MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 65

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Boyce and the others were quiet for a while after seeing Professor Chris.

When listening to the corner, the person being discussed found it really embarrassing and didn't know how to look at Professor Chris.

On the other side, Professor Chris's team and the other team were still arguing, and the conversation kept coming. Because Boyce and the others were quiet, their voices became clearer.

Boyce felt a slight stab in the back by someone unknown.

He took a step forward and said hello to Professor Chris: "Teacher."

The smile on Professor Chris' face remained unchanged, as if he didn't take the disputes outside the corner to heart at all.

"What is this going to do?"

Boyce glanced at Matthew subconsciously, and then quickly turned his gaze back: "We have something to call Professor Cyril, and we are going to find him now..."

Boyce didn't mention the latter words, but everyone present knew that it was because of the two parties who were still arguing outside.

Originally, Matthew and the others stopped here to avoid them, but he didn't expect to encounter Professor Chris himself, which made it even more embarrassing.

"Oh, that's right." Professor Chris smiled, "I'll let them make way for you."

No one expected that Professor Chris would say such a thing.

Someone behind Boyce couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you angry?"

"What's there to be angry about?" Professor Chris looked genuine and didn't take their words to heart at all. "Not everything they said was true."

The person who asked the question glanced at him hesitantly. The focus was not on the content of the words, but on the strength of most research institutes.

In the past, Professor Chris was able to hold the position of director of the institute without anyone saying these words in private, which has a lot to do with his outstanding ability.

But now, after Professor Chris came back, he seemed to have lost most of his previous abilities, and the minds of the people below naturally began to float.

If he can't be suppressed, it is indeed possible that he will be replaced by the people below.

"Okay." Professor Chris glanced at Boyce, "Come to my office when you are free."

"I'll tell them to change places, you go to Professor Cyril earlier."

As he said that, he walked directly in the direction of the two parties, and deliberately increased the sound of his own footsteps.

The two parties who were arguing also froze when they heard the footsteps, and looked at the person who made the sound in unison, and found that it was Professor Chris.

After they all left, Boyce and his experimental group began to discuss.

"Professor Chris really seems to have changed."

"He doesn't seem to be angry at all!"

On the way to Professor Cyril's office, Matthew leaned over to Boyce's side and thanked him in a low voice, because Boyce didn't directly mention the disappearance of the potion.

Boyce just wanted to wait for Professor Cyril's response.

He is indeed a very good elder, and Boyce was taken care of by him when he first entered the institute, so he chose to remain silent until Professor Cyril gave an explanation.

In a sense, Boyce also hopes that his guess is wrong.

"You said the Z-III was stolen?"

Professor Cyril looked at the researchers who were almost filling up his office, and was stunned for a moment. After Boyce came in, he subconsciously paid attention to his expression.

Professor Cyril did not show any panic, and even after the matter was raised, he admitted it with a calm smile.

"I took the potion away." Professor Cyril said, a bit of annoyance appeared in his eyes at the right time, "You were not there at the time, I forgot to tell you."

He said with a sigh: "I still wanted to try to see if I could research something..."

As soon as Professor Cyril's words came out, most of the people present understood his intention.

Professor Cyril turned around, took out a storage box from behind, and opened it to reveal sixteen potions neatly placed inside.

"I used one for my experiments," Professor Cyril said. "These haven't had time to open yet."

Some of the people who followed Matthew believed Professor Cyril's words, showing a slightly shaken look on their faces, but after thinking about it, they still felt that the potion Z-III, which was very dangerous to those present, could not be left behind. In the hands of Professor Cyril.

"Professor, z-III is very risky."

"Also, I heard that your daughter's illness has been improved with new medicines."

The speaker's gaze fell on Professor Cyril's potion: "I think the potion should be sealed to be safer."

"Z-III has little research value for the institute, but it may be useful for my daughter's disease," Professor Cyril said.

"We would love to accompany you in research in the laboratory, but if you insist on keeping the medicines in your own hands, we will be very worried about whether you will use these medicines on us one day."

One researcher finally voiced his concerns, looking straight at Professor Cyril, hoping for his response.

