MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 92

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Although the reluctance generated during this period of separation dissipated a little after being surprised by his behavior of secretly following behind his shadow before seeing the mermaid, Boyce really missed Garcia during the separation days.

Boyce was frightened by Garcia just now, but seeing Garcia, the fright he received before was nothing.

However, after the excitement of seeing Garcia gradually cooled down, another very serious question was placed in front of Boyce.

The small town is no better than the Institute and the ship before, and Ivey can help them finish the process. There are many people here. If Boyce brings him home, he may be bumped into by the neighbors who come to visit. , and there have been frequent reports of water monsters a few days ago.

In case that group of curious young people came up with a whim and wanted to come over to reveal the secret of the water monster, Boyce was not sure whether Garcia could hide it.

"You go to the lake first." Boyce heard a few young people talking about exploring the topic a few days ago. Although there are elders to stop him now, he may run out of his parents one day.

Compared with the young people, the older generation still has a slight reverence for water monsters.

Fortunately, they saw that Garcia's position was different.

I don't know why, thinking of this, Boyce actually gave birth to a strange gratification.

Boyce's friends found that during this period of time, Boyce often went alone to the lake not far from the town.

And, for some unknown reason, Boyce, who had been in a hurry to sell the house, suddenly stopped rushing to sell, and he began to relax.

The friend looked at Boyce, who was talking and started to become distracted. At the same time, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he shook a hand in front of him.


Boyce came back to his senses, and his eyes fell on his friend again: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"What were you thinking about just now?" After the friend said something, he suddenly remembered that someone had been saying that Boyce was in love a few days ago. According to Boyce, the other party was a good-looking man.

"Are you thinking of your boyfriend?" the friend asked curiously, and then saw Boyce nodded.

Friends have always liked desserts, but he also knew that Boyce was not very interested in them, but this time, he took the initiative to make an appointment at a dessert shop.

The friend looked at Boyce and couldn't help but ask again, "Is it because of your boyfriend that you ordered dessert?"

Boyce didn't deny it: "He loves it."

Garcia has always liked sweet things. In the past research institute, Boyce often asked Anthony to bring some candy and other snacks from outside to feed Garcia.

But the conditions in the institute are no better than outside. Now that Garcia has followed him here, Boyce also wants to take him to taste things that he has not tried in the institute.

When leaving with his friends, Boyce asked him to go first, and he was at the counter. After looking at the menu, he continued to order a few desserts: "Please help me pack these, thank you."

When it was getting dark, Boyce walked to the lake with dessert, and he met a group of excited young people on the way.

"What are you going to do?"

"We're going to look for the water monster by the bridge," he said, waving his equipment at Boyce.

Garcia has been bumped into several times in the lake and by the river. The young people all believe that the "water monster" is by the river, and they don't believe what others say that the "water monster" is in the lake.

Boyce watched their group of people lively and lively. Seeing Boyce carrying a bag in his hand, he asked him by the way, "Where are you going so late?"

"Go for a walk," Boyce said without changing his face.

The people on the opposite side easily believed Boyce's words, and they remembered the house sale information that Boyce had posted before.

"Are you leaving here?"


"Are you going to be with your boyfriend?" they asked curiously, "Are you going to settle in his hometown together?"

Boyce thought for a while, Haili is indeed Garcia's hometown, and nodded again.

A group of young people who had just grown up had a somewhat enlightened expression on their faces: "You came back to pack your things!"

"Your boyfriend didn't come with you." Several young people put the equipment in their hands on the ground, and indignantly began to help Boyce to count the irresponsible boyfriends in their eyes.

Boyce agreed a few words, and then pointed to a pile of equipment on the ground: "Aren't you going to find water monsters?"

"If you don't go, it will be too late."

Boyce had asked Garcia before that "water monsters" didn't actually exist at all, and there were no creatures in the water that could threaten them, and the largest fish was only one meter long.

After watching them leave, Boyce took the dessert pocket and walked towards the lake with the dessert he bought specially for Garcia, ready to meet their "irresponsible boyfriend".

I don't know why, Boyce actually had an illusion of stealing/love.

But thinking about it carefully, Boyce's behavior is indeed to secretly meet with a lover who can't see others behind his back. It seems that there are indeed some similarities.

After walking to the lake, Garcia, who heard Boyce's footsteps, crawled out of the lake.

He looked at Boyce for a while, and suddenly said, "Are we very similar to when we were at the institute?"

