MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 96

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Boyce looked at Garcia, waiting for his reply.

Garcia watched him for a while, and finally made a decision: "I want you."

Hearing that, Boyce showed his neck in front of him, the mermaid hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and leaned over, the sharp canine teeth directly bit the human skin, Boyce could feel something with a cool liquid entering The wound flows with blood.

The water rolled on the reef, and the cool water touched Boyce's fingertips, his body shrank, leaned back, and pressed against the mermaid.

The transformation was different from what Boyce thought. Although he didn't know what the transformation should be like before, Boyce only felt a trace of pain left when the skin on his neck was punctured.

After it was over, Boyce subconsciously reached out and touched the back of his neck, and the pulp of his finger touched the wound, showing a hint of red.

Garcia left this sea the next morning. When Boyce woke up, there was only a depression left on the bed. It was the trace left by the mermaid lying here last night. The faint smell of seawater left in the room was about to disappear. .

Boyce woke up, sat on the bed for a few minutes, then got up and started packing.

When saying goodbye to Louis, he looked surprised when Boyce was alone: ​​"Where's the merman?"

"He went to the merman's lair on the bottom of the sea." Boyce explained the cause and effect of the incident. After listening to Louis, he didn't know what to think of, and there was a bit of contemplation in his eyes.

Is it because of love?

They don't seem to be a race that doesn't like and love, Lewis thought.

After hearing that Boyce was going to go inland first, Lewis asked him, "Do you need me to have someone take you back?"

Boyce shook his head, he could go back alone, he remembered Garcia who didn't know where he was at the bottom of the sea, and was a little worried about him. Although he heard it from Garcia, he subconsciously asked Louis again. once again.

"Will it be dangerous?" Boyce asked him.

"It depends on what he is challenging for." Lewis said, "The leader gives the merman who came to challenge the opportunity to admit defeat."

By the time Boyce returned to his home, Garcia had reached his den on the sea floor.

The first time the unfamiliar adult fish appeared in the nest, Hirst sensed it. He did not find Louis when he came ashore during this breeding season, but met a man who often followed him.

The man told him that Louis didn't want to see him now. In order to convince him, he even connected the video. Although he didn't know why Louis didn't want to see him, Hirst reluctantly obeyed Louis and returned to the bottom of the sea.

Garcia stayed on the periphery of the nest. Except for the minor fish, there were only the leader and his partner, and the mermaid who came with the mermaid eggs. Other mermaids were not allowed to enter the nest.

With the appearance of the black mermaid, a group of little mermaids stuck their heads out of the corner. Most of the time, the mermaid challenged the leader will be near the nest, and the young mermaid who originally stayed in the nest will take this opportunity to watch and take advantage of the opportunity. Take this opportunity to learn how to fight.

It is also convenient for the leader who takes over to show his strength in front of the young mermaid.

"Are you here to challenge?" Hirst gave him a rare look, and he felt a hint of Louis' breath on Garcia.

However, what is more intense is the aura of another human being on him, probably because of the reason that the transformation has just been completed, the auras of the two people are entangled and inseparable.

But Hirst found that he was not his "sofia" breath, and his partner and "sofia" were not alone.

However, none of this had anything to do with Hearst, he didn't care what happened to the merman.

Hirst is in an attacking stance, he doesn't care if the challenge wins or loses, and if Garcia wins, he'll be happier because most of the year is spent on the bottom of the sea, and Luis has been with him since the first time. After coming to the bottom of the sea, I have been very strange and never mentioned that I want to come with myself.

If Garcia wins, he will stay here instead of himself, and Hearst can have more time to accompany Louis.

But this does not mean that he will have any water release behavior towards Garcia.

As the leader, his responsibility is to guard this group of little mermaids and meet the challenges of the same clan. Only the most powerful clan can become the leader.

These are etched in their instincts, and all fish will do their best to do it.

Garcia is actually a mermaid who is also very powerful for his family, which has been reflected since he was a child.

Because of this, he dared to leave the lair alone as a merman when he was young.

But he was still too young, Hirst had been the leader before Garcia was born, and he was still in his prime.

And these differences create a disadvantage for Garcia to challenge Hearst.

In the crowd of a group of little mermaids, two adult fish attacked each other. The sharp claws of the mermaids provided great help when they hunted, and when they attacked each other, they also left deep bones on each other. The wound, around the two mermaids, was surrounded by a faint red color, and the smell of the blood type was getting more and more messy, even attracting some other carnivorous fish.

