MTL - Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet-Chapter 292 Coconuts outside the fan: Don't wait for me anymore

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Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

The evil spirits screamed in pain under her hands, and those long hands that were acting as wrongs were shaking around, their father and mother's souls had been wiped out, Hei Mochang was completely frightened, and could only sit aside and panic. Watching my father and mother disappear, watching Bai impermanence go wild!

Snow-white figures were surrounded by black resentment, and they began to shoot uncontrollably in all directions!

Part of the breath is like a strong chain, tightly restraining evil spirits in place, and countless others attacked other survivors!

Including impermanence!

"Be careful!"

I screamed, but Hei Wuchang didn't move a step. He just watched the grievous attack whistling towards him!

In this way, he will be hurt!

Furious resentment washed away many of the fleeing souls. After being attacked by this dark energy, they screamed into nothingness. I looked at this cruel scene and completely lost my ability to think.

I never expected that this would happen.

I thought that Bai Wuchang would personally solve this evil spirit in order to avenge his father and mother, but I did not expect that the evil spirit was controlled by her, but she lost control, regardless of the enemy, and killed those innocent soul.

Hei Mochang was rescued by a guard soldier, and I still could hear his shout, and it got further and further away with time.


I opened my eyes violently, and the picture in front of me was no longer a fragment of Bai Wuchang's horrible memory, but the quiet and clean house.


Seeing me come back and tightening my body tightly, I realized at this time that my hand had been holding the sheets hard, tears on my face, and the fear in my eyes had not faded.

"Huaer, it's okay, I'm here."

The demon kissed my cheek distressedly, soothing me, I don't know how my body reacted when I was looking back.

It seems I was really scared this time, otherwise he wouldn't do this.

Rong Yan raised his red eyes and looked at me.

"My mother seems to know everything."

This voice ... I looked at my son, but I saw him as usual, a scent of evil charm was revealed on his face, and with his cute baby face, a strange feeling came.

"who are you?"

I looked at him vigilantly, and Rong Yan smiled slightly at me: "My dear, I am your Yaner."

fart! When am I a fool? My Yaner is a two-year-old, not a mature person now.

Wait a minute, what did he just say?

I know what happened?

What exactly is going on? I pursed my lips and looked at Rong Yan, who looked at me with a smile and said, "At that time, it was my ability to break through this memory sealed by Yan Wang and the black impermanence."

I quickly sorted out my thoughts, reached out and pointed at him, exclaimed: "Are you a ghost ghost order ?!"

"I am, I can say no." Rong Yan looked at me and said calmly, "I am Rong Yan, and I am also a town ghost order. We are all one person and one individual."

"The battle that happened in the underworld changed the pattern of the entire underworld."

He supported his head with one hand and slowly said, "Isn't my mother always wondering why Bai Baichang sometimes shows a very mature side, the reason is in the memory you see."

"The black and white impermanent father and mother died in the hands of the great evil spirit in order to save the impermanence of the evil. She was guilty and attributed her father and mother's death to her own body." Hei Wuchang said bitterly: "Xiao Bai thought it was himself He killed his father and mother, so his spiritual power ran away. "

When Rong Yan saw Heichangchang speak, he closed his mouth and listened to him quietly.

The slayer then explained: "The black and white impermanent father and mother also have a high status in the underworld. They can also be regarded as high-level spiritual bodies, and the children born naturally have extraordinary power."

"So Bai Impermanence's power was inspired by the battle. Because she was too young to control this energy at all, Huaer must be very clear about the future."

Clear is clear, what about the seal memory that Rong Yan said?

Hei Wuchang saw my doubts and said, "I don't want Xiaobai to think about this past again, so I asked Lord Yan to help her seal her memory. Afterwards, Xiaobai knew that her father and mother had died in battle. I don't know what happened at that time. "

That's it ...

"So that's why Xiao Bai's body can't grow up."

Hei Mocao nodded and sighed, "Yes."

Rong Yan finally spoke: "Mother-in-law must have seen what Bai Wuchang did when the spiritual force ran away."

"Even if she was unconscious and crazy, she still had to take responsibility for what she did, not just cover up this history."

I thought about it and asked, "You mean, although she resisted evil spirits, she spread to innocent souls?"


Rong Yan nodded. "That's why I unlocked her memory seal."

After hearing what he said, I was speechless because everything Rong Yan did was justified. If Bai Wuchang did not harm other undead then, I think Rong Yan would not reveal her memory. open.

He is not only my son, but also the treasure of the underworld, so he is qualified to have Bai Wuchang pay for what he did wrong.

