MTL - Metropolitan System-Chapter 2049 Eternal Kingdom (the finale)

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The second thousand and forty-nine chapters of the eternal kingdom (the finale)

Solved the Emperor of the Emperor, Jiang Bai looked around, waved, the central universe recovered as ever.

Numerous stars are automatically returned to their homes, and countless creatures are automatically resurrected. This is true for both Terran and other races. The Demon and Protoss have resurrected, and the ancestors have recovered.

The dead people have reappeared in the cover, in the void, in the universe.

The ancestors of the demon were resurrected, not only him, but also the revils who finally sacrificed with the devils. These people, even though they are evil, are the enemies of all races. At the last moment, under the call of the ancestors’ "stiffness," Collective suicide has become the nourishment of the wheel of fortune.

Whether or not they are willing to do so, the devils of these demon eyes have indeed made a lot of credit, and Jiang Bai also raised these people.

In addition to them, there are many powerful people who have been killed by the silence and those who come from all the worlds.

As long as there has not been too much conflict with Jiang Baitai, and Jiang Bai has not been sinned to death, Jiang Bai has raised people. This universe is already lonely, needs life, otherwise it is nothing, and there is meaning of existence. ?

The people who died in the war were instantly resurrected by Jiang Bai.

Of course, just some people who look pleasing to the eye, or are not too annoying, or have no relationship at all, are resurrected by Jiang Bai, and those poor guys who are hostile to him are not in this rank.

Another wave of hand, Jiang Bai crushed the souls of these people and completely plunged into the emptiness of the void, so that they could never be super-born forever, and he would do the right thing against him. Jiang Bai would not let them have any good end.

One more wave, the void universe, the heavens and the world, the two are one.

Not only the Central Universe, but other multiverses have also merged together at this time. It is not like there was no relationship before. Because of Jiang Bai’s reasons, many of these cosmos have become the vassals of the Central Universe.

The central universe where Jiang Bai lived expanded to a hundred times.

If someone can see the central universe from the outside world, it will be found that this is a huge universe, like an ellipse like a duck egg, and there is a dense, dotted star universe around the ellipse, attached to it, it looks like It's like a companion product.

In the center of the central universe, a continent floats out of thin air. It stretches out in this most central position, presenting a square, with a size of hundreds of millions of miles. The mountains and lakes above are all beautiful.

The sun on the left side is suspended, and the moon on the right side shines beautifully. Among them, there are beasts and animals dancing, and there are countless dragons and phoenixes. It is really a fairyland on earth.

Jiang Bai was placed on the central continent. A mountain peak rises out of his feet. He is constantly pulling up and finally inserting into the cloud. A road is formed under the eyes of Jiang Bai. The white jade steps are placed on it and continue to extend to the top. A palace above the top was born out of thin air.

It is similar to the Afang Tiangong, but it is not the same. It is even more magnificent. It is located in the center of the mountain. There are also branches in the surrounding hills. They are connected by iron lock bridges. It looks like a god, and it makes people inexplicable.

Another wave, Jiang Bai set up a court, standing on many universes, and recruiting hundreds of immortal guards to ban the palace.

Here is the residence of Jiang Bai, called the Temple of Eternity, not only his residence, but also the center of rights in this infinite universe.

With Jiang Baijin's eternal glory, he became the most supreme god.

Some creatures are dominated by him, and all the buddhas worship him. He. . It is the supreme, eternal God.

The Temple of Eternity is named after it.

In addition to these hundreds of immortalities, whenever there is immortality, it will be summoned here by Jiang Bai, either as a guard or as a temple, and in the end, the characters of immortality will not appear in this void universe.

While advancing to immortality and gaining immortal life, they must also become prisoners in accordance with Jiang Bai’s rules.

Although it is cruel, it is also the greatest grace to the universe. These immortal existences completely break the balance and let the door live in the outside world is a kind of harm.

Moreover, the immortal catastrophe is no longer there, and the masters of the immortal level must appear in large numbers. If Jiang Bai does not make a constraint, sooner or later, he will have trouble.

this is. . Take precautions.

After completing all this, Jiang Bai brought all his parents and women, and wished Xinxin, Xia Yiyi, Lin Yiru, and so on. . and many more. . Anyone who has a relationship with him, Jiang Bai did not let people leave themselves, and they were connected to the Forbidden Palace above the universe.

Giving immortal life, they will be a member of the Eternal Shrine in the future. For his family, Jiang Bai will never be treated badly.

Not only them, but also Cheng Tianyi, Xu Changsheng, Zao Wou-Ki and others who are better with Jiang Bai have also benefited a lot. Jiang Bai is very generous, and they and many of their relatives and friends have become immortal in the Temple of Eternity.

There is no limit to anything other than asking for excuses.

Then give eternal life.

After completing all this, Jiang Bai waved the energy of the central universe by hundreds of times. At one time, the heavens and the worlds were flourishing, the war was not there, the gods returned, and all the creatures began to prosper.

A statue of Jiang Bai was erected in the endless universe, and he became the eternal ruler of this endless universe.

His name has been transmitted by countless universes, and his story has been sung by countless people, whether it is a remote star universe or a demon in the abyss, whether it is a proud **** or a despicable beast, the soul is inside the river. .

he. . Really reached the ultimate in the evolution of life, in the future, in the past, no one can compare, can not exceed.

He became the ultimate existence.

After completing all this, Jiang Bai is very close to his lover, and also has mutual complaints, but also talks about the ancient and modern, and also loves to play, but also Hu Tianhu, the days are quite happy, after a few days, he Finally finally remembered, there is still one thing that has not been dealt with.

In a certain dimensional universe, a blue planet, that is his hometown.

When I think of this, Jiang Bai’s New Year’s movement, he has traveled through countless cosmic voids. With his own thoughts, he appears on this azure planet and looks at the familiar traffic around him.

There was almost no change when he left with him. The sky is still not so blue, the river is still not so clear, and people are still so indifferent.

Such an environment is incomparable to many places. It is superior to the place here, the heavens and the world, the endless universe, and I don’t know how many.

But he is still boiling, even becoming an eternal life, and now his mood is a little trembling.

Because, here is his hometown, where he grew up, the place he is most familiar with, the people and things he is familiar with, his habits, and. . A person who can't afford to give up.

The bright red flag fluttered above the flagpole, and Jiang Bai stood at the door of this dilapidated house. .

Slowly knocking on the door, a middle-aged woman with white hair for a long time, opened the door, the two eyes are opposite, Jiang Bai tears!

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