MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 1384 : A warning from the predecessors

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A few hours later, in the western port of Anu District.

Compared with the busyness in the past, this multi-functional integrated port, which was invested and constructed by Behemoth Industry and General Mopp, has become extremely depressed due to the recent treacherous situation.

Anu District is located on the edge of the Gulf of Guinea, which is the only way for the Atlantic coast route.

Since the construction of this modern integrated port in the barren Anut area, many liners and freighters like to replenish fuel and living resources at this port.

Giant Animal Industry and other companies investing and building factories here also rely on this port to transport bulk raw materials.

But since the Anut area was targeted by the world's most powerful country, even General Mopu was scared to hide in the bunker and did not dare to come out.

Some international shipping companies on this route deliberately began to avoid this port.

Most of them do not know that the origin of all these contradictions actually comes from the giant beast industry.

Occasionally, shipping companies that can see the clues from a series of US commercial sanctions against the giant animal industry can only complain secretly that the old Americans have too long hands and too wide management, which has caused their shipping business to suffer.

At six o'clock in the evening local time, the originally sluggish port suddenly became a five-step post and ten-step post. Traffic and roads were controlled, and all the staff in the port were dissuaded from leaving.

The armed patrol boat sent by General Mopp returned in triumph.

In front of the patrol boats that can withstand the attacks of light weapons, the sailors who only took the inflatable life-saving kayak, had almost no resistance, and were "invited" aboard.

They cooperated on the surface, but inwardly they were so proud that they dismissed it.


Forgive this group of people for not daring to do anything with them. After arresting them, don't they want to use them as a bargaining chip in exchange for the Pentagon to abandon military operations against them?

I must give them a good drink, and dare not make any negligence, or it will take them a long time to regain their freedom.

With this idea in mind, they are headed by the highest-ranking Captain Carol and two submarine commanders. They hold their heads high and maintain their pride even if they are soaked by the sea.

Then they were stuffed into a container truck one by one...

This way to the British woman, it is the black lights in the carriage, and dozens of people crowded in a car. There is a humiliation of being treated as an animal.

The vehicle arrived at the destination a few hours later. They thought there would be clean clothes and hot food.

As a result, I was driven into a camp surrounded by a high wall. The concrete house only had simple bunk beds, not to mention food and drink, and even no quilt.

It may be that five to six hundred people were squeezed into it at once. The originally empty high-walled camp suddenly became crowded, and the beds were not enough.

In contrast, the camp has no extra guards except for the observation decks erected at the four corners and the closed double steel gates.

At the same time, they also noticed that in several other houses, indistinct figures were reflected on the windows.

? ? ?

Is there anyone else here?

The same barracks, the same temporary loss of freedom.

Captain Carroll winked at the officials and colleagues around him, and motioned everyone to visit the "predecessors" to inquire about the news here.

Seeing the chiefs go out, the remaining crew members followed to the gravel-paved courtyard unwilling to be lonely.

Maybe those seniors had the same idea. Before Captain Carroll visited, they met in the walled courtyard.

It's just that compared to Captain Carol and the ship's crew, who are strong and well-nourished, the mental state of these seniors is really a bit "sloppy."

Each of them was wearing uniform dark green overalls, but their clothes had been washed to turn white.

The mental state on their faces is not much stronger, a slender personality, with a sleazy face, looking at Captain Carol, their eyes are numb.

To the surprise of Captain Carol and his party; many of these seniors were American folks who made him feel familiar and kind.

Another small group of people have black skin and look a lot like the group of people who escorted them. It is estimated that they are indigenous people here.

There are a large number of them here, and they haven't changed that kind of rustic work clothes. The newcomer Captain Carroll will inevitably bring some arrogance with his identity.

"Man, know what place it is, and where can I find food? We haven't eaten or drink for more than ten hours." Captain Carol shrugged his shoulders, and the lights let the people around him clearly see him. Epaulettes on a tan sailor uniform.

Three golden bars plus a star.

This is the epaulette of the lieutenant colonel.

There was no imaginary compliment, but the eyes of those seniors looked at him as if they were looking at a stupid bird...

The scene was a bit awkward.

The two obviously leading seniors ignored him, but a thin man standing behind raised his eyes, "This is a mining area."

"Eat?" Someone spoke up again, and the man smiled and said, "There is a faucet next to the toilet. When you are hungry, you can drink water. If you are full, you will have potatoes to eat."

"When you come here, don't think about food. If you can't finish your work tomorrow, you won't have to drink water."

"Work?" Brindel, the submarine commander on the side, asked inexplicably, "What work, are you locked up as fools? As American citizens, don't even have the courage to resist?"

"Excluding you softies, there are more than 500 people in us alone. If you dare not resist, then you will obediently follow us tomorrow."

