MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2526 Challenge of Watanabe Onizuka

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I saw that on the high platform where the top of Tianzezong was, a handsome young man with a rich smile was sitting on the throne of the supreme lord. He was smiling and humming softly. It is not Ding Ning who "dead" before. Anyone.

The scene fell into a deadly silence, and everyone instantly petrified. Qi Qi rubbed his eyes in disbelief, wondering if he had read it wrong, isn't Ding Ning dead? How could he die and be resurrected?


The next moment, the scene instantly boiled, and the people who were saddened by Ding Ning’s death smiled. The major forces that wanted to have a relationship with Ding Ning had already given up, and hope rekindled in their hearts; of course, there were also those who hated Ding Ning suddenly. Lost and desperate, he roared inwardly how this guy is still alive.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

Aruna's tears were almost dry, she burst into laughter when she saw this scene, and subconsciously asked.

"Yes, yes, Sect Master Ding, which one are you playing in the end?"

Zhou Changqing was overjoyed and asked dumbfounded.

"If you don't die in a catastrophe, there will be blessings, gratifying and congratulating, hahaha.

Patriarch Ding, the survivor of the holy sword, couldn't hide his joy, and smiled comfortably with his sparse beard.

The people in the Sacred Doctor's Gate and the Sacred Sword Villa were in a complicated mood, but they also wisely said two good words of blessing.

Ye Manyao couldn't hide her joy. Her eyes were red and swollen like peaches. If it weren't for the dignity of her patriarch in full view, she would want to put Ding Ning's arms in her arms.

Master Hai's already discouraged heart came to life again, his old face smiled like an old chrysanthemum, and he greeted him incoherently.

Ding Ning was not dead, Hai Mingzhu was the one who felt the most joyful, with tears in her eyes, crying and laughing as if she lost her heart.

But in my heart, there was a mixture of joy and sorrow, muttering secretly, it is true that good people do not live long, and the evil is left for thousands of years. It is good that the guy who turned his face and refused to admit his trousers had not died, and grandma had to settle accounts with you.

Those who had made friends with Ding Ning and the disciples of Tianzezong suddenly cheered and thundered, as if they had found the backbone of their hearts.

"No, it's impossible, that's a god-killing bullet, how could he survive?"

Aldous and opened the door and screamed incredulously.

"I was sorry that I could not kill you with my own hands. If you didn't die, that would be great. Come on, I will send you to the West now."

Watanabe Onizuka was not surprised and rejoiced, and his fighting spirit continued to rise, staring at Ding Ning's step forward proudly and provocatively.

The expressions of Aldous and Qi Pingtian were suddenly shocked. They didn't expect that they were not as calm as a younger generation from Amaterasu Shrine at this age. Comparing the two is really shameful.

But when they thought that Ding Ning was not dead, they cried to themselves.

You know, they didn't intend to show up so early, and wanted to wait for others to take advantage of the losses and then come back to reap the profits. That would not only greatly reduce their own casualties, they might also be able to save all of the Tianzezong inventory. Pills, treasures and even masters are included in the bag.

But after learning that Ding Ning had been assassinated, and that the fearsome God-Transforming powerhouse suddenly retreated for some reason, they couldn't sit still. They hurriedly rushed in for fear of being preempted and missed the opportunity. When Ding Ning had just died, the people of Tianze Sect were frightened and caught them by surprise.

And on the cruise ship, the three major forces also reached a cooperation agreement to carve up the entire Tianzezong in proportion to their output.

Unexpectedly, Ding Ning was not dead, which made them disgusting as if swallowing a fly. After all, this meant that they had to face the Tianzezong, who had high morale. Although they were not afraid, their own casualties were doomed. It can't be small, it's not in their interests.

Fortunately, there is a silly Amaterasu Shrine rushing to take the lead

, They happily watched the excitement on the sidelines, waiting for the opportunity first because of their fighting and losing.

"You are worthy of challenging our suzerain?"

Before Ding Ning spoke, Zi Que'er was unhappy, and sneered.

Just kidding, Ding Ning's current identity is the Sect Master of Tianze, can any cat or dog come to challenge it at will? That's a lot of losses.

Of course, she was also the deputy sect master now, and she couldn't fight at will. That was too much for Fusang Devil.

"Baga, it's dead, you **** woman, come and die immediately."

As the **** son of Amaterasu Jingu, Watanabe Onizuka has always been respected and cultivated his arrogant and arrogant air. Under the eyes of everyone, he was ridiculed by the purple bird in public, and he suddenly became furious and with a loud voice. With a knife on his waist, his eyes were murderous, and he stared at Zique'er and shouted.

"Sect Master, Kong Lei, please, kill this dog."

Kong Lei, as the master of the hall, was a match for Watanabe Onizuka's identity, and immediately asked for orders.

After all, it is someone who has seen the big scene, even if it is the identity of Ding Ning's woman in private, but now that the school has established a school, there are still rules to abide by. Therefore, Kong Lei has to ask Ding Ning's opinion again.

"Alright, you be careful."

Ding Ning just pondered for a moment, then nodded and agreed. There are many demigod-level experts in Tianzezong, but not many people can hear Watanabe Onizuka.

Although Kong Lei is slightly inferior to Watanabe Onizuka in terms of strength, she has rich combat experience and is equipped with Seven Treasure Seconds. It is most suitable for her to play.

Zique'er, He Ling'er and others also nodded slightly, and whispered to her to be careful, after all, it was the first battle since the beginning of Tianze Sect. If it loses, the reputation of the sect will be greatly affected.

"Hmph, you are not worthy to fight with me, Huaxiang, you go."

Watanabe Onizuka is the top **** son of Amaterasu Shrine. It’s fine to see that Ding Ning doesn’t take a shot. Even the deputy suzerain doesn’t bother to take the shot. He only sends a small hall master, which makes him feel like he has lost his status and takes the sword proudly. He stepped back and ordered.


Although Sakuragi Huaxiang is a goddess, Amaterasu Shrine has a distinct hierarchy. Her status in the palace is far lower than Watanabe Onizuka, and she bowed respectfully and greeted Kong Lei slowly.

Kong Lei has always been warlike, and doesn't care about Watanabe Onizuka's substitutions. Since he should not fight, then defeat the goddess and force him to fight again.

"Sakura wood fragrance, please take care of it."

Sakuragi Huaxiang took a small step and stood opposite Kong Lei, bowing ninety degrees and politely reporting her name.

Kong Lei was a little overwhelmed. The Monster Race had always started fighting without talking nonsense. There were so many red tapes, Sakura Wood Huaxiang was embarrassed to do it directly.

"Be careful!"

Just as she was shocked, Ding Ning's anxious warning sound suddenly sounded in her ears, which made her feel horrified. It was almost a conditioned reflex that the lower waist became an iron bridge.

Whoosh whoosh!

There was a faint sound of breaking through the air, three black rays of light rubbed her flat abdomen tightly, and the sharp wind pierced her abdomen faintly, and she couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat. The black light was blue. Ying's inevitability is only poison. If Ding Ning hadn't noticed that the sound transmission was wrong, I'm afraid she would have been caught carelessly.

Although knowing that Ding Ning is there, even if the opponent feeds poison on the hidden weapon, his life is safe, but the first battle of Tianzezong's opening will inevitably be defeated. How does this make Zongmen face?

Thinking of this, Empress Kong Lei was terrified, and at the same time a monstrous anger rose. This **** Fusang woman even pretended to be a salute, but she was not prepared to make a sneak attack. It was really sinister and despicable.

But since Sakura Wood Huaxiang can become the goddess of Amaterasu Shrine, how easy is it to see that the sneak attack failed, and a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

But it is not hurried or slow, the feet are repeatedly lightly stepped on, and the weak and boneless body is like a weak willow in the wind, and it dances gracefully. The graceful dance and the magnificent beauty are pleasing to the mind. All those who are not firm in the presence I was immersed in the wonderful dance.

But few people could detect that under the scent of cherry blossoms, blue poisonous needles as thin as cow's hair came out endlessly, shooting towards Kong Lei overwhelmingly.

Ding Ning laughed dumbly and danced in front of Kong Lei? It's just a trick.

Sure enough, Kong Lei sneered in disdain for the next moment, raising her bare hands and dancing lightly.

Feng Xiang has been exposed to the world for the first time since Kong Lei came to the world for nine days.

Dancing, the phoenix rises, the colorful phoenix phantom soars in the sky, graceful and lifelike, exuding colorful brilliance.

As soon as the blue barking poison needle arrived in front of his eyes, it was blocked by the colorful brilliance, and fell to the ground.

A blurry color flashed in the eyes of Sakurawood's floral fragrance, and his mind was instantly seized by it, and he unknowingly moved with the rhythm of the colorful phoenix, echoing each other in the distance, the combination of man and phoenix, dancing in the city, pleasing to the eye.

Ding Ning was determined, the outcome was already divided, and there was no suspense.

Perhaps to outsiders, Sakura Wood Flower Scent seems to be still competing with Colorful Phoenix, but Kong Lei has completely mastered the rhythm and is holding Sakura Wood Flower Scent's nose.

As long as Kong Lei is happy, she can take Sakuramu Huaxiang's life at any time, but whether to kill or capture, what choice will she make?

Ding Ning rubbed his chin, thinking with interest. From the bottom of his heart, Ding Ning didn't want Kong Lei to treat life like a must, because he didn't like too much blood on his woman's hands.

But Sakuragi Huaxiang is the enemy, provoking at the door, and a sneak attack with a poisonous needle. If you really kill her, there is nothing wrong with him. He won't say much, but it is inevitable that he will feel a little uncomfortable.

Others can't see the doorway, but Watanabe Onizuka, who is familiar with the scent of cherry blossoms, has noticed that it is not good, and his face is gloomy and can drip, and his heart is secretly entangled.

To save or not to save is a difficult question before him.

Save it. In the one-on-one challenge, he rashly shot himself, and he was suspected of being overwhelming. Everyone would ridicule him.

But if you don’t save it, Sakuragi Huaxiang’s defeat is a foregone conclusion, and even life and death are not in his control. As the leader of this operation, he can't just watch his big help die like this and lose Sakura. Muhuaxiang, the strength of their group will inevitably be greatly reduced, which will make their next situation extremely weak.

Watanabe Onizuka gritted his teeth and made a decision, no matter what, as long as he can win the final victory, what if he is laughed at?

Without saying a word, he quietly drew out the sword and swung the sword flagrantly, turning into a huge sword light that opened the sky and smashed the sun, and suddenly slashed at the colorful phoenix shadow.



"Damn Fusang Devil, as always shameless."


The faces of the onlookers changed drastically, and they all cursed.

The complexion of Zi Que'er and the others changed drastically, and they stood up without hesitation to take action, but Ding Ning stretched out his hand to stop him and said calmly: "Just watch the changes."


He Ling'er said worriedly, but Ding Ning interrupted her voice before she finished: "Trust Leilei."

"It's good to be here, it should have been together long ago."

Kong Lei's sudden loud shout made everyone's hung hearts instantly fall back into their stomachs, and he secretly sighed, Ding Ning still understands Kong Lei.

Watanabe Onizuka slashed, asking herself that this knife would never fail. Even if it couldn't kill Kong Lei, it would surely be able to interrupt her contemplative weird dance and save Sakuragi Huaxiang.

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