MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 79

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Boyce was stunned for a moment. After mentioning the singing, Collins seemed to have a sudden change. He closed his eyes and listened, and the whole person was immersed in the singing in his mouth.

But Boyce's ears were always quiet, and he didn't hear the singing in his mouth at all.

After a while, Collins finally stopped what he was listening to. He opened his eyes, and there was a daze in his eyes.

Collins turned his head to look at Boyce suspiciously, with an unconscious panic in his eyes, and even his voice trembled a little unintentionally: "You... I seem to have lost consciousness just now..."

"Do you remember what happened just now?" Boyce asked him. "You mentioned singing?"

Collins shook his head, his face turning pale: "I don't remember."

He felt that he was only in a trance for a moment, but looking at Boyce's expression, it was obviously not the case. During this time, he did something that he didn't remember.

A few days ago, Hobbs had been telling Collins that he was normal and nothing unusual had happened.

Boyce puts the reason Collins heard the singing on the merman, and the keeper who most likely tried to take the s-5 also mentioned the singing.

But Boyce didn't know much about this, so he could only temporarily suppress his doubts and go back to ask Garcia.

If it's because of the mermaid...

Boyce remembered the pair of earplugs that Ivey had given him when he first entered the negative fifth floor, and forwarded him to Collins, hoping it would be of some use.

"What did you promise him?"

"Who?" Collins didn't respond for a while.

"s-24." Boyce frowned, he remembered that Garcia had said to himself that the mermaid would transform only if "sofia" agreed.

Boyce had always felt that the rule that transformation must be done only with the consent of humans was a bit strange for the mermaid race.

When Boyce and Garcia mentioned this, they knew from Garcia that this rule did not exist in the mermaid group from the beginning.

At the very beginning, the mermaid would only forcefully take away its "sofia", and would not care whether the humans agreed or not.

The reason for this rule comes from the companion of a certain leader a long time ago.

After listening to Garcia, Boyce realized that the original purpose of the human was probably to let the fish learn to pursue a partner like a human, instead of directly forcibly taking the human away.

But obviously these mermaids didn't understand what he meant, and now, getting a promise has become a form of experience that must be experienced in the mermaid.

It doesn't make any difference whether humans agree willingly or cheat.

Take Collins, for example.

Boyce had always felt that Collins treated mermaids like pets, except that mermaids were prettier and rarer than other animals.

He didn't think Collins would agree to s-24 after he knew about the merman's mate and transformation.

"What did you promise him before you left last time?"

Collins looked at Boyce's serious face and realized something. Boyce once reminded him not to promise mermaid anything easily.

But Collins didn't take it seriously at the time and didn't take this sentence to heart.

He remembered the day he went to the s-24 breeding room before leaving.

The cyan mermaid came up to him after seeing him, but his face was not very happy, and he complained: "You have his breath on you..."

Collins didn't know who the "he" in the mermaid's mouth was referring to, and the mermaid only said one sentence, and then tangled up clingingly as usual, just like the entangling pet Collins kept at home.

Collins also puts the merman in the same position, he only regards this as a pet possessiveness, and even feels a little proud of being favored by the merman because of this.

"do you like me?"

Collins likes the beautiful big tail of the s-24. After sneaking to the breeding room, he can't help holding the tail and not letting go, talking about his love.

s-24 naturally took these words to heart.

"Do you like me?" Collins felt that he saw expectation in his eyes. Because of the long-term peaceful relationship with the mermaid, Collins even felt that the mermaid in front of him was like a big dog trying to be likable, and it was a little lovable.

"Of course I do," Collins said almost without hesitation.

"Then would you like to stay with me all the time?"

"Yes," Collins replied casually.

After Collins told Boyce about that day, he also realized that he had accidentally agreed to something he should not have agreed to.

But now is not the time to regret, what is more important is how to solve this problem now.

Hobbs has a criminal record that he concealed a few days ago, and he can no longer believe it.

But Collins also knew that a lot of things happened at the institute during this period. The former guests of the institute were injected with drugs, and now something went wrong. Collins also knew that Boyce should be very busy now, so he decided to replace Hobbes. Come down and find someone to look at you again.

