MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2462 Guardian Founder

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It is a pity that Zhan Qingtian is extremely obsessed and obsessed with martial arts. He is also the best talented and the youngest among the five founders of the Guardian.

Once such a person has drilled the tip of a horn, it is by no means easy to pull back.

The cry of Han Jiangxue and Qing Tian were unheard of, but he frowned and waved impatiently, and the terrifying power of heaven and earth gathered into a giant wall of translucent vitality. go with.

Han Jiangxue's cry stopped abruptly, glancing at the war-controlled Qing Qingtian deeply, revealing a sad and desperate smile, slowly closing his eyes and waiting to die, two lines of clear tears slipped quietly along his cheeks.

She never thought that one day she would die in the hands of Zhan Qingtian who always pursued her. How could she not feel miserable?

You know, Zhan Qingtian seems to be a hit, but the power is more terrifying than the previous attack on Ding Ning. It is definitely not her demigod can resist.

Just when she was closed and waiting to die, she suddenly realized that her tight body had been warmed, and she was already embraced by a warm embrace. This made her feel happy. Could it be that Qingtian was awake at the critical moment?

But when she opened her eyes in surprise, she saw a familiar and young face smiling at her, and protected her in the arms with his tall but not superb body.

An unprecedented sense of strangeness and security made her heart tremble, as if something touched the softest place in her heart, and her brain was blank.

In any case, I can't believe that this young man with only one side will protect her with life.


With a smoldering sound, Han Jiangxue only felt a heat on his face, a pungent sweet smell, and his eyes were already blood red.

The heart was so painful that it was grabbed by an invisible big hand, and the whole person was stunned. He... he was injured to save himself.

"Be careful, don't rush forward stupidly, he has now been controlled by the magic and lost his mind."

There was a slightly weak but still gentle voice in her ear. Before she could react, she found that she had escaped that warm embrace and was slowly sent to a kilometer away by an invisible force.

The beautiful eyes looked at the tall but not burly figure inexplicably, and gave birth to an unprecedented strange emotion for no reason.

Ding Ning didn't save Han Jiangxue because she had any thoughts about her, but he felt that Zhan Qingtian's enchantment was caused by him inadvertently. He couldn't watch the innocent people die for their own reasons.

In particular, Han Jiangxue obviously likes Zhan Qingtian, and dies in the hands of people he likes, which is too cruel for her.

Therefore, he would rush over to save Han Jiangxue without thinking, and took the blow for her.

Of course, the main reason for his daring to do this is that he is confident that his physical strength comparable to half-step immortality is enough to withstand this blow.

But it turned out that he still underestimated the power of a powerful god-like realm. Zhan Qingtian's seemingly random blow implied the power of law and order, plus the eagerness to save people, so that he was in a hurry. Unable to mobilize the strongest defense.

What's more, Zhan Qingtian is now in a state of demonicism. In this state, the combat power is at least 30% stronger than normal. The trade-offs are long and short. This blow caused him to shift all his internal organs. After all, he couldn't resist it. A spit of blood spurted out.

Ding Ning wiped the blood stains from the corners of her mouth, and found a panacea. She stared at Zhan Qingtian like an enemy, but secretly complained.

His injury is very serious. Although he has taken the Elixir, it takes a certain time to heal. How can Zhan Qingtian who has fallen into a magic obstacle give him time to heal?

Facts have proved that the war controlled by the magic magic sky

At the moment, there was only the desire to kill and destroy. After a blow, a beast-like roar was issued, and he launched a storm-like attack on Ding Ning without hesitation.

Ding Ning finally realized what a terrible thing it was that the God of Power of God's unreserved shot was unreserved. His every move was integrated into the world, and each type carried the power of the whole world, making him feel not in harmony with one. People are fighting, but fighting the whole world.

Can man win the sky?

No one can answer this answer, nor can Ding Ning, because how strong "Tian" is, there is no specific standard at all, so how can we overcome it?

What's more, he was seriously injured at this moment, and he didn't dare to lightly attack his front. He could only rely on Tianpeng to dodge one after another in the turbulent and crazy attacks of Zhan Qingtian, just like a small boat that was bumpy in the stormy waves, he would be huge at any time. The smashing bones of the waves.

The unprecedented life-and-death crisis made his nerves tense, and he had no time to recuperate his healing power to heal the wounds, regardless of the exhausted desperation to urge escape, in conjunction with Tianpeng's rapid illusion of the debut image, avoiding the war Qingtian that can always let him A terrible attack of crushing bones.

Han Jiangxue's heart was tightly held in his throat, beautiful eyes blinked and watched Ding Ning walk between life and death like a tightrope walk, countless times she felt that Ding Ning was going to die, but as a result, he could always be in the electric light flint Dangerously escaped into life, and torn apart by Zhan Qingtian, it will always be a residual image.

This made Han Jiangxue nervous and worried. At the same time, it was more admiration and admiration. The gap between the gods was also too large. If it was replaced with her, I would be beaten to pieces.


