MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 82

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Although the formula of No. 1 Pharmacy has been re-studied during this time and used on Koman and the others, Boyce and the others did not hold much hope for the effect of No. 1 Pharmacy.

Therefore, while waiting for the No. 1 medicine, the research institute is also researching other methods.

According to the information from Professor Cyril's previous research, the institute has already begun to have other clues. Because the entire institute's energy has been invested in this matter, the progress is much faster than that of Boyce and the others.

The result of No. 1 Pharmacy came out soon. It did not have any effect. The mutation on Koman and the others did not change due to the injection of the medicament.

It was as if during this time, another medicine was being injected.

But at the same time, the body of the person who injected the medicine gradually began to weaken, which made everyone in the research institute feel more urgent.

The medicines with side effects are all extracted from Garcia and s-24, because now almost all of them believe that the problem with the medicine is related to the mermaid itself, and the research institute has now lost the trace of Garcia, so they are now concerned about Garcia's These are used with extreme caution.

Most of the materials used for testing come from s-24 that is still in the research institute, but because the cyan mermaid is not friendly enough to those who enter the breeding room during this time, it even shows a strong aggressiveness, so s-24 The inspection is also very careful.

But there seem to be differences between each merman, so they can't be sure that the results obtained by the s-24 and Garcia will be the same.

The analysis of the results of the two mermaids just came out in the past few days. After the test results of s-24 and Garcia came out, each laboratory was sent a copy. Boyce looked down and saw the results of s-24. The detection is relatively comprehensive.

The results show that the hormone levels in s-24 have suddenly changed greatly during this period of time. It seems that he has an additional organ. During this period of time, the secondary development has begun, and this organ is affecting Mermaids also affect people who have been injected with the potion.

Boyce had drawn a tube of blood from Garcia before and entered the breeding season. There may be changes in Garcia. Boyce mixed this blood with Garcia before Collins last left. In the blood drawn by the research, I hope to find something in it.

As for Garcia's test report, there are two copies. One is not much different from the original data. The other one has the same result as s-24. The one that Sri Lanka replaced a few days ago.

In the test, the researchers finally attributed this phenomenon to the development of a certain organ in the mermaid.

And the development of this organ will also change the mermaid itself. After their research results, the mermaid will start to change in a certain direction because of its influence, like to adapt to something, and the subtle changes of the two mermaids The direction is also different.

The people who injected the medicine and used the medicine extracted from the two merman Garcia and s-24 outside the research institute should also be affected by this development.

This organ should be the receptor of the mermaid.

In addition, it seems to screen people who have been injected with medicines. Individuals who are too weak will die after the mutation ends, unable to withstand the changes, just like eliminating weak individuals in a group.

Like Professor Cyril's daughter, and other individual guests.

In both mutations, there were death cases.

"We assume that the purpose of this mutation is ultimately to transform, but during the transformation, unqualified individuals will continue to be eliminated."

"And based on past deaths, the threshold for each mutation to successfully survive will be higher."

"And we still don't know, the number of mutations, and if you can live to the last transformation, what will people become in the end."

Knowing the merman's breeding season and transforming this information, Boyce's guesses about the development of merman's receptors again went a bit deeper than other researchers.

After the mermaid reaches adulthood, it should follow the guidance of the receptors to find its destined partner. After the encounter, the receptors of the mermaid will begin to develop, and then the second development of the receptors will be completed in the first breeding period after the encounter, and at the same time. The transformation of humans can be prepared to be completed.

And Garcia also told Boyce that only the group that the mermaid thought was "sofia" could successfully complete the transformation.

That is to say, as the threshold of being able to survive every "transformation" is getting higher and higher, the Koman who were injected with the medicine may only usher in death in the end.

Because they are objects that cannot be transformed.

Because the information of the receptors was exposed during the breeding period of the mermaid, the progress of the research institute was faster after adjusting the originally wrong direction.

Concentrating the energy of almost the entire institute, the first medicine was soon researched.

The medicine has achieved some effects on Coman and the others. Although the side effects cannot be completely solved, the people in the research institute are quite satisfied with the results.

During this time, Professor Cyril and his team were like invisible people in the institute, and other people in the team cooperated, but Professor Cyril, Matthew and another important assistant of Professor Cyril had already Heaven has never appeared, like the invisible man of the research institute.

There are various malicious speculations about this in the institute, but Professor Cyril's team has not made any response.

In the dining room, Boyce listened to Professor Cyril's name being mentioned from time to time behind his back, raised his head inadvertently, but saw Matthew who walked into the dining room a little lost.

The moment he came in, the sound in the restaurant suddenly dropped a few degrees, and many people closed their mouths and lowered their heads to eat, but they still couldn't help looking at Matthew who reappeared in everyone's field of vision from time to time.

Now that Matthew has appeared, Professor Cyril estimates that he will come out in a few days?

There are many people who guess so.

Boyce's eyes couldn't help but follow Matthew's. Matthew, who has always been very protective of his mentor, didn't seem to hear the various remarks in the restaurant. He took some food from the restaurant and sat down and ate in a hurry. Then left.

He looked tired, but Boyce had heard from a group of colleagues the other day that he hadn't been in the lab for a while.

Since Matthew's appearance, there have also been faint rumors in the institute that Professor Cyril, who had barely intervened in research after his daughter's death, would appear again.

But no one thought that when the news of Professor Cyril came out again, it was because of his death.

The news of Professor Cyril's death was sent out in the morning, and several members of Boyce's experimental group were also called over. When he saw Professor Cyril's body, Boyce was almost taken aback.

Although he knew Professor Cyril's madness, Boyce didn't expect that he would inject Z-III medicine into himself.

Professor Cyril's death is very similar to Laurie's death. The whole person is curled up, surrounded by scattered scaly skin and webbed fingertips. There are several scars with deep visible bones on the exposed wrist. It was his own plan to go up.

Listening to Matthew next to him, Professor Cyril wanted to use pain to counteract the influence of the mermaid.

The reason why Professor Cyril didn't go out some time ago, guessed by others at the institute, was also found when they saw his body.

"The twelfth potion..."

Boyce heard someone whisper, he looked down at the corpse that had not been taken away, including Professor Cyril and his daughter, thirteen people who had been found to be injected with drugs.

But the potions that were taken were fourteen.

"Who should the last potion be used on?" Boyce heard someone ask suspiciously.

Boyce suddenly remembered the red dot he had seen on the back of Collins' neck the last time he had sent him away.

Will it be him?

The author has something to say: ps: Collins and 24 are one-on-one, and the singing he hears has nothing to do with Garcia~ Thanks for the support during 2021-02-0623:15:41~2021-02-0822:22:40 I vote for the overlord or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 37 bottles of Moshang mulberry; 29 bottles of mushrooms; 24 bottles of Yangchun white cod; 10 bottles of snow cakes; 2 bottles of Luanjia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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