MTL - Metropolitan System-Chapter 3 It’s a fire

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The third chapter is on fire.

"How does "Zhu Xian" say that I spent a lot of sleepless nights and sleepless days! Now I have finally paid off. Hey, why didn't you know how to read more books?"

While lamenting and regretting, while in a very short period of time, Jiang Bai turned on the computer and began to write the code with a very fast speed, and wrote the memory of the year a little.

With the ability of “unforgetting”, Jiang Bai didn’t have to remember anything, sitting there, hands like electricity, ten fingers like Lin, “噼里啪啦” wrote tens of thousands of words in a few hours, and found the world’s most famous Huaxia Literature Network, registered an author account, wrote a brief introduction, uploaded two chapters, passed the book to the editor for review, Jiang Bai stretched out and stood up.


The voice of the stomach screamed at this moment, and Jiang Bai, who had been busy for a few hours without being full, was hungry at this moment.

With a stunned look, Jiang Bai gave himself a bowl of instant noodles, and specially added two poached eggs, and ate it.

"Right, I still have five prestige points today. I don't know what it is for? What system are you doing? Tell me what can I exchange for five points?"

Jiang Bai suddenly remembered that the prestige point could exchange things in the system, and asked while eating.

"You, the five-point prestige is a bit less, but you can rest assured that as a great system, I can do anything. Five prestige can change a lot. Hey, I will list it for you."

The sound of the system sounded quickly.

To be honest, Jiang Bai was originally prepared to give this product a name. After listening to this, he immediately gave up the idea. This dog thing is still called the system.

In the next second, a list of listings appeared in front of Jiang Bai's eyes like a shopping site. A series of things, from top to bottom, do not know how many, in addition to the name and detailed text introduction and corresponding pictures.

The first one is the exchange of prestige points, a little prestige can be exchanged for one thousand RMB.

Ok, this is OK, a little more than a thousand, more than Jiang Bai thought.

But this thing can only be used to pay back the money, but the money can not be replaced with prestige points, the fools do this!

But then Jiang Jiang had some egg pain.

One computer? Love crazy 6 mobile phone, advanced inflatable doll? Electric XXX?

Jiang Bai couldn’t help but vomit, because he found that the five-point prestige couldn’t get it...

"Today, I said that senior Sanda is proficient. How much prestige does that thing have to be?" Suddenly, Jiang Bai remembered the blue "Advanced Sanda Mastery" today and couldn't help but ask.

The system did not answer, the next second screen change in front of him, not only the previous "Advanced Sanda Mastery", but also "Advanced Taekwondo Mastery", "Advanced Xingyiquan Mastery", "Advanced Muay Thai Mastery" Advanced... The fighting skills have followed.

Jiang Bai’s discovery of “Advanced Sanda Mastery” is the cheapest, but it can also be a full five-point prestige. As for others, it is even more expensive.

"Advanced Xingyiquan Mastery" actually needs 1,500 prestige!

What is that concept?

Today, Liu Bin’s goods are going to be three hundred times in the case of someone following, someone watching, and someone’s fear!

Three hundred times?

Every time I take the bricks and open seven or eight mouths on the human head, let alone three hundred times, thirty times! Jiang Bai can be sure that he has to sit in the middle of his life.

"What a ghost thing! So pit people!" Jiang Bai couldn't help but run through the grass.

Jiang Bai also checked the purple special ability he had obtained, and he felt very fortunate.

Because he found that this unforgettable ability, it is enough to need 100,000 prestige points!

100,000! A full hundred thousand!

This made Jiang Bai feel that he was really a dog, and all the dissatisfaction in the past disappeared in an instant.

Unconsciously, Jiang Bai slowly slept in the study, but he did not know that in many parts of the world, some people have been awake because of some of his actions.

One of the hard-core bookworms who like to read in the Huaxia Literature Network is one of them. It’s such a sentence when you have nothing to do with a new book.

- "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, take everything as a dog!"

"Hey? It's a bit interesting... then take a look..."

"There are no gods in this world, but since ancient times, human beings have seen the world around them, all sorts of strange things, lightning and thunder, violent storms, and natural and man-made disasters. There are countless casualties, and sorrows and sorrows are beyond the means of manpower. I can resist it. I thought that there are all kinds of gods above nine days, and under the nine secluded, it is also the return of the ghosts, and the temple."

"So the fairy said..."

As a hard-core bookworm, Qin Feng often recites the night, most of them study the martial arts. For those who come to Gao Laigao, the heroes of the ancient enthusiasm are longing for the love of those children and sisters.

Nowadays, the Internet is on the rise. Most people like to read on the Internet, but the content is still the same. The length of time is somewhat boring. Although it still enjoys it, Qin Feng has no passion at first. However, this new book makes him seem to find some kind of long-lost feeling. It is just a beginning, two chapters of the space, but it depicts a magnificent mythical world, completely breaking his inherent common sense.

"I can live for more than three hundred years old? Thousands of years old? Qingyunmen? Six-character big light mantra! This, this... damn! How come two chapters?"

Only two chapters of Qin Feng were completely attracted, but the pleasure of reading soon ended, so that he couldn't help but marry her, and smoked a cigarette. Qin Feng recommended this book to all her friends.

If you are kidding a good book, you can't bury it. If you don't have a good book buried, you can lose money!

To know this plot setting, this description has never been heard in the past!

It is not only Qin Feng who has such an idea. In fact, there are dozens of people at the same time. After a few minutes, it has become hundreds of people, and then thousands of people...

Since the establishment of the following first data abnormality, the new book of a book just uploaded two chapters has completely ignited half of the network. There are more than 70,000 clicks in one night, and all the rewards are red, although they are not A lot, there are hundreds of people to do this, a book of two chapters, instantly fired, rushed to the first position of the new book list.

These Jiang Bai do not know, at this moment he is screaming and sleeping, dreams unconsciously fanciful of his own happy life, subconsciously in his dreams for his life outlines the blueprint for the future.

At noon the next day, when Jiang Bai woke up, the first thing was to open the computer and then upload the article again.

At the same time as the communication tool was opened, a message appeared. The editor of Huaxia Chinese Network was called “Two Fats”. It was simple and clear, and it was signed directly with Jiang Bai. Afterwards, it was negotiated and encouraged, and various suggestions were arranged.

After that, Jiang Bai was able to look at the "Zhu Xian" that he had stolen. He didn't look okay. When he saw it, he was shocked. He saw 120,000 hits and 10,000 recommended!

This makes Jiang Bai somewhat worried, to know that such data is a bit scary.

Jiang Bai does not know much about this kind of thing, but he also knows that he has never heard of such awkward achievements in his life!