MTL - Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet-Chapter 251 Unprecedented first experience

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Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"Rong ... Queen, please don't take risks, don't embarrass us." Danatus said, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows and humming softly.

"Who is embarrassing who?"

As soon as this word came out, it really shocked Danatus and Sisyphus. They seemed to have never thought that my attitude would be so strong.

"Just stay there and don't have to come and help me. If anything happens, I will bear the consequences."

I finished speaking firmly, and walked towards the shabby bed.

As I got closer and closer to the petite figure on the bed, I felt that I could not help shaking my hand holding the flashlight. I wondered whether I was afraid or excited. I ended up standing beside the bed, only one arm away from her. .

Black impermanence and white impermanence are fully on alert. The two strained their bodies and stared at our every move, afraid that Emily would make some excessive acts on me.

Emily is still weak and thin as seen in the photo just now, because of malnutrition, she has become skinny and bony, and her golden soft hair hangs on her shoulder like dry grass.

She lowered her head and whimpered continuously, making some human sounds that she should not have, and seemed terrifying and thrilling in this little black room.

"Emily, we are not here to hurt you."

I lowered my voice and spoke in a bit of lame English, my hand was trying to touch her, but I was stopped by the blackness.

"Mother-in-law, please think again! If you are hurt, neither of our brothers and sisters will pay enough for their lives!"

Sisyphus seems to have noticed that his previous behavior was too impulsive and rude. At this moment, he was reminded by Danatus, and he remembered the purpose of their visit. One of them was to protect my safety.

He reluctantly said to me: "OK, queen, you have shown us your bravery, I apologize to you for my previous disrespect, and ask you to cherish your life and stop risking it."

"You're still a bit human!"

Bai Wuchang patted his leg fiercely, and when he heard that two nasty ghosts in her eyes were on the side of her and his brother, he knew that there was a way to persuade me.

But how could I easily back down?

"Don't talk, no matter what happens next, remember not to hurt her."

I turned my head and said, when Hei Wuchang and Bai Wuchang wanted to refute, I relented: "This is also an order."

I haven't missed the pain and frustration that flashed through Bai's face.

"Emily, don't be afraid." I was getting closer to her, which scared the black and white impermanence behind me, anxious to jump right up!

However, they are still one step behind someone closer to me!


Emily raised her head high, two tears shed in her blood-stained eyes, and her blond hair grew quickly like a weed blown by the spring wind!

There was a lot of black death gas in that mouth, and the pure white skirt on her body instantly turned red!

She yelled, dropped the doll in her hand, and rushed at me!




Five people cried at the same time, Sisyphus pulled out his Western sword, flashed towards me, the target was not me, but Emily flying towards me!

Naturally, I noticed the sharp sword light that flared from the side of my face, and realized what Sisyphus had to do, and I couldn't help angering!

"I said, so you don't hurt her!" I didn't know where the courage came, and just blocked his sword with my hand!

After Sisyphus' energy attached to the sword was sensed by the ruby ​​bracelet, he suddenly opened his attack. I thought that my hand would be stabbed by the sharp sword, but I did not expect the ruby ​​bracelet to open for me. Got it!

At the same time, Emily slammed into my arms, and the black air flowing from her instantly enveloped me!

These evil gases are constantly drilling into my body! I obviously felt a vicious atmosphere, desperately digging into my pores, and a very depressing sense of weight was pressing on me!

"Madam!" I heard the voice of impermanence, but this voice made me feel that she was getting farther and farther away from me, and the voice began to become lighter and lighter ...

Emily seemed to be one with me. I felt she slowly disappeared into my arms. In the end, even my hands could not touch her.

So sleepy, I really want to sleep.

I squinted, and the tiredness came quickly. The strength of my body seemed to be emptied, and Emily in my arms disappeared.



I opened my eyes suddenly and woke up! The purpose is not a black and white face. There is no such thing as a **** man like Sisyphus and Danatus, only me.

