MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 47

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Boyce straightened up, found Matthew looking at him, and gave himself an insightful look.

After everyone else had left, Matthew asked him in a low voice, "Did you tell him about Pharmacy No. 1?" Although Laurie had agreed to participate in the research on auxiliary pharmacy, Professor Cyril had not told him about the storage of Pharmacy No. 1 before. Location.

Since it was guessed, Boyce had nothing to hide and nodded.

"That's fine." Matthew sighed.

"I always wanted to tell the teacher that z-III may not be useful, and you have seen its side effects." Matthew said, "It may not meet the teacher's expectations at all."

"To be honest, I think that instead of looking for potions here that may not be useful at all, it's better for the teacher to go back and accompany her."

From the age of six, Cyril had left her until now.

He missed almost all traces of her growth.

Everyone's thoughts are different. In Matthew's view, the possibility of healing is slim. It is better to spend more time with her while she is still there.

"In fact, the little girl has always missed him, but he has been very busy."

But compared to company, Professor Cyril obviously felt that it was more important to chase the faint hope that his daughter could survive.

Although Boyce and the others believe that relying on z-III is not necessarily reliable.

Matthew took a breath and looked at Boyce: "Do you think he can succeed?"

"Probably," Boyce said.

But they all know that even if they get the No. 1 medicine, Laurie may not be able to recover, and no one knows whether the changes at Laurie's current level are reversible.

If Laurie had used Potion No. 1 in the first place, it wouldn't have been the way he is now.

That night, a figure entered the laboratory in the dark.

Laurie turned on the light switch, found Safe No. 113 as Boyce said, and entered the code.

Inside was a row of reagents with serial numbers written on them. Laurie took one and looked at it. After confirming that it was the medicine he was looking for, he took a syringe from another place and injected the medicine into his body.

He stared at the slow reduction of the medicine in the needle tube. After the needle tube was pushed to the end, Laurie breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the door, and was relieved when he saw that there was no movement.

"It's alright..." He murmured to himself, staring at the red spots on his skin, "It's alright, it will be alright..."

The next day, there was a palpable relaxation in Laurie's eyes.

Seeing other people in the lab, he even greeted him with a smile.

Boyce looked at him. The current Laurie should not be the taciturn character. Noticing Boyce's gaze, Laurie looked over, a little nervously averting his gaze, and then quickly turned his head to look at Boyce and smiled. laugh.

Matthew stopped beside Boyce.

"Looks like he's been successful."

The results of the routine inspection came out quickly, not as Boyce and Matthew expected.

The cells that had begun to change rapidly suddenly stopped changing and maintained a relatively stable state, and the external feature was that the inhuman parts of Laurie began to stop changing.

"It seems to be useful." Matthew whispered when Boyce passed by him.

Boyce nodded too.

There was a marked change in Lowry from the second day.

During the next day's examination, the red bumps on Laurie's body began to disappear, and it looked more like some red bruises, but much darker than the original color.

And the cells in his body began to change in the direction of human beings.

Naturally, these changes could not be kept from Professor Cyril all the time. He had someone open the safe, and there was indeed one less potion number 1 in it.

In addition to Boyce and Matthew knowing that Laurie had indeed stolen Potion No. 1, other colleagues in the lab probably guessed that, only Professor Cyril was tacitly concealed, but Professor Cyril was not blind, and within a few days Also guessed it.

Looking at the safe with one medicine missing, Professor Cyril's expression was not very good.

Others in the laboratory were also a little guilty because they had hidden from Professor Cyril before, but they all knew something about Professor Cyril's daughter, and hoped that he could give up this unrealistic method.

After a while, Professor Cyril said: "It's okay to use No. 1 medicine."

Hearing this, everyone else was a little surprised that he would say such a thing.

"You can tell me first." Professor Cyril stared straight at Laurie. He bowed his head shyly, and said that since the injection of No. 1 drug, Laurie seemed to be getting closer and closer to his original character.

"Since Laurie has already used Potion No. 1, there is no need to continue the research." Professor Cyril's expression was a little cold, and the others present could only agree.

After leaving the lab, Professor Cyril held his daughter's photo frame and gently stroked the girl's cheek with his fingers: "Don't worry, father will make you healthy..."

After the experiment of the auxiliary agent stopped, Boyce and the others had only the task of taking care of Laurie's situation for the time being.

So, seeing that he was not busy, Collins started to get together again.

Hearing about the changes in Laurie, Collins told Boyce about his strange reaction to the last time he met Laurie.

"You said his personality has changed again now?" Collins was a little curious.

"Yes," Boyce nodded, "he is very similar to the character who just entered the laboratory before."

After this experience, Laurie seems to be a little afraid of the institute now, and told Matthew and the others more than once that he wants to leave the institute after his body returns to normal.

"Anything is fine."

He seems to have fully understood after experiencing life and death.

"Just live well."

Collins nodded: "It does make sense."

"By the way." He looked down at his watch, "Are you going to feed s-37 now?" It was almost the time Boyce usually fed Garcia.