A young mermaid raised its head and saw a shark wandering not far away. It should have been attracted by the smell of blood, but after seeing a group of mermaids here, it wandered above hesitantly. The mermaid who was with them had a bit of covetousness in their eyes, and wanted to wait for them to finish to see if they could pick up a leak.

After a few rounds, the two mermaids separated a little, Garcia's tail was stretched straight, and there was a long and deep wound on it. Although the mermaid's own mucus was covered with a layer of blood and stopped bleeding, there was still pain. come.

Garcia also had wounds on his arms, and the fins floating in the water on his elbows were also ripped off in half.

Garcia also left a few wounds on Hearst, but his condition is obviously much lighter than his own.

Hearst raised his head and looked at Garcia, as if he wanted to say something, but Garcia, who was attacked directly, interrupted his unspoken words.

The onlookers analyzed their movements and even began to guess who could win the challenge.

"I think it's the leader."

"I feel so too."

"Doesn't anyone think it's Garcia?"

But only a few people thought it was Garcia. He was too young. In the eyes of most mermaids, he was still too young for Hearst.

"I think Garcia can win." A young mermaid suddenly said.

"Why do you think so, he should be able to beat the leader in another ten years, but he is still almost there."

"I don't know either, but I just looked him in the eyes and thought he could win this challenge."

The other mermaids looked at it curiously and didn't feel anything strange.

And Garcia, who was entangled with Hearst, had a bunch of scales under his tail.

The blue mermaid was rolled up by a black tail and smashed towards the reef on the side. The mermaid's body stirred up the sand on the ground and brought a piece of mud.

Hirst waited for a while, and after the water became clear again, he took a few steps in the direction of Garcia, who was lying there and couldn't get up.

"Come back next time." Hirst also put one hand on the stone. He rarely suggested that. He was a little difficult to deal with Garcia, but it was enough to win him.

He also had some impressions of Garcia, remembering that his receptors were bitten when he was young, and most of the time, he was indeed stronger than other mermaids.

Garcia has indeed improved from the last time, but in Hirst's eyes, his adult time is not enough for a fraction of his age.

"The next decade you should be able to win," Hirst said.

Garcia, whose tail was drooping on the ground, stood up with some difficulty while being supported by the rock behind him, and the cheeks behind his ears spread a touch of red because of the violent opening and closing of the fight just now.

Garcia's hair floated in front of his eyes with his movements, and he suddenly remembered that Boyce had just cut his hair the other day.

After cutting his hair, Boyce told him, "Breeding season is coming, and I want to visit your nest."

The wound on his forehead was broken, and there was a fine pain, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and the mermaid on the opposite side was all blood red.

He blinked, the red still not going away.

He remembered something Boyce had asked him a long time ago.

"Do you have anything you really want?"

Garcia wiped his forehead with a hand, he didn't have it before, but now he has.

He wanted Boyce to be his own "sofia", his partner, and he wanted Boyce to roam freely in the oceans of this planet without avoiding any merman.

Garcia didn't know if this was an instinct that Boyce had been minding before.

In the past, he was driven by the mermaid's instinct to chase the leader's position, and he came every ten years just to challenge the leader.

But Garcia always had scruples before. Considering the various marine creatures that might be waiting to pick up his corpse outside, he did not want to be seriously injured. If there is a wound, he will stop the loss and leave in time because he expects that he will not win enough.

But now it's different. Garcia has a reason why he must get the leader position.

He wanted to see Boyce, at this moment.

The merman's hand let go of the reef, stood up and swam a little distance in the direction of Hearst.

He wiped the blood on his eyelids with one hand, feeling a little unaccustomed to it, then raised his eyes to look at Hearst, his voice was a little hoarse, and there was a hint of red on his exposed teeth.

He stopped Hearst, who turned and was about to leave: "I haven't said that I want to admit defeat."

"Then do you admit defeat?" Hearst turned his head and asked.

Garcia twitched the corners of his mouth: "Don't admit defeat."

After speaking, he went straight to Hearst and attacked.

Maybe all his life, he will never be able to understand the meaning of "love" in human mouth, but, despite this, he will still love you regardless of everything.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-0101:03:09~2021-03-0223:59:25~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Yan Ziran has 3; the beloved is not expected to have 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of crisp wine; 2 bottles of Ye Xuan bot so much;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion