MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2561 Feng Family Patriarch's Abacus

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Three days later, Qixia Mountain Feng's family was beaming with lanterns and festivities.

The ancestor of the Feng family wore a festive red robe and brought Feng Ni'er, the new owner, to sweep away the past decadence, standing in front of the door with a ruddy smile and welcoming guests from all directions.

With the rise of Tianzezong like a comet, it became famous overnight and became the first sect of the secular world. I don't know how many people want to make good friends with Tianzezong but cannot enter.

Therefore, when I learned that Sect Master Tianze would come to Feng’s house to marry Feng Pianwu, the jokes that had been waiting to see Feng’s house before, and even the ancient martial arts sects or families who had helped the Long’s suppress them immediately rushed to congratulate them with a shy face. Want to take the opportunity to repair the relationship with the Feng family.

If according to the ancestors of the Feng family, he would never show any good expressions to these ancestors, but after experiencing the life and death crisis of the family, he knows that the Feng family can be gifted by Ding Ning today, and he will no longer dare to be proud. Show people with a face, and greet any guests who come to congratulate with a smile.

After all, he knew very well in his heart that Ding Ning didn't like him very much. This time it was because of Feng Pianwu's face that he took the Feng family a hand. In the future, at best, the Baofeng family will not be destroyed. He will never worry about everything. Make every effort to help Fengjia grow and grow.

Therefore, the only thing the Feng Family can do is to use the time that Ding Ning has won to develop and grow, and at the very least they must have the strength to compete with the Long Family.

This allowed him to change his past temperament and try his best to maintain the relationship with the various ancient martial arts sects, without asking them to stretch out their hands in the future, and not to fall into trouble at critical times.

On the contrary, Feng Ni'er was young and energetic, and seeing those ancient warriors who had helped the Long Family suppress them before, the noses were not noses, eyes, or eyes, so they didn't give them a good look at all.

These ancient martial arts sects also knew that they were wrong. Although they were upset, their expressions did not show the slightest. They insisted on cheeky and hot cheeks and cold buttocks, and they also sent extremely precious gifts to express their sincerity for reconciliation.

They are really scared. The Long Family is powerful, but compared with the Tianze Sect, they are not even a fart. If they send out a guardian, they can easily destroy the Long Family. They are even better than the Long Family. What are the forces that are not up to?

You must know that they are all old and well-informed. Knowing that the ancestors of the Feng family are not being seen by Ding Ning, they put all the thoughts of flattering on Feng Ni'er, the new owner. Her attitude is very important. She understands that if someday the wind blows in front of Feng Pianwu, their sect families will be waiting for bad luck.

As the saying goes, if you don't hit the smiley person with your hand, they will pay for the smiley face, and they will make up for it, and they will also send a large gift, which to a certain extent makes up for the loss of the Feng family some time ago.

I didn't know Chai Migui when I was not in charge. Feng Ni'er only showed a little smile for the sake of these gifts, which made these forces a long sigh of relief, knowing that the disaster was over.

But reconciliation alone is useless. You have to find a way to hug the thighs of the Feng Family. Otherwise, if the Long Family uses their brains to settle the bill, where will they eat?

As a result, these guys stayed where they were, and offered the most favorable terms to deepen cooperation with Feng's family.

Although she doesn't dislike these people, Feng Ni'er is no longer the wayward and ignorant little girl at the beginning. Knowing that the Feng family must develop in-depth cooperation with more forces, she immediately welcomed them with a smile and talked with them. Cooperation.

One willing to fight and one willing to endure, and soon, Feng Nier reached an intent to cooperate with these forces on almost nothing.

In the end, both parties were very satisfied. The Feng family was satisfied with these cooperations. Not only did the previous losses come back, but they also made a lot of money. Those who were not satisfied were satisfied although the losses were large.

But he hugged Feng Family's thighs, and maybe he could still climb into the relationship with Tianzezong in the future. This is worth a loss.

The ancestor of the Long Family, Long Feijue, received Ding Ning to go to Feng's family to marry Feng Pianwu three days ago. He violently smashed his favorite cloisonné tea set to pieces. The three yelling curses were simply bullying. He vomited blood and collapsed to the ground.

The dragon’s family was leaping up and down, and the patriarch Long Feiyang was killed. The young patriarch Long Xiaotian determined to travel the world to find opportunities and disappeared. Now Long Fei is vomiting blood and unconscious, and the entire dragon family has one principal. There are none of them, and everyone is panicked with a sense of crisis.

Fortunately, Long Feijue quickly awakened, and the first order after waking up was to temporarily terminate all attacks against Feng's family.

The Long family secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and even many people were overjoyed. To tell the truth, they were really afraid of Long Fei's stubbornness and insisted that the egg touch the stone. That would really be a dead end.

More importantly, the dragon and phoenix families have always had a good relationship. Every generation has people marrying. It can be said that you have me and I have you. Many dragons also have the blood of the Feng family flowing in their bodies. They are not willing to be an arrogant and domineering person. Long Feiyang and Feng's face were torn apart with swordsmen.

It was only due to the Patriarch's orders that they had to take action against the Feng Family, but most of them were against the Yin and Yang, and did not work hard. Otherwise, with the strength of the Long Family, how could the Feng Family survive the present?

After watching all the people leave happily, Long Feijue, pretending to be majestic, slumped on a chair as if he was tens of years old in an instant, looked at the empty room without focus, and whispered in a low voice. Said: "Am I doing something wrong? Most people in the tribe are unwilling to be enemies of the Feng family, but I insist on going my own way and insist on revenge for Feiyang."