"I want to go with you," Collins said.

However, to his surprise, Boyce rejected him again.

"I have other things to do, wait for the next time."

Collins was a little unhappy, and Boyce had now used that reason to reject him several times.

Collins wanted to say something, but Boyce stopped him in time: "Hobbes seems to be looking for you."

Collins subconsciously looked in the direction Boyce pointed, and Hobbs also noticed the two people on the other side.

"Boyce, Collins."

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Collins looked at Hobbs.

Hobbs nodded: "We still have some documents that need your approval."

"That's it." Collins glanced at Boyce with some reluctance, "Then I'll be with you next time."

When Boyce got to the breeding room, Garcia was already waiting there.

"You smell him." Garcia smelled Boyce's breath that belonged to Collins again.

Garcia didn't like him very much because Collins' breath had been mistaken for his partner before.

I don't even like Boyce's aura.

But when Boyce asked about it, Garcia didn't tell him the reason, just repeatedly told him: "I don't like that human being."

Boyce didn't know the reason, and just thought it was the same reason s-24 didn't like him at the time.

Humans were contaminated with auras that he hated, so Garcia simply approached him, wrapped the humans in his arms, and completely covered the aura that belonged to Collins with his own aura before releasing it with satisfaction.

Boyce was used to him like this. After he let go, he asked him how the video was watching and whether he liked it or not.

Garcia was interested in watching the daily life of humans in the video, and when Boyce mentioned it, he remembered another routine he had just seen.

"Human partners will go to see their parents before they get together..." Garcia said, looking at Boyce, he also wanted to see Boyce's parents, according to human customs, to become his recognized partner.

"My parents have passed away."

Hearing this, Garcia was a little disappointed because he couldn't see Boyce's parents.

Although the mermaid did not have such feelings, Garcia remembered that in the videos she watched, the actors always cried sadly when they lost their parents.

"Then will you cry?" Will you be as sad as the people on screen because your parents leave?

"No." Boyce's parents died very early. He was sent to an orphanage shortly after he was born, so he didn't have much impression of his parents.

Although I miss them occasionally, I imagine what my parents would be like when they were still there, but it's not particularly sad.

"I haven't seen my parents either." Garcia said suddenly, interrupting Boyce's thoughts.

When the mermaid is still in the eggshell, it will be sent to the nest by its parents. Garcia grows up in the nest. Garcia has not met his parents yet.

He thought about it for a while, and seeing parents seemed to be a necessary ritual for human beings to become partners, but Boyce had no parents, and Garcia's own parents were in a certain corner of the ocean, and it was difficult to find them.

"I want to take you to see the leader." If meeting parents among humans is a must, Garcia thinks he can take Boyce to see the leader, just as the leader spends most of the year in the nest watching over Gu Wei adult mermaid.

"What?" Boyce didn't expect the mermaid to suddenly jump to this topic, and some couldn't keep up with his train of thought.

"Take you to see the leader, meet the parents, and then form a partner..." Garcia looked at Boyce. In his opinion, Boyce had already agreed to leave with him, and he was very close to agreeing to become a partner with him. .

"Do you like the deep sea?" Garcia hesitated, what if his partner didn't like the ocean?

Mermaids live in the deep sea all year round, but humans live on land. Will he like life in the ocean?

Garcia looked at Boyce, wanting to get a positive answer from him.

Boyce guessed the hidden meaning and could only say: "I don't like..."

After Boyce's voice fell, Garcia, who was looking at him expectantly, suddenly lost his eyes.

Boyce forced himself to look away.

"But you can stay in the sea," Boyce said.

"But you don't like it." What Garcia wants is to live in the deep sea with Boyce. He has already found his partner, why should he live alone?

He tried to recommend his territory in the deep sea to Boyce, listed the existences in his territory one by one, and then told him: "You will like it."

"But humans can't live in water."

Boyce was helpless and could only correct him.

"You can." Garcia looked at him and said firmly, "You can be transformed."

"Transformation?" Boyce looked at him, thinking of another person in the lab.

Could the strangeness in Laurie also be related to the transformation that Garcia said?

"What do you mean by transformation?" Boyce decided to ask Garcia clearly, did he mean transformation of human beings into adult fish?

"It's a transformation that makes humans move closer to mermaids." Garcia explained, but there will be no fish tails, and the appearance is still human, but it can live underwater and have a longer life.

The lifespans of humans and mermen are too different, and transformation can give them more time to accompany.

"One of the purposes of catching merman is to think about it longer." Garcia guessed the purpose of these humans catching merman from the scraps of paper he had heard.

"I can make you live longer." He looked at Boyce and offered what he thought was a powerful bargaining chip.

The author has something to say: I'm a little curious, the cover was hung a few days ago, only the default cover was left, and how many people didn't recognize it hahaha

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2021-01-0222:41:57~2021-01-0311:57:58~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: no one was encountered;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of sour milk tea; 1 bottle of non-white;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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