"Do you all think so?"

Professor Cyril glanced at the others, and most of them nodded.

"In that case, you take these potions away." Professor Cyril pushed the potions in front of them in a sullen way.

Although he knew in his heart that the medicine should be taken away, Professor Cyril's behavior of taking the medicine back privately for research was wrong. Now everyone can't bear it for a while. Everyone knows that Professor Cyril's obsession with his daughter's disease is a little hesitant. Is it really too much.

He's just a father longing for his daughter's recovery...

No one went to get the box for a while, Boyce and the others looked at each other, but after Professor Cyril made his statement, they began to hesitate, thinking that they might be overthinking things.


"I'm sorry... we're just too worried..." They looked at Professor Cyril, who looked down, looking sad that the potion was about to be taken away.

Professor Cyril has always been a good boss to get along with. After they felt that the threat was relieved, they began to think about the time when they got along with Professor Cyril before, and they began to feel guilty for misunderstanding Professor Cyril.

"It's ok."

"I know what you are worried about." Professor Cyril said, "You did nothing wrong. It is wrong to take the medicine away without permission."

"You take these potions back."

"If you're worried, you can check it out."

Professor Cyril seemed to put down the medicine completely after he sent out the medicine: "The new medicine has been used, and her body is getting better. Maybe I really shouldn't be obsessed with researching auxiliary medicine..."

Hearing this, Matthew was the first to relax: "Teacher, it's best if you can figure it out."

Professor Cyril reviewed a few more sentences, and then handed the box containing the potion to Matthew.

"Okay, you go back first."

After everyone said goodbye, he seemed to remember something.

Professor Cyril looked at Matthew: "Matthew, do you have anything else to do with me?"

Matthew was stunned for a moment, remembering that he really had other things besides reporting the disappearance of the potion.


"Then you stay, the others go first."

After leaving Professor Cyril's office, Boyce recalled Professor Cyril's words, and still vaguely felt that something was not right.

Professor Cyril's performance gave him a faint illusion, as if he knew that Boyce and the others would find out that the potion was missing, so he prepared a speech in advance...

But Professor Cyril himself said that if you suspect you can go and test the medicine he sent back.

He seemed confident about it, and Boyce wondered for a moment whether he should continue to doubt it.

On the way to Professor Chris's office.

Boyce meets Anthony.

Anthony waved his hand happily when he saw him: "Boyce, I happen to be looking for you."

"What are you looking for me for?" Boyce wondered, could it be the person who said he wanted to see him before?

"I'm going to see Professor Chris later."

But Anthony had told him before that he shouldn't have time to see himself until the end of Garcia's breeding season.

"It's not me." Anthony shook his head, and then said, "You go with me first, your professor Chris knows that I'm looking for you."

"I just met him, and I asked him to wait for you here. He asked you to leave me and then go to him."

Boyce nodded and followed Anthony to his residence.

After entering, Anthony took out a communicator and checked the time.

"There are still 20 minutes, he should call the communication." Anthony said and handed him the communicator. "He wants to tell you something."

Twenty minutes later, the communicator rang on time.

Boyce connected to the communication, and soon a somewhat young male voice rang from the opposite side.

"It's our boss," Anthony said.

"Sounds young? He's in his forties now," he whispered to Boyce.

"Hello." Boyce nodded to Anthony, and then said hello to the person opposite the communicator.


"it's me."

"My name is Louis."

"I asked Anthony to call you here." Louis paused, Boyce heard the faint sound of water from the opposite side, and then Louis continued to speak.

"Did he tell you about the breeding season?" Louis asked him directly.


"This time I contacted you in advance just to give you a piece of advice."

"Don't give his request lightly during this period of the breeding season," Lewis said.

"Why?" Boyce had some questions, but just as he was about to answer, he was entangled by the mermaid again.

All I can say is: "Don't agree to change easily."

Then hung up the communication.


Boyce put the communicator on the table. According to Lewis, is there a connection between transformation and breeding?

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during the period of 2021-01-17 23:59:39~2021-01-1823:59:16~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of morning and evening; 26286096, 1 ​​bottle of Weiwei;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion