MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2452 Dad's worries

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"Master, master and madam are here."

As Ding Ning was getting better, Lang Kui had to rein in the precipice with the sound of the report from far away. He looked at the smug expressions of Murong Yanran and Feng Pianwu with a depressed face, and rolled his eyes silently.

There is no way, if it is someone else, he can ignore it completely, but the father and mother are here, and they dare not avoid seeing him with his guts.

After tidying up the messy clothes, in the narrow eyes of the two women, they walked out the door calmly and quickly.

"Father, mother, you are here."

Seeing the old mother and father coming together surrounded by Langkui and the others, Ding Ning hurried up to greet him, slung his mother's arm with a hippy smile, making Suning Xiangle's eyebrows smile.

"Well, Ning'er, I have something to tell you."

The old man's face was cold, but his tone was extremely gentle. After all, his son has grown up now, and he is still the sect master. In front of Lang Kui and others, he still wants to save him some face.

Both Murong Yanran and Feng Pianwu were a little bit cramped, and hurriedly bowed to the two elders. I have to say that Ding Lie is not ridiculous all day long. Although it is only his nature, as the head of the Shura mercenary group, he has long been cultivated. With his unrelenting momentum, the daughter-in-laws were awed in their hearts when they saw him.

It can be said that among so many daughters-in-laws, apart from Xiao Nuo who is not afraid that he can talk and laugh with him, even Ding Qianxue is frustrated when he sees him, and can hide.

Ding Lie showed a big smile and nodded at them slightly, making the two women flattered immediately, staying there dumbfounded, and even wondering if he was stunned.

My mother is incomparably wise, she couldn't see that the two women were uncomfortable, she couldn't help but twisted Ding Lie's waist amusedly and said, "Look at you, you have a face of bitter and hatred all day long, daughter-in-law I was frightened by him."

As the saying goes, bittern tofu is one thing and one thing, Suningxiang is the destined nemesis of Ding Lie. She grinned, but she could only lose her smile, and said sternly: "I will pay attention later."

Ding Ning snickered with her mouth covering her mouth, and after being stared fiercely by her father, she immediately frankly said, "Father, the hunting has been rested, let's go to the study to talk."

"Alright, that..."

Ding Lie agreed, reaching out and tapping Murong Yanran and Feng Pianwu. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "Yanran and Pianwu, right? Come together."

The two women looked at each other and couldn't figure out what the father-in-law would do to talk to her husband? But he didn't dare to fail, and quickly nodded and agreed, and followed Suningxiang with anxiety.

Compared to the serious father-in-law, the kind and beautiful mother-in-law can make them feel at ease.

Su Ningxiang deserves to be the number one talented woman in Yanjing in the past. Not only is she talented, her emotional intelligence is not superb. She can't see the tension between the two women. She smiled and held the hands of the two women, talking and laughing soon. Let them relax.

After entering the study, the two women were winking and pouring tea. Their cautious appearance was like a maid, making Ding Ning look funny, but her heart was filled with pride and emotion.

Not to mention that Murong Yanran is the eldest of the Murong family, just being one of the ancestors of Feng Pianwu Feng's family is destined to be someone else serving them tea and water.

But now, they love the house and the Uzbekistan, and they dearly serve their parents-in-laws and pour water. This treatment, to be honest, hasn't even enjoyed himself.

"Thank you!"

Ding Lie took the tea and thanked him very politely. Seeing the two women standing awkwardly behind Ding Ning, they didn't dare to take a seat. They thought they were happily pointing to the seat next to Ding Ning: "Sit down."

Now the son and the daughter were even more flattered, waved their hands again and again in unison and said: "We are not tired, just stand."

"Sit down, there are no outsiders."

Ding Ning saw them look like two gods on the left and the right, shook their heads and smiled bitterly and pulled them to sit down. They only then took their seats as if they were waiting to receive the leadership's advice, but they only half-stretched their buttocks on the chair, and looked like a chill.

Su Ningxiang was speechless and caressed her forehead. She couldn't say anything about her daughter-in-law, so she stared at Ding Lie fiercely, twisting and twisting around his waist three times to the left and three to the right: "Look at your stinky face all day What scared my daughter-in-law into something."

Ding Lie's mouth twitched, and his dark face was distorted. It was not because of a run, but it really hurts to kill by twisting the waist. But in the presence of his son and his wife, he, an elder, doesn’t have to face anymore. , Even if the painful tears are about to come down, I can only bite the bullet and endure it.

"Okay, mom, don't blame the old man, he doesn't want to. As far as I can remember, old man rarely laughs."

As soon as Ding Ning spoke, Ding Li was so happy that his son still loved his father, but the next words of this filial son, he was so angry that he could not wait to destroy this **** thing humanely.

"He only smiles when he sees Aunt Changhua in the slaughterhouse. Hey, mom, you don't know how much I envy that Aunt Changhua. I thought at that time, if I were Aunt Changhua. Ah, dad can laugh at me often too."

Ding Ning sighed with remembrance, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

"Flowers? Why didn't you tell me that there are flowers in the slaughterhouse? You smile at her even when you see her?"

Su Ningxiang instantly resembled a prickly hedgehog, her eyebrows were erected, and she stared at Ding Lie fiercely. His hands were placed on his waist again and twisted...