The answer to the submarine commander was a sneer from the predecessors.

If there are too many people to be useful to the fuck, you silly birds won't be locked here.

"I advise you to obediently listen to the whistle in the morning, and then go digging with us." Armitage, who was locked up here at the first time, said that he was a compatriot, and he persuaded him listlessly. "Compared to us, you are already considered happy."

"Do you know what mine we dig before?"

"Uranium mine, we all lost a stubble of hair after digging."

"Now we start digging and drilling, and it's a bit bitter, at least it won't lose hair."

Captain Carol hasn't changed his identity yet, he arrogantly rejected the other party's kindness, "That's your business."

"My colleagues and I are from the Fifth Fleet. Here we have the commander and all members of the large surface combat ships, as well as the commander and all members of the two attack submarines."

Even if we lose our freedom temporarily, we cannot lose the spirit of resistance that we have imprinted in our blood. "

"I will not agree to mining, and even more than 500 colleagues behind me will not agree."

"Believe it or not, in a few days, the Pentagon will negotiate us out of here. If you civilians want to go out, please obey the instructions."

The sneers of the seniors turned into sarcasm.


These guys who only hide in the hull of the ship and release missiles, say they are civilians?

Armitage kicked some of the black people behind him, taunting: "No. 8, introduce our identities to these guys who are still living in dreams."

Number 8 is Buckler, who claims to be King of the Prairie.

Buckler was imprisoned here for assaulting a group of young Chinese tourists. In the past six months, he has been cleaned up by these seniors, and he has transformed from the king of the grassland into an obedient servant.

Hearing the order, he hurried forward and introduced in unskilled English: "It is our boss who is speaking to you. He is the combat commander of the 75th Cavalry Regiment and 1st Battalion of the US Special Command. Mr. Mitic."

Cavalry regiment... regiment, lieutenant colonel combat refers to... commander?

In their battle sequence, the Ranger regiment with the title of Heart Bayonet that makes the enemy the most fearful?

"This is the ace lieutenant colonel pilot at Patterson Air Force Base."

King...Ace pilot?

"This is a senior engineer at Lockheed Aerospace."

"Who is this……"

Each time Buckler introduced one, Captain Carol and the crew behind him were shocked. When the introduction is over, the newcomers of them are already dumbfounded and can't speak.

These few guys with numb expressions and look like refugees, how...Is one more elite and one higher than the other?

"Then... Then who are you?"

"Me?" Buckler, who once commanded 5,000 warriors, controlled seven towns and hundreds of villages and tribes, said blankly: "You don't need to know who I am, you can work with me tomorrow."

Captain Carol had a stomach full of questions to ask at this time, but when he asked, a whistle suddenly came from the wall.

Hearing the whistle, these ridiculous and disdainful predecessors unexpectedly dissipated with a "hoola~".

They swiftly got back to their barracks, and even in less than ten seconds, they turned off the lights, leaving behind a bewildered figure in the courtyard.

The whistle sounded again.

Captain Carol and the crew were aroused by the harsh whistle.

It was bad luck today, and it was cold and hungry at night.

The gang was armed with assault rifles and RPGs before, so they didn't dare to resist.

Now the group of people didn't know where they were going, and they only left less than ten guards with expressionless Huaxia faces.

Although they are tall and strong, like the big shark O'Neal. But if more than five hundred people unite, will they be afraid of them?

When they saw six guards in a row holding long sticks slowly approaching them, Captain Carol and the crew were more rebellious.

——If there is an assault rifle, it would be nice to say, this holding a stick, how do you look down on the strong sailors who have been training all the year round, and the marines who are ten?

Juli Harder, who was in charge of the guard, walked to the front of the crowd without expression.

Lifting a stick, the unconvincing voice in front turned into a scream.

Captain Carroll squeezed his fist and rushed up, then he was swept to the ground by a stick, holding his leg and wailing loudly.

Then screamed one after another.

The long stick in Juli's hand turned into a windmill, and one stick could even turn three or four.

There were spikes on the stick.


The painful sound of humming continued all night.

The wounded lay on the ground in the walled courtyard, and there was also a room of wounded in the room.

The next day.

The sky was just getting bright, and the harsh whistle sounded again.

Captain Carroll was lying on the ground and groaning, but when he heard the whistle, he immediately raised his head and looked at the gate.

Seeing those few guards holding long sticks with expressionless faces again, a force burst out of his body to support him limping and standing up.

He dare not lie down anymore, in case he gets stuck again...

Some people don't believe in evil, and some really can't get up.


"Don't fight, I get up."

"You are violating the UN's statement about... ah~ ah, my leg is going to be broken."

"Please, I need treatment."

Read The First Vampire