MTL - Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet-Chapter 320 Lining articles: What about Chris? !!

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Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

"There are women's songs in the tower? Cries? These are the things you said to your father. In that case, the problem lies in that tower."


Sean looked a little embarrassed. He glanced at Allen and trembled, but finally he relented and said to Chris seriously, "Okay, I'll give you the keys."

"Father ... Father, don't ..."

Allen had exhausted all his abilities and squeezed a few words out of his mouth, his eyes were full of madness.

"Allen ..." Sean clutched him painfully, not letting him move. Chris looked at the man in the wheelchair indifferently and said, "What are you hiding? Even if you lost your life, wouldn't you let us know the secret of the tower?"


Sean spoke in embarrassment. Obviously, his father was still standing by his son's side, and he could not help seeing Chris' intention to force Allen.

"Mr. Sean, please don't spoil him too much. Now is not the time to keep a secret. If Allen wants to survive, I must go in the tower."

Sean probably knew this, and nodded in the end.

"Okay, but the key isn't with me. It's been kept by Ellen."

Chris turned and walked outside the room. "Then Mr. Sean has found the key."

For Allen's resistance to him, he wants to get the key, which is 100% impossible, and he is not convenient to rob it, and he has to let father Sean solve it.

A maid, who seemed very young, came over and said politely, "Sir, please go here and let me take you to the guest room."

"If you can, please take me to the tower."

When the little maid saw Chris, he was also attracted by his handsomeness and charm. A pair of pink peach hearts appeared in her eyes, and she was very active in trying to lead him.

When she saw the other person's courteous performance, she was full of affection for Chris, just his request ...

"But Mr. Allen does not let us approach there."

"It's okay. I've already greeted Mr. Sean. I'm just going to take a look now and won't go in."

Then the little maid nodded her head slightly, and stretched out her hand, "Okay, please come with me."

They quickly traversed the dark corridor. The windows in the corridor looked old, the iron frame was rusty, and some vines climbed vigorously on the dirty glass.

By covering more than half of the windows that weren't already large, the amount of light entering the house is reduced.

It's clear that there is a clear sky and thousands of miles outside. Walking in this corridor just gives people a cold feeling, and it feels like the sun can't get in.

Chris looked at the maid who was leading the way, and it was rare to see such a young lady in this quite old-fashioned castle with few poor servants.

He squinted, looking at the maid who was younger than even Anning, with complex emotions in his heart.

"Mr. Chris, here it is."

The little maid pushed a flash of wood door open, and the round copper handle on the door collided with the door panel, making a dull sound.

The entrance is a road that leads directly to the tower, a gray road spliced ​​with gray stones.

She seemed a little scared and persuaded: "Mr. Chris, I'm here, and please don't approach the tower."

She flinched behind him with a little dread, saying timidly: "The housekeeper who has lived here said at night that the sound of the piano came from the direction of the tower, but no one at the Smith family would play the piano. . "

"And the woman's singing, she cried and sang, which made me scary."

Chris glanced at the information in his hand and said to the little maid, "Thank you, stay here first. I'll be alone."

"Please wait!"

The little maid took hold of him: "That ... Mr. Chris, do you really want to pass? It's dangerous, you still don't want to go."

Chris seemed to know her kindness, took two steps forward very distantly, and widened the distance between them, and the little maid's hand grasping the clothes was loosened suddenly.

She looked at the empty hand, and the indifferent behavior of the man in front of her, a bit lost.

He naturally walked towards the tower, holding the disc that was originally taken away by An Xuan.

As he gets closer to the tower, the speed of the pointer on the disc will rotate faster, it seems to be malfunctioning, constantly turning around.

"Sure enough." Instead of being afraid, Chris raised a smile on his face. He looked up, looked at the black hole window at the top, and walked to the closed wooden door.

A sense of oppression came from across the door, completely irresistible, and the terrible ghostly spirit seemed to be sealed by something, unable to pass through the wooden door, but was kept behind the door. .

He had an answer in his heart when he glanced at the lock on the doorknob.

