MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2565 Three tribulations

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They are soldiers, not despicable men who are unscrupulous to achieve their goals. Now they are just competing skills among their comrades. Zhao Zilong actually played the Infernal Affairs in a despicable way, which made them feel deeply contemptuous.

What's more, this competition is just to get tickets to the international special forces competition. Now Zhao Zilong can win with the bought-in spies. If he really participates in the international special forces competition, he still has the ability to buy fighters from other countries. Are you a rape?

Therefore, Zhao Zilong vented their anger on them. Although they did not speak out, they had already made a decision in eye contact. Even if they win this competition, they will report it to their superiors. They must not let Zhao Zilong represent the dragon soul. Go to the competition.

Because the International Special Forces Contest is an international event related to the dignity and glory of the country. As dragon soul elites, they always regard honor as their life, and they will never allow the indiscriminate use of despicable means to represent the dragon soul to participate.

Never mind that Zhao Zilong's military qualities and skills are top notch, but his mentality is not right, and he doesn't have the basic qualities that a soldier should have.

The method is despicable, and he is just for his own use. He always plays with his young master's temper. The whole team is his word that no one can disobey. Anyone who has a little opinion is just swearing, and he does not even have the least respect for his comrades. How about such a person Can the comrades in arms give him their back?

Poor Zhao Zilong didn't realize that the surviving comrades had been full of opinions about him. After weighing the pros and cons, Qing Qing ordered with a face: "Retreat immediately and save strength."

It's not that he wants to let Xiao Chunan go, but he is worried that Xiao Chunan will be dying, and if he eliminates one of his players, his chances of winning will be even less. After all, in his heart, Ye Tianlang is his biggest opponent.

And Xiao Chunan is now alone, basically out of the game, there is no need to damage his strength.

The three surviving fighters had no objections, and followed him with a waist and quickly retreated, but they wanted to leave, Xiao Chunan did not agree.

His team has been annihilated, unless Zhao Zilong's team and Ningding's team are completely annihilated, will there be a chance of victory, but that kind of situation is almost impossible.

For him, he is destined to be out anyway, but it is good to be able to pull a member of Zhao Zilong's team out before he is out, so that Ningding's team will have an extra chance of winning.


With a gunshot, Xiao Chunan took the initiative to launch a counterattack. If Zhao Zilong hadn't reacted fast enough to push down the team around him in time, he would have lost another subordinate.

Da da da!

This also made Zhao Zilong's heart full of anger, and ordered the three to retreat first, and he came to cover.

It wasn't his loyalty, but because the three players were also elites of the hundred battles, but they were still not enough in front of Xiao Chunan. In order not to damage the players, only he could drag him out.

When the two started a top-level duel, they didn't notice that Ye Tianlang team was quietly observing the situation not far away.

Seeing Zhao Zilong and the three subordinates separated, Ye Tianlang showed a bloodthirsty grin on his face, and gently waved his hand, quietly embossing behind the three players.

The hunting began.

In order not to disturb Zhao Zilong and do his best to eliminate his vital power, Ye Tianlang only asked his soldiers to copy Zhao Zilong's team members from the side bread to prevent them from escaping.

And he himself, holding a tactical dagger like a lone wolf, quickly followed the three fighters and launched the assassination activity.

No matter how strong the Dragon Soul Warrior is, it is only an ordinary person, and Ye Tianlang is the pinnacle powerhouse of the True Martial Realm, and it is not easy to deal with three ordinary people.

So after a simple close combat, the three fighters were effectively killed and eliminated.

I heard the news that my teammate was eliminated from the headset

, Zhao Zilong's eyes were red, and he didn't care about entanglement with Xiao Chunan, and quickly chased in the direction where his teammates left.

The balance of victory has already begun to tilt towards Ningding. The only chance to win the final victory is to kill all the Ningding team and defeat Xiao Chunan in a one-on-one duel.

Zhao Zilong pretends to be the son of emperor, and will never accept any form of failure, so he will fight back in the last two days, kill everyone and become the only survivor in the end.

This wild survival skill also opened the most exciting and most tragic scene. No matter how Ye Tianlang guarded it, Zhao Zilong still made frequent sneak attacks, and finally successfully "assassinated" three of Ye Tianlang's teammates.

The three became the only survivors of their respective teams, and if they wanted not to end in a tie, they had to kill the other two opponents.

This kind of scene that has never appeared in the history of Anping military made the judges who were temporarily serving as the combat headquarters boiled. They expressed their excitement and speculated that someone killed the other two and became the ultimate winner? Or is it that the three of them can't help but who will tie again?

In the next time, I saw the three people walking like lone wolves on this uninhabited desert island, sometimes meeting each other in a fierce fight.

However, it may be that after taking into account that both sides were injured and the other fisherman benefited. Without absolute certainty to eliminate the other party, the two sides encountered would not use their best, and they would retreat after a tacit match.

Ye Tianlang's expression was very solemn, until he and Zhao Zilong fought several times before realizing that he had been underestimated.

Although Zhao Zilong was not a martial artist in the Divine Martial Realm, his true strength was even stronger than him. If he hadn't had the speed that Zhao Zilong could not reach, he would have been eliminated long ago.