The terrible battle was terrifying. The whole world seemed to be penetrated. Several nearby hills were razed to the ground. Even the solid space was cracked.

Ding Ning shouted at himself secretly. On the surface, he seemed to be in shock, but in fact he knew that he was drinking cold and warm water.

If there is no injury, he may still be able to support this high-intensity battle, but at this moment, in order to save his life, he has to force the spiritual force to maintain high-speed movement, which not only does not improve his injury, but getting more serious.

The most terrible thing is that Zhan Qingtian has been fully integrated into this world. Every move and every form carries the power of the world, making him like a quagmire. He can only passively use his instinct to avoid risks instinctively.

This led to a tenfold and a hundredfold increase in his consumption, and the battle rhythm was completely controlled by Zhan Qingtian, so that he had only the ability to parry and was unable to fight back. This was the first time he had been forced into such awkward state since his debut .

"Still underestimate the power of the powerful gods."

Ding Ning secretly sighed. The strong death crisis made him unable to keep it anymore. His body flew in a blink of an eye, and he immediately entered the second personality and enchanted state without hesitation.

The cold and horrible breath filled it, just like the **** and the devil were in the world, the crazy exploding power made him ignore the severe pain caused by the injury in the body, and the scarlet eyes flashed with cold luster.


For the first time since the battle, he no longer dodges, but directly hits hard with a hard punch, and shakes the battle from Qingtian.

The terrifying turbulence surged and the two figures flew out. Han Jiangxue, who had already withdrawn thousands of kilometers away, retreated rapidly again, away from the battlefield lest he would be affected by the aftermath.


The earth shook and the dust spread.

Ding Ning was shocked by the terrifying power and directly withdrew from the demonic and second personality state. The whole person like a broken kite uncontrollably penetrated Zhan Qingtian's closed palace and crashed out on the wall. A big hole in the shape of a person, and then fell heavily on the ground with a big mouth spraying blood, the breath was depressed, and the whole bones were broken

It was so painful that it was hard to pull one's lungs. It was difficult to even move one finger. I wish I could close my eyes and get a good night's sleep.

And Zhan Qingtian also uncontrollably hit a mountain, actually hit the mountain, and was stuck in the mountain.


Obviously, although Zhan Qingtian was not badly hurt, he still had the power to roar like an ancient barbarian, forcibly breaking up the mountain, and bursting into Ding Ning without stopping.


Han Jiangxue's eyes were desperate, and he made a crying cry, and as a moth threw the fire, he resolutely rushed towards Zhan Qingtian.

"Step aside."

Ding Ning was exhausted, but when he saw Han Jiangxue looking for his own way to save him, he suddenly shrieked, and he did not know where to come from a powerful force.

The palm slammed against the ground, and the whole person suddenly emerged like an agile cheetah. The power of terror condensed on the fist. Afterwards, it hit the Han Jiangxue directly and blasted into the war sky.


The earth-shattering drama sounded, and Zhan Qingtian spit blood out again like a discarded porcelain doll. After hitting three palace-bearing pillars in a row, he flew out of the door and fell heavily to the ground. Lying on the ground motionless, life and death unknown.

Although Ding Ning was still in place, the wild fist exercise combined with nine punches evacuated all the strength in his body in an instant, and a strong sense of weakness came, causing him to roll his eyes and push Jinshan down like a jade column. .


Unfortunately, the palace building that was broken off the load-bearing column was completely destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, and it collapsed into a pile of rubble, which buried Ding Ningsheng's life.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and four figures exuding strong air flew from four directions, and the man shouted, "Qingtian."

Han Jiangxue was heartbroken, and he didn't want to believe that the man who used her life to protect her died in this way. She rushed into the mountain-like ruins as if she had lost her heart. With.

Four figures fell to the ground, three men and one woman, and the three men were dressed as one monk and one scholar, but the only old lady was a nun in a gray robe.

The old man with white hair and gray eyebrows grabbed Zhan Qingtian's wrist and diagnosed it, then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, although Qingtian was seriously injured, his life was worry-free."

The other three were all relieved for a long time. Only then did they discover Han Jiangxue's anomaly. The old Ni frowned frowningly and said in a deep voice, "Jiang Xue, what are you doing?"

"Master, he is buried inside, you save him, hurry up and save him?"

Han Jiangxue was crying and crying at Lao Ni with blood and tears.

Old Ni's face became more and more ugly, and he yelled angrily: "Qingtian is so injured that you don't care, but cry here for an outsider, what does it look like?"


The old monk proclaimed the sound of the Buddha. Although he didn't speak, he seemed dissatisfied with Han Jiangxue's performance.

The old man in the robe looked like water, pondered, and looked like he was outside, but his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Only the old man who looked like a scholar frowned and stared at the unconscious Zhan Qingtian, and ignored it, as if he could no longer tolerate others in the eyes of Zhan Qingtian.

Han Jiangxue froze for a moment, immediately showing a sentimental look on her pretty face, and said quietly: "Master, if it wasn't for the so-called outsiders in your eyes that saved my life before, I had already been killed by Zhan Qingtian. "

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