Ding Lie wanted to cry without tears, his old face was flushed, and he waved his hands and explained: "No, don't listen to his nonsense. Where did the flowers come from? This little **** is just picking things on purpose. Don't you know who I am."

"Huh! Knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, painting tigers and skins is difficult to paint bones, how do I know who you are."

Su Ningxiang snorted coldly, turned her arms around and ignored him, but from an invisible angle, she kept winking at her baby son, showing a bit of jealousy.

How could she not know the temper of her own man? She stepped back ten thousand steps and said, no matter how beautiful the field flowers in a slaughterhouse are, can they be compared with her, the number one beauty in Andu?

Therefore, she didn't believe Ding Ning's nonsense at all, but as the so-called knowing the son is not the mother, Ding Ning's deliberate intention to pick things up, she instantly woke up, and she cooperated with him to act in the jealous Hai Shengbo drama.

Ding Ning quietly gave a thumbs up, gave his mother a thumbs-up for her acting skills, and looked at Yanran and Pianwu's expressions that they wanted to laugh but embarrassed that they could only suffocate.

"There are really no flowers, I dare to swear to heaven..."

Before Ding Lie realized that he was being shaved by his son and his wife. Anxiously, he was about to swear to the sky, so Suning Xiangqiang interrupted with a grin, "In front of his son and daughter-in-law. I’ll give you the face of your face, so I won’t talk about it for now, and I will explain it to me after I go back in the evening."

"I really didn't..."

Ding Lie tried to explain with a bitter face. When his wife's eyes glared, he immediately closed his mouth like a wilted eggplant.

"Father, what are you talking about when you come to me?"

Ding Ning has the instinct to play with her mother and act together, so that Yanran and Pianwu can see that their father-in-law has another side like ordinary people, and there is nothing terrible, so as to reduce their tension and fear. Now the purpose is Achieved, seeing that the old man was staring at him with cannibalistic eyes, he quickly changed the subject witty.

Speaking of business affairs, Ding Li immediately forgot what happened before, and his expression became serious: "Today’s auction will be held.

very successful. "

Ding Ning was confused, what's the situation? This old man is going to have an auction testimonial? Came here to find something that meant that the auction was successful?

"At the auction, I was in the crowd and heard many people talking."

Ding Ning ignored his rich expression, and continued according to his own thoughts: "Talking about Tianzezong’s pill, Tianzezong’s formation, talking about your master’s strength, and talking about what you are practicing. Why did this kind of exercises achieve their current achievements in less than a year? Some people even preached that Tianze Sect was the first sect of the secular world..."

Ding Ning's face became solemn, and Dad was never an aimless person. Since he made a special trip to talk to himself about this matter, it seems that there should be many people talking about it.

"Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it. Although it is a good thing for Tianzezong to establish a school, it also means that you have now been pushed to the forefront."

Ding Lie said faintly, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes: "Whether it is a god-level formation or a pill, or a spiritual weapon, including the creation of nothing that can be imagined out of thin air can make you become in less than a year The so-called god-level exercises of demigods will all become guilty. After all, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant..."

"Father, I know, don't worry, since I dare to start a sect and hold an auction in public, I naturally have absolute self-confidence, so that everyone dare not act rashly."

Ding Ning knew what his father was worried about, and immediately said confidently.

Ding Li took a deep look at him, shook his head and sighed: "I know that you are very strong now, even so strong that you are not afraid of everything, but have you ever thought about it, what if you leave the earth?"

"Leave the earth?"

Su Ningxiang was the first to look at her son in shock. Although she knew that his son was very powerful, he was a figure standing at the pinnacle of the martial arts world, but leaving the earth was too fancy for her.

Ding Ning was silent. Mom didn't know that he was going to participate in the contest of luck, but the old man knew.

At first, he felt that Dad was making a fuss and was too worried, but at this moment he suddenly realized that Dad’s worries were justified.

Tianzezong has exposed too many things that make people jealous. He may not pay attention to those holy gates, the ancient martial arts family and even the major martial arts forces.

Can you hide the power? Not to mention how many god-level masters these hidden forces have, just being a pseudo-human emperor makes him feel exhausted.

Before he changed his appearance and fought against the pseudo-human emperor. Although the pseudo-human emperor had insufficient combat experience, his hard power absolutely crushed him.

To put it bluntly, he may be able to escape his life in the hands of the pseudo-human emperor if he is fully fired and his cards are exhausted, but there is no possibility of defeating or even beheading him.

It was okay when he was there, at least he could barely contend with the pseudo-human emperor, and coupled with the might of the divine formation, there was no problem protecting Tianzezong.

But what if he goes to participate in the battle of luck and leave the earth? Who else can the pseudo-human emperor contend? What's more, there are still such hidden forces that are eyeing each other. When you are away, who can protect the safety of Tianzezong?

Grandpa does have that strength, but he is awake and mad from time to time. No one can guarantee that he will suddenly go mad at a critical time, so he must not pin his hopes on him.

Hezu? His cultivation realm is not as good as the pseudo-human emperor, and coupled with the fact that he has the shackles of heaven and earth to be unable to play the strength of the gods, he can only fall to the pseudo-human emperor.

Formation? This is okay, but the problem is, whether it is your own women, subordinates and brothers, they all have their own things to do, can't they just stay at home under the protection of the formation?

Read The Duke's Passion