This made him very entangled. His strength had already touched the bottleneck of the Divine Martial Realm and could break through at any time, but because the Divine Martial Realm had to overcome the catastrophe, he had been forcibly suppressed.

And the eldest brother told him that it would be dangerous to cross the catastrophe, and tell him immediately when he wants to cross the catastrophe, and he will protect the law just in case.

But now, Zhao Zilong's hidden strength is exposed, so that he has no confidence in defeating the opponent. In this case, he has nothing to do.

But he has not forgotten the purpose of joining Dragon Soul instead of his eldest brother, and the title of Dragon Tooth must not fall into Zhao Zilong's hands. Therefore, after some consideration, Ye Tianlang gritted his teeth and decided to make a breakthrough immediately.

Coincidentally, this "grinding of life and death" also stimulated Zhao Zilong to accelerate the rate of absorption of the genetic potion, causing him to surge in energy and blood, and he felt that he was about to evolve at any time.

This surprised and delighted him. What was surprised was that his father had told him that his current level of life was at a critical time. Once he evolves, he may suffer unimaginable pain and even endanger his life.

The good news is that if he can survive this pain and evolve successfully, then he won the championship of this competition is a sure thing.

After experiencing a fierce battle between heaven and man, Zhao Zilong made a decision that he would not allow himself to fail and must make a breakthrough.

Xiao Chunan was in a panic. He was lying in a small stream, using the cool water to forcefully suppress the boiling force that was constantly surging in his body. This force was extremely hot like magma, causing his skin to change like fire. The red is hot.

Days of fierce battles made his combat experience as if riding a rocket, and even his strength became stronger than before, but this kind of situation suddenly appeared in his body, making him unsure what was going on.


There was a sudden muffled thunder in the sky, and the clear sky was clouded with lightning and thunder in the blink of an eye.

Coincidentally, a book is not made. After the three of them have reached a bottleneck in their strengths after battle, they chose to break through. Of course, Xiao Chunan is the root of confusion.

I didn't know what was going on, so I broke through automatically.

As a result, the triumph of the three arrived at the same time, and the danger of the robbery was far beyond their expectations.


Noisy, after a sound, the large screen in the temporary combat headquarters flickered and turned into snowflakes.

"what happened?"

The speaker frowned and asked, and the other judges also looked at the technician.

"Report, the signal was due to weather, and the surveillance signals on Island 8 were all interrupted and unable to connect."

After the technicians hurriedly controlled and failed to connect, the technical team leader bit the bullet and reported.

"Aren't our signal transmission devices unaffected during thunderstorms?"

The Speaker of the Standing Committee asked in a deep voice in confusion.

"Yes, but that refers to the general thunderstorm weather. If it is an extremely heavy thunderstorm or a certain lightning field is formed, it will also be affected."

The technical team leader said bitterly.

When it comes to the technical level, the Speaker of the Standing Committee also knew that they could not blame them, so he calmed down and ordered: "I will do everything possible to restore the communication signal as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, I will send the latest "Storm" drone to transmit real-time images. "


The technical team leader responded and tried to connect to the monitoring equipment again with the technical backbone of his staff, but unfortunately, they still couldn't connect.

After reporting to the Standing Speaker, he immediately dispatched Anping’s newly developed "Storm" drone to the deserted island in an attempt to connect real-time video signals.


The latest "Storm" drone group, which can be made of space metal materials and claimed to be able to come and go freely in any severe weather, just approached the deserted island waters, and saw a huge thunder pillar descending from the sky.

It can be seen from the drone reconnaissance screen flying at the back that the drone in front of it looks like a person bombed by a missile, instantly transforming into a fireball, and flying ashes and annihilation in the blink of an eye.

Immediately after the screen flashed, the last drone instantly lost contact, and there was a snow on the screen.

This scene silenced the temporary combat headquarters, and everyone's face was full of shock.

What kind of thunderstorm weather is this, it can turn the latest "Storm" drone into dust if it can't be connected.

The Speaker of the Standing Committee frowned even more. The "Storm" drone is expensive to build, and he naturally feels distressed when it is destroyed, but what is more worrying in his heart is the three fighters on the island, which are the top and best specials in Anping. Soldier, if something happens, he can die of distress.

But the mighty power of nature is irresistible. Under the terrifying majesty, all the technical means are so weak that even the "Storm" drones that can resist missile bombing can't be approached, and they can't make fun of human lives. Three soldiers sacrificed more soldiers' lives, right?

Helpless, they can only resign themselves to their fate and pray silently for them, hoping that they can survive this terrible natural disaster and come back alive intact.


"Hey, someone is crossing the Tribulation, and the intensity of this Tribulation seems to be something wrong."

Ding Ning, who was practicing Yi Jin Jing, suddenly frowned, turned his head to look to the southeast, and after a careful sense, stood up and a teleport appeared in the sky above Tianze Island. Lang Kui, who was full of doubts on the side, confessed: "I will go out for a trip and will be back soon."

After finishing speaking, before Lang Kui responded, a flicker appeared in the sky a kilometer away, and then the figure turned into afterimages, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

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