MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2460 Three Palms

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Villa No.1 in Shengshi Huating, the warriors who had friendship with Ding Ning all stayed together and drank together.

Although Ding Ning did not show up, they did not have any dissatisfaction.

After all, today's Ding Ning is no longer the old Amon. After defeating Katoki in public, he has officially become the Taishan Beidou class figure in the mind of Anping martial arts.

Especially when all the disciples who were disabled by Katogi appeared, everyone was boiling.

Before the name of Ding Ning's little magician was only circulated in the ordinary world, these warriors were not too eye-catching. After all, the life levels of ordinary people and warriors are completely two concepts.

But Ding Ning could actually revive these disabled martial arts, which is enough to show how shocking his medical skills are, and far more brilliant than the medical skills of the Holy Doctor.

All are martial artists, naturally there are many registered members of the Kuhai Forum, so this news was quickly captured by people and uploaded to the Kuhai Forum, which aroused the heated discussion and close attention of all the martial artists and major underground forces.


How can people not be attacked by people floating in rivers and lakes?

What does it mean to have a magician who can regenerate a warrior's limb?

It means that as long as they are still in the martial arts world, they will inevitably find Ding Ning one day.

The major forces that sneered and even ridiculed Ding Ning's decision to open the ancestors immediately changed their course and decided to have a good relationship with Ding Ning at all costs.

As a result, Tianzezong has not formally established a sect, and the major martial arts and underground forces have begun to open gifts, sending sufficient representatives to the North Sea misty island to participate in the opening ceremony of Tianzezong, hoping to have a relationship with Ding Ning. .

This led to the opening ceremony of the Tianzezong Open School becoming the most solemn event in the martial arts world. The representatives sent by the major forces began to gather in Beihai City, which is the closest to the misty island, two days in advance, waiting for the opening day. Go to the misty island... er, now everyone has defaulted its name to Tianze Island and went to Tianze Island to congratulate and express their goodwill.

For a while, the Tianze Sect had not yet opened, and it already had the glorious scene of the Ten Thousand Zong Dynasty.

The warriors were energetic and brave, so many warriors gathered in Beihai City, which made Guo Shifu and Yulinwei nervous, and sent a large number of people to maintain law and order, in order to prevent the warriors from hitting ordinary people.

It is strange that the warriors kept their unconventional attitude this time. Even if the enemies with blood and vendetta met, they would at most leave each other with a glance at each other, and then leave each other safe and sound, making Yu Linwei We were puzzled and wondered why these unruly warriors would be so peaceful this time.

Finally, the members of the Guo Shifu were proud and proud to solve their doubts. Tian Zezong had already spoken. Anyone who dared to use a military force within a five hundred radius of Tian Ze Island was regarded as a provocation to Tian Ze Zong. These forces are all It was Lai Bajie to please Ding Ning. How dare he violate the rules he set.

The members of Yulinwei seemed to disdain when they heard the speech, but in fact secretly envyed them secretly. There was a Ding Ning in the Guoshi Mansion, which really deserved their pride.

You have to know that they have managed warriors for many years. Even in the past years, even the guests who went to the Holy Gate to observe the ceremony, when they met the enemies who lived and died together, they would use red eyes to fight desperately, causing the local law and order to fall into chaos. The warrior was honestly like a lamb, which shows how amazing the prestige of Ding Ning reached.

In fact, those warriors who did not dare to make trouble have the reason of not wanting to annoy Ding Ning, but more of the semi-god-level strongmen sent out by the Tianze sect to be mixed in the crowd closely monitor everything. For a while, they are warned, and those who are obsessed will immediately suffer from darkness.

The punishment in the case, several times down, naturally no longer dare anyone to make trouble.

At a time when Beihai is peaceful, everyone on Tianze Island is busy in an orderly and orderly manner. The presence of the teleportation array makes Tiancai passable, and it is only a matter of minutes from Paradise Island to Tianze Island.

In fact, all the preparations have already been prepared. The reason why it is busy is that there are too many people who come to watch the ceremony, which has greatly exceeded their expectations and had to temporarily expand the area of ​​Tianze Island.

But islands and land are different, and even the owners of thick soil totems like Ding Ning cannot make an island bigger.

But in the temporary trading market in the Ulun Valley, He Ling'er found a baby who could do this, that is-floating stone.

When Ding Ning celebrated her birthday, all the women searched for the stomach and prepared their birthday gifts. He Linger was content and gave her the floating stones as gifts.

Despite his unwillingness to pay for each other, Ding Ning still couldn't resist showing his love for the floating stone because it was too precious and rare.

It looks like an inconspicuous white coral stone, but once it is placed in the sea, it will float on the sea surface, and those weed-like tentacles will continue to absorb the nutrients in the sea water and become a floating island on the sea.

It is said that a long time ago, there was a maritime wandering nation called the floating family, which lived on islands made of floating stones. They drifted with the floating islands and drifted on the sea. They would not step on the land for a lifetime.

Later, the Floating Clan did not know what caused the disaster of extinction, and the Floating Stone disappeared into the long river of history. Few people can remember that once there was such a wonderful race, and naturally few people could recognize it. This kind of magical floating stone, He Ling'er was able to inadvertently find it, it is absolutely lucky.

