MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 44

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I don't know where the mermaid's hand touched, and the originally static picture moved again.

Boyce's eyes fell on the male and female protagonists who were kissing so hard, and the sound of sticky water sounded in the breeding room as the two of them moved, while Garcia's eyes kept falling on Boyce.

The two people who were stuck together finally separated, and soon hugged each other intimately.

"I love you."

Boyce looked at the mermaid subconsciously, only to see him staring at him intently.

Garcia's hand fell on the actress's somewhat crimson face on the screen.

"She's blushing," the merman pointed out the fact.

The corner of the mermaid's lips drew a small margin: "Is she afraid?"

"He was biting her just now..." Garcia paused, realizing that the word "bite" was inappropriate, and changed the word, "He was kissing her."

The merman looked at Boyce: "But she doesn't seem to be offended."

Boyce listened to Garcia and began to repeat the words he said when he first fooled him, and looked away somewhat unnaturally.

"She seems to like it." The mermaid came to a conclusion based on what she saw.

Boyce felt the merman's approach, put both hands on his shoulders, and then moved his face closer.

Garcia lowered his head, the tip of his nose almost touched the tip of Boyce's, and his golden eyes looked into his.

The merman's face was too close... Boyce's heart beat faster for a moment because of Garcia's face so close, and he blinked in a panic.

Garcia seemed to be suddenly interested in Boyce's eyelashes, raised a hand in front of his eyes, felt the eyelashes brush gently in the palm of his hand, and the humans around him tensed up because of his actions.

After a while, Garcia removed his hand, looked down, and his hand also fell on Boyce's lips and pressed lightly.

"Then do you like it?"

He looked at Boyce and asked.

Boyce pushed his hand away and said in a low voice, "I don't like it."

But Garcia no longer believed what he said. He lowered his head and prepared to test it again to see if Boyce was lying.

"Garcia!" Boyce raised his voice subconsciously to stop him, Garcia glanced at him, and after hesitating for a while, he stepped back.

But he was still a little unwilling: "You lied to me before."

Boyce was also somewhat wrong when he heard that.

And Garcia had already thought that since kissing is not considered a very offensive behavior in humans, he can ask for another kiss from Boyce.

Garcia remembered that almost every time, Boyce would back down and agree to a request that he would not otherwise agree to.

Garcia recalled the soft and moist touch before, although he didn't understand why he was obsessed with the unexpected kiss before, but it did not prevent him from begging for himself from Boyce now.

"I promised not to lie to you."

"But you always lie to me." The merman's throat rolled, his expression unchanged, looking at Boyce as if he was waiting for his words.

Boyce and Garcia looked at each other for a while, then said in compromise: "What do you want to do?

? "

Garcia never hides his desires and asks him straightforwardly: "Can I kiss you?"

There was a flash of surprise in Boyce's eyes, and then he firmly rejected him: "No."

Kissing is something that only lovers can do. Boyce doesn't want to kiss him in such a vague way. They are only in a somewhat ambiguous relationship. If they take the initiative to kiss a mermaid when they are sober, the relationship between the two will only become more entangled. .

Boyce still wanted him to be free to return to the ocean.

Garcia also said that the merman's estrus/estrus period is not induced after being away from the intended partner.

He will also be a merman who was not influenced by anyone.

But looking at the disappointment on Garcia's face, Boyce's originally firm refusal was shaken.

A thought briefly appeared in his heart, he would leave here after a while, what if he promised him something?

Boyce met Laurie on the way back.

Originally, Boyce thought it was just a coincidence. After saying hello, he was about to leave, but he was stopped by Laurie unexpectedly.

"Wait a moment."

Boyce stopped and looked at him suspiciously. The intersection between him and Laurie is limited to z-III's auxiliary medicine, but Laurie has become more and more reticent since the accident of Olier. Although Laurie has been looking at Boyce more and more eagerly recently, Boyce He didn't actually have much interaction with him either.

Boyce looked at the man in front of him.

Laurie looked a little nervous. Although he took the initiative to stop Boyce, he didn't seem to know how to speak after the person stopped.

His lips parted and closed, looking at Boyce before he spoke.