When Boyce heard the words, he also remembered the days when he avoided others and ran to see Garcia secretly in the middle of the night, as if a long time had passed.

Now Garcia, no longer has to be pushed into the laboratory for various experiments, he has regained his freedom.

Since Garcia sneaked over from the sea, Boyce has become a frequent visitor to various snack shops. Every time he buys a lot of candy and snacks to take home, when other people "Boyce should pay attention to his body and eat less snacks" "He took these back calmly in his eyes.

Originally, Boyce was a little worried about whether Garcia would feel uncomfortable living in fresh water from the sea, but Garcia felt that he had no problem living in fresh water.

Boyce was worried for a few days, and remembered that when he lived together in his dormitory before, Garcia often soaked himself in water, and he did not experience any discomfort.

The days spent in the town Boyce always felt that time passed quickly, because Garcia was also here, and there was still some time before his breeding season, Boyce was not in a hurry to go to the beach with him.

The original rush to find someone to sell the house has also slowed down.

Two months before Garcia's breeding season, Boyce's house found a suitable buyer. He is a foreigner who yearns for a leisurely life in a small town and wants to move in here. Boyce talked to him online. After the communication, I feel that this person is okay, and we negotiated to see the house and sign the contract the next day.

That night, Boyce went to the lake to find Garcia, because he stayed in the water peacefully during this time, so the "water monster" that had been circulating for a while had been left behind by the residents of the town.

Boyce ran to the lake frequently. Although he was bumped into several times by other people, no one thought about it.

"We'll be out of here in a few days."

"Leave?" Garcia was holding the candy that Boyce brought, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. The days he stayed here were so comfortable that Garcia almost forgot that he wanted to bring Boyce to the bottom of the sea. idea.

"I have contacted the buyer. If the house can be sold tomorrow, we will leave here after the house is sold."

"Sell the house?" Garcia didn't remember that he hadn't been to Boyce's house until Boyce mentioned that he wanted to sell the house.

But he also knew that if he appeared in the small town, if he was discovered, it would bring a lot of trouble.

Boyce noticed that Garcia originally wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words before he could reach his mouth, and there was a low mood all over his body.

Out of the understanding of Garcia after getting along for so long, Boyce suddenly understood the source of Garcia's loss.

"Do you want to visit my house with me?"

Garcia nodded. That was where Boyce lived.

For mermaids, the lair is just a place to rest and can be replaced at any time, but Garcia knows that humans have various definitions of their residence.

For example, "home", "dormitory", "hotel"...

"Home" has a special meaning for human beings.

It seems that because of this, the residence that Garcia has never seen before has become special to him.

It was "Boyce's House".

"Want to visit?" Garcia suddenly heard Boyce's invitation.

"Can I go?" After all, it's impossible to say that someone's door has been installed with surveillance cameras, and Garcia will suffer when he goes ashore and is photographed.

"You are here waiting for me to come back."

Boyce had an idea, let Garcia wait in the lake, and went back to get some props.

About half an hour later, Boyce walked back with a large bag.

After he asked Garcia to come out of the lake and put the props to use, Boyce took a step back and looked at Garcia, who was wrapped tightly and only showing a pair of eyes, and nodded with satisfaction.

This can basically fool most people at night. It looks like a big man wrapped tightly. Unless you look closely, you can't see anything unusual in the night.

After packing up, Garcia followed Boyce, the long tail was hidden in the robe, and Garcia tried his best not to show the tip of the tail.

After Boyce walked for a while, he turned to look at Garcia: "Can you go?"

If not, Boyce can only give up the idea of ​​taking him to his place.

"Okay." Garcia tried his best to imitate the walking posture of a human, and a hand hidden in the sleeve slightly lifted the hem: "Let's go."

The road to Boyce's house was smooth, and they were lucky enough to meet no one.

Garcia followed Boyce and entered the house together.

Boyce's home is similar to the residence Garcia had seen in the video before, but Garcia couldn't help looking around, looking for the traces of Boyce's past.

The merman untied a pile of things from his body, slid his tail on the floor, and wandered around the house curiously.

Boyce looked at Garcia, who was very interested in his house. For some reason, he suddenly had the idea that he might consider keeping the house.

The main reason why Boyce came back and sold the house this time was that he felt that Garcia couldn’t come to the inland before, and Boyce would follow him to the bottom of the sea, so the house here seems to be really useless.

But now Garcia can come here through rivers and lakes, and Boyce's house in the town can also be a place for them to stop and rest occasionally.

