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has finally overcome many difficulties, becoming the leader of the National University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the benchmark of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine worldwide.

As soon as he was promoted to the position of principal, the school received various honors. How can he be unhappy and unexcited?

Compared with the excitement and excitement of Chen Yinsheng.

Under the audience, the interest of the students in the whole school was not so good.

Because only Jiang Miaoyu came at this graduation ceremony. As the pillars of the school, the school led the school all the way from the first eight to the first Fangqiu did not come.

Everyone also knows that Fang Qiu is a busy person and has very little time in school.

I thought that Fang Qiu would definitely arrive at the graduation ceremony, but I heard the news that Fang Qiu did not come, which made Fang Qiu not seen for a long time. I very much hope that the students who saw Fang Qiu will inevitably lose some.

"Ah, I don't know what the principal thought. On such an important day, I didn't even invite Fang Qiu back?"

"Yeah, can our school depend on Fangqiu's seniors today?"

"I said, wouldn't it be because Senior Fang Qiu didn't want to come?"

"How is it possible? The character of Senior Fangqiu can also be questioned. Whenever there is a major event in the school, Senior Fangqiu didn't rush back that time? What's more, you haven't read the newspaper before? All high school invitations have gone. "

"It shouldn't be the school's problem. The school will definitely invite Fang Qiu to come back on such an important day. As for the circumstances that caused the senior Fang Qiu not to return, I don't know.

The students talked in a low voice.

In words, it was regrettable that Qiu Qiu failed to attend the graduation ceremony.

After all, this graduation ceremony is also Fang Qiu's own graduation ceremony.

On stage.

"All right."

After crackling a lot of words, Chen Yinsheng smiled to the classmates who whispered to the audience: "My speech is over here, and the carnival belongs to you."

The words just fell.

A melodious accompaniment of the song sounded.

Hearing the entire accompaniment, many people couldn't help but shake their bodies.

This is the song "The Crossroad of Phoenix Flowers".

This song is a song about parting, he has no fancy music production, nor does he need any special vocal skills, only simple melody, it feels like a person is talking softly, telling a story about attachment, Stories about youth and growth.

Notes one by one

Like an ant with a melancholy mood, he can't get away with his memory full of memories.

This is a song that is very suitable for singing in the graduation season, but also a song that is not suitable for singing in the graduation season.

When everyone shook their heads and prepared to sing along with the accompaniment.

A special song sounded.

All the students couldn't help but stunned.

How is this sound so familiar?

In doubt.

Everyone looked up at the stage.

At this time, a familiar figure was holding the microphone and came out of the background with a smile.


"Brother Fangqiu?"

"Senior Fangqiu!"

Seeing the people appearing on the stage, whether they are graduates of the same level as Fangqiu, or old students who have seen Fangqiu many times in the school for two or three years, or freshmen who have not seen Fangqiu just once after entering the school. , All boiled at this moment.

Everyone thought Fang Qiu had not come.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qiu had already prepared in the background.


Seeing the commotion caused by Fang Qiu's appearance, Chen Yinsheng immediately smiled proudly and whispered: "I still have a good arrangement, this graduation ceremony can be carried out, if not to join Fang Qiu early If the news of the graduation ceremony is revealed, I am afraid that the graduation ceremony will become a fan meeting for him. "


Chen Yinsheng walked down the flag stand with his hands on his back, stood on the edge of the playground, and listened to Fang Qiu's singing with his classmates.

As Fang Qiu's song rang, another person walked onto the stage.

It's Jiang Miaoyu.

The chorus of the two people resonated with the audience.

Those who have heard this song fall deeply into that parting mood, and those who have n’t heard this song also fall into it completely as the lyrics are conveyed.

Sing and sing.

All the students in the audience began to sing together.

Students who have not heard this song before, all took out their phones to check the lyrics.

Singing one by one, crying screaming.

A happy celebration was instantly overwhelmed by the worries of parting.

However, when everyone was crying, a few laughter sounded from time to time, which added a bit of joy to this supposedly serious atmosphere, and also made everyone feel like they should cry. Laughing in an awkward atmosphere.