It is also said that the only maritime people in the world without nationality, the Bayao people known as sea gypsies, are the survivors of the floating life.

Ding Ning knows no, because the floating family is not an ordinary human. It is very likely that it is a powerful race evolved from some kind of marine life. It is essentially different from the current Bayao nationality.

He also knows that the legendary Penglai, abbot and Dongying three sea gods are made of floating stones. They are always drifting in the boundless sea and are occasionally found by the people who go out to the sea, but when they react and want to find it, they It has lost its trace, and it will leave countless legends and be famous in the world.

In fact, the gods that can be passed down to the three great mountains are attributed to the characteristics of floating stones, because the floating islands that they turn into have the effect of absorbing the strength of heaven and earth and the nutrients in the sea water, and can nourish countless treasures of heaven and earth. Coupled with the fact that no one has been able to set foot in them for countless years, only those who have been picked by the celestial treasures will radiate auspicious rays and make ordinary people mistakenly think that it is a dwelling place of gods.

Of course, turning a floating stone into a floating island is not an overnight matter. Therefore, after discovering that too many people came to watch the ceremony, Tianze Island could not accommodate it, they immediately placed the floating stone in the sea water, and everyone took turns to input Spiritual force to urge the floating island to expand the area of ​​Tianze Island.

With the god-level formation master of Xi, the floating stones will naturally no longer drift with the waves, but will adhere to Tianze Island and become a part of Tianze Island.

Just as everyone was in full swing, the floating island was born, and Ding Ning, who was far from Andu, also fell into the biggest life and death crisis in his life.

He did not expect that there are even powerful gods among the guardians, and the guardian’s headquarters is not in the secular world, but in a small world that is not shackled by the world, but the entrance is only near Andu.

This made him feel shocked like never before. Sure enough, Anping can become one of the great powers, not without silk.

Not at all.

Compared with the disobedient arsenal, the guardian is obviously a detached organization spontaneously formed by some patriotic monks.

They generally do not intervene in the secular world, and only send staff to protect the security of the country’s top level. Most of the time, they practice hard in the small world. Unless they encounter a major crisis of national ruin, they will never intervene easily. .

Zhan Qingtian, as one of the founders of the guardian organization, is also one of the strongest among the guardians. Although his duty is to maintain the law and order of the country, but after seeing the only nephew of the war mad body, Gujing has no waves. His mentality has also changed, staring coldly at Ding Ning, with Ling Yun's murderous intentions that cannot be concealed in his eyes.

Everyone was stunned, and Baju was considered a first-class master in the outside world, but in the face of the power of the gods, the terrifying momentum of them made it difficult for them to breathe.

Han Jiang Xueben was ready to plead for Ding Ning, but she only knew how naive this idea was when she faced the real angry war Qingtian. Under the oppression of the god-like power, her demigod even spoke openly Have no ability.

On the contrary, Ding Ning did not have the slightest fear, and his hands were standing tall, and his fighting intentions continued to soar. He wanted to try whether he currently contends with the strength of the powerful gods.

"Since you are going to get ahead of the murderer, leave your life buried with the war mad."

Although Zhan Qingtian was surprised that Ding Ning could ignore his coercion, the pain of his nephew made him unbearable, and said coldly.

"Then let's go and let me see how strong the God of Power is."

Ding Ning is like a big enemy, but he is still fearless, and his deep eyes are shining with eagerness to try.

"Huh, I really thought that if I could hold my coercion, I would be able to contend with the God of Power? You are too naive."

After all, Zhan Qingtian holds his own identity. Although he has the intention to avenge his nephew, he does not want to be infamous for being bullied and cheating. "Three palms, as long as you can take my three palms without dying, this will be a stroke. Purchase and sale."

"no, do not want……"

Huo Qianshan has the strongest strength, and is still under the pressure of terror. He still wants to intercede for Ding Ning. Unfortunately, Zhan Qingtian just snorted, and the pressure has suddenly increased, so that he can only contend with the pressure. Nothing comes out.

Eight of them all turned red and felt sorry for their hearts. Unexpectedly, Zhan Qingtian’s murderous intention was so strong. If they knew this, they shouldn’t listen to his orders and bring Ding Ning directly to the headquarters. They should first report to the big brothers. It is up to them to do the ideological work of Zhanqing.

"You're not naive or naive, it's not up to you. Don't say three palms. It's thirty palms and three hundred palms. Do you want me?

Ding Ning aroused the arrogance in his heart by his contempt, proudly said not humble.

Although Zhan Qingtian's prestige is terrifying, it is only the initial stage of Huashen. It is not a bit worse than the half-step immortal level of pressure. It does not constitute any threat to him at all. He is confident that he will not be defeated by Zhan Qingtian, but the other party It is not so easy to kill him.

"Although you are courageous, but it is too self-confident, I will let you know what the gap is."

Zhan Qingtian was completely irritated by Ding Ning's attitude, sneered, and shot with a palm like a fly.

Although it was still more than ten meters away, the terrifying forces of heaven and earth gathered insanely, and took Deng Ning's photos with the potential of destroying the world.

Ding Ning only felt that if he was in a vacuum, he broke off the communication with the surrounding world, and the strong life and death crisis enveloped him firmly.

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