This time Collins decided to find two people at the same time, Collins thought, and the two of them would never fool themselves together.

Although Boyce is still a little worried about his situation, Boyce now has a Garcia to watch after he goes back in addition to the research institute, so he can only remind him a few more words, so that he should not be alone. Alone, don't go to s-24's breeding room.

Collins also knew that his current situation was inseparable from his active contact with s-24 at that time, so he also agreed very seriously.

Boyce glanced at him: "When your physical problems are resolved, you can leave here."

After sending Collins back to his dormitory, Boyce suddenly remembered that Hobbs had concealed Collins' anomaly in the previous few days, whether he had been to the breeding room of s-24...

Boyce was still thinking about the singing when he returned to the dormitory.

Boyce opened the dormitory door, but Garcia, who had been waiting for Boyce to come back, did not come as soon as usual.

Boyce glanced at him suspiciously, not because he was not used to it, but because he was with him every day during this time, Boyce could see at a glance that Garcia seemed a little unhappy.

The source of the unhappiness seems to be myself.

"Garcia, is there something wrong with me?" Boyce asked. He knew that Garcia was very concerned about physical contact with other people during the breeding season, so he tried to avoid these at work.

But although Garcia was a little concerned before, he was not unhappy.

So it shouldn't be the reason.

"You smell me..." The mermaid reached out and tried to take off the clothes that made him unhappy, the mermaid frowned, and after Boyce mentioned it, he made no secret of his insecurities: "But they not me."

Although the aura on Boyce came from the same source as himself, and may be the same as the aura left by him in other mermaid perceptions, Garcia was still very concerned about the aura that was not left by himself.

They are all competitors.

There was a hint of coldness in Garcia's eyes.

Boyce took a step back before Garcia started to change his clothes and took off his coat, but Garcia was obviously still a little dissatisfied, his eyes fell on the clothes he was still wearing, and he stretched out his hand again.

Boyce grabbed the outstretched hand, a little helpless: "I'll change my clothes."

Hearing this, Garcia retracted his hand, followed behind Boyce, and entered the bedroom with him.

Boyce looked back at him, took out his pajamas, and was about to take a shower to change his clothes, while Garcia still followed behind him during this period, watching his movements until Boyce entered. bathroom.

Boyce stood at the door, looking at Garcia who was almost close to him, put his hand on him and pushed out: "I'm going to take a shower and change clothes, you're outside."

After Boyce came out of the shower, Garcia couldn't help but leaned closer to him and smelled it again. He felt that the other breaths above had disappeared, and only the smell of the shower gel in the bathroom was left, so he withdrew with reluctance. a little.

Seeing this, Boyce breathed a sigh of relief, and it didn't cost him an extra wash with the shower gel inside.

After taking a shower, Boyce went back to the bedroom, but Garcia, who had followed him before, did not come in.

Boyce heard the sound of fish tails sliding outside, and walked out with some doubts.

And Garcia also felt that Boyce was ready to come out, threw the things in his hand casually, and then turned his head to look at Boyce who appeared by the door.

"What are you throwing?" Boyce only saw that Garcia vaguely threw something into the trash can, but he didn't see it clearly, and came over subconsciously.

"It's nothing." Garcia said, blocking his body in front of the trash can, and then covering his tail.

Boyce was not curious at first, but when he saw Garcia's reaction, he was aroused by curiosity and wanted to see what it was.

Boyce insisted on watching, and Garcia could only get out of the way.

He lowered his head and glanced at the trash can. The contents inside looked familiar, as if it was the clothes he had just changed. It was wrinkled and tucked into the trash can.

Boyce remembers putting them in the laundry basket after taking a shower, but now apparently it's been changed by the merman while he's not paying attention.

There was nothing but clothes in the trash can, Boyce bent down, ready to pick up the clothes inside, so he could continue to wear them after washing.

But Garcia, who had moved his body away, stood in front of Boyce, preventing him from taking the clothes from inside.

"It's trash." The mermaid who had just learned the function of a trash can said so, trying to stop Boyce's movements obviously.

Boyce glanced at him. Although he was a little reluctant to wear the clothes he had just put on, he stood up straight. Garcia understood Boyce's meaning from this action, and he was obviously a little happy.

Although Boyce finally gave up the idea of ​​picking up the clothes, Garcia couldn't help but say to him when he followed him back to the bedroom: "That's my clothes."

"They are all competitors." The mermaid moved forward a little, pulling in the distance between the two.


Boyce thought for a moment and realized he was talking about the other people in the institute who had been injected.

With the merman's head on his shoulder, Boyce heard Garcia say, "You are my sofia..."

"its mine."

The mermaid's tone was possessive, with a hint of coldness: "Kill the competitor..."

Conflicts within a merfolk group rarely make them kill each other, except when there is another merman competing with them for a mate.

At this time, the two mermaids will fight each other until one of the mermaids dies, and the partner will be possessed by the victor.

However, this is very rare. In the history of mermen, there are only a handful of cases where two mermen compete for the same human.

"They are my colleagues and friends." Boyce frowned at Garcia's words.

Garcia was stubborn on this point: "No, they're competitors."

"They're not your competitors." Boyce looked at him and shook his head. Coman and the others were just injected with medicine. Boyce hoped to dispel Garcia's killing intent on them. He didn't want Garcia to do so. Sneak out of your competitors.

"Garcia." Boyce looked at the mermaid, "It's up to me to decide how many competitors you have."

Boyce expressed his feelings to Garcia, his face was a little hot, and his tone was barely stable: "I only like you, so you never have any competitors."

"You don't need to be hostile to them," Boyce said.

In Boyce's field of vision, the blue fish tail curled up as if shy, and then stretched out by the master. After a while, Boyce heard the voice of the mermaid: "I see."

Boyce looked up at Garcia, and the mermaid looked away in a panic, with a hint of red behind her ears.

Boyce was taken aback, it was the first time he saw a shy expression on Garcia's face.

That night, after Boyce fell asleep, Garcia looked at his face and remembered what Boyce said before going to bed.

"like me…"

Garcia couldn't help but feel a little happy because of this sentence, but then his expression calmed down, looking at Boyce's eyes full of confusion: "Is it a lie to me or is it true?"

He was willing to believe that these words were true, but Garcia always wondered whether Boyce was lying to him again.

The next day, Boyce originally thought that last night's events had been turned over, but unexpectedly, Garcia stopped him just after packing up and preparing to go out.

Garcia retrieved a few blue scales from Boyce's drawer and chose one for Boyce to carry.

After seeing Boyce put the scales in his pocket, Garcia said, "With my scales, they won't approach you."

Boyce was skeptical, but stuffed Boyce's scales into his pocket anyway.

Boyce went to the observation room with the others after breakfast.

The people who were injected with the medicine have returned to normal, they know their situation, and they are also very cooperative with Boyce and their work.

Probably under the influence of Garcia, the people who injected the medicine have always had an inexplicably great affection for Boyce, but after Garcia's scales, they really did not get too close to him, and let Baisi Iss breathed a sigh of relief.

On the way to the observation room, Boyce and the others also met Professor Cyril.

His mental state looked very bad, and Boyce could probably understand why. At that time, he risked injecting z-III into his daughter in order to treat her illness, but unexpectedly, shortly after he injected the drug, he suddenly broke out. This problem came up.

Professor Cyril's expression was still a little dazed, but when he saw Boyce and his colleagues next to him, some sluggish eyes followed Boyce and the others, and the expressions were a little complicated.

Boyce glanced at him subconsciously, and found that Professor Cyril's wrist was vaguely wrapped in gauze. Just now, his other hand was pressed on his wrist, and the white gauze oozes faint red.

At this time, Matthew ran over panting, and after seeing Professor Cyril, he was relieved, and the worry on his face was finally put down: "Teacher, you are here..."

Later, he also saw Boyce and the others next to him, and nodded embarrassedly: "Boyce, you are here too."

After Matthew and Professor Cyril left, the colleagues around Boyce looked back: "By the way, where do you think the rest of the potion is?"

"Who will it be used on?"

The two walked to the laboratory while talking, and met Collins on the way.