Bitter laughter, not aware of the ear.


The song ends.

"Boom ..."

As if to cater to the grand ceremony, the roar of a plane flying at low altitude suddenly came.

Everyone looked up while wiping tears.


But seeing a distance, an airplane appeared.

It was not big at first, and then gradually became larger. At the same time, it continued to shake violently. It turned out that it was rushing directly towards the school playground from a height of several kilometers.

at the same time.

"Dididi ..."

Chen Yinsheng's cell phone rang.

Take a look out, there are already dozens of missed calls.

Get connected quickly.

"Emergency **, a passenger plane encountered an irreversible problem during flight, because there is no suitable landing point in the sky, and is approaching the playground of your school. Please evacuate all students on the playground immediately. Withdraw immediately ... "

On the phone, someone's voice came.

If you change to weekdays and receive such a call, Chen Yinsheng will certainly not take the lead.

But now.

He saw with his own eyes a passenger plane in the distance, flying towards the playground.

"Run, run!"

"The plane crashed, everyone hurried away."

"Don't watch it, just run away

! "

Chen Yinsheng shouted anxiously, pushing some students who were still staring at the stage aside, shouting frantically, his anxious eyes turned red.

this moment.

All the students reacted.

The huge roar caused by the aircraft flying at low altitude has begun to oscillate their eardrums, making them feel unacceptable.

For a time, everyone panicked and fled.

Anyway, it's too slow.

The plane has rushed over.

Seeing that the accident was irreversible, Fang Qiu, who had just finished singing on the stage, had no time to think about it. He immediately rose into the air and rushed towards the oncoming plane.

At the beginning, no one saw this scene.


When Fang Qiu's figure appeared in the direction of the passenger plane, all the people on the playground, including Chen Yinsheng, were frightened.

What happened at this time?

How did Fang Qiu fly?

At the moment when everyone was frightened by Fangqiu flying in the air, he had rushed to Fangqiu in front of the plane, directly to the right of his depth.

Directly caught the nose of the plane that was falling from high altitude with one hand.

"Lying trough, what is this?"

"Su Po stuffy?"

"Superman? This Nima, Fangqiu is Superman?"

All the students were dumbfounded.

And over there.

One hand caught the square mound of the nose, and a little bit of space force was used to make the plane dive down extremely fast and instantly slowed down.

Then, continue to use the power of space to control the aircraft and slowly fall from high altitude.

In the end, under a relaxed face, Fang Qiu controlled the plane that was about to crash and landed.

On the playground.

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded.

The moment Fang Qiu held down a huge plane with his hand, everyone fled in all directions, giving way to the playground and letting the passenger plane land on the ground steadily.


Fang Qiu let out a long sigh of relief when the airliner landed.

When he turned around, he suddenly realized that the densely packed classmates and teachers on the playground stared at him in a stunned manner. Many people's faces even showed an extremely exaggerated look.

At this time.

Fang Qiu reacted, he was at school.


Raising his right hand and slapping his head on the forehead, Fang Qiu murmured with a bitter smile: "It's over, it's too careless. I thought that after the Nirvana organization was destroyed, there would be no danger in the whole world."

"Ah, I'm still too young, danger is everywhere."

After covering his face with his hand and glancing at the audience with open fingers, Fang Qiu didn't dare to hesitate. He quickly rose into the air and disappeared in a flash.

"What are you running?"

"You thought you covered your face with your hands and we didn't know you were Fangqiu?"

A shout came from the crowd.


Everyone in the audience immediately started talking very loudly.

In the crowd.

Chen Cong with a scar behind his ear, this is the injury from the battle of the air source, standing straight, and murmured excitedly: "It is you, it is you who gave me instructions!"

"Lying trough, the oldest guy, is hiding too deep?"

"I actually lived in the same dormitory as Su Po and ate the same bowl of instant noodles?"

"I'll go alone."

Zhu Benzheng, Sun Hao and Zhou Xiaotian looked at each other.

"I go, the big tiger and the little mouse at the planting base, won't they be the legendary beasts?"

[Xiaobu's new book has been published: "I am only 2,500 years old", I hope you all support it and thank you! 】

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