The demon didn't say a word. It seems that he approved Rong Yan's approach. I calmly looked at the white impermanence lying on the bed, and heard footsteps from my ears.

Rong Yan walked to my side and hugged my leg. I noticed that the red light in his eyes gradually faded, and the voice of speaking became lighter.

"It would also be good for her to do this, as long as she passed this threshold, it would be better than a hundred times better than keeping her hidden."

After that, his eyes closed, and when his body was crooked, he would fall to the side. Fortunately, my eyes were stricken and my hands were fast, and he hugged him.

Hei Wuchang couldn't understand his intention to do so, covered his face with one hand, and stood with his head down.

Segui looked at the white impermanence on the bed, hugged me and Yan Er, and was about to leave. Before leaving, he turned to look at the black impermanence.

"The next thing is up to you."

Hei Wuchang nodded invisibly, and there was a slight weeping sound in the door to be closed.

"In the beginning, did you help Xiaobai seal the memory?"

The devil nodded, and I stunned, then smiled lightly: "Although you are usually serious and your opponents are strict, you still have a soft side."

He seemed a little embarrassed. Don't go over. I covered my mouth and held Yaner in my arms with my other hand.

He looked at him endlessly.

"That was ..."

"Zhen Guiling's spiritual knowledge." Segui helped me hug Yan Er, and my other hand was around my waist, so that I could easily rest in his arms.

Spiritual knowledge?

"After the town ghost was transformed into a human form, he is still young and cannot fully control this energy, so spiritual knowledge will always lie in Yan's body. When the time is ripe, his spiritual knowledge will be the same as that of Yan Er's soul Into one. "

I looked at Yan Er in deep sleep, and warmth floated in my eyes.

"Whether he is Yaner or Zhenling Ling, he is our son, isn't he?"

"It's good that Huaer can think so."

After learning the secret of black and white impermanence, when I knew that Bai impermanence would cross this threshold and no longer torment for that painful memory, my mood was slightly better.

"By the way, An Ning is going to be engaged with Chris. He will come and send us invitations. You and I will join you at that time!"

The devil rubbed my hair and said gently, "Of course."


When Rong Yan was awake, it was already night. The moment he opened his eyes, he found that it was dark all around, his face narrowed, and his body tightened with fear.

He was thinking of getting up and calling out to me and the ogre, only to find that his body was firmly restrained by a pair of big hands.

He trembled in fear, but when he felt the breath of the people around him, his rolling body stopped trembling instantly.

Those round eyes were staring at the two beside them, and a happy smile slowly floated on their faces.

That night, the devil finally brought this little trickster to the underworld to spend the night together.

Fortunately, the bed was large, and three people would not sleep very much.

Later, I do n’t know what Chris used to persuade Grandpa An's old antiques and let him agree to An Ning ’s wedding. I only heard endless sweetness from An Ning ’s words, and I really stuffed my dog ​​food.

I do n’t know exactly what happened to them in Country M. I do n’t know much about Chris, but since Grandpa An has allowed Anning and Chris to get engaged, Chris ’s character is still there. Guaranteed.

At least not a playboy.

The day of getting engaged is getting closer and closer, and I'm still working on preparing for opening. An uninvited guest came to our teahouse.

When An Yun came to report, Yan Er was sleeping soundly in the crib.

"An old man?" I asked softly, a little confused.

I don't know any old people, and the teahouse has not yet opened. Is it a guest who is introduced by setting up a house?

"Take him in." No matter what, let's check it out first, in case something really happens.

When I saw the appearance of the visitor, I packed my hands.

I didn't forget that Rong Yiyu entrusted me with the things I helped to accomplish. When I saw the old man who came to the door, a stone in my heart fell to the ground.

"Old man, how did you find me?"

After he entered the door, it wasn't me but Yaner who looked at first. Thinking of it, he must recognize Yan's true identity.

Also, as the leader of the mask organization, how can he lead such a group of excellent exorcists without any skill?

"Girl, you have improved a lot since we last met."

He was not as crazy as he was last seen in an amusement park, his expression, deeds and manners were like normal people.

I waved my hand: "The old man is ridiculous. I did something that I should do. It's nothing compared to you leading the mask organization and winning the war 20 years ago."

He hesitated, then seemed to know something, and smiled bitterly: "It seems that the old lady has told you all."

"Don't you go back and see her? She misses you."

He waved his hand, walked to the seat aside, and sat down: "Never go back. If you are still in contact with the old woman, talk to her."

"Let her stop waiting for me."