But as soon as Long Feiyang was mentioned, the gaze in Long Jia Feijue's eyes became firm again, and he clenched his fists hard, his face showed hideous hatred: "Feiyang, rest assured, father will never let you die in vain. Yes, even if the Long Family is annihilated, Dad will definitely help you take revenge."

If this sentence is heard by the Long family, you will be shocked. You know, Long Feiyang is the younger brother of Long Fei’s compatriots, but now he has become his son, and the tricks are not to be asked. , Once spread out, it will definitely become the biggest scandal in the history of the Long Family.

But this is not difficult to understand, after all, the Long Family is a family with the blood of the Dragon Clan.

And even the Long family probably didn't know that the real number one master of the Long family was actually not Long Feijue but his mother Hu Qianhua.

Only a few decades ago, Hu Qianhua, who was already in the semi-god state, left the Long Family to look for an opportunity for a breakthrough. Since then, there is no trace. Even the Long Family ancestors don't know whether she is dead or alive.

Although Long Feijue vowed to avenge his unfaithful love's son, he is not a brainless person, and he will never go to get an egg and hit a stone stupidly, but bury his hatred in his heart and slowly wait for revenge. Opportunity.

Therefore, the wedding of Feng's family was very beautiful. Not only the major ancient Wuzong gates sent people to congratulate them, but the other six sacred gates and the Imperial Palace also sent representatives to send congratulations.

Even some foreign underground forces that couldn't beat them have sent representatives to congratulate them.

Although everyone knows that these forces are not rushing to Feng's family but to Ding Ning's face, but they still do not delay the pride of the Feng family. They all raised their heads and raised their chests, even their feet became lighter. A lot.

It's nothing more than the fact that one person can ascend to heaven.

"The Feng family gave birth to a good daughter."

Do not

The representatives of the young sect family all said with envy and jealousy.

But it's useless to be jealous and envy. Nobody can have a pretty girl, but there is really no one who can grow into a phoenix dance and a country like a country, so I can only sigh with excitement, and don't expect to take the route of marriage to climb Ding Ning. Thick thighs.

"Auspicious hour is about to arrive, why hasn't the fifth grandmother come yet? There will be no changes, right?"

The muscles on Feng Ni'er's face almost stiffened with laughter right now. Seeing that all the guests were already in their seats, sitting at the banquet prepared by Feng's family, but never saw Ding Ning's team welcoming the relatives, she couldn't help but worry.

When the ancestors of the Feng family heard this, they were a little secretly playing drums. If Ding Ning suddenly regrets not coming to welcome her, then the Feng family will become the laughingstock of the entire ancient martial arts world. But after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be. After all, he said this, and Pian Wu is still waiting for him at Feng's house. If he says to marry you, I might regret it, but I will never marry Pian Wu."

Feng Ni'er was blushed by this disrespectful grandfather, and said in disgust, "Grandpa, what are you talking about? He is my fifth wife, how could he come to marry me?"

The ancestor of the Feng family smiled disapprovingly, and said meaningfully: "What's the matter, Jianghu daughter is not trivial, not to mention that although Pianwu is my cousin, she has long been out of the five clothes. There is no violation of ethics. Tsuna Chang, at most, is just a few gossips. As long as Dancing has no objection, I have no objection."

This old fox made a good calculation. The Feng family and the Long family are now incompatible. The marriage of Feng Ni'er and Long Xiaotian is no longer possible. It is very difficult for the Feng family to deal with the Long family alone. It can only be done with Ding Ning’s power. Let the Feng Family remain invincible, and even restore the glory of the eight ancient Guwu families.

So even if Feng Pianwu is married to Ding Ning, he still feels unsafe. After all, he treated Pianwu like that, and coupled with Pianwu’s cold personality, he does not have a strong sense of belonging to the Feng family. Only by marrying Ding Ning, the Feng family can truly sit back and relax.

"Grandpa, you're just talking nonsense, let alone people ignore you."

Feng Nier said with a blushing face and stamped her feet, but her heart thumped like a little rabbit, revealing her shame.

The ancestor of the Feng family didn't say much, but he knew what he thought of his granddaughter, showing a sly smile with a scheming look.

People have to die than people, and they have to be thrown away.

Long Xiaotian is indeed excellent, but it depends on who he is compared with. Compared with ordinary people of the same age, he is really outstanding, but compared with Ding Ning, there is no comparison.

Feng Nier thought that she liked Long Xiaotian before, because they had a marriage contract since they were young, and they were childhood sweethearts, and Feng Nier recognized him.

To put it bluntly, it's not love, it's just a kind of ignorant feelings similar to psychological hints. In addition, among the same age and opposite **** that Feng Nier knows, Long Xiaotian, the fiance is the best, she naturally thinks he is hers The destiny.

But after getting to know Ding Ning, Long Xiaotian's position in her mind was not so stable, especially when the two families of Long and Feng had guilty, so that their marriage contract had expired. It was reasonable for Feng Ni'er to transfer love.

As for whether Ding Ning will accept Feng Ni'er, the ancestors of the Feng family won't worry. Men chasing women across the mountains, women chase men across the heavy yarn, not to mention Ding Ning's famous romance.

Therefore, as long as Feng Nier likes Ding Ning in her heart, if she can take the initiative and persuade Pianwu to blow the pillow breeze, then it will basically be a sure thing.

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