Lying on a cold iron plate, my limbs were tightly tied, causing me to be completely immobilized. The first thing I saw was the mottled ceiling, a yellow lamp next to me. From time to time, the sound of liquid dripping to the ground was heard.

"Flop, pop".

where am I? !! Am I not with them? Didn't I get in touch with Emily just now?

Why did I come here? !!

Where is it? !!

The real cold feeling from the back came, and the sense of suppression with my hands **** seemed like real, making my heart pound quickly!

When I was struggling to get up from an iron-like bed, I realized that my waist was still trapped firmly by an iron ring, even if I contracted the abdominal muscles no matter how hard I could not get up!

Turning my head, familiar scenes came into my eyes!

Isn't this the basement behind the portrait? I ... why am I trapped on the torture device? !! When I tried to look down, I almost bit my tongue!

What a joke, how do I wear a sick suit? !!

I widened my eyes in horror, and the torture with the scent of death standing beside me was cold. My nose could even smell the smell of blood, and my good eyesight still made me feel a little strange.

Below those tortures, there was a pool of blood pools, which did not freeze, and I could vaguely see it was bleeding blood ...

At this time, I was already dominated by fear, and I didn't know how to face all this.

I persuaded and regretted it, and began to mutter in my heart, what I could just say, now I'm fine, I came to this strange and strange place without any signs.

Then I discovered a more horrifying fact that I couldn't speak.

And my state is also a bit strange now. Although I seem to be trapped on this torture, but it gives me a sense of semi-real and semi-real. I can only use such words to describe it, because the feeling I have experienced is Can't find a very proper word description.

It's strange.

Over time, I started to calm down gradually, because I feel like I have experienced it before.

That's right, when I was in Riyue Mountain, Japan, Kurosawa brought me to the period before her incident. At the time, I had such a sense of ambiguity, which made me relieved.

I turned back.

Before thinking of using the retrospective ability, I was embraced by Emily and surrounded by the evil gas, all this seemed to make sense.

It seems that Emily didn't want to attack me just now, but wanted to bring me here.

Can I be back and forth from the perspective of onlookers? What happened this time? Why were you tied to the torture device?

Before I can think of a way to break free, I seem to hear someone walking down the stairs.

The shoes stepped on the ground, and the sound of crackling sounds was smooth and rhythmic from far to near.

somebody is coming!

I panicked and struggled, but to no avail, I looked at the figure down the stairs and was cast on the wall by the fire on the wall, getting longer and bigger!

I lay back immediately, my heart fluttered, and now I can only do that. I want to see who this person is and what is he doing to me?

"Are you alright, my dear patient?"

A low-husky baritone came and had to say that he spoke English very well. There was a different kind of charm in it, and a gust of wind was blowing in front of me.

However, even a nice voice cannot make me forget my situation at this time.

Now is not the time to relax and appreciate the voice of others!

I opened my eyes, and at this look, I almost scared my soul!

In front of him, isn't that Mr. Devil Dean Brown! He was wearing a white coat, with an affable smile on his face, a clear smile like a spring breeze, but it gave a creepy feeling.

The light gray eyes were filled with excitement and abnormal light, as I saw in that portrait!

I can't help but sigh that the artist's painting skills are superb, he can paint his expression, and even the look that he carries with him all year round, on the portrait.

He is like a kind doctor, who routinely inspects patients every day to console him for his well-being and health.

His reaction, however, caused my stomach to twitch for a while and vomit disgustingly!

Wearing a good white coat with an angel-like appearance and a devil-like heart, this man named Brown, besides being a devil, can I call him why?

He reminded me of the perverted homicide in some foreign movies, and he kept getting cold, opened his mouth, and tried to scold him in English severely. Then he reacted and couldn't speak.

"Oh, my baby, oh, don't talk, don't speak, have you been looking forward to it for a long time, right now, you have to give yourself to my little angel, all this is worth it."

He touched my face with his big furry hand and said to me softly, whether it was my illusion or real touch, I felt that he touched my skin.

The temperature on my hand is extremely cold!