It seemed that Sean had thought about that for a long time, but he did not expect that the person he was looking for did not succeed in driving the ghost, but instead drove her crazy in this tower.

He couldn't help thinking about Allen's first girlfriend, and turned around and walked back.

The little maid stayed at the door, relieved to see Chris return safely, and said quietly, "Do you know where Mr. Allen's wife is?"

Because of his family, Allen abandoned his first love and married Miss Qianjin from that family. What about his wife?

She froze with a sad expression on her face.

"Mrs. is dead, in a car accident and killed by a big truck."

Died in a traffic accident?

How could Chris believe that Allen's wife had died by accident, and his eyes looked at the little maid as if waiting for something.

Fortunately, this Phillips servant is more savvy and will look at people, she added seriously: "I heard Mr Sean inadvertently raised it, because his wife's car brakes failed."

The brakes fail?

Chris is more sure that things are not so simple.

"Then you know Ellen's first girlfriend?"

The little maid's body trembled, and she turned her face away as if she didn't want to remember anything, reluctantly: "She jumped off the building and committed suicide after Mr. Allen got married, and he has always been guilty."

"So, he tried everything to put her daily stuff away, as if it were all in the room on the top floor of the tower, including the piano she used."

She is also a person who can see the situation and whispered softly: "Mr. Allen knows that there are ghosts, and he hasn't destroyed them. He will go there every day, even if he can't move in a wheelchair now. Now, I insist on going to that room every day for a while. "

Chris put the folder together, clipped the pen to the folder, and said lightly, "He does know, but I guess he stayed there intentionally."

"It's almost dead ..."

He stretched his face, turned away, and his two long, slender legs walked towards the other side of the corridor.

Allen knew everything, but he still went to the tower to give the ghost a living spirit and vitality.

This couple is really sadistic.

However, this is not worthy of sympathy. If Mr. Sean stopped him soon and wouldn't let him go to the tower again, he would at least not be half dead like he is now.

Chris sighed, and obviously Sean loved his child, but why forced him to marry someone he didn't love?

Disappointed a woman, and this woman has now become a very powerful being.

The golden lock was engraved with charms and attached with a charm.

Is he the right choice when he comes this time?

Until it was dark, and after dinner, Allen looked at Chris across the table with a hateful look, but he took Allen as the air completely, silently, using a knife and fork elegant .

Sean put a rusty key on the table, and said helplessly, "This is the key to the tower."

Chris reached for it, got up and said, "I'm going, and I'll ask Allen to stay in his room tonight."

Allen wanted to get up from the wheelchair excitedly, but he couldn't do it. The clothes on his body were messy, his hair was a bit messy, his hands holding a knife and fork were shaking, and then the sound of a metal landing sounded.

A crisp sound rang through this restaurant.

But Chris walked out of the restaurant without looking back, and walked towards the tower.

He had planned and prepared before meals, and now it was time to find out. During the day, in the evening and at midnight, the anger is the heaviest. It is the best time to go to the tower.

It's also easiest for ghosts to show up.

He held the disc, carrying a handbag in his hand, grabbing the key and heading towards the tower.

The sky was dark, and the gray stone road seemed so long at this time, and there was a rattling noise when stepping on it. On the towering tower, the window was dark and there was no light.

The crow barked in the sky, arousing goosebumps.

Shortly after he left the restaurant, a figure rushed into Phillips's house, and several security guards shouted: "Stop! I will shoot if I don't stop!"

Anxiously, he raised a **** at the person who came behind him and scolded him!

She had reported herself to the door, saying that it was from the David family, who knew that the doorman would not let her in at all.

Then she can only break through!

When Sean stepped out, when he saw Anning, he hurriedly raised his hand and motioned for the security guards to put down their guns.

"Where is Chris? Where are others ?!" An ominous feeling rose from her heart instantly.

"Miss Anning, Chris is already in the tower."

She gritted her teeth and said excitedly, "Take me! Take me to him!"

I don't know why, she always felt a strange feeling in this old castle. After getting on the plane, her right eye kept jumping, and now this feeling of anxiety is even stronger.

Read The Duke's Passion