"Boyce." Collins greeted him, then looked a little embarrassed and looked at his colleague: "I have something to ask for Boyce, you go back first?"

The colleague looked at the two: "Then I'll go first." Another researcher who accompanied Collins also walked away.

Boyce knew he was probably trying to say something to himself about the anomaly in Collins now.

"What happened after the change?" Boyce asked him.

"I wanted to go out several times at night, but fortunately I was stopped..." Collins still had some lingering fears when he thought of this. If Hobbs was still with him, he would be in the breeding room of s-24 when he woke up.

While the two were talking, a colleague from the laboratory hurried past from the other side, and saw Boyce from the corner of his eye, his eyes lit up and he strode towards them.


"What's wrong?"

"I'm in a hurry." He grabbed Boyce's arm with one hand and pulled him forward, "There's something wrong with the observation room, I'm looking for you."

"I heard you're coming this way..." He was pulling Boyce forward while talking. After walking a few steps, he noticed Collins next to him and greeted him.

"You guys go first." Collins looked at the person walking by on the other side, "I'll go back to the dormitory with him."

On the way to the observation room, Boyce asked his colleague what was going on.

"I don't know either." He shook his head, "I haven't been there yet."

When the two arrived at the observation room, many people from Boyce's laboratory and another experimental group had already arrived.

Seeing Boyce and the others, the people who had already arrived nodded to them, and then motioned them to look inside the observation room.

The observation room is basically a group of two people.

The people who were originally inside were gone. Most of the furnishings in the observation room fell to the ground, with more or less incomplete parts. On the light-colored floor, there were many red bloodstains.

"What about people?"

"After finding out that they were fighting, the anesthesia was released, and then they were separated. The scene was inside, and there was no time to clean up."

When Boyce heard this sentence, he subconsciously glanced inside and saw a piece of flesh the size of a palm, with tear marks on the edge.

"The mutation of their bodies had stopped after the afternoon, but half an hour ago, the mutation started again."

The degree of mutation of the people in the observation room deepened again, and the sharp nails and the webs between the fingers appeared within a few minutes, completely changing to Laurie's last time.

But although the mutation deepened, they showed no signs of imminent death, but the people who were at peace with each other began to attack others around them after the mutation.

The researcher monitoring the observation room released the monitoring during that time, and Boyce's eyes also fell on the screen.

The people in the observation room seemed to have completely lost their consciousness and were only obsessed with killing other people. The eyes occasionally captured in the surveillance showed hatred for others, trying to put them to death.

"If it hadn't been separated in time, someone might have died by now."

Boyce also watched the video above and found that someone had entered the interior of the glass wall of an observation room. He put on gloves and picked up the piece of meat on the ground and placed it on a tray.

The piece of skin that belonged to a human body also had traces of tooth marks and fingernails on it.

Everyone present was a little uneasy, and the changes in them were too fast.

Professor Cyril did not destroy Laurie's records at the time. Everyone present had seen that it took Laurie several months from the abnormality to this point. But now, people inside the observation room have done the process in a matter of days.

In addition to the eleven people they can see in the research institute now, in addition to this small island, there are also many people who appeared after being injected with the medicine before.

That said, there may be others who have also gotten into this situation.

The people on the screen are still fighting.

A young man was pressing down on the person under him, his nails digging deep into the flesh, his teeth biting his shoulder, tearing a piece of flesh from him.

The man under him pushed him away and took the opportunity to back away a little, blood still dripping from his shoulders, but only the madness to kill the opponent remained in his eyes.

The man who had the upper hand spat out the meat in his mouth, his eyes were fierce, and when he was about to pounce on the opposite side, the anesthesia in the observation room finally took effect, and the two fell down staggeringly.

Boyce vaguely saw their lips moving, and touched the person beside him: "Do you know what he said?"

The people around Boyce knew lip language.

He hesitated, as if uncertain about his answer: "There are two sentences in total."

"The first sentence was 'kill the competitor...'" he said.

And another word is...

"…its mine?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2021-02-0223:58:32~2021-02-0423:45:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: looking for 1 Xueli;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: ω 10 bottles; 3 bottles of Ranjia; 1 bottle of mushrooms;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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