Boyce was thinking about this when he suddenly heard Garcia calling his own voice: "Boyce!"

"What's the matter?" Boyce walked in the direction of the voice, and found that the mermaid's body was slightly curved, and his fingers were sliding on the wall.

"Is this what you wrote?" He pointed to the line above and looked at him in surprise.

Boyce leaned over and glanced at it. It was probably the words he left when he just bought the house. The handwriting and tone on it looked a little childish now, a few years later.

Garcia had already pushed open a door, and his eyes fell on the small room.

Inside were things Boyce had collected when he went to the institute, including items from his various photographs.

Garcia picked up the pile of photos, which he had asked Boyce before, and what he would take with him when he left here.

After thinking about it, Boyce told him, "I don't seem to have anything to bring."

Almost all of his objects on land are not suitable for surviving on the seabed. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is enough to bring himself.

Garcia remembered the answer given by Boyce before, and knew that these things should not be what Boyce was going to take away.

He carefully pinched a thin photo. It was Boyce when he was young, about a meter and a half, and there was baby fat on his face, but he could vaguely see the shadow of growing up.

Looking at this photo, Garcia truly admired human beings. They were able to preserve the images of the past, and they could easily see the past after more than 20 years.

Now, twenty years later, in Boyce's house, he saw Boyce's appearance more than 20 years ago.

In this house with various objects, Garcia saw the traces of Beyce's past growth. Although he didn't know enough about human life, Garcia was still able to glimpse a corner of Beyce's growth traces.

Not only Garcia, Boyce looked at the focused gaze of the mermaid, his eyes swept around the room, and he also recalled his past.

After a while, Garcia reluctantly put down the photo in his hand, looking at more objects that could not be taken away by Boyce, the reluctance in his eyes became heavier.

Boyce had told him before that selling the house could be exchanged for money.

He was a little disappointed and thought that if he also had money, he could give the money to Boyce and let him keep the house.

But he only had the pearls he could find on the bottom of the sea, and all kinds of dim and old round coins found on sunken ships. According to Garcia's understanding, coins were the least valuable currency in human society.

"When is that person coming tomorrow?" Garcia asked Boyce.

"Tomorrow at noon."

Garcia glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, it was already unknowingly in the early morning, that is to say, in more than ten hours, the "home" that originally belonged to Boyce will erase the traces of Boyce, belong to another person.

This is completely different from Garcia and the others robbing each other of territory, losing or gaining new territories and nests.

"Garcia?" Boyce's voice interrupted his thoughts.

The mermaid looked in the direction of Boyce, Boyce had already brought back what he had just picked off.

"It's getting late, you should go back."

After all, he can't stay here overnight. It's fine at night. When it's daytime, Boyce's disguise can't hide from other people's eyes.

The next day, Boyce was sitting absent-mindedly on the sofa waiting for the buyer. He texted him early this morning, implying that he didn't really want to sell the house, but the buyer insisted on coming. Only willing to give up.

At about twelve o'clock, the buyer knocked on Boyce's door on time.

After he came in, he looked around, with a visible satisfaction on his face.

"Do you want to see the house first?" Boyce asked him.

"No." He shook his head, "I'm satisfied."

He said, looking at Boyce: "I heard that you are selling your house to move?"

"That's it."

"I'm very satisfied with the house, but can the price be lower?" the buyer said. "Anyway, you won't come back in the future, it's of no use to you..."

"Sorry." The buyer was interrupted by Boyce before he could finish his words. "I'm not selling the house."


Boyce found a random reason: "The money you gave is too low."

Boyce didn't lack the money to sell the house. He sent people out, remembering what he said when he sent Garcia away last night.

"This is your home, and I want to have one with you too..." Instead of the nest, Garcia didn't finish the rest, but he was really thinking, it's better to be the one where Boyce is here .

"But I don't have money." Boyce's tone sounded a little aggrieved, "If I had money, I could buy the house."

Boyce looked at him and didn't know how to explain to him that he didn't sell the house for the money, but because he thought it was useless to keep the house.

But, by now, it no longer seemed pointless to keep the house.

After sending the person away, Boyce withdrew the listing of the house he had posted. He thought that since Garcia liked it here, he should leave it here...

The author has something to say: At this time, I should pretend to be light and light, and say something special: a mere 20,000 words

But in fact, the whole person was hollowed out by these 20,000 words Or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles; 5 bottles of Long Long Long Long Long;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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