Boyce didn't have the patience for him with the mermaid, remembering that he had something to do next and didn't have time to spend with him, he took the initiative to speak, and his voice was a little impatient: "What do you want to say?"

As soon as Boyce finished speaking, he saw Laurie's body froze, and he glanced at himself timidly before opening his mouth.

He seemed to muster up his courage and finally said, "I hated you before..."

Hearing Laurie's words, Boyce's first reaction was that he apologized after so long?

Boyce frowned, and Laurie, who looked somewhat submissive in front of him, still didn't look as pleasing to the eye as before. For some reason, Laurie seems to have occasionally gotten closer to the original look that made others less attractive. .

And Laurie spoke again after organizing the language: "I still don't like you."

He took a careful look and found that Boyce was not angry because of his words, so he continued to speak.

"I should hate you."

Laurie's tone was firm, and he thought he hated Boyce.

Although Boyce didn't actually do anything to him.

But in the period when he first learned of the change in himself, the one that Laurie resented most was Boyce except for Oriel.

Because of the different encounters between the two, and because Boyce was the first person to tell him about the mutation.

"But I will feel that I like you very much more of the time." Laurie stared at Boyce, his originally resentful eyes were gradually replaced by another emotion uncontrollably, and he subconsciously moved towards Boyce.

Boyce felt something strange about him, and saw that his lips moved, as if he had said something.

"what are you saying?"

And Laurie, who finally got close to Boyce, took a breath, with a somewhat satisfied look on his face, and suddenly squeezed his hand hard, with obsession in his eyes: "I like you."

He stared straight at Boyce: "It doesn't matter if I die for you..."

Boyce subconsciously threw off his hand, and Laurie seemed to have recovered his senses, looked away from Boyce, and returned to his original taciturn but very calm look.

"I'm sorry," Laurie apologized to him.

"What did you want to say just now?" Boyce looked at him like this and asked hopelessly.

Laurie gave Boyce a stiff smile. "Nothing."

After being separated from Laurie, Boyce returned to the lab.

Boyce looked at his colleagues around him and said something was wrong with Laurie they had just met. Laurie's current changes made them feel a little uneasy.

"I think the adjuvant of z-III can be suspended for now."

"I feel so too."

"Go to Professor Cyril and report this."

On the other hand, after Boyce left, the back of Garcia's neck, which had stopped, began to ache again, showing his sense of existence.

Garcia put one hand on the receptor on the back of his neck and suddenly raised his head.

At a certain moment just now, he seemed to have lost his perception of Boyce.

Professor Cyril's office.

After finishing the work at hand, Professor Cyril opened the drawer again.

Inside is a drawer of envelopes, all of which are letters from his daughter. From the age of six to the present, the old envelopes have begun to turn yellow, and the latest letter is on the top.

It was sent by the logistics department a few days ago, along with a few photos of her, and a video recorder that recorded a video of Professor Cyril's daughter.

He opened the letter carefully.

The girl's font above has changed from clumsy to beautiful, just like the years she had grown up that he had missed for so many years.

Her letters are always cheerful, rarely mentioning her own pain, knowing that her father's departure is to cure her own disease, so she is always sensible and will not urge him to go back, but she can't help it in a letter. Write "Father, I miss you so much" back and forth a few times.

In her latest letter, she mentioned another boy in the ward next door.

"He had a nice smile and brought me a bunch of sunflowers. The chocolate smelled sweet, but the nurse said I couldn't eat this..."

The little girl wrote rambles in the letter.

"If only I wasn't sick."

"I really like him, father," she couldn't help but write in the letter.

Cyril read the letter again.

"Yes," he murmured softly, "you will definitely recover."

"Dudu-" There was a knock on the door of the office, and Cyril subconsciously stuffed the letter in as it was, put it in the drawer, and then shouted at the door, "Come in."

"What's the matter?" Professor Cyril looked at the person at the door with some doubts.

"Professor, we all think that the adjuvant of z-III can be suspended for now."

The author has something to say: the cover is hung up, so I went to the artist's wife to change the font again, it should take a while to